«Афиша Дети» собрала все канонические полнометражные мультфильмы студии Disney (в порядке их появления на экране), чтобы поиграть в старую добрую игру: а сколько мультиков видели вы? После нее уже можно наконец посмотреть все не виденные ранее фильмы вместе с детьми.
Первый мультфильм студии Disney: сиротка попадает на попечение семи гномов
Деревянный мальчик очень хочет стать настоящим
Диснеевский мультфильм, иллюстрирующий классические музыкальные произведения
Кто говорил, что слоны не летают?
Мультфильм про самого известного в мире олененка
Латиноамериканские приключения диснеевских героев
Дональд Дак путешествует по Латинской Америке
Музыкальный альманах студии Disney
«Бонго» и «Микки и бобовый стебель»
Приключения Пекоса Билла и других диснеевских гереов
Экранизация «Ветра в ивах» и «Сонной лощины»
Туфелька, бал и преображение замордованной сиротки — по мотивам сказки Шарля Перро
Экранизация сказки Льюиса Кэрролла, галюциногенный трип
Самая известная экранизация книжки Барри
История дружбы двух собак из разных слоев общества
Нарядная экранизация великой сказки Шарля Перро
Диснеевский мультик про приключения догов-далматинцев
Мультфильм про юного Артура, будущего короля
Приключения Маугли — версия Disney
Мульткомедия про войну жадного дворецкого и ангорской кошки
Мультфильм про благородного разбойника из Шервудского леса (в облике лиса Ренара)
Первая экранизация приключений Винни-Пуха и его друзей
Приключения и подвиги мышей-спасателей
Лиричный мультфильм про дружбу щенка и лисенка-сироты
Свинопас спасает родную страну от Рогатого Короля
Детективный мультфильм про мышат в викторианской Англии
Экранизация диккенсовского «Оливера Твиста» с антропоморфными животными
Диснеевский мультфильм по сказке Андерсена — последний, нарисованный целиком вручную
Продолжение приключений мышей спасателей (на этот раз на Зеленом континенте)
3D-версия старого диснеевского мультфильма
Диснеевский мультфильм про воришку-симпатягу и Джинна из лампы
Классический уже мультфильм слегка по мотивам Гамлета — теперь и в 3D
Дочь вождя пытается предотвратить вражду между индейскими племенами и белыми поселенцами
Мультфильм по мотивам «Собора Парижской Богоматери» Гюго
Диснеевский мультфильм про античного силача
Мультфильм про героическую девушку-воина, экранизация средневековой китайской баллады
Мультфильм про мальчика, воспитанного гориллой
Рисованные этюды на музыку Бетховена, Гершвина, Шостаковича, Сен-Санса, Элгара и Стравинского
Мультфильм про маленького игуанодонта, воспитанного лемурами
Мультфильм студии Disney про властителя инков, превращенного в ламу
Мультфильм в стилистике стимпанка о поисках исчезнувшего континента
Мультфильм о дружбе инопланетной коалы и гавайской девочки-сироты
Мультик по мотивам «Острова сокровищ».
История дружбы медведя и эскимоса
Диснеевский мультфильм про то, как коровы пытаются поймать скотокрада
Мультик про цыпленка с амбициями
Мультфильм про изобретателя и путешествия во времени
Диснеевский мультфильм о самопознании собачки.
Новый диснеевский мультфильм для девочек
Переиначенная диснеевскими мультипликаторами сказка братьев Гримм про девушку с двадцатиметровой косой
Диснеевский мультфильм по мотивам книг Алана Александра Милна, новая экранизация
Второстепенный герой восьмибитной компьютерной игры доказывает героям других игр, что тоже чего-то стоит
Диснеевский мультфильм про борцов с климатической аномалией
Диснеевский мультфильм про подростка-вундеркинда и его робота
Бадди-муви про крольхичу-полицейскую и мутного, но доброго лиса; детский вариант «Красной жары» и «Смертельного оружия»
Диснеевский мультфильм о доисторических островитянах и их богах
Восьмибитный громила и его подружка-шалунья попадают в Сеть
Продолжение главного анимационного хита 2010-х
Приключенческий мультфильм об отважной воительнице и редких драконах
Девочка без магических способностей живет в семье волшебников
Данный список включает в себя полнометражные анимационные фильмы созданные и/или выпущенные The Walt Disney Company, или её предшественником Walt Disney Productions. Список разбит по подразделениям.
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Ниже приводится список анимационных фильмов, созданных Walt Disney Productions до 1986 года, или Walt Disney Animation Studios, ранее известной как Walt Disney Feature Animation, после 1986 года.
Для рекламных целей в конце 1980 года The Walt Disney Company начала нумеровать каждый фильм. С помощью этого метода они могли объявить, что следующий фильм — это «N-й полнометражный анимационный фильм Диснея». После введения нумерации была выделена группа фильмов, которая также стала известна под общим названием «Диснеевский анимационный канон». Многие историки кино и поклонники анимации ссылаются на них как на Диснеевскую «классику» или Диснеевские «полнометражки». На сегодняшний день система нумерации сохраняется.
№ | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Дата первоначального выпуска |
1 | «Белоснежка и семь гномов» | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | 21 декабря 1937 (премьера) 4 февраля 1938 (широкий прокат) |
2 | «Пиноккио» | Pinocchio | 7 февраля 1940 (премьера) 9 февраля 1940 (широкий прокат) |
3 | «Фантазия» | Fantasia | 13 ноября 1940 (премьера/roadshow) 29 января 1941 (RKO roadshow) 8 января 1942 (широкий прокат) |
4 | «Дамбо» | Dumbo | 23 октября 1941 |
5 | «Бэмби» | Bambi | 8 августа 1942 (премьера) 13 августа 1942 (ограниченный выпуск) 21 августа 1942 (широкий прокат) |
6 | «Салют, друзья!» | Saludos Amigos | 24 августа 1942 (премьера) 6 февраля 1943 (широкий прокат) |
7 | «Три кабальеро» | The Three Caballeros | 21 декабря 1944 (премьера) 3 февраля 1945 (широкий прокат) |
8 | «Сыграй мою музыку» | Make Mine Music | 20 апреля 1946 (премьера) 15 августа 1946 (широкий прокат) |
9 | «Весёлые и беззаботные» | Fun and Fancy Free | 27 сентября 1947 |
10 | «Время мелодий» | Melody Time | 27 мая 1948 |
11 | «Приключения Икабода и мистера Тоада» | The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad | 5 октября 1949 |
12 | «Золушка» | Cinderella | 15 февраля 1950 (премьера) 4 марта 1950 (широкий прокат) |
13 | «Алиса в Стране чудес» | Alice in Wonderland | 26 июля 1951 |
14 | «Питер Пэн» | Peter Pan | 5 февраля 1953 |
15 | «Леди и Бродяга» | Lady and the Tramp | 16 июня 1955 (премьера) 22 июня 1955 (широкий прокат) |
16 | «Спящая красавица» | Sleeping Beauty | 29 января 1959 (премьера) 17 февраля 1959 (широкий прокат) |
17 | «101 далматинец» | One Hundred and One Dalmatians | 25 января 1961 |
18 | «Меч в камне» | The Sword in the Stone | 25 декабря 1963 |
19 | «Книга джунглей» | The Jungle Book | 18 октября 1967 |
20 | «Коты-аристократы» | The Aristocats | 11 декабря 1970 (премьера) 24 декабря 1970 (широкий прокат) |
21 | «Робин Гуд» | Robin Hood | 8 ноября 1973 |
22 | «Приключения Винни» | The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh | 11 марта 1977 |
23 | «Спасатели» | The Rescuers | 19 июня 1977 (премьера) 22 июня 1977 (широкий прокат) |
24 | «Лис и пёс» | The Fox and the Hound | 10 июля 1981 |
25 | «Чёрный котёл» | The Black Cauldron | 24 июля 1985 |
26 | «Великий мышиный сыщик» | The Great Mouse Detective | 2 июля 1986 |
27 | «Оливер и компания» | Oliver & Company | 13 ноября 1988 (премьера) 18 ноября 1988 (широкий прокат) |
28 | «Русалочка» | The Little Mermaid | 15 ноября 1989 (премьера) 17 ноября 1989 (широкий прокат) |
29 | «Спасатели в Австралии» | The Rescuers Down Under | 16 ноября 1990 |
30 | «Красавица и Чудовище» | Beauty and the Beast | 13 ноября 1991 (ограниченный выпуск) 22 ноября 1991 |
31 | «Аладдин» | Aladdin | 11 ноября 1992 (ограниченный выпуск) 25 ноября 1992 (широкий прокат) |
32 | «Король Лев» | The Lion King | 15 июня 1994 (ограниченный выпуск) 24 июня 1994 (широкий прокат) |
33 | «Покахонтас» | Pocahontas | 16 июня 1995 (премьера) 23 июня 1995 (широкий прокат) |
34 | «Горбун из Нотр-Дама» | The Hunchback of Notre Dame | 19 июня 1996 (премьера) 21 июня 1996 (широкий прокат) |
35 | «Геркулес» | Hercules | 14 июня 1997 (премьера) 27 июня 1997 (широкий прокат) |
36 | «Мулан» | Mulan | 5 июня 1998 (премьера) 19 июня 1998 (широкий прокат) |
37 | «Тарзан» | Tarzan | 12 июня 1999 (премьера) 18 июня 1999 (широкий прокат) |
38 | «Фантазия 2000» | Fantasia 2000 | 17 декабря 1999 (премьера) 1 января 2000 (IMAX) 16 июня 2000 (широкий прокат) |
39 | «Динозавр» | Dinosaur | 13 мая 2000 (премьера) 19 мая 2000 (широкий прокат) |
40 | «Похождения императора» | The Emperor’s New Groove | 10 декабря 2000 (премьера) 15 декабря 2000 (широкий прокат) |
41 | «Атлантида: Затерянный мир» | Atlantis: The Lost Empire | 3 июня 2001 (премьера) 8 июня 2001 (ограниченный выпуск) 15 июня 2001 (широкий прокат) |
42 | «Лило и Стич» | Lilo & Stitch | 16 июня 2002 (премьера) 21 июня 2002 (широкий прокат) |
43 | «Планета сокровищ» | Treasure Planet | 5 ноября 2002 (премьера) 27 ноября 2002 (широкий прокат) |
44 | «Братец медвежонок» | Brother Bear | 20 октября 2003 (премьера) 24 октября 2003 (ограниченный выпуск) 1 ноября 2003 (широкий прокат) |
45 | «Не бей копытом» | Home on the Range | 21 марта 2004 (премьера) 2 апреля 2004 (широкий прокат) |
46 | «Цыплёнок Цыпа» | Chicken Little | 30 октября 2005 (премьера) 4 ноября 2005 (широкий прокат) |
47 | «В гости к Робинсонам» | Meet the Robinsons | 23 марта 2007 (премьера) 30 марта 2007 (широкий прокат) |
48 | «Вольт» | Bolt | 17 ноября 2008 (премьера) 21 ноября 2008 (широкий прокат) |
49 | «Принцесса и лягушка» | The Princess and the Frog | 25 ноября 2009 (ограниченный выпуск) 11 декабря 2009 (широкий прокат) |
50 | «Рапунцель: Запутанная история» | Tangled | 24 ноября 2010 |
51 | «Медвежонок Винни и его друзья» | Winnie the Pooh | 6 апреля 2011 (премьера) 15 июля 2011 (широкий прокат) |
52 | «Ральф» | Wreck-It Ralph | 1 ноября 2012 (премьера) 2 ноября 2012 (широкий прокат) |
53 | «Холодное сердце» | Frozen | 27 ноября 2013[1] |
54 | «Город героев» | Big Hero 6 | 7 ноября 2014[2] |
55 | «Зверополис» | Zootopia | 3 марта 2016[3] |
56 | «Моана» | Moana | 23 ноября 2016[3] |
57 | «Великаны» | Gigantic | 9 марта 2018[4] |
58 | «Холодное сердце 2» | Frozen 2 | 21 ноября 2018 |
59 | «» | 25 ноября 2020[4] |
Игровые и документальные фильмы
Ниже перечислены игровые и документальные фильмы Диснея, включающие в себя анимацию.
№ | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «Несговорчивый дракон» | The Reluctant Dragon | 20 июня 1941 |
2 | «Победа через мощь в воздухе» | Victory Through Air Power | 17 июля 1943 |
3 | «Песня Юга» | Song of the South | 12 ноября 1946 |
4 | «Так дорого моему сердцу» | So Dear to My Heart | 29 ноября 1948 (ограниченный выпуск) 19 января 1949 (широкий прокат) |
5 | «Мэри Поппинс» | Mary Poppins | 27 августа 1964 (ограниченный выпуск) 29 августа 1964 (широкий прокат) |
6 | «Набалдашник и метла» | Bedknobs and Broomsticks | 7 октября 1971 (премьера) 11 ноября 1971 (ограниченный выпуск) 13 декабря 1971 (широкий прокат) |
7 | «Дракон Пита» | Pete’s Dragon | 3 ноября 1977 |
8 | «Кто подставил кролика Роджера» | Who Framed Roger Rabbit | 21 июня 1988 (премьера) 22 июня 1988 (широкий прокат) |
9 | «Зачарованная» | Enchanted | 20 октября 2007 (Лондонский кинофестиваль) 21 ноября 2007 (широкий прокат) |
DisneyToon Studios
Это полный список фильмов DisneyToon Studios.
- — фильм транслировался в кинотеатрах.
- — фильм был выпущен сразу на видеоносителях, без предварительного показа в кинотеатрах.
- — в некоторых странах фильм транслировался в кинотеатрах, в некоторых, в том числе и США, либо выходил в ограниченном прокате, либо был выпущен сразу на видеоносителях.
- — фильм был показан по телевидению.
№ | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Дата первого выпуска | |
1 | «Утиные истории: Заветная лампа» | DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp | 3 августа 1990 | |
2 | «Возвращение Джафара» | The Return of Jafar | 20 мая 1994 | |
3 | «Гаргульи: Герои проснулись» | Gargoyles the Movie: The Heroes Awaken | 3 февраля 1995 | |
4 | «Каникулы Гуфи» | A Goofy Movie | 7 апреля 1995 | |
5 | «Аладдин и король разбойников» | Aladdin and the King of Thieves | 13 августа 1996 | |
6 | «Могучие утята» | Mighty Ducks the Movie: The First Face-Off | 8 апреля 1997 | |
7 | «Великое путешествие Пуха: В поисках Кристофера Робина» | Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin | 5 августа 1997 | |
8 | «Красавица и Чудовище: Чудесное Рождество» | Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas | 11 ноября 1997 | |
9 | «Красавица и Чудовище 3: Волшебный мир Белль» | Belle’s Magical World | 17 февраля 1998 | |
10 | «Покахонтас 2: Путешествие в новый мир» | Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World | 4 августа 1998 | |
11 | «Король Лев 2: Гордость Симбы» | The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride | 27 октября 1998 | |
12 | «Первый фильм Дуга» | Doug’s 1st Movie | 19 марта 1999 (премьера) 26 марта 1999 (широкий прокат) |
13 | «Геркулес: Как стать героем» | Hercules: Zero to Hero | 17 августа 1999 | |
14 | «Винни-Пух: Время делать подарки» | Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving | 8 ноября 1999 | |
15 | «Микки: Однажды под Рождество» | Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas | 7 декабря 1999 | |
16 | «Приключения Тигрули» | The Tigger Movie | 11 февраля 2000 | |
17 | «Неисправимый Гуфи» | An Extremely Goofy Movie | 29 февраля 2000 | |
18 | «Базз Лайтер из звёздной команды: приключения начинаются» | Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins | 8 августа 2000 | |
19 | «Русалочка 2: Возвращение в море» | The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea | 19 сентября 2000 | |
20 | «Каникулы: Прочь из школы» | Recess: School’s Out | 10 февраля 2001 (премьера) 16 февраля 2001 (широкий прокат) |
21 | «Леди и Бродяга 2» | Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure | 27 февраля 2001 | |
22 | «Волшебное Рождество у Микки» | Mickey’s Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse | 6 ноября 2001 | |
23 | «Рождественские каникулы: Чудо на Третьей улице» | Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street | 6 ноября 2001 | |
24 | «Питер Пэн 2: Возвращение в Нетландию» | Return to Never Land | 10 февраля 2002 (премьера) 15 февраля 2002 (широкий прокат) |
25 | «Золушка 2: Мечты сбываются» | Cinderella II: Dreams Come True | 26 февраля 2002 | |
26 | «Горбун из Нотр-Дама 2» | The Hunchback of Notre Dame II | 19 марта 2002 | |
27 | «Тарзан и Джейн» | Tarzan & Jane | 23 июля 2002 | |
28 | «Дом злодеев. Мышиный дом» | Mickey’s House of Villains | 3 сентября 2002 | |
29 | «Винни-Пух: Рождественский Пух» | Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year | 12 ноября 2002 | |
30 | «101 далматинец 2: Приключения Патча в Лондоне» | 101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure | 21 января 2003 | |
31 | «Книга джунглей 2» | The Jungle Book 2 | 5 февраля 2003 (премьера) 14 февраля 2003 (широкий прокат) |
32 | «Большой фильм про Поросёнка» | Piglet’s Big Movie | 16 марта 2003 (премьера) 21 марта 2003 (широкий прокат) |
33 | «Атлантида 2: Возвращение Майло» | Atlantis: Milo’s Return | 20 мая 2003 | |
34 | «Новые приключения Стича» | Stitch! The Movie | 26 августа 2003 | |
35 | «Каникулы: Закончился пятый класс» | Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade | 9 декабря 2003 | |
36 | «Каникулы: Все выросли» | Recess: All Growed Down | 9 декабря 2003 | |
37 | «Любимец учителя» | Teacher’s Pet | 16 января 2004 | |
38 | «Король Лев 3: Хакуна матата» | The Lion King 1½ | 10 февраля 2004 | |
39 | «Весенние денёчки с малышом Ру» | Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo | 9 марта 2004 | |
40 | «Три мушкетёра: Микки, Дональд и Гуфи» | Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers | 17 августа 2004 | |
41 | «Мулан 2» | Mulan II | 3 ноября 2004 | |
42 | «Микки: И снова под Рождество» | Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas | 9 ноября 2004 | |
43 | «Винни и Слонотоп» | Pooh’s Heffalump Movie | 10 февраля 2005 (премьера) 11 февраля 2005 (широкий прокат) |
44 | «Тарзан 2» | Tarzan II | 14 июня 2005 | |
45 | «Лило и Стич 2: Большая проблема Стича» | Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch | 30 августа 2005 | |
46 | «Винни-Пух и Слонотоп: Хэллоуин» | Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie | 13 сентября 2005 | |
47 | «Однажды в Хэллоуин» | Once Upon a Halloween | 27 сентября 2005 | |
48 | «Похождения императора 2: Приключения Кронка» | Kronk’s New Groove | 13 декабря 2005 | |
49 | «Бэмби 2» | Bambi II | 7 февраля 2006 | |
50 | «Лерой и Стич» | Leroy & Stitch | 23 июня 2006 | |
51 | «Братец медвежонок 2: Лоси в бегах» | Brother Bear 2 | 29 августа 2006 | |
52 | «Лис и пёс 2» | The Fox and the Hound 2 | 12 декабря 2006 | |
53 | «Золушка 3: Злые чары» | Cinderella III: A Twist in Time | 6 февраля 2007 | |
54 | «Следуй за мечтой» | Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams | 4 сентября 2007 | |
55 | «Русалочка: Начало истории Ариэль» | The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning | 26 августа 2008 | |
56 | «Феи» | Tinker Bell | 11 сентября 2008 28 октября 2008 |
57 | «Феи: Потерянное сокровище» | Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure | 3 сентября 2009 27 октября 2009 |
58 | «Феи: Волшебное спасение» | Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue | 23 июля 2010 21 сентября 2010 |
59 | «Турнир долины фей» | Pixie Hollow Games | 19 ноября 2011 | |
60 | «Феи: Тайна зимнего леса» | Secret of the Wings | 16 августа 2012 23 октября 2012 |
61 | «Самолёты» | Planes | 8 августа 2013 (премьера) 9 августа 2013 (широкий прокат) |
62 | «Феи: Загадка пиратского острова» | The Pirate Fairy | 3 марта 2014 | |
63 | «Самолёты: Огонь и вода» | Planes: Fire & Rescue | 18 июля 2014 | |
64 | «Феи: Легенда о чудовище» | Legend of the NeverBeast | 12 декабря 2014 | |
65 | не объявлено | не объявлено | 12 апреля 2019[4] |
Pixar Animation Studios
№ | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «История игрушек» | Toy Story | 19 ноября 1995 (премьера) 22 ноября 1995 (широкий прокат) |
2 | «Приключения Флика» | A Bug’s Life | 14 ноября 1998 (премьера) 20 ноября 1998 (ограниченный выпуск) 25 ноября 1998 (широкий прокат) |
3 | «История игрушек 2» | Toy Story 2 | 13 ноября 1999 (премьера) 24 ноября 1999 (широкий прокат) |
4 | «Корпорация монстров» | Monsters, Inc. | 28 октября 2001 (премьера) 2 ноября 2001 (широкий прокат) |
5 | «В поисках Немо» | Finding Nemo | 30 мая 2003 |
6 | «Суперсемейка» | The Incredibles | 27 октября 2004 (Лондонский кинофестиваль) 5 ноября 2004 (широкий прокат) |
7 | «Тачки» | Cars | 14 марта 2006 (ShoWest) 9 июня 2006 (широкий прокат) |
8 | «Рататуй» | Ratatouille | 22 июня 2007 (премьера) 29 июня 2007 (широкий прокат) |
9 | «ВАЛЛ-И» | WALL-E | 23 июня 2008 (премьера) 27 июня 2008 (широкий прокат) |
10 | «Вверх» | Up | 13 мая 2009 (Каннский кинофестиваль) 29 мая 2009 (широкий прокат) |
11 | «История игрушек: Большой побег» | Toy Story 3 | 12 июня 2010 (Taormina Film Fest) 18 июня 2010 (широкий прокат) |
12 | «Тачки 2» | Cars 2 | 18 июня 2011 (премьера) 24 июня 2011 (широкий прокат) |
13 | «Храбрая сердцем» | Brave | 10 июня 2012 (Seattle International Film Festival) 22 июня 2012 (широкий прокат) |
14 | «Университет монстров» | Monsters University | 8 июня 2013 (Seattle International Film Festival) 21 июня 2013 (широкий прокат) |
15 | «Головоломка» | Inside Out | 19 июня 2015[5] |
16 | «Хороший динозавр» | The Good Dinosaur | 25 ноября 2015[6] |
17 | «В поисках Дори» | Finding Dory | 17 июня 2016[6] |
18 | «Тачки 3» | Cars 3 | 16 июня 2017[4] |
19 | «Коко» | Coco | 22 ноября 2017[7][4] |
20 | «История игрушек 4» | Toy Story 4 | 15 июня 2018[4] |
21 | «Суперсемейка 2» | The Incredibles 2 | 21 июня 2019[4] |
22 | не объявлено | не объявлено | 13 марта 2020[4] |
23 | не объявлено | не объявлено | 19 июня 2020[4] |
Кукольные фильмы
Генри Селик и Тим Бёртон создали следующие фильмы для студии:
№ | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «Кошмар перед Рождеством» | The Nightmare Before Christmas | 9 октября 1993 (премьера) 13 октября 1993 (ограниченный выпуск) 29 октября 1993 (широкий прокат) |
2 | «Джеймс и гигантский персик» | James and the Giant Peach | 12 апреля 1996 |
3 | «Франкенвини» | Frankenweenie | 20 сентября 2012 (премьера) 5 октября 2012 (широкий прокат) |
ImageMovers Digital
Следующие фильмы были созданы ImageMovers Digital после приобретения его Disney. Однако Disney не имеет права собственности на ранние фильмы ImageMovers Digital.
№ | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «Рождественская история» | A Christmas Carol | 3 ноября 2009 (премьера) 6 ноября 2009 (широкий прокат) |
2 | «Тайна красной планеты» | Mars Needs Moms | 9 марта 2011 (премьера) 11 марта 2011 (широкий прокат) |
Другие анимационные фильмы, изданные Disney
Это список фильмов, созданных другими студиями и только распространяемых Disney.
Studio Ghibli
Договор между студией «Дисней» и фирмой «Токума» о дистрибьюции фильмов студии «Гибли» был заключен в 1996 году. Он предусматривал всемирный (за исключением стран Азии, но включая Японию) видеопрокат на VHS и Лазердиск. Впоследствии в этот договор был дополнен правом продаж на DVD[8].
№ | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Английское название | Дата первого выпуска | Дата повторного выпуска Disney |
1 | «Ведьмина служба доставки» | 魔女の宅急便 | Kiki’s Delivery Service | 29 июля 1989 | 23 мая 1998 |
2 | «Принцесса Мононокэ» | もののけ姫 | Princess Mononoke | 12 июля 1997 | 29 октября 1999 |
3 | «Унесённые призраками» | 千と千尋の神隠し | Spirited Away | 27 июля 2001 | 20 сентября 2002 |
4 | «Возвращение кота» | 猫の恩返し | The Cat Returns | 19 июля 2002 | 2 мая 2003 |
5 | «Ходячий замок» | ハウルの動く城 | Howl’s Moving Castle | 20 ноября 2004 | 10 июня 2005 |
6 | «Рыбка Поньо на утёсе» | 崖の上のポニョ | Ponyo | 19 июля 2008 | 14 августа 2009 |
7 | «Сказания Земноморья» | ゲド戦記 | Tales from Earthsea | 29 июля 2006 | 13 августа 2010 |
8 | «Ариэтти из страны лилипутов» | 借りぐらしのアリエッティ | The Secret World of Arrietty | 17 июля 2010 | 17 февраля 2012 |
9 | «Ветер крепчает» | 風立ちぬ | The Wind Rises | 20 июля 2013 | 21 февраля 2014 |
Прочие фильмы
Список неполон.
№ | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Дата первого выпуска | Спродюсирован |
1 | «Отважный маленький тостер» | The Brave Little Toaster | 10 июля 1987 | Hyperion Pictures The Kushner-Locke Company |
2 | «Том и Джерри: Фильм» | Tom and Jerry: The Movie | 30 июля 1993 | Turner Pictures Worldwide Film Roman |
3 | «Вор и сапожник» | Arabian Knight | 25 августа 1995 | Richard Williams Productions |
4 | «Отважный маленький тостер отправляется на Марс» | The Brave Little Toaster | 18 мая 1998 | Hyperion Pictures The Kushner-Locke Company |
5 | «Мануэлита» | Manuelita | 14 февраля 1999 | García Ferré Entertainment Megatrix S.A.U. |
6 | «Отважный маленький тостер спешит на помощь» | The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue | 19 мая 1999 | Hyperion Pictures The Kushner-Locke Company |
7 | «Покемон 4» | Pokémon 4Ever | 11 октября 2002 (ограниченный выпуск) 25 октября 2002 |
The Pokémon Company Shogakukan 4Kids Entertainment |
8 | «Покемон 5: Герои» | Pokémon Heroes | 16 мая 2003 (ограниченный выпуск) | The Pokémon Company Shogakukan 4Kids Entertainment |
9 | «Вэлиант: Пернатый спецназ» | Valiant | 19 августа 2005 | Vanguard Animation |
10 | «Большое путешествие» | The Wild | 14 апреля 2006 | C.O.R.E. Feature Animation |
11 | «Путешествие сквозь время» | Uma Aventura no Tempo | 16 февраля 2007 | Miravista The Walt Disney Company Latin-America Pvt. Ltd. |
12 | «Ромео с обочины» | Roadside Romeo | 24 октября 2008 | Yash Raj Films |
13 | «Гномео и Джульетта» | Gnomeo and Juliet | 11 февраля 2011 | Rocket Pictures Starz Animation |
14 | «Арджуна» | Arjun: The Warrior Prince | 25 мая 2012 | UTV Motion Pictures ShowMaker Pictures |
См. также
- Список фильмов производства компании Уолта Диснея
- ↑ Шаблон:Cite web
- ↑ Шаблон:Cite web
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 Шаблон:Cite web
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 Шаблон:Cite web
- ↑ Шаблон:Cite web
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 Шаблон:Cite web
- ↑ Шаблон:Cite web
- ↑ The Disney-Tokuma Deal
Шаблон:Плохой перевод
Шаблон:Полнометражные мультфильмы Walt Disney
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of films produced by and released under the Walt Disney Pictures banner (known as that since 1983, with Never Cry Wolf as its first release) and films released before that under the former name of the parent company, Walt Disney Productions (1929–1983). Most films listed here were distributed theatrically in the United States by the company’s distribution division, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, formerly known as Buena Vista Film Distribution Company (1953–1960), Buena Vista Distribution Company (1960–1987) and Buena Vista Pictures Distribution (1987–2007). The Disney features produced before The Living Desert (1953) were originally distributed by United Artists and RKO Radio Pictures, and are now distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Some films produced by Walt Disney Pictures are also released through the parent company’s streaming service, Disney+.[1][2]
This list is organized by release date and includes live-action feature films (including theatrical, direct-to-video and streaming releases), animated feature films (including films developed and produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios) and documentary films (including titles from the True-Life Adventures series). For an exclusive list of animated films released by Walt Disney Pictures and its previous entities see List of Disney theatrical animated feature films and List of Disney feature-length home entertainment releases § Animated films.
This list is only for films released under the main Disney banner. It does not include films produced or released by other existing, defunct or divested labels or subsidiaries owned by Walt Disney Studios (i.e. Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century Studios, Searchlight Pictures, Disneynature, Fox 2000 Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, National Geographic Documentary Films, Miramax Films, Dimension Films, ESPN Films, etc.) unless they are credited as co-production partners, nor any direct-to-video releases unless they were produced under the main Disney banner, TV films, theatrical re-releases or films originally released by other non-Disney studios.
All films listed are theatrical releases and/or American-based films unless specified.
- A ‡ symbol signifies a direct-to-video or streaming release exclusively through Disney+.
- A † symbol signifies a premium video on demand release through Disney+.
- A § symbol signifies a simultaneous release to theatres and on premium video on demand.
- A * symbol signifies a film not produced in the United States, but rather in another country.
Title | Release date | Notes |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | December 21, 1937 | first film to be distributed by RKO Radio Pictures |
Pinocchio | February 7, 1940 | |
Fantasia | November 13, 1940 | anthology film |
The Reluctant Dragon | June 20, 1941 | fictionalized tour around the Disney studio |
Dumbo | October 23, 1941 | |
Bambi | August 13, 1942 | |
Saludos Amigos | February 6, 1943 | anthology film |
Victory Through Air Power | July 17, 1943 | documentary film with wide use of animation; distributed by United Artists |
The Three Caballeros | February 3, 1945 | anthology film |
Make Mine Music | April 20, 1946 | anthology film |
Song of the South | November 12, 1946 | |
Fun and Fancy Free | September 27, 1947 | anthology film |
Melody Time | May 27, 1948 | anthology film |
So Dear to My Heart | November 29, 1948 | |
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad | October 5, 1949 | anthology film |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Cinderella | February 15, 1950 | |
Treasure Island | July 29, 1950 | produced by RKO-Walt Disney British Productions |
Alice in Wonderland | July 28, 1951 | |
The Story of Robin Hood | June 26, 1952 | produced by RKO-Walt Disney British Productions |
Peter Pan | February 5, 1953 | |
The Sword and the Rose | July 23, 1953 | produced by RKO-Walt Disney British Productions |
The Living Desert | November 10, 1953 | first film to be distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution |
Rob Roy: The Highland Rogue | February 27, 1954 | produced by RKO-Walt Disney British Productions; last film to be distributed by RKO Radio Pictures |
The Vanishing Prairie | August 16, 1954 | |
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea | December 23, 1954 | |
Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier | May 25, 1955 | compilation film mostly made up from pre-existing footage from the Disney anthology television series |
Lady and the Tramp | June 22, 1955 | |
The African Lion | September 14, 1955 | |
The Littlest Outlaw | December 22, 1955 | |
The Great Locomotive Chase | June 8, 1956 | |
Davy Crockett and the River Pirates | July 18, 1956 | compilation film mostly made up from pre-existing footage from the Disney anthology television series |
Secrets of Life | November 6, 1956 | |
Westward Ho the Wagons! | December 20, 1956 | |
Johnny Tremain | June 19, 1957 | |
Perri | August 28, 1957 | |
Old Yeller | December 25, 1957 | |
The Light in the Forest | July 8, 1958 | |
White Wilderness | August 12, 1958 | |
Tonka | December 25, 1958 | |
Sleeping Beauty | January 29, 1959 | |
The Shaggy Dog | March 19, 1959 | |
Darby O’Gill and the Little People | June 26, 1959 | |
Zorro the Avenger | September 10, 1959 | |
Third Man on the Mountain | November 10, 1959 |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Toby Tyler or 10 Weeks with a Circus | January 21, 1960 | |
Kidnapped | February 24, 1960 | |
Pollyanna | May 19, 1960 | |
The Sign of Zorro | June 11, 1960 | released in European theaters in 1958 |
Jungle Cat | August 10, 1960 | |
Ten Who Dared | November 1, 1960 | |
Swiss Family Robinson | December 21, 1960 | |
One Hundred and One Dalmatians | January 25, 1961 | |
The Absent-Minded Professor | March 16, 1961 | |
The Parent Trap | June 21, 1961 | |
Nikki: Wild Dog of the North | July 12, 1961 | |
Greyfriars Bobby | July 17, 1961 | |
Babes in Toyland | December 14, 1961 | |
Moon Pilot | April 5, 1962 | |
Bon Voyage! | May 17, 1962 | |
Big Red | June 6, 1962 | |
Almost Angels | September 26, 1962 | |
The Legend of Lobo | November 7, 1962 | |
In Search of the Castaways | December 21, 1962 | |
Son of Flubber | January 16, 1963 | |
Miracle of the White Stallions | March 29, 1963 | |
Savage Sam | June 1, 1963 | |
Summer Magic | July 7, 1963 | |
The Incredible Journey | November 20, 1963 | |
The Sword in the Stone | December 25, 1963 | |
A Tiger Walks | March 12, 1964 | |
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones | March 25, 1964 | |
The Three Lives of Thomasina | June 4, 1964 | |
The Moon-Spinners | July 8, 1964 | |
Mary Poppins | August 29, 1964 | winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture |
Those Calloways | November 10, 1964 | |
Emil and the Detectives | December 18, 1964 | |
The Monkey’s Uncle | August 18, 1965 | |
That Darn Cat! | December 2, 1965 | |
The Ugly Dachshund | February 16, 1966 | |
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. | July 29, 1966 | |
The Fighting Prince of Donegal | October 1, 1966 | |
Follow Me, Boys! | December 1, 1966 | |
Monkeys, Go Home! | February 8, 1967 | |
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin | March 8, 1967 | |
The Gnome-Mobile | July 19, 1967 | |
The Jungle Book | October 18, 1967 | |
Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar | ||
The Happiest Millionaire | November 30, 1967 | last film with personal involvement from Walt Disney, who died during production |
Blackbeard’s Ghost | February 8, 1968 | |
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band | March 21, 1968 | |
Never a Dull Moment | June 26, 1968 | |
The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit | December 20, 1968 | |
The Love Bug | December 24, 1968 | |
Smith! | March 21, 1969 | |
Rascal | June 11, 1969 | |
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes | December 24, 1969 |
Title | Release date | Notes |
King of the Grizzlies | February 11, 1970 | |
The Boatniks | July 1, 1970 | |
The Wild Country | December 15, 1970 | |
The Aristocats | December 24, 1970 | |
The Barefoot Executive | March 17, 1971 | |
Scandalous John | June 22, 1971 | |
The Million Dollar Duck | June 30, 1971 | |
Bedknobs and Broomsticks | December 13, 1971 | |
The Biscuit Eater | March 22, 1972 | |
Now You See Him, Now You Don’t | July 12, 1972 | |
Napoleon and Samantha | July 19, 1972 | |
Run, Cougar, Run | October 18, 1972 | |
Snowball Express | December 22, 1972 | |
The World’s Greatest Athlete | February 1, 1973 | |
Charley and the Angel | March 23, 1973 | |
One Little Indian | June 20, 1973 | |
Robin Hood | November 8, 1973 | |
Superdad | December 14, 1973 | |
Herbie Rides Again | June 6, 1974 | |
The Bears and I | July 31, 1974 | |
The Castaway Cowboy | August 1, 1974 | |
The Island at the Top of the World | December 20, 1974 | |
The Strongest Man in the World | February 6, 1975 | |
Escape to Witch Mountain | March 21, 1975 | |
The Apple Dumpling Gang | July 1, 1975 | |
One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing | July 9, 1975 | |
The Best of Walt Disney’s True-Life Adventures | October 8, 1975 | compilation film made up of highlights from the True-Life Adventures series |
Ride a Wild Pony | December 25, 1975 | |
No Deposit, No Return | February 5, 1976 | |
Treasure of Matecumbe | July 1, 1976 | |
Gus | July 7, 1976 | |
The Shaggy D.A. | December 17, 1976 | |
Freaky Friday | ||
The Littlest Horse Thieves | March 11, 1977 | released in European theaters in 1976; also known as Escape from the Dark |
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh | anthology film | |
A Tale of Two Critters | June 22, 1977 | |
The Rescuers | ||
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo | June 24, 1977 | |
Pete’s Dragon | November 3, 1977 | |
Candleshoe | December 16, 1977 | |
Return from Witch Mountain | March 10, 1978 | |
The Cat from Outer Space | June 9, 1978 | |
Hot Lead and Cold Feet | July 5, 1978 | |
The North Avenue Irregulars | February 9, 1979 | |
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again | June 27, 1979 | |
Unidentified Flying Oddball | July 26, 1979 | |
The Black Hole | December 21, 1979 |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Midnight Madness | February 8, 1980 | |
The Watcher in the Woods | April 17, 1980 | |
Herbie Goes Bananas | June 25, 1980 | |
The Last Flight of Noah’s Ark | ||
Popeye | December 12, 1980 | co-production with Paramount Pictures and King Features; international distribution handled by Buena Vista International[N 1] |
The Devil and Max Devlin | March 6, 1981 | |
Amy | March 20, 1981 | |
Dragonslayer | June 26, 1981 | co-production with Paramount Pictures; international distribution handled by Buena Vista International[N 1] |
The Fox and the Hound | July 10, 1981 | |
Condorman | August 7, 1981 | |
Night Crossing | February 5, 1982 | |
Tron | July 9, 1982 | co-production with Lisberger/Kushner Productions |
Tex | July 30, 1982 | |
Trenchcoat | March 11, 1983 | |
Something Wicked This Way Comes | April 29, 1983 | co-production with The Bryna Company; last film as Walt Disney Productions |
Never Cry Wolf | October 7, 1983 | co-production with Amarok Productions Ltd.; first film as Walt Disney Pictures |
Return to Oz | June 21, 1985 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners II; first film to use the 1985 logo |
The Black Cauldron | July 24, 1985 | co-production with Walt Disney Productions and Silver Screen Partners II |
The Journey of Natty Gann | September 27, 1985 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners II |
One Magic Christmas | November 22, 1985 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners II and Telefilm Canada |
The Great Mouse Detective | July 2, 1986 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners II |
Flight of the Navigator | August 1, 1986 | co-production with Producers Sales Organization and New Star Entertainment[N 2] |
Benji the Hunted | June 19, 1987 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners III and Mulberry Square Productions |
Return to Snowy River | April 15, 1988 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners III, Burrowes Film Group and The Hoyts Group |
Oliver & Company | November 18, 1988 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners III |
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids | June 23, 1989 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners III |
Cheetah | August 18, 1989 | |
The Little Mermaid | November 17, 1989 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners IV; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Title | Release date | Notes |
DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp | August 3, 1990 | co-production with Disney MovieToons; first Disney MovieToons film |
The Rescuers Down Under | November 16, 1990 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners IV |
White Fang | January 18, 1991 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners IV and Hybrid Productions Inc. |
Shipwrecked | March 1, 1991 | co-production with AB Svensk Filmindustri |
Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken | May 24, 1991 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners IV and Pegasus Entertainment |
The Rocketeer | June 21, 1991 | released under Walt Disney Pictures in North America and under Touchstone Pictures outside of North America; co-production with Silver Screen Partners IV and The Gordon Company |
Beauty and the Beast | November 22, 1991 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners IV; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture |
Newsies | April 10, 1992 | co-production with Touchwood Pacific Partners |
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid | July 17, 1992 | |
The Mighty Ducks | October 2, 1992 | co-production with Touchwood Pacific Partners and Avnet–Kerner Productions |
Aladdin | November 25, 1992 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
The Muppet Christmas Carol | December 11, 1992 | co-production with Jim Henson Productions |
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey | February 3, 1993 | co-production with Touchwood Pacific Partners |
A Far Off Place | March 12, 1993 | co-production with Touchwood Pacific Partners and Amblin Entertainment |
The Adventures of Huck Finn | April 2, 1993 | |
Hocus Pocus | July 16, 1993 | co-production with David Kirschner Productions |
Cool Runnings | October 1, 1993 | |
The Three Musketeers | November 12, 1993 | co-production with Caravan Pictures and Avnet–Kerner Productions |
Iron Will | January 14, 1994 | |
Blank Check | February 11, 1994 | |
D2: The Mighty Ducks | March 25, 1994 | co-production with Avnet–Kerner ProductionsInternational |
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf | April 15, 1994 | |
The Return of Jafar ‡ | May 20, 1994 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Lion King | June 24, 1994 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Angels in the Outfield | July 15, 1994 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
Squanto: A Warrior’s Tale | October 28, 1994 | |
The Santa Clause | November 11, 1994 | co-production with Hollywood Pictures and Outlaw Productions [N 3] |
Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book | December 25, 1994 | co-production with Baloo Productions and Jungle Book Films |
Gargoyles the Movie: The Heroes Awaken ‡ | January 31, 1995 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Heavyweights | February 17, 1995 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
Man of the House | March 3, 1995 | co-production with All Girl Productions and Orr & Cruickshank Productions |
Tall Tale | March 24, 1995 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
A Goofy Movie | April 7, 1995 | co-production with Disney MovieToons |
Pocahontas | June 23, 1995 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Operation Dumbo Drop | July 28, 1995 | co-production with Interscope Communications and PolyGram Filmed Entertainment |
A Kid in King Arthur’s Court | August 11, 1995 | co-production with Trimark Pictures and Tapestry Films |
The Big Green | September 29, 1995 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
Frank and Ollie | October 20, 1995 | |
Toy Story | November 22, 1995 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy; first Pixar Animation Studios film; first film to use the 1995 CGI logo |
Tom and Huck | December 22, 1995 | |
Muppet Treasure Island | February 16, 1996 | co-production with Jim Henson Productions |
Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco | March 8, 1996 | |
James and the Giant Peach | April 12, 1996 | co-production with Skellington Productions and Allied Filmmakers |
The Hunchback of Notre Dame | June 21, 1996 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Aladdin and the King of Thieves ‡ | August 13, 1996 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
First Kid | August 30, 1996 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
D3: The Mighty Ducks | October 4, 1996 | co-production with Avnet–Kerner Productions |
101 Dalmatians | November 27, 1996 | co-production with Great Oaks Entertainment |
That Darn Cat | February 14, 1997 | co-production with Robert Simonds Productions |
Jungle 2 Jungle | March 7, 1997 | co-production with TF1 |
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves ‡ | March 18, 1997 | |
Mighty Ducks the Movie: The First Face-Off ‡ | April 8, 1997 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Hercules | June 27, 1997 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
George of the Jungle | July 16, 1997 | co-production with Mandeville Films and Avnet–Kerner Productions |
Air Bud | August 1, 1997 | co-production with Keystone Entertainment[N 2] |
Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin | August 5, 1997 | |
RocketMan | October 10, 1997 | co-production with Caravan Pictures and Roger Birnbaum Productions |
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas ‡ | November 11, 1997 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Flubber | November 26, 1997 | co-production with Great Oaks Entertainment |
Mr. Magoo | December 25, 1997 | co-production with UPA Productions |
Beauty and the Beast: Belle’s Magical World ‡ | February 10, 1998 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Meet the Deedles | March 27, 1998 | co-production with DIC Entertainment and Peak Productions |
Mulan | June 19, 1998 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
The Parent Trap | July 29, 1998 | |
Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World ‡ | August 4, 1998 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Jungle Book: Mowgli’s Story ‡ | September 29, 1998 | |
The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride ‡ | October 27, 1998 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
I’ll Be Home for Christmas | November 13, 1998 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
A Bug’s Life | November 25, 1998 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Mighty Joe Young | December 25, 1998 | co-production with RKO Pictures and The Jacobson Company |
My Favorite Martian | February 12, 1999 | |
Doug’s 1st Movie | March 26, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation, Jumbo Pictures and A. Film A/S |
Endurance | May 14, 1999 | |
Tarzan | June 18, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Inspector Gadget | July 23, 1999 | co-production with Caravan Pictures, DIC Entertainment, Avnet–Kerner Productions and Roger Birnbaum Productions |
Hercules: Zero to Hero ‡ | August 17, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Straight Story | October 15, 1999 | co-production with Asymmetrical Productions, FilmFour, Ciby 2000, Le Studio Canal+ and Canal+; [N 2] |
Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas ‡ | November 9, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Toy Story 2 | November 24, 1999 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Fantasia 2000 | December 17, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Title | Release date | Notes |
The Tigger Movie | February 11, 2000 | co-production with Disney MovieToons, Walt Disney Television Animation and Walt Disney Animation Japan |
An Extremely Goofy Movie ‡ | February 29, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Whispers: An Elephant’s Tale | March 10, 2000 | |
Dinosaur | May 19, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and The Secret Lab; first film to use the 2000 logo |
The Kid | July 7, 2000 | co-production with Junction Entertainment |
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins ‡ | August 8, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation and Pixar Animation Studios |
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea ‡ | September 19, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation and Disney Video Premiere |
Remember the Titans | September 29, 2000 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Technical Black Films |
102 Dalmatians | November 22, 2000 | |
The Emperor’s New Groove | December 15, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Recess: School’s Out | February 16, 2001 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation and Paul & Joe Productions |
Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure ‡ | February 27, 2001 | co-production with Disney MovieToons |
Atlantis: The Lost Empire | June 15, 2001 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
The Princess Diaries | August 3, 2001 | co-production with BrownHouse Productions; international distribution handled by Buena Vista International |
Max Keeble’s Big Move | October 5, 2001 | co-production with Karz Entertainment |
Monsters, Inc. | November 2, 2001 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Mickey’s Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse ‡ | November 6, 2001 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Snow Dogs | January 18, 2002 | co-production with The Kerner Entertainment Company |
Return to Never Land | February 15, 2002 | co-production with Disney MovieToons and A. Film A/S |
Cinderella II: Dreams Come True ‡ | February 26, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Hunchback of Notre Dame II ‡ | March 19, 2002 | |
The Rookie | March 29, 2002 | co-production with Gran Via Productions |
Lilo & Stitch | June 21, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Tarzan & Jane ‡ | July 23, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Country Bears | July 26, 2002 | co-production with Gunn Films |
Mickey’s House of Villains ‡ | September 3, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Spirited Away | September 20, 2002 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli;[N 2] winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Tuck Everlasting | October 11, 2002 | co-production with Scholastic Entertainment |
The Santa Clause 2 | November 1, 2002 | co-production with Outlaw Productions and Boxing Cat Films |
Treasure Planet | November 27, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure ‡ | January 21, 2003 | co-production with Disney MovieToons and Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Jungle Book 2 | February 14, 2003 | co-production with Disney MovieToons |
Inspector Gadget 2 ‡ | March 11, 2003 | co-production with The Kerner Entertainment Company |
Piglet’s Big Movie | March 21, 2003 | co-production with Disney MovieToons and Munich Animation |
Ghosts of the Abyss | April 11, 2003 | co-production with Walden Media, Earthship Productions, Ascot Elite Entertainment Group, Golden Village, Telepool and UGC PH[N 4] |
Holes | April 18, 2003 | co-production with Walden Media, Phoenix Pictures and Chicago Pacific Entertainment |
The Lizzie McGuire Movie | May 2, 2003 | co-production with Stan Rogow Productions; |
Atlantis: Milo’s Return ‡ | May 20, 2003 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Finding Nemo | May 30, 2003 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | July 9, 2003 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Freaky Friday | August 6, 2003 | co-production with Gunn Films |
Stitch! The Movie ‡ | August 26, 2003 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
George of the Jungle 2 ‡ | October 21, 2003 | co-production with The Kerner Entertainment Company |
Brother Bear | November 1, 2003 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
The Haunted Mansion | November 26, 2003 | co-production with Gunn Films |
The Young Black Stallion | December 25, 2003 | co-production with The Kennedy/Marshall Company |
Teacher’s Pet | January 16, 2004 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Miracle | February 6, 2004 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures |
The Lion King 1½ ‡ | February 10, 2004 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen | February 20, 2004 | international distribution handled by Buena Vista International |
Springtime with Roo ‡ | March 9, 2004 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Home on the Range | April 2, 2004 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Sacred Planet | April 22, 2004 | |
Around the World in 80 Days | June 16, 2004 | co-production with Walden Media, Spanknyce Films, and Mostow/Lieberman Productions[N 2] |
America’s Heart and Soul | July 2, 2004 | co-production with Blacklight Films |
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement | August 11, 2004 | co-production with Shondaland and Martin Chase Productions |
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers ‡ | August 17, 2004 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
The Incredibles | November 5, 2004 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas ‡ | November 9, 2004 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
National Treasure | November 19, 2004 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Junction Entertainment and Saturn Films |
Aliens of the Deep | January 28, 2005 | co-production with Walden Media and Earthship Productions |
Mulan II ‡ | February 1, 2005 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Pooh’s Heffalump Movie | February 11, 2005 | |
The Pacifier | March 4, 2005 | co-production with Spyglass Entertainment and Offspring Entertainment |
Ice Princess | March 18, 2005 | co-production with Bridget Johnson Films & Skate Away Productions |
Tarzan II ‡ | June 14, 2005 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios and Toon City Animation |
Herbie: Fully Loaded | June 22, 2005 | co-production with Robert Simonds Productions |
Howl’s Moving Castle | July 10, 2005 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli;[N 2] nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Sky High | July 29, 2005 | co-production with Gunn Films |
Valiant | August 19, 2005 | co-production with Vanguard Animation and Odyssey Entertainment[N 2] |
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch ‡ | August 30, 2005 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie ‡ | September 13, 2005 | |
The Greatest Game Ever Played | September 30, 2005 | co-production with Fairway Films |
Chicken Little | November 4, 2005 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | December 9, 2005 | co-production with Walden Media |
Kronk’s New Groove ‡ | December 13, 2005 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios and Toon City Animation |
Glory Road | January 13, 2006 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Texas Western Productions and Glory Road Productions |
Roving Mars | January 27, 2006 | co-production with The Kennedy/Marshall Company and White Mountain Films |
Bambi II | February 7, 2006[N 5] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Eight Below | February 17, 2006 | co-production with Spyglass Entertainment, Mandeville Films and The Kennedy/Marshall Company |
The Shaggy Dog | March 10, 2006 | co-production with Mandeville Films, Tollin/Robbins Productions, Boxing Cat Films, Robert Simonds Productions and Shaggy Dog Productions |
The Wild | April 14, 2006 | co-production with C.O.R.E. Feature Animation, Hoytyboy Pictures, Sir Zip Productions and Contrafilm last film to use the 2000 logo |
Cars | June 9, 2006 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film and nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Leroy and Stitch ‡ | June 27, 2006 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest | July 7, 2006 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films; first film to use the 2006 logo |
Invincible | August 25, 2006 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures |
Brother Bear 2 ‡ | August 29, 2006 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D | October 20, 2006 | co-production with Skellington Productions[N 6] |
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause | November 3, 2006 | co-production with Outlaw Productions & Boxing Cat Productions |
The Fox and the Hound 2 ‡ | December 12, 2006 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios; last film to use the 1985 logo |
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time ‡ | February 6, 2007 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Bridge to Terabithia | February 16, 2007 | co-production with Summit Entertainment and Walden Media |
Meet the Robinsons | March 30, 2007 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End | May 25, 2007 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Ratatouille | June 29, 2007 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; last film to use the 1995 CGI logo; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Secret of the Magic Gourd * | Chinese film; co-production with Centro Digital Pictures Limited[N 7] | |
Underdog | August 3, 2007 | co-production with Spyglass Entertainment, Classic Media and Maverick Films |
The Pixar Story | August 28, 2007 | co-production with Leslie Iwerks Productions |
The Game Plan | September 28, 2007 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures; last film to be distributed by Buena Vista and Buena Vista International |
Enchanted | November 21, 2007 | co-production with Right Coast Productions, Josephson Entertainment and Andalasia Productions; first film to be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and internationally by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International |
National Treasure: Book of Secrets | December 21, 2007 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Junction Entertainment and Saturn Films |
Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert | February 1, 2008 | co-production with PACE |
College Road Trip | March 7, 2008 | co-production with Gunn Films |
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian | May 16, 2008 | co-production with Walden Media |
WALL-E | June 27, 2008 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning ‡ | August 26, 2008 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios; distributed by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment |
Beverly Hills Chihuahua | October 3, 2008 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
Morning Light | October 17, 2008 | |
High School Musical 3: Senior Year | October 24, 2008 | co-production with Borden and Rosenbush Entertainment |
Roadside Romeo * | co-production with Walt Disney Pictures India, Yash Raj Films and Disney World Cinema | |
Tinker Bell | October 28, 2008[N 8] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Bolt | November 21, 2008 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Bedtime Stories | December 25, 2008 | co-production with Gunn Films, Happy Madison Productions, Offspring Entertainment and Conman & Izzy Productions |
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience | February 27, 2009 | co-production with Jonas Films |
Race to Witch Mountain | March 13, 2009 | co-production with Gunn Films |
Hannah Montana: The Movie | April 10, 2009 | co-production with It’s a Laugh Productions and Millar Gough Ink |
Trail of the Panda | May 8, 2009 | co-production with Disney World Cinema and Castle Hero Pictures |
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers’ Story | May 22, 2009 | co-production with Crescendo Productions, Red Hour Films and Traveling Light |
Up | May 29, 2009 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture |
Lilly the Witch: The Dragon and the Magic Book * | June 12, 2009 | German film |
G-Force | July 24, 2009 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Ponyo | August 14, 2009 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli[N 9] |
Walt & El Grupo | September 9, 2009 | co-production with Walt Disney Family Foundation Films and Theodore Thomas Productions |
Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure | October 27, 2009[N 10] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
The Book of Masters * | October 29, 2009 | Russian film; co-production with Trite |
Disney’s A Christmas Carol | November 6, 2009 | co-production with ImageMovers Digital |
Old Dogs | November 25, 2009 | co-production with Tapestry Films |
The Princess and the Frog | December 11, 2009 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Alice in Wonderland | March 5, 2010 | co-production with The Zanuck Company, Roth Films and Team Todd; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Waking Sleeping Beauty | March 26, 2010 | distribution only; produced by Stone Circle Pictures |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | May 28, 2010 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Toy Story 3 | June 18, 2010 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture |
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice | July 14, 2010 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Saturn Films and Broken Road Productions |
Tales from Earthsea | August 13, 2010 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli[N 9] |
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue | September 21, 2010[N 11] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Secretariat | October 8, 2010 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures |
Do Dooni Chaar * | co-production with Planman Motion Pictures, Disney India and Disney World Cinema | |
Tangled | November 24, 2010 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Tron: Legacy | December 17, 2010 | co-production with Sean Bailey Productions |
Anaganaga O Dheerudu * | January 21, 2011 | co-production with A Bellyful of Dreams Entertainment, Arka Media Works, Disney India and Disney World Cinema |
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 ‡ | February 1, 2011 | |
Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan * | February 17, 2011 | German film |
Mars Needs Moms | March 11, 2011 | co-production with ImageMovers Digital; final ImageMovers Digital film |
Zokkomon * | April 22, 2011 | co-production with Disney India and Disney World Cinema |
Prom | April 29, 2011 | |
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | May 20, 2011 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Cars 2 | June 24, 2011 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Winnie the Pooh | July 15, 2011 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Spooky Buddies ‡ | September 20, 2011 | co-production with Key Pix Productions |
The Muppets | November 23, 2011 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
Treasure Buddies ‡ | January 31, 2012 | co-production with Key Pix Productions |
The Secret World of Arrietty | February 17, 2012 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli[N 9] |
John Carter | March 9, 2012 | |
Arjun: The Warrior Prince * | May 25, 2012 | co-production with Disney India, Disney World Cinema and UTV Motion Pictures |
Brave | June 22, 2012 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Odd Life of Timothy Green | August 15, 2012 | co-production with Monsterfoot Productions and Scott Sanders Productions |
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta! ‡ | September 18, 2012 | distributed by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment |
Frankenweenie | October 5, 2012 | co-production with Tim Burton Productions; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Secret of the Wings | October 23, 2012[N 12] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Wreck-It Ralph | November 2, 2012 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Oz the Great and Powerful | March 8, 2013 | co-production with Roth Films and Curtis-Donen Productions |
Monsters University | June 21, 2013 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
The Lone Ranger | July 3, 2013 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Blind Wink and Infinitum Nihil |
Planes | August 9, 2013 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Super Buddies ‡ | August 27, 2013 | co-production with Key Pix Productions |
Frozen | November 27, 2013 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Saving Mr. Banks | December 13, 2013 | co-production with BBC Films, Essential Media and Entertainment, Ruby Films, and Hopscotch Features |
Muppets Most Wanted | March 21, 2014 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
The Pirate Fairy | April 1, 2014[N 13] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Million Dollar Arm | May 16, 2014 | co-production with Roth Films and Mayhem Pictures |
Maleficent | May 30, 2014 | co-production with Roth Films |
Planes: Fire & Rescue | July 18, 2014 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Khoobsurat * | September 19, 2014 | co-production with UTV Motion Pictures, Disney India and Anil Kapoor Films |
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day | October 10, 2014 | co-production with 21 Laps Entertainment and The Jim Henson Company |
Big Hero 6 | November 7, 2014 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Into the Woods | December 25, 2014 | co-production with Lucamar Productions and Marc Platt Productions; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
McFarland, USA | February 20, 2015 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures |
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast | March 3, 2015[N 14] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios; final Disneytoon Studios film |
Cinderella | March 13, 2015 | co-production with Kinberg Genre, Allison Shearmur Productions and Beagle Pug Films |
Tomorrowland | May 22, 2015 | co-production with A113 Productions |
Inside Out | June 19, 2015 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
ABCD 2 * | co-production with UTV Motion Pictures and Disney India | |
The Good Dinosaur | November 25, 2015 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Finest Hours | January 29, 2016 | co-production with Whitaker Entertainment and Red Hawk Entertainment |
Zootopia | March 4, 2016 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Jungle Book | April 15, 2016 | co-production with Fairview Entertainment |
Tini: The Movie * | May 6, 2016 | co-production with Gloriamundi Producciones and Lapis Films |
Alice Through the Looking Glass | May 27, 2016 | co-production with Roth Films, Team Todd and Tim Burton Productions |
Finding Dory | June 17, 2016 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
The BFG | July 1, 2016 | co-production with Amblin Entertainment, Reliance Entertainment, Walden Media and The Kennedy/Marshall Company[N 15] |
Pete’s Dragon | August 12, 2016 | co-production with Whitaker Entertainment |
Queen of Katwe | September 30, 2016 | co-production with ESPN Films, Cine Mosaic and Mirabai Films |
Moana | November 23, 2016 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Dangal * | December 21, 2016 | co-production with Disney India, UTV Motion Pictures and Aamir Khan Productions |
Beauty and the Beast | March 17, 2017 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales | May 26, 2017 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Cars 3 | June 16, 2017 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Jagga Jasoos * | July 14, 2017 | co-production with Disney India, UTV Motion Pictures, Picture Shuru Entertainment and Ishana Movies |
The Last Warrior * | October 29, 2017 | Russian film; co-production with Yellow, Black & White |
Coco | November 22, 2017 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
A Wrinkle in Time | March 9, 2018 | co-production with Whitaker Entertainment |
Incredibles 2 | June 15, 2018 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Christopher Robin | August 3, 2018 | co-production with 2DUX² |
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms | November 2, 2018 | co-production with The Mark Gordon Company |
Ralph Breaks the Internet | November 21, 2018 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Mary Poppins Returns | December 19, 2018 | co-production with Lucamar Productions and Marc Platt Productions; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Dumbo | March 29, 2019 | co-production with Tim Burton Productions, Infinite Detective Productions and Secret Machine Entertainment |
Aladdin | May 24, 2019 | co-production with Rideback |
Toy Story 4 | June 21, 2019 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Lion King | July 19, 2019 | co-production with Fairview Entertainment; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil | October 18, 2019 | co-production with Roth/Kirschenbaum Films |
Lady and the Tramp ‡ | November 12, 2019 | co-production with Taylor Made; distributed by Disney+ |
Noelle ‡ | distributed by Disney+ | |
Frozen II | November 22, 2019 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Togo ‡ | December 20, 2019 | distributed by Disney+ |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made ‡ | February 7, 2020 | co-production with Etalon Films, Slow Pony Pictures and Whitaker Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Onward | March 6, 2020 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Stargirl ‡ | March 13, 2020 | co-production with Gotham Group and Hahnscape Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Artemis Fowl ‡ | June 12, 2020 | co-production with TriBeCa Productions, Marzano Films and TKBC; distributed by Disney+ |
Hamilton ‡ | July 3, 2020 | co-production with 5000 Broadway Productions, Nevis Productions, Old 320 Sycamore Pictures and RadicalMedia; distributed by Disney+; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Black Is King ‡ | July 31, 2020 | co-production with Parkwood Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Magic Camp ‡ | August 14, 2020 | co-production with Team Todd; distributed by Disney+ |
The One and Only Ivan ‡ | August 21, 2020 | co-production with Jolie Pas Productions and Allison Shearmur Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Mulan † | September 4, 2020 | co-production with Jason T. Reed Productions and Good Fear Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Godmothered ‡ | December 4, 2020 | co-production with The Montecito Picture Company; distributed by Disney+ |
Safety ‡ | December 11, 2020 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures and Select Films; distributed by Disney+ |
Soul ‡ | December 25, 2020 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; distributed by Disney+; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Last Warrior: Root of Evil * | January 1, 2021 | Russian film; co-production with Yellow, Black & White, Cinema Fund Russia and Russia-1 |
Flora & Ulysses ‡ | February 19, 2021 | co-production with Netter Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Raya and the Last Dragon § | March 5, 2021 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Cruella § | May 28, 2021 | co-production with Gunn Films and Marc Platt Productions |
Luca ‡ | June 18, 2021 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; distributed by Disney+; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Jungle Cruise § | July 30, 2021 | co-production with Davis Entertainment, Flynn Picture Company and Seven Bucks Productions |
Encanto | November 24, 2021 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film and the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid ‡ | December 3, 2021 | co-production with Bardel Entertainment; distributed by Disney+[N 16] |
The Last Warrior: A Messenger of Darkness * | December 23, 2021 | Russian film; co-production with Disney CIS and Yellow, Black & White |
The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild ‡ | January 28, 2022 | co-production with Bardel Entertainment; distributed by Disney+[N 16] |
The Beatles: Get Back – The Rooftop Concert | January 30, 2022 | co-production with Apple Corps Ltd. and WingNut Films; limited IMAX engagement |
Turning Red ‡ | March 11, 2022 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; distributed by Disney+ |
Cheaper by the Dozen ‡ | March 18, 2022 | co-production with Khalabo Ink Society; distributed by Disney+[N 16] |
Better Nate Than Ever ‡ | April 1, 2022 | co-production with Marc Platt Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers ‡ | May 20, 2022 | co-production with Mandeville Films; distributed by Disney+ |
Hollywood Stargirl ‡ | June 3, 2022 | co-production with Gotham Group and Hahnscape Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Lightyear | June 17, 2022 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Rise ‡ | June 24, 2022 | co-production with Faliro House Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Pinocchio ‡ | September 8, 2022 | co-production with ImageMovers and Depth of Field Studios; distributed by Disney+ |
Hocus Pocus 2 ‡ | September 30, 2022 | co-production with David Kirschner Productions and Weimaraner Republic Pictures; distributed by Disney+ |
Disenchanted ‡ | November 18, 2022 | co-production with Right Coast Productions, Josephson Entertainment and Andalasia Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Strange World | November 23, 2022 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; first film to use the 2022 logo |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules ‡ | December 2, 2022 | co-production with Bardel Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again ‡ | December 9, 2022 | co-production with 21 Laps Entertainment, Alibaba Pictures and Atomic Cartoons; distributed by Disney+; last film to use the 2006 logo [N 16] |
Chang Can Dunk ‡ | March 10, 2023 | co-production with Hillman Grad Productions and Makeready; distributed by Disney+ |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Peter Pan & Wendy ‡ | April 28, 2023[4] | co-production with Whitaker Entertainment and Roth/Kirschenbaum Films; distributed by Disney+ |
The Little Mermaid | May 26, 2023[5] | co-production with Lucamar Productions, Marc Platt Productions, and 5000 Broadway Productions[6] |
Elemental | June 16, 2023[7] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Haunted Mansion | July 28, 2023[8][9] | co-production with Rideback[10] |
Wish | November 22, 2023[11] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Elio | March 1, 2024[12] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Snow White | March 22, 2024[8][5][12] | co-production with Marc Platt Productions[13] |
Inside Out 2 | June 14, 2024[12] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Mufasa: The Lion King | July 5, 2024[8][5][12] | co-production with Fairview Entertainment[14][15] |
Unspecified films with dates
These films are unspecified but have confirmed dates from The Walt Disney Studios.
Release date | Notes |
December 1, 2023[16] | |
February 14, 2024[16] | |
August 16, 2024[16] | |
November 27, 2024[16] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
March 7, 2025[16] | |
April 11, 2025[16] | |
May 23, 2025[16] | |
June 13, 2025[16] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
July 2, 2025[16] | |
August 15, 2025[16] | |
November 26, 2025[16] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
January 16, 2026[16] | |
March 6, 2026[16] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
March 27, 2026[16] | |
April 17, 2026[16] | |
May 22, 2026[16] | |
June 19, 2026[16] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
July 10, 2026[16] | |
August 14, 2026[16] | |
September 18, 2026[16] | |
November 25, 2026[16] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Undated films
Title | Release date | Ref. | Notes | Production Status |
Crater ‡ | 2023 | [17] | co-production with 21 Laps Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ | Post-production |
Young Woman and the Sea ‡ | [18] | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films; distributed by Disney+ | ||
29 Dates ‡ | TBA | [19] | distributed by Disney+ | In development |
61 ‡ | [20] | Pre-production | ||
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ‡ | [21] | co-production with 21 Laps Entertainment and The Jim Henson Company; distributed by Disney+ | ||
All Night Long | [22] | co-production with Cavalry Media | In development | |
Aloha Rodeo ‡ | [23] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Bambi | [24] | co-production with Depth of Field Studios and Known Universe Productions | ||
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad | [25] | co-production with LuckyChap Entertainment and Scott Free Productions | ||
Father of the Bride ‡ | [26] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Flight of the Navigator ‡ | [27] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Hercules | [28] | co-production with AGBO | ||
Hunchback | [29] | co-production with Mandeville Films | ||
Inspector Gadget | [30][31] | co-production with Rideback | ||
Keeper of the Lost Cities | [32] | co-production with Pearl Street Films | ||
Knights | [33] | |||
Lilo & Stitch | [34] | co-production with Rideback | ||
Merlin | [35] | |||
Muppet Man | [36] | co-production with The Jim Henson Company | ||
National Treasure 3 | [37] | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Junction Entertainment and Saturn Films | ||
Once on This Island ‡ | [38] | co-production with Marc Platt Productions; distributed by Disney+ | ||
One Thousand and One Nights | [39] | |||
Penelope | [40] | co-production with Olive Bridge Entertainment | ||
Robin Hood ‡ | [41] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Sadé | [42] | co-production with Verse Productions | ||
Shrunk ‡ | [6] | co-production with Mandeville Films; distributed by Disney+ | ||
Sister Act 3 ‡ | [43] | distributed by Disney+ | Pre-production | |
Society of Explorers and Adventurers | [44] | co-production with Maximum Effort | In development | |
Space Camp ‡ | [45] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Space Mountain | [46] | co-production with Safehouse Pictures and Rideback | ||
Spooked ‡ | [47] | co-production with Rideback; distributed by Disney+ | Pre-production | |
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee | [48] | co-production with Rideback | In development | |
The Aristocats | [49] | co-production with Olive Bridge Entertainment | ||
The Graveyard Book | [50] | co-production with 2Dux2 | ||
The Parent Trap ‡ | [26] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
The Sword in the Stone ‡ | [51] | |||
The Thief ‡ | [52] | |||
Three Men and a Baby ‡ | [53][54] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Tink | [55] | co-production with Hello Sunshine | ||
Tom Sawyer ‡ | [56] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
The Return of the Rocketeer ‡ | [57] | |||
Tower of Terror | [58] | co-production with These Pictures | Pre-production | |
Tron: Ares | [59] | |||
Untitled Aladdin sequel | [60] | co-production with Rideback | In development | |
Untitled Brian Fee film | [61] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Cruella sequel | [62] | |||
Untitled FC Barcelona film | [63] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled fifth Toy Story film | [64] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Figment film | [65] | co-production with Point Grey Pictures | ||
Untitled Jennifer Lee film | [66] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Josie Trinidad film | [67] | |||
Untitled Jungle Cruise sequel | [68] | co-production with Davis Entertainment, Flynn Picture Company and Seven Bucks Productions | ||
Untitled Kristen Lester film | [69] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Marc Smith film | [67] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Mulan sequel | [70] | co-production with Jason T. Reed Productions and Good Fear Productions | ||
Untitled Pirates of the Caribbean spin-off | [71] | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films | ||
Untitled Prince Anders film ‡ | [72] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Untitled Rosana Sullivan film | [73] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled sixth Pirates of the Caribbean film | [74] | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films | ||
Untitled Stephen J. Anderson film | [75] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Suzi Yoonessi film | [67] | |||
Untitled The Jungle Book sequel | [76] | co-production with Fairview Entertainment | ||
Untitled third Frozen film | [64] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
Untitled third Maleficent film | [77][78] | |||
Untitled Zootopia sequel | [64] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
World’s Best ‡ | [79] | distributed by Disney+ | Pre-production | |
Wouldn’t It Be Nice ‡ | [80] | In development |
See also
In-depth lists by other types
- List of Disney feature-length home entertainment releases
- List of Disney television films
- List of Disney theatrical animated feature films
- List of Disney live-action adaptations and remakes of Disney animated films
- List of Disney park ride adaptations
Disney-branded labels
- Lists of Walt Disney Studios films
- Walt Disney Animation Studios (list)
- Disney Channel Original Movies (list)
- Pixar Animation Studios (list)
- Disneynature
- ImageMovers Digital
- Skellington Productions
- Disneytoon Studios
Other film labels and/or subsidiaries
- Marvel Studios (list)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (list)
- Marvel Television
- Lucasfilm Ltd.
- 20th Century Studios (list)
- Searchlight Pictures
- 20th Century Animation
- Star Studios
- ESPN Films
- Star Studios
- Hollywood Pictures
- Touchstone Pictures (list)
- ABC Motion Pictures (list)
- ABC Family (list)
- Fox 2000 Pictures[81]
- Blue Sky Studios (list)
- UTV Motion Pictures
Divested (once owned by Disney):
- Miramax (list)
- Dimension Films (list)
Related lists
- List of Walt Disney Animation Studios short films
- List of Disney television series
- ^ a b Walt Disney Productions and Paramount Pictures co-produced this film, with Buena Vista International handling international distribution, and Paramount handling North American distribution.
- ^ a b c d e f g Distributed by Buena Vista in North America only.
- ^ Released in conjunction with the Hollywood Pictures label.
- ^ Distributed by Buena Vista in a small number of countries. International rights were held by Summit Entertainment.
- ^ Direct-to-video film. Theatrical release outside of North America on January 26, 2006, except for China, Japan and Taiwan.
- ^ Released under the Touchstone Pictures label in its original 1993 date, and rebranded as a Walt Disney Pictures film for the 2006 reissue.[3]
- ^ Theatrical release only in China. Direct-to-video release in the United States on January 27, 2009.
- ^ Limited theatrical release on September 18, 2008. Direct-to-video release on October 28, 2008.
- ^ a b c Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures in North America only.
- ^ Limited theatrical release on September 3, 2009 in Argentina. Direct-to-video release on October 27, 2009.
- ^ Limited theatrical release on August 13, 2010 in the United Kingdom. Direct-to-video release on September 21, 2010.
- ^ Limited theatrical release on August 31, 2012 in the United States and on August 16, 2012 in Ukraine. Direct-to-video release on October 23, 2012.
- ^ Theatrical release internationally on February 13, 2014. Direct-to-video release in the United States on April 1, 2014.
- ^ Theatrical release internationally and limited theatrical release in the United Kingdom on December 12, 2014. Direct-to-video release on March 3, 2015.
- ^ Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures worldwide except in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, where DreamWorks Pictures’ international partner Mister Smith Entertainment sold the rights to independent distributors.
- ^ a b c d The film was originally in-production at 20th Century Studios, but was switched over to Walt Disney Pictures during production.
- ^ McClintock, Pamela (December 20, 2018). «Disney’s Film Prodution Chief Talks ‘Mary Poppins’ and His Big Bet on ‘The Lion King’: «It’s a New Form of Filmmaking»«. The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on December 20, 2018. Retrieved December 20, 2018.
- ^ Pedersen, Erik (December 10, 2020). «Disney+ Programming: Here’s What Was Announced Or Confirmed For Streamer During Disney Investor Day». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved December 10, 2020.
- ^ Mendelson, Scott (October 15, 2013). «‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Turns 20: From Shameful Spawn To Disney’s Pride». Forbes. Archived from the original on October 15, 2013. Retrieved October 15, 2013.
- ^ Reul, Katie (February 28, 2023). «‘Peter Pan & Wendy’ Trailer Unveils Jude Law’s Captain Hook, Yara Shahidi’s Tinkerbell and a Whole New Neverland». Variety. Retrieved February 28, 2023.
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- ^ McNary, Dave (August 28, 2020). «New ‘Haunted Mansion’ Movie in the Works at Disney». Variety. Retrieved August 29, 2020.
- ^ D’Alessandro, Anthony (November 15, 2019). «Disney Dates A Ton Of Pics Into 2023 & Juggles Fox Releases With Ridley Scott’s ‘The Last Duel’ To Open Christmas 2020, ‘The King’s Man’ Next Fall – Update». Deadline. Archived from the original on January 16, 2020. Retrieved November 16, 2019.
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- ^ Wiseman, Andreas (September 18, 2019). «Disney In Development On Live-Action Adventure Pic ‘Knights’ With ‘Operation Finale’ Scribe». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved April 23, 2020.
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- ^ D’Alessandro, Anthony (June 5, 2021). «‘Cruella’ Sequel In Early Development; Director Craig Gillespie & Writer Tony McNamara Expected To Return». Deadline. Retrieved June 5, 2021.
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- ^ a b c «‘Toy Story,’ ‘Frozen’ and ‘Zootopia’ Sequels in the Works, Says Bob Iger». February 8, 2023. Archived from the original on February 8, 2023. Retrieved February 8, 2023.
- ^ Cordero, Rosy (September 28, 2022). «Disney Dragon Character Figment Getting Feature Treatment From Dan Hernandez, Benji Samit & Point Grey». Deadline. Retrieved September 28, 2022.
- ^ Keegan, Rebecca (January 21, 2022). «The Magic Maker: Jennifer Lee’s Plan for Walt Disney Animation — and Finding the Next ‘Frozen’«. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved December 11, 2022.
- ^ a b c Gonzalez, Umberto. «Walt Disney Animation Adds Four Directors to New Film Projects». The Wrap.
- ^ Kit, Borys (August 30, 2021). «‘Jungle Cruise’ Sequel in the Works at Disney (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved August 30, 2021.
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: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ Grobar, Matt (November 6, 2019). «‘Purl’ Director Kristen Lester On Tide Change In Animation Inclusivity & Finding Faith In Her Voice With Pixar Short». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved June 21, 2020.
Then, I’m talking to you from my own room in development, trying to figure out some cool ideas. Pixar has given me the chance to develop a feature, which I think is really cool.
- ^ Campbell, Jacob (April 18, 2020). «‘Mulan 2’ Reportedly In Early Development At Disney». Full Circle Cinema. Archived from the original on April 19, 2020. Retrieved April 20, 2020.
- ^ Mia Galuppo (June 26, 2020). «Margot Robbie, Christina Hodson Re-Team for New ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Movie for Disney (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter.
- ^ Kit, Borys (December 6, 2019). «‘Aladdin’ Spinoff Featuring Prince Anders in the Works at Disney+ (Exclusive)». Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on December 7, 2019. Retrieved December 6, 2019.
- ^ Keegan, Rebecca (January 6, 2021). «Reanimating Pixar: How Pete Docter Steered the Studio Out of Scandal». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved December 11, 2022.
- ^ Kit, Borys (October 25, 2019). «‘Chernobyl’ Creator Craig Mazin Tackling ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Reboot (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved March 16, 2022.
- ^ ««Meet The Robinsons» director developing new animated Disney film». Den of Geek.
- ^ Kit, Borys (April 11, 2016). «‘Jungle Book 2’ in the Works With Jon Favreau, Justin Marks (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on April 13, 2016. Retrieved April 12, 2016.
- ^ «Third Maleficent is already in works, says producers». Medium. Sarah Queens. Retrieved May 21, 2021.
- ^ «D23 Inside Disney Episode 113, Angelina Jolie and Kumail Nanjiani on Eternals». D23. D23. Retrieved November 11, 2021.
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- ^ Kit, Borys (March 27, 2020). «Shiri Appleby in Talks to Direct Disney+ Body-Switching Movie ‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice’ (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on March 27, 2020. Retrieved April 29, 2022.
- ^ Fleming, Mike Jr. (March 21, 2019). «Elizabeth Gabler’s Fox 2000 To Shutter As Disney Takes Over». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on March 21, 2019. Retrieved May 21, 2019.
Further reading
- Maltin, Leonard (2000). The Disney Films. New York: Disney Editions. ISBN 978-0-7868-8527-5.
- Smith, Dave (2006). Disney A to Z: The Official Encyclopedia (3rd ed.). New York: Disney Editions. ISBN 978-0-7868-4919-2.
- «A Complete List of Disney Films». The Walt Disney Company. Archived from the original on August 25, 2011. Retrieved April 23, 2003.
- List of all films released by Disney regardless of label—Disney
- List of Pre-1980 Live Action Disney Movies and DVD Status—UltimateDisney.com
- List of 1980–Present Live Action Disney Movies and DVD Status—UltimateDisney.com
External links
- Official list of Walt Disney Pictures films
Данный список включает в себя полнометражные анимационные фильмы созданные и/или выпущенные The Walt Disney Company, или её предшественником Walt Disney Productions. Список разбит по под-студиям.
- 1 Walt Disney Animation Studios
- 2 Игровые и документальные фильмы
- 3 DisneyToon Studios
- 4 Pixar Animation Studios
- 5 Кукольные фильмы
- 6 ImageMovers Digital
- 7 Другие анимационные фильмы изданные Disney
- 7.1 Studio Ghibli
- 7.2 Прочие фильмы
- 8 Примечания
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Ниже приводится список анимационных фильмов, созданных Walt Disney Productions до 1986 года, или Walt Disney Animation Studios, ранее известной как Walt Disney Feature Animation, после 1986 года.
Для рекламных целей в конце 1980 года The Walt Disney Company начала нумеровать каждый фильм. С помощью этого метода они могли объявить, что следующий фильм — это «X-й полнометражный анимационный фильм Диснея». После введения нумерации была выделена группа фильмов, которая также стала известна под общим названием «Диснеевский анимационный канон». Многие историки кино и поклонники анимации ссылаются на них как на Диснеевскую «классику» или Диснеевские «features». На сегодняшний день система нумерации сохраняется.
№ | Название фильма на русском языке | Название фильма на оригинальном языке | Дата первоначального выпуска |
1 | «Белоснежка и семь гномов» | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | 21 декабря 1937 (премьера) 4 февраля 1938 (широкий прокат) |
2 | «Пиноккио» | Pinocchio | 7 февраля 1940 (премьера) 9 февраля 1940 (широкий прокат) |
3 | «Фантазия» | Fantasia | 13 ноября 1940 (премьера/roadshow) 29 января 1941 (RKO roadshow) 8 января 1942 (широкий прокат) |
4 | «Дамбо» | Dumbo | 23 октября 1941 |
5 | «Бэмби» | Bambi | 13 августа 1942 (ограниченный выпуск) 21 августа 1942 (широкий прокат) |
6 | «Привет, друзья!» | Saludos Amigos | 24 августа 1942 (премьера) 6 февраля 1943 (широкий прокат) |
7 | «Три кабальеро» | The Three Caballeros | 21 декабря 1944 (премьера) 3 февраля 1945 (широкий прокат) |
8 | «Сыграй мою музыку» | Make Mine Music | 20 апреля 1946 (премьера) 15 августа 1946 (широкий прокат) |
9 | «Весёлые и беззаботные» | Fun and Fancy Free | 27 сентября 1947 |
10 | «Время мелодий» | Melody Time | 27 мая 1948 |
11 | «Приключения Икабода и мистера Тоада» | The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad | 5 октября 1949 |
12 | «Золушка» | Cinderella | 15 февраля 1950 (премьера) 4 марта 1950 (широкий прокат) |
13 | «Алиса в Стране чудес» | Alice in Wonderland | 26 июля 1951 (ограниченный выпуск) 28 июля 1951 (широкий прокат) |
14 | «Питер Пэн» | Peter Pan | 5 февраля 1953 |
15 | «Леди и Бродяга» | Lady and the Tramp | 16 июня 1955 (премьера) 22 июня 1955 (широкий прокат) |
16 | «Спящая красавица» | Sleeping Beauty | 29 января 1959 |
17 | «Сто один далматинец» | One Hundred and One Dalmatians | 25 января 1961 |
18 | «Меч в камне» | The Sword in the Stone | 25 декабря 1963 |
19 | «Книга джунглей» | The Jungle Book | 18 октября 1967 |
20 | «Коты-аристократы» | The Aristocats | 24 декабря 1970 |
21 | «Робин Гуд» | Robin Hood | 8 ноября 1973 |
22 | «Множество приключений Винни-Пуха» | The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh | 11 марта 1977 |
23 | «Спасатели» | The Rescuers | 22 июня 1977 |
24 | «Лис и охотничий пёс» | The Fox and the Hound | 10 июля 1981 |
25 | «Чёрный котёл» | The Black Cauldron | 24 июля 1985 |
26 | «Великий мышиный сыщик» | The Great Mouse Detective | 2 июля 1986 |
27 | «Оливер и компания» | Oliver & Company | 13 ноября 1988 (премьера) 18 ноября 1988 |
28 | «Русалочка» | The Little Mermaid | 15 ноября 1989 (премьера) 17 ноября 1989 |
29 | «Спасатели в Австралии» | The Rescuers Down Under | 16 ноября 1990 |
30 | «Красавица и Чудовище» | Beauty and the Beast | 13 ноября 1991 (ограниченный выпуск) 22 ноября 1991 |
31 | «Аладдин» | Aladdin | 11 ноября 1992 (ограниченный выпуск) 25 ноября 1992 (широкий прокат) |
32 | «Король Лев» | The Lion King | 15 июня 1994 (ограниченный выпуск) 24 июня 1994 (широкий прокат) 16 сентября 2011 (3D переиздание) |
33 | «Покахонтас» | Pocahontas | 16 июня 1995 (премьера) 23 июня 1995 (широкий прокат) |
34 | «Горбун из Нотр-Дама» | The Hunchback of Notre Dame | 19 июня 1996 (премьера) 21 июня 1996 (широкий прокат) |
35 | «Геркулес» | Hercules | 14 июня 1997 (премьера) 27 июня 1997 (широкий прокат) |
36 | «Мулан» | Mulan | 5 июня 1998 (премьера) 19 июня 1998 (широкий прокат) |
37 | «Тарзан» | Tarzan | 12 июня 1999 (премьера) 18 июня 1999 (широкий прокат) |
38 | «Фантазия 2000» | Fantasia 2000 | 17 декабря 1999 (премьера) 1 января 2000 (IMAX) 16 июня 2000 (широкий прокат) |
39 | «Динозавр» | Dinosaur | 19 мая 2000 |
40 | «Похождения императора» | The Emperor’s New Groove | 10 декабря 2000 (премьера) 15 декабря 2000 (широкий прокат) |
41 | «Атлантида: Затерянный мир» | Atlantis: The Lost Empire | 3 июня 2001 (премьера) 8 июня 2001 (ограниченный выпуск) 15 июня 2001 (широкий прокат) |
42 | «Лило и Стич» | Lilo & Stitch | 16 июня 2002 (премьера) 21 июня 2002 (широкий прокат) |
43 | «Планета сокровищ» | Treasure Planet | 17 ноября 2002 (премьера) 27 ноября 2002 (широкий прокат) |
44 | «Братец медвежонок» | Brother Bear | 20 октября 2003 (премьера) 24 октября 2003 (ограниченный выпуск) 1 ноября 2003 (широкий прокат) |
45 | «Не бей копытом» | Home on the Range | 21 марта 2004 (премьера) 2 апреля 2004 (широкий прокат) |
46 | «Цыплёнок Цыпа» | Chicken Little | 30 октября 2005 (премьера) 4 ноября 2005 (широкий прокат) |
47 | «В гости к Робинсонам» | Meet the Robinsons | 30 марта 2007 |
48 | «Вольт» | Bolt | 21 ноября 2008 |
49 | «Принцесса и лягушка» | The Princess and the Frog | 25 ноября 2009 (ограниченный выпуск) 11 декабря 2009 (широкий прокат) |
50 | «Рапунцель: Запутанная история» | Tangled | 24 ноября 2010 |
51 | «Медвежонок Винни и его друзья» | Winnie the Pooh | 15 июля 2011 |
52 | «Ральф» | Wreck-It Ralph | 2 ноября 2012 |
53 | «Замороженный» | Frozen | 27 ноября 2013[1] |
Игровые и документальные фильмы
Ниже перечислены игровые и документальные фильмы Диснея, включающие в себя анимацию.
№ | Название фильма на русском языке | Название фильма на оригинальном языке | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «Несговорчивый дракон» | The Reluctant Dragon | 20 июня 1941 |
2 | «Победа через мощь в воздухе» | Victory Through Air Power | 17 июля 1943 |
3 | «Песня Юга» | Song of the South | 12 ноября 1946 |
4 | «Так дорого моему сердцу» | So Dear to My Heart | 29 ноября 1949 (ограниченный выпуск) 19 января 1950 (широкий прокат) |
5 | «Мэри Поппинс» | Mary Poppins | 27 августа 1964 (ограниченный выпуск) 29 августа 1964 |
6 | «Набалдашник и метла» | Bedknobs and Broomsticks | 11 ноября 1971 (ограниченный выпуск) 13 декабря 1971 |
7 | «Дракон Пита» | Pete’s Dragon | 3 ноября 1977 |
8 | «Кто подставил кролика Роджера» | Who Framed Roger Rabbit | 21 июня 1988 (премьера) 22 июня 1988 |
9 | «Зачарованная» | Enchanted | 21 ноября 2007 |
10 | «Финес и Ферб. Кино» | Phineas and Ferb | 26 июня 2013[2] |
DisneyToon Studios
Это полный список фильмов DisneyToon Studios, выпущенных в кинотеатрах. Мультфильмы пронумерированы исходя из полного перечня мультфильмов данной студии.
№ | Название фильма на русском языке | Название фильма на оригинальном языке | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «Утиные истории: Заветная лампа» | DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp | 3 августа 1990 |
4 | «Каникулы Гуфи» | A Goofy Movie | 7 апреля 1995 |
12 | «Первый фильм Дуга» | Doug’s 1st Movie | 26 марта 1999 |
16 | «Приключения Тигрули» | The Tigger Movie | 11 февраля 2000 |
20 | «Каникулы: Прочь из школы» | Recess: School’s Out | 16 февраля 2001 |
24 | «Питер Пэн 2: Возвращение в Нетландию» | Return to Never Land | 15 февраля 2002 |
31 | «Книга джунглей 2» | The Jungle Book 2 | 14 февраля 2003 |
32 | «Большой фильм про Поросёнка» | Piglet’s Big Movie | 21 марта 2003 |
37 | «Любимец учителя» | Teacher’s Pet | 16 января 2004 |
43 | «Винни и Слонотоп» | Pooh’s Heffalump Movie | 11 февраля 2005 |
48 | «Бэмби 2» | Bambi II | 26 января 2006 |
55 | «Феи» | Tinker Bell | 19 сентября 2008 |
56 | «Феи: Потерянное сокровище» | Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure | 3 сентября 2009 |
57 | «Феи: Волшебное спасение» | Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue | 13 августа 2010 |
60 | «Феи: Тайна зимнего леса» | Secret of the Wings | 23 октября 2012 |
61 | «Самолёты» | Planes | Весна 2013 |
Pixar Animation Studios
Основная статья: Pixar
№ | Название фильма на русском языке | Название фильма на оригинальном языке | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «История игрушек» | Toy Story | 22 ноября 1995 |
2 | «Приключения Флика» | A Bug’s Life | 25 ноября 1998 |
3 | «История игрушек 2» | Toy Story 2 | 24 ноября 1999 |
4 | «Корпорация монстров» | Monsters, Inc. | 2 ноября 2001 |
5 | «В поисках Немо» | Finding Nemo | 30 мая 2003 |
6 | «Суперсемейка» | The Incredibles | 5 ноября 2004 |
7 | «Тачки» | Cars | 9 июня 2006 |
8 | «Рататуй» | Ratatouille | 29 июня 2007 |
9 | «ВАЛЛ-И» | WALL-E | 27 июня 2008 |
10 | «Вверх» | Up | 13 мая 2009 (Каннский кинофестиваль) 16 мая 2009 (премьера) 29 мая 2009 (широкий прокат) |
11 | «История игрушек: Большой побег» | Toy Story 3 | 18 июня 2010 |
12 | «Тачки 2» | Cars 2 | 24 июня 2011 |
13 | «Храбрая сердцем» | Brave | 15 июня 2012 |
14 | «Университет монстров» | Monsters University | 21 июня 2013 |
15 | «Добрый динозавр»[3] | The Good Dinosaur | 30 мая 2014 |
16 | Безымянный фильм про мир внутри разума[3] | 19 июня 2015 | |
17 | Безымянный фильм, действие которого происходит во время празднования Дня Мёртвых[3] | 2015 | |
18 | «В поисках Немо 2»[4] | Finding Nemo 2 | 2016 |
Кукольные фильмы
Генри Селик и Тим Бёртон создали следующие фильмы для студии:
№ | Название фильма на русском языке | Название фильма на оригинальном языке | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «Кошмар перед Рождеством» | The Nightmare Before Christmas | 9 октября 1993 (премьера) 13 октября 1993 (ограниченный выпуск) 29 октября 1993 |
2 | «Джеймс и гигантский персик» | James and the Giant Peach | 12 апреля 1996 |
3 | «Франкенвини» | Frankenweenie | 4 октября 2012 |
ImageMovers Digital
Основная статья: ImageMovers Digital
Следующие фильмы были созданы ImageMovers Digital после приобретения его Disney. Однако Disney не имеет права собственности на ранние фильмы ImageMovers Digital.
№ | Название фильма на русском языке | Название фильма на оригинальном языке | Дата первого выпуска |
1 | «Рождественская история» | A Christmas Carol | 6 ноября 2009 |
2 | «Тайна красной планеты» | Mars Needs Moms | 11 марта 2011 |
Другие анимационные фильмы изданные Disney
Это список фильмов только распространяемых Disney.
Studio Ghibli
№ | Название фильма на русском языке | Название фильма на оригинальном языке | Название фильма на английском языке | Дата первого выпуска | Дата повторного выпуска Disney |
1 | «Ведьмина служба доставки» | 魔女の宅急便 | Kiki’s Delivery Service | 29 июля 1989 | 23 мая 1998 |
2 | «Принцесса Мононокэ» | もののけ姫 | Princess Mononoke | 12 июля 1997 | 29 октября 1999 |
3 | «Унесённые призраками» | 千と千尋の神隠し | Spirited Away | 27 июля 2001 | 20 сентября 2002 |
4 | «Возвращение кота» | 猫の恩返し | The Cat Returns | 19 июля 2002 | 2 мая 2003 |
5 | «Ходячий замок» | ハウルの動く城 | Howl’s Moving Castle | 20 ноября 2004 | 10 июня 2005 |
6 | «Рыбка Поньо на утёсе» | 崖の上のポニョ | Ponyo | 19 июля 2008 | 14 августа 2009 |
7 | «Сказания Земноморья» | ゲド戦記 | Tales from Earthsea | 29 июля 2006 | 13 августа 2010 |
8 | «Ариэтти из страны лилипутов» | 借りぐらしのアリエッティ | The Secret World of Arrietty | 17 июля 2010 | 17 февраля 2012 |
9 | «Со склонов Кокурико» | コクリコ坂から | From up on Poppy Hill | 16 июля 2011 | TBA |
Прочие фильмы
Список неполон.
№ | Название фильма на русском языке | Название фильма | Дата первого выпуска | Создан |
1 | «Отважный маленький тостер» | The Brave Little Toaster | 10 июля 1987 | Hyperion Pictures The Kushner-Locke Company |
2 | «Том и Джерри: Фильм» | Tom and Jerry: The Movie | 30 июля 1993 | Turner Pictures Worldwide Film Roman |
3 | «Вор и сапожник» | Arabian Knight | 25 августа 1995 | Richard Williams Productions |
4 | «Отважный маленький тостер отправляется на Марс» | The Brave Little Toaster | 18 мая 1998 | Hyperion Pictures The Kushner-Locke Company |
5 | «Мануэлита» | Manuelita | 14 февраля 1999 | García Ferré Entertainment Megatrix S.A.U. |
6 | «Отважный маленький тостер спешит на помощь» | The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue | 19 мая 1999 | Hyperion Pictures The Kushner-Locke Company |
7 | «Покемон 4» | Pokémon 4Ever | 11 октября 2002 (ограниченный выпуск) 25 октября 2002 |
The Pokémon Company Shogakukan 4Kids Entertainment |
8 | «Покемон 5: Герои» | Pokémon Heroes | 16 мая 2003 (ограниченный выпуск) | The Pokémon Company Shogakukan 4Kids Entertainment |
9 | «Вэлиант: Пернатый спецназ» | Valiant | 19 августа 2005 | Vanguard Animation |
10 | «Большое путешествие» | The Wild | 14 апреля 2006 | C.O.R.E. Feature Animation |
11 | «Путешествие сквозь время» | Uma Aventura no Tempo | 16 февраля 2007 | Miravista The Walt Disney Company Latin-America Pvt. Ltd. |
12 | «Ромео с обочины» | Roadside Romeo | 24 октября 2008 | Yash Raj Films |
13 | «Гномео и Джульетта» | Gnomeo and Juliet | 11 февраля 2011 | Rocket Pictures Starz Animation |
- ↑ Disney Animation Schedules Frozen for November 2013 (англ.). ComingSoon.net (22 декабря 2011). Архивировано из первоисточника 18 февраля 2012. Проверено 31 декабря 2011.
- ↑ Phineas and Ferb (feature film) — Phineas and Ferb Wiki — Your Guide to Phineas and Ferb
- ↑ 1 2 3 Dickey, Josh. L. Pixar celebrates Dia de los Muertos (англ.). Variety (24 апреля 2012). Архивировано из первоисточника 3 июня 2012. Проверено 25 апреля 2012.
- ↑ Finding Nemo: Director signs up for sequel (англ.). BBC News (18 июля 2012). Архивировано из первоисточника 21 августа 2012. Проверено 19 августа 2012.
Классика (серия «Walt Disney Animated Classics») |
Белоснежка и семь гномов • Пиноккио • Фантазия • Дамбо • Бэмби • Привет, друзья! • Три кабальеро • Сыграй мою музыку • Весёлые и беззаботные • Время мелодий • Приключения Икабода и мистера Тоада • Золушка • Алиса в Стране чудес • Питер Пэн • Леди и Бродяга • Спящая красавица • Сто один далматинец • Меч в камне • Книга джунглей • Коты-аристократы • Робин Гуд • Множество приключений Винни-Пуха • Спасатели • Лис и Пёс • Чёрный котёл • Великий мышиный сыщик • Оливер и компания • Русалочка • Спасатели в Австралии • Красавица и Чудовище • Аладдин • Король Лев • Покахонтас • Горбун из Нотр-Дама • Геркулес • Мулан • Тарзан • Фантазия 2000 • Динозавр • Похождения императора • Атлантида: Затерянный мир • Лило и Стич • Планета сокровищ • Братец медвежонок • Не бей копытом • Цыплёнок Цыпа • В гости к Робинсонам • |
Игровые фильмы с анимационными вставками |
Несговорчивый дракон • Победа с помощью ВВС • Песня юга • Так дорого моему сердцу • Мэри Поппинс • Набалдашник и метла • Дракон Пита • Кто подставил кролика Роджера • Зачарованная |
Полнометражные анимационные фильмы студии DisneyToon |
Утиные истории: Заветная лампа • Каникулы Гуфи • Первый фильм Дуга • Приключения Тигрули • Школьные каникулы • Питер Пэн 2: Возвращение в Нетландию • Книга джунглей 2 • Большой фильм про Поросёнка • Любимец учителя • Винни и Слонотоп • Бэмби 2 |
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of films produced by and released under the Walt Disney Pictures banner (known as that since 1983, with Never Cry Wolf as its first release) and films released before that under the former name of the parent company, Walt Disney Productions (1929–1983). Most films listed here were distributed theatrically in the United States by the company’s distribution division, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, formerly known as Buena Vista Film Distribution Company (1953–1960), Buena Vista Distribution Company (1960–1987) and Buena Vista Pictures Distribution (1987–2007). The Disney features produced before The Living Desert (1953) were originally distributed by United Artists and RKO Radio Pictures, and are now distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Some films produced by Walt Disney Pictures are also released through the parent company’s streaming service, Disney+.[1][2]
This list is organized by release date and includes live-action feature films (including theatrical, direct-to-video and streaming releases), animated feature films (including films developed and produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios) and documentary films (including titles from the True-Life Adventures series). For an exclusive list of animated films released by Walt Disney Pictures and its previous entities see List of Disney theatrical animated feature films and List of Disney feature-length home entertainment releases § Animated films.
This list is only for films released under the main Disney banner. It does not include films produced or released by other existing, defunct or divested labels or subsidiaries owned by Walt Disney Studios (i.e. Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century Studios, Searchlight Pictures, Disneynature, Fox 2000 Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, National Geographic Documentary Films, Miramax Films, Dimension Films, ESPN Films, etc.) unless they are credited as co-production partners, nor any direct-to-video releases unless they were produced under the main Disney banner, TV films, theatrical re-releases or films originally released by other non-Disney studios.
All films listed are theatrical releases and/or American-based films unless specified.
- A ‡ symbol signifies a direct-to-video or streaming release exclusively through Disney+.
- A † symbol signifies a premium video on demand release through Disney+.
- A § symbol signifies a simultaneous release to theatres and on premium video on demand.
- A * symbol signifies a film not produced in the United States, but rather in another country.
Title | Release date | Notes |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | December 21, 1937 | first film to be distributed by RKO Radio Pictures |
Pinocchio | February 7, 1940 | |
Fantasia | November 13, 1940 | anthology film |
The Reluctant Dragon | June 20, 1941 | fictionalized tour around the Disney studio |
Dumbo | October 23, 1941 | |
Bambi | August 13, 1942 | |
Saludos Amigos | February 6, 1943 | anthology film |
Victory Through Air Power | July 17, 1943 | documentary film with wide use of animation; distributed by United Artists |
The Three Caballeros | February 3, 1945 | anthology film |
Make Mine Music | April 20, 1946 | anthology film |
Song of the South | November 12, 1946 | |
Fun and Fancy Free | September 27, 1947 | anthology film |
Melody Time | May 27, 1948 | anthology film |
So Dear to My Heart | November 29, 1948 | |
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad | October 5, 1949 | anthology film |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Cinderella | February 15, 1950 | |
Treasure Island | July 29, 1950 | produced by RKO-Walt Disney British Productions |
Alice in Wonderland | July 28, 1951 | |
The Story of Robin Hood | June 26, 1952 | produced by RKO-Walt Disney British Productions |
Peter Pan | February 5, 1953 | |
The Sword and the Rose | July 23, 1953 | produced by RKO-Walt Disney British Productions |
The Living Desert | November 10, 1953 | first film to be distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution |
Rob Roy: The Highland Rogue | February 27, 1954 | produced by RKO-Walt Disney British Productions; last film to be distributed by RKO Radio Pictures |
The Vanishing Prairie | August 16, 1954 | |
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea | December 23, 1954 | |
Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier | May 25, 1955 | compilation film mostly made up from pre-existing footage from the Disney anthology television series |
Lady and the Tramp | June 22, 1955 | |
The African Lion | September 14, 1955 | |
The Littlest Outlaw | December 22, 1955 | |
The Great Locomotive Chase | June 8, 1956 | |
Davy Crockett and the River Pirates | July 18, 1956 | compilation film mostly made up from pre-existing footage from the Disney anthology television series |
Secrets of Life | November 6, 1956 | |
Westward Ho the Wagons! | December 20, 1956 | |
Johnny Tremain | June 19, 1957 | |
Perri | August 28, 1957 | |
Old Yeller | December 25, 1957 | |
The Light in the Forest | July 8, 1958 | |
White Wilderness | August 12, 1958 | |
Tonka | December 25, 1958 | |
Sleeping Beauty | January 29, 1959 | |
The Shaggy Dog | March 19, 1959 | |
Darby O’Gill and the Little People | June 26, 1959 | |
Zorro the Avenger | September 10, 1959 | |
Third Man on the Mountain | November 10, 1959 |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Toby Tyler or 10 Weeks with a Circus | January 21, 1960 | |
Kidnapped | February 24, 1960 | |
Pollyanna | May 19, 1960 | |
The Sign of Zorro | June 11, 1960 | released in European theaters in 1958 |
Jungle Cat | August 10, 1960 | |
Ten Who Dared | November 1, 1960 | |
Swiss Family Robinson | December 21, 1960 | |
One Hundred and One Dalmatians | January 25, 1961 | |
The Absent-Minded Professor | March 16, 1961 | |
The Parent Trap | June 21, 1961 | |
Nikki: Wild Dog of the North | July 12, 1961 | |
Greyfriars Bobby | July 17, 1961 | |
Babes in Toyland | December 14, 1961 | |
Moon Pilot | April 5, 1962 | |
Bon Voyage! | May 17, 1962 | |
Big Red | June 6, 1962 | |
Almost Angels | September 26, 1962 | |
The Legend of Lobo | November 7, 1962 | |
In Search of the Castaways | December 21, 1962 | |
Son of Flubber | January 16, 1963 | |
Miracle of the White Stallions | March 29, 1963 | |
Savage Sam | June 1, 1963 | |
Summer Magic | July 7, 1963 | |
The Incredible Journey | November 20, 1963 | |
The Sword in the Stone | December 25, 1963 | |
A Tiger Walks | March 12, 1964 | |
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones | March 25, 1964 | |
The Three Lives of Thomasina | June 4, 1964 | |
The Moon-Spinners | July 8, 1964 | |
Mary Poppins | August 29, 1964 | winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture |
Those Calloways | November 10, 1964 | |
Emil and the Detectives | December 18, 1964 | |
The Monkey’s Uncle | August 18, 1965 | |
That Darn Cat! | December 2, 1965 | |
The Ugly Dachshund | February 16, 1966 | |
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. | July 29, 1966 | |
The Fighting Prince of Donegal | October 1, 1966 | |
Follow Me, Boys! | December 1, 1966 | |
Monkeys, Go Home! | February 8, 1967 | |
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin | March 8, 1967 | |
The Gnome-Mobile | July 19, 1967 | |
The Jungle Book | October 18, 1967 | |
Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar | ||
The Happiest Millionaire | November 30, 1967 | last film with personal involvement from Walt Disney, who died during production |
Blackbeard’s Ghost | February 8, 1968 | |
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band | March 21, 1968 | |
Never a Dull Moment | June 26, 1968 | |
The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit | December 20, 1968 | |
The Love Bug | December 24, 1968 | |
Smith! | March 21, 1969 | |
Rascal | June 11, 1969 | |
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes | December 24, 1969 |
Title | Release date | Notes |
King of the Grizzlies | February 11, 1970 | |
The Boatniks | July 1, 1970 | |
The Wild Country | December 15, 1970 | |
The Aristocats | December 24, 1970 | |
The Barefoot Executive | March 17, 1971 | |
Scandalous John | June 22, 1971 | |
The Million Dollar Duck | June 30, 1971 | |
Bedknobs and Broomsticks | December 13, 1971 | |
The Biscuit Eater | March 22, 1972 | |
Now You See Him, Now You Don’t | July 12, 1972 | |
Napoleon and Samantha | July 19, 1972 | |
Run, Cougar, Run | October 18, 1972 | |
Snowball Express | December 22, 1972 | |
The World’s Greatest Athlete | February 1, 1973 | |
Charley and the Angel | March 23, 1973 | |
One Little Indian | June 20, 1973 | |
Robin Hood | November 8, 1973 | |
Superdad | December 14, 1973 | |
Herbie Rides Again | June 6, 1974 | |
The Bears and I | July 31, 1974 | |
The Castaway Cowboy | August 1, 1974 | |
The Island at the Top of the World | December 20, 1974 | |
The Strongest Man in the World | February 6, 1975 | |
Escape to Witch Mountain | March 21, 1975 | |
The Apple Dumpling Gang | July 1, 1975 | |
One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing | July 9, 1975 | |
The Best of Walt Disney’s True-Life Adventures | October 8, 1975 | compilation film made up of highlights from the True-Life Adventures series |
Ride a Wild Pony | December 25, 1975 | |
No Deposit, No Return | February 5, 1976 | |
Treasure of Matecumbe | July 1, 1976 | |
Gus | July 7, 1976 | |
The Shaggy D.A. | December 17, 1976 | |
Freaky Friday | ||
The Littlest Horse Thieves | March 11, 1977 | released in European theaters in 1976; also known as Escape from the Dark |
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh | anthology film | |
A Tale of Two Critters | June 22, 1977 | |
The Rescuers | ||
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo | June 24, 1977 | |
Pete’s Dragon | November 3, 1977 | |
Candleshoe | December 16, 1977 | |
Return from Witch Mountain | March 10, 1978 | |
The Cat from Outer Space | June 9, 1978 | |
Hot Lead and Cold Feet | July 5, 1978 | |
The North Avenue Irregulars | February 9, 1979 | |
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again | June 27, 1979 | |
Unidentified Flying Oddball | July 26, 1979 | |
The Black Hole | December 21, 1979 |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Midnight Madness | February 8, 1980 | |
The Watcher in the Woods | April 17, 1980 | |
Herbie Goes Bananas | June 25, 1980 | |
The Last Flight of Noah’s Ark | ||
Popeye | December 12, 1980 | co-production with Paramount Pictures and King Features; international distribution handled by Buena Vista International[N 1] |
The Devil and Max Devlin | March 6, 1981 | |
Amy | March 20, 1981 | |
Dragonslayer | June 26, 1981 | co-production with Paramount Pictures; international distribution handled by Buena Vista International[N 1] |
The Fox and the Hound | July 10, 1981 | |
Condorman | August 7, 1981 | |
Night Crossing | February 5, 1982 | |
Tron | July 9, 1982 | co-production with Lisberger/Kushner Productions |
Tex | July 30, 1982 | |
Trenchcoat | March 11, 1983 | |
Something Wicked This Way Comes | April 29, 1983 | co-production with The Bryna Company; last film as Walt Disney Productions |
Never Cry Wolf | October 7, 1983 | co-production with Amarok Productions Ltd.; first film as Walt Disney Pictures |
Return to Oz | June 21, 1985 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners II; first film to use the 1985 logo |
The Black Cauldron | July 24, 1985 | co-production with Walt Disney Productions and Silver Screen Partners II |
The Journey of Natty Gann | September 27, 1985 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners II |
One Magic Christmas | November 22, 1985 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners II and Telefilm Canada |
The Great Mouse Detective | July 2, 1986 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners II |
Flight of the Navigator | August 1, 1986 | co-production with Producers Sales Organization and New Star Entertainment[N 2] |
Benji the Hunted | June 19, 1987 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners III and Mulberry Square Productions |
Return to Snowy River | April 15, 1988 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners III, Burrowes Film Group and The Hoyts Group |
Oliver & Company | November 18, 1988 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners III |
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids | June 23, 1989 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners III |
Cheetah | August 18, 1989 | |
The Little Mermaid | November 17, 1989 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners IV; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Title | Release date | Notes |
DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp | August 3, 1990 | co-production with Disney MovieToons; first Disney MovieToons film |
The Rescuers Down Under | November 16, 1990 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners IV |
White Fang | January 18, 1991 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners IV and Hybrid Productions Inc. |
Shipwrecked | March 1, 1991 | co-production with AB Svensk Filmindustri |
Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken | May 24, 1991 | co-production with Silver Screen Partners IV and Pegasus Entertainment |
The Rocketeer | June 21, 1991 | released under Walt Disney Pictures in North America and under Touchstone Pictures outside of North America; co-production with Silver Screen Partners IV and The Gordon Company |
Beauty and the Beast | November 22, 1991 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and Silver Screen Partners IV; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture |
Newsies | April 10, 1992 | co-production with Touchwood Pacific Partners |
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid | July 17, 1992 | |
The Mighty Ducks | October 2, 1992 | co-production with Touchwood Pacific Partners and Avnet–Kerner Productions |
Aladdin | November 25, 1992 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
The Muppet Christmas Carol | December 11, 1992 | co-production with Jim Henson Productions |
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey | February 3, 1993 | co-production with Touchwood Pacific Partners |
A Far Off Place | March 12, 1993 | co-production with Touchwood Pacific Partners and Amblin Entertainment |
The Adventures of Huck Finn | April 2, 1993 | |
Hocus Pocus | July 16, 1993 | co-production with David Kirschner Productions |
Cool Runnings | October 1, 1993 | |
The Three Musketeers | November 12, 1993 | co-production with Caravan Pictures and Avnet–Kerner Productions |
Iron Will | January 14, 1994 | |
Blank Check | February 11, 1994 | |
D2: The Mighty Ducks | March 25, 1994 | co-production with Avnet–Kerner ProductionsInternational |
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf | April 15, 1994 | |
The Return of Jafar ‡ | May 20, 1994 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Lion King | June 24, 1994 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Angels in the Outfield | July 15, 1994 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
Squanto: A Warrior’s Tale | October 28, 1994 | |
The Santa Clause | November 11, 1994 | co-production with Hollywood Pictures and Outlaw Productions [N 3] |
Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book | December 25, 1994 | co-production with Baloo Productions and Jungle Book Films |
Gargoyles the Movie: The Heroes Awaken ‡ | January 31, 1995 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Heavyweights | February 17, 1995 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
Man of the House | March 3, 1995 | co-production with All Girl Productions and Orr & Cruickshank Productions |
Tall Tale | March 24, 1995 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
A Goofy Movie | April 7, 1995 | co-production with Disney MovieToons |
Pocahontas | June 23, 1995 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Operation Dumbo Drop | July 28, 1995 | co-production with Interscope Communications and PolyGram Filmed Entertainment |
A Kid in King Arthur’s Court | August 11, 1995 | co-production with Trimark Pictures and Tapestry Films |
The Big Green | September 29, 1995 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
Frank and Ollie | October 20, 1995 | |
Toy Story | November 22, 1995 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy; first Pixar Animation Studios film; first film to use the 1995 CGI logo |
Tom and Huck | December 22, 1995 | |
Muppet Treasure Island | February 16, 1996 | co-production with Jim Henson Productions |
Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco | March 8, 1996 | |
James and the Giant Peach | April 12, 1996 | co-production with Skellington Productions and Allied Filmmakers |
The Hunchback of Notre Dame | June 21, 1996 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Aladdin and the King of Thieves ‡ | August 13, 1996 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
First Kid | August 30, 1996 | co-production with Caravan Pictures |
D3: The Mighty Ducks | October 4, 1996 | co-production with Avnet–Kerner Productions |
101 Dalmatians | November 27, 1996 | co-production with Great Oaks Entertainment |
That Darn Cat | February 14, 1997 | co-production with Robert Simonds Productions |
Jungle 2 Jungle | March 7, 1997 | co-production with TF1 |
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves ‡ | March 18, 1997 | |
Mighty Ducks the Movie: The First Face-Off ‡ | April 8, 1997 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Hercules | June 27, 1997 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
George of the Jungle | July 16, 1997 | co-production with Mandeville Films and Avnet–Kerner Productions |
Air Bud | August 1, 1997 | co-production with Keystone Entertainment[N 2] |
Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin | August 5, 1997 | |
RocketMan | October 10, 1997 | co-production with Caravan Pictures and Roger Birnbaum Productions |
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas ‡ | November 11, 1997 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Flubber | November 26, 1997 | co-production with Great Oaks Entertainment |
Mr. Magoo | December 25, 1997 | co-production with UPA Productions |
Beauty and the Beast: Belle’s Magical World ‡ | February 10, 1998 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Meet the Deedles | March 27, 1998 | co-production with DIC Entertainment and Peak Productions |
Mulan | June 19, 1998 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
The Parent Trap | July 29, 1998 | |
Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World ‡ | August 4, 1998 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Jungle Book: Mowgli’s Story ‡ | September 29, 1998 | |
The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride ‡ | October 27, 1998 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
I’ll Be Home for Christmas | November 13, 1998 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
A Bug’s Life | November 25, 1998 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Mighty Joe Young | December 25, 1998 | co-production with RKO Pictures and The Jacobson Company |
My Favorite Martian | February 12, 1999 | |
Doug’s 1st Movie | March 26, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation, Jumbo Pictures and A. Film A/S |
Endurance | May 14, 1999 | |
Tarzan | June 18, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Inspector Gadget | July 23, 1999 | co-production with Caravan Pictures, DIC Entertainment, Avnet–Kerner Productions and Roger Birnbaum Productions |
Hercules: Zero to Hero ‡ | August 17, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Straight Story | October 15, 1999 | co-production with Asymmetrical Productions, FilmFour, Ciby 2000, Le Studio Canal+ and Canal+; [N 2] |
Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas ‡ | November 9, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Toy Story 2 | November 24, 1999 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Fantasia 2000 | December 17, 1999 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Title | Release date | Notes |
The Tigger Movie | February 11, 2000 | co-production with Disney MovieToons, Walt Disney Television Animation and Walt Disney Animation Japan |
An Extremely Goofy Movie ‡ | February 29, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Whispers: An Elephant’s Tale | March 10, 2000 | |
Dinosaur | May 19, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation and The Secret Lab; first film to use the 2000 logo |
The Kid | July 7, 2000 | co-production with Junction Entertainment |
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins ‡ | August 8, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation and Pixar Animation Studios |
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea ‡ | September 19, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation and Disney Video Premiere |
Remember the Titans | September 29, 2000 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Technical Black Films |
102 Dalmatians | November 22, 2000 | |
The Emperor’s New Groove | December 15, 2000 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Recess: School’s Out | February 16, 2001 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation and Paul & Joe Productions |
Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure ‡ | February 27, 2001 | co-production with Disney MovieToons |
Atlantis: The Lost Empire | June 15, 2001 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
The Princess Diaries | August 3, 2001 | co-production with BrownHouse Productions; international distribution handled by Buena Vista International |
Max Keeble’s Big Move | October 5, 2001 | co-production with Karz Entertainment |
Monsters, Inc. | November 2, 2001 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Mickey’s Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse ‡ | November 6, 2001 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Snow Dogs | January 18, 2002 | co-production with The Kerner Entertainment Company |
Return to Never Land | February 15, 2002 | co-production with Disney MovieToons and A. Film A/S |
Cinderella II: Dreams Come True ‡ | February 26, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Hunchback of Notre Dame II ‡ | March 19, 2002 | |
The Rookie | March 29, 2002 | co-production with Gran Via Productions |
Lilo & Stitch | June 21, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Tarzan & Jane ‡ | July 23, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Country Bears | July 26, 2002 | co-production with Gunn Films |
Mickey’s House of Villains ‡ | September 3, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Spirited Away | September 20, 2002 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli;[N 2] winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Tuck Everlasting | October 11, 2002 | co-production with Scholastic Entertainment |
The Santa Clause 2 | November 1, 2002 | co-production with Outlaw Productions and Boxing Cat Films |
Treasure Planet | November 27, 2002 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure ‡ | January 21, 2003 | co-production with Disney MovieToons and Walt Disney Television Animation |
The Jungle Book 2 | February 14, 2003 | co-production with Disney MovieToons |
Inspector Gadget 2 ‡ | March 11, 2003 | co-production with The Kerner Entertainment Company |
Piglet’s Big Movie | March 21, 2003 | co-production with Disney MovieToons and Munich Animation |
Ghosts of the Abyss | April 11, 2003 | co-production with Walden Media, Earthship Productions, Ascot Elite Entertainment Group, Golden Village, Telepool and UGC PH[N 4] |
Holes | April 18, 2003 | co-production with Walden Media, Phoenix Pictures and Chicago Pacific Entertainment |
The Lizzie McGuire Movie | May 2, 2003 | co-production with Stan Rogow Productions; |
Atlantis: Milo’s Return ‡ | May 20, 2003 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Finding Nemo | May 30, 2003 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | July 9, 2003 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Freaky Friday | August 6, 2003 | co-production with Gunn Films |
Stitch! The Movie ‡ | August 26, 2003 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
George of the Jungle 2 ‡ | October 21, 2003 | co-production with The Kerner Entertainment Company |
Brother Bear | November 1, 2003 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
The Haunted Mansion | November 26, 2003 | co-production with Gunn Films |
The Young Black Stallion | December 25, 2003 | co-production with The Kennedy/Marshall Company |
Teacher’s Pet | January 16, 2004 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Miracle | February 6, 2004 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures |
The Lion King 1½ ‡ | February 10, 2004 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen | February 20, 2004 | international distribution handled by Buena Vista International |
Springtime with Roo ‡ | March 9, 2004 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Home on the Range | April 2, 2004 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
Sacred Planet | April 22, 2004 | |
Around the World in 80 Days | June 16, 2004 | co-production with Walden Media, Spanknyce Films, and Mostow/Lieberman Productions[N 2] |
America’s Heart and Soul | July 2, 2004 | co-production with Blacklight Films |
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement | August 11, 2004 | co-production with Shondaland and Martin Chase Productions |
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers ‡ | August 17, 2004 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
The Incredibles | November 5, 2004 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas ‡ | November 9, 2004 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
National Treasure | November 19, 2004 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Junction Entertainment and Saturn Films |
Aliens of the Deep | January 28, 2005 | co-production with Walden Media and Earthship Productions |
Mulan II ‡ | February 1, 2005 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Pooh’s Heffalump Movie | February 11, 2005 | |
The Pacifier | March 4, 2005 | co-production with Spyglass Entertainment and Offspring Entertainment |
Ice Princess | March 18, 2005 | co-production with Bridget Johnson Films & Skate Away Productions |
Tarzan II ‡ | June 14, 2005 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios and Toon City Animation |
Herbie: Fully Loaded | June 22, 2005 | co-production with Robert Simonds Productions |
Howl’s Moving Castle | July 10, 2005 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli;[N 2] nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Sky High | July 29, 2005 | co-production with Gunn Films |
Valiant | August 19, 2005 | co-production with Vanguard Animation and Odyssey Entertainment[N 2] |
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch ‡ | August 30, 2005 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie ‡ | September 13, 2005 | |
The Greatest Game Ever Played | September 30, 2005 | co-production with Fairway Films |
Chicken Little | November 4, 2005 | co-production with Walt Disney Feature Animation |
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | December 9, 2005 | co-production with Walden Media |
Kronk’s New Groove ‡ | December 13, 2005 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios and Toon City Animation |
Glory Road | January 13, 2006 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Texas Western Productions and Glory Road Productions |
Roving Mars | January 27, 2006 | co-production with The Kennedy/Marshall Company and White Mountain Films |
Bambi II | February 7, 2006[N 5] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Eight Below | February 17, 2006 | co-production with Spyglass Entertainment, Mandeville Films and The Kennedy/Marshall Company |
The Shaggy Dog | March 10, 2006 | co-production with Mandeville Films, Tollin/Robbins Productions, Boxing Cat Films, Robert Simonds Productions and Shaggy Dog Productions |
The Wild | April 14, 2006 | co-production with C.O.R.E. Feature Animation, Hoytyboy Pictures, Sir Zip Productions and Contrafilm last film to use the 2000 logo |
Cars | June 9, 2006 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film and nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Leroy and Stitch ‡ | June 27, 2006 | co-production with Walt Disney Television Animation |
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest | July 7, 2006 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films; first film to use the 2006 logo |
Invincible | August 25, 2006 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures |
Brother Bear 2 ‡ | August 29, 2006 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D | October 20, 2006 | co-production with Skellington Productions[N 6] |
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause | November 3, 2006 | co-production with Outlaw Productions & Boxing Cat Productions |
The Fox and the Hound 2 ‡ | December 12, 2006 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios; last film to use the 1985 logo |
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time ‡ | February 6, 2007 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Bridge to Terabithia | February 16, 2007 | co-production with Summit Entertainment and Walden Media |
Meet the Robinsons | March 30, 2007 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End | May 25, 2007 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Ratatouille | June 29, 2007 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; last film to use the 1995 CGI logo; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Secret of the Magic Gourd * | Chinese film; co-production with Centro Digital Pictures Limited[N 7] | |
Underdog | August 3, 2007 | co-production with Spyglass Entertainment, Classic Media and Maverick Films |
The Pixar Story | August 28, 2007 | co-production with Leslie Iwerks Productions |
The Game Plan | September 28, 2007 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures; last film to be distributed by Buena Vista and Buena Vista International |
Enchanted | November 21, 2007 | co-production with Right Coast Productions, Josephson Entertainment and Andalasia Productions; first film to be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and internationally by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International |
National Treasure: Book of Secrets | December 21, 2007 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Junction Entertainment and Saturn Films |
Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert | February 1, 2008 | co-production with PACE |
College Road Trip | March 7, 2008 | co-production with Gunn Films |
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian | May 16, 2008 | co-production with Walden Media |
WALL-E | June 27, 2008 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning ‡ | August 26, 2008 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios; distributed by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment |
Beverly Hills Chihuahua | October 3, 2008 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
Morning Light | October 17, 2008 | |
High School Musical 3: Senior Year | October 24, 2008 | co-production with Borden and Rosenbush Entertainment |
Roadside Romeo * | co-production with Walt Disney Pictures India, Yash Raj Films and Disney World Cinema | |
Tinker Bell | October 28, 2008[N 8] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Bolt | November 21, 2008 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Bedtime Stories | December 25, 2008 | co-production with Gunn Films, Happy Madison Productions, Offspring Entertainment and Conman & Izzy Productions |
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience | February 27, 2009 | co-production with Jonas Films |
Race to Witch Mountain | March 13, 2009 | co-production with Gunn Films |
Hannah Montana: The Movie | April 10, 2009 | co-production with It’s a Laugh Productions and Millar Gough Ink |
Trail of the Panda | May 8, 2009 | co-production with Disney World Cinema and Castle Hero Pictures |
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers’ Story | May 22, 2009 | co-production with Crescendo Productions, Red Hour Films and Traveling Light |
Up | May 29, 2009 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture |
Lilly the Witch: The Dragon and the Magic Book * | June 12, 2009 | German film |
G-Force | July 24, 2009 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Ponyo | August 14, 2009 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli[N 9] |
Walt & El Grupo | September 9, 2009 | co-production with Walt Disney Family Foundation Films and Theodore Thomas Productions |
Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure | October 27, 2009[N 10] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
The Book of Masters * | October 29, 2009 | Russian film; co-production with Trite |
Disney’s A Christmas Carol | November 6, 2009 | co-production with ImageMovers Digital |
Old Dogs | November 25, 2009 | co-production with Tapestry Films |
The Princess and the Frog | December 11, 2009 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Alice in Wonderland | March 5, 2010 | co-production with The Zanuck Company, Roth Films and Team Todd; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Waking Sleeping Beauty | March 26, 2010 | distribution only; produced by Stone Circle Pictures |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | May 28, 2010 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Toy Story 3 | June 18, 2010 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture |
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice | July 14, 2010 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Saturn Films and Broken Road Productions |
Tales from Earthsea | August 13, 2010 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli[N 9] |
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue | September 21, 2010[N 11] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Secretariat | October 8, 2010 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures |
Do Dooni Chaar * | co-production with Planman Motion Pictures, Disney India and Disney World Cinema | |
Tangled | November 24, 2010 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Tron: Legacy | December 17, 2010 | co-production with Sean Bailey Productions |
Anaganaga O Dheerudu * | January 21, 2011 | co-production with A Bellyful of Dreams Entertainment, Arka Media Works, Disney India and Disney World Cinema |
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 ‡ | February 1, 2011 | |
Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan * | February 17, 2011 | German film |
Mars Needs Moms | March 11, 2011 | co-production with ImageMovers Digital; final ImageMovers Digital film |
Zokkomon * | April 22, 2011 | co-production with Disney India and Disney World Cinema |
Prom | April 29, 2011 | |
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | May 20, 2011 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Cars 2 | June 24, 2011 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Winnie the Pooh | July 15, 2011 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Spooky Buddies ‡ | September 20, 2011 | co-production with Key Pix Productions |
The Muppets | November 23, 2011 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
Treasure Buddies ‡ | January 31, 2012 | co-production with Key Pix Productions |
The Secret World of Arrietty | February 17, 2012 | distribution only; produced by Studio Ghibli[N 9] |
John Carter | March 9, 2012 | |
Arjun: The Warrior Prince * | May 25, 2012 | co-production with Disney India, Disney World Cinema and UTV Motion Pictures |
Brave | June 22, 2012 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Odd Life of Timothy Green | August 15, 2012 | co-production with Monsterfoot Productions and Scott Sanders Productions |
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta! ‡ | September 18, 2012 | distributed by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment |
Frankenweenie | October 5, 2012 | co-production with Tim Burton Productions; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Secret of the Wings | October 23, 2012[N 12] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Wreck-It Ralph | November 2, 2012 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Oz the Great and Powerful | March 8, 2013 | co-production with Roth Films and Curtis-Donen Productions |
Monsters University | June 21, 2013 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
The Lone Ranger | July 3, 2013 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Blind Wink and Infinitum Nihil |
Planes | August 9, 2013 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Super Buddies ‡ | August 27, 2013 | co-production with Key Pix Productions |
Frozen | November 27, 2013 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Saving Mr. Banks | December 13, 2013 | co-production with BBC Films, Essential Media and Entertainment, Ruby Films, and Hopscotch Features |
Muppets Most Wanted | March 21, 2014 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
The Pirate Fairy | April 1, 2014[N 13] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Million Dollar Arm | May 16, 2014 | co-production with Roth Films and Mayhem Pictures |
Maleficent | May 30, 2014 | co-production with Roth Films |
Planes: Fire & Rescue | July 18, 2014 | co-production with Disneytoon Studios |
Khoobsurat * | September 19, 2014 | co-production with UTV Motion Pictures, Disney India and Anil Kapoor Films |
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day | October 10, 2014 | co-production with 21 Laps Entertainment and The Jim Henson Company |
Big Hero 6 | November 7, 2014 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Into the Woods | December 25, 2014 | co-production with Lucamar Productions and Marc Platt Productions; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
McFarland, USA | February 20, 2015 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures |
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast | March 3, 2015[N 14] | co-production with Disneytoon Studios; final Disneytoon Studios film |
Cinderella | March 13, 2015 | co-production with Kinberg Genre, Allison Shearmur Productions and Beagle Pug Films |
Tomorrowland | May 22, 2015 | co-production with A113 Productions |
Inside Out | June 19, 2015 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
ABCD 2 * | co-production with UTV Motion Pictures and Disney India | |
The Good Dinosaur | November 25, 2015 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Finest Hours | January 29, 2016 | co-production with Whitaker Entertainment and Red Hawk Entertainment |
Zootopia | March 4, 2016 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Jungle Book | April 15, 2016 | co-production with Fairview Entertainment |
Tini: The Movie * | May 6, 2016 | co-production with Gloriamundi Producciones and Lapis Films |
Alice Through the Looking Glass | May 27, 2016 | co-production with Roth Films, Team Todd and Tim Burton Productions |
Finding Dory | June 17, 2016 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
The BFG | July 1, 2016 | co-production with Amblin Entertainment, Reliance Entertainment, Walden Media and The Kennedy/Marshall Company[N 15] |
Pete’s Dragon | August 12, 2016 | co-production with Whitaker Entertainment |
Queen of Katwe | September 30, 2016 | co-production with ESPN Films, Cine Mosaic and Mirabai Films |
Moana | November 23, 2016 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Dangal * | December 21, 2016 | co-production with Disney India, UTV Motion Pictures and Aamir Khan Productions |
Beauty and the Beast | March 17, 2017 | co-production with Mandeville Films |
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales | May 26, 2017 | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films |
Cars 3 | June 16, 2017 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Jagga Jasoos * | July 14, 2017 | co-production with Disney India, UTV Motion Pictures, Picture Shuru Entertainment and Ishana Movies |
The Last Warrior * | October 29, 2017 | Russian film; co-production with Yellow, Black & White |
Coco | November 22, 2017 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
A Wrinkle in Time | March 9, 2018 | co-production with Whitaker Entertainment |
Incredibles 2 | June 15, 2018 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Christopher Robin | August 3, 2018 | co-production with 2DUX² |
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms | November 2, 2018 | co-production with The Mark Gordon Company |
Ralph Breaks the Internet | November 21, 2018 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Mary Poppins Returns | December 19, 2018 | co-production with Lucamar Productions and Marc Platt Productions; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Dumbo | March 29, 2019 | co-production with Tim Burton Productions, Infinite Detective Productions and Secret Machine Entertainment |
Aladdin | May 24, 2019 | co-production with Rideback |
Toy Story 4 | June 21, 2019 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Lion King | July 19, 2019 | co-production with Fairview Entertainment; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil | October 18, 2019 | co-production with Roth/Kirschenbaum Films |
Lady and the Tramp ‡ | November 12, 2019 | co-production with Taylor Made; distributed by Disney+ |
Noelle ‡ | distributed by Disney+ | |
Frozen II | November 22, 2019 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Togo ‡ | December 20, 2019 | distributed by Disney+ |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made ‡ | February 7, 2020 | co-production with Etalon Films, Slow Pony Pictures and Whitaker Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Onward | March 6, 2020 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Stargirl ‡ | March 13, 2020 | co-production with Gotham Group and Hahnscape Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Artemis Fowl ‡ | June 12, 2020 | co-production with TriBeCa Productions, Marzano Films and TKBC; distributed by Disney+ |
Hamilton ‡ | July 3, 2020 | co-production with 5000 Broadway Productions, Nevis Productions, Old 320 Sycamore Pictures and RadicalMedia; distributed by Disney+; nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy |
Black Is King ‡ | July 31, 2020 | co-production with Parkwood Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Magic Camp ‡ | August 14, 2020 | co-production with Team Todd; distributed by Disney+ |
The One and Only Ivan ‡ | August 21, 2020 | co-production with Jolie Pas Productions and Allison Shearmur Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Mulan † | September 4, 2020 | co-production with Jason T. Reed Productions and Good Fear Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Godmothered ‡ | December 4, 2020 | co-production with The Montecito Picture Company; distributed by Disney+ |
Safety ‡ | December 11, 2020 | co-production with Mayhem Pictures and Select Films; distributed by Disney+ |
Soul ‡ | December 25, 2020 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; distributed by Disney+; winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
The Last Warrior: Root of Evil * | January 1, 2021 | Russian film; co-production with Yellow, Black & White, Cinema Fund Russia and Russia-1 |
Flora & Ulysses ‡ | February 19, 2021 | co-production with Netter Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Raya and the Last Dragon § | March 5, 2021 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Cruella § | May 28, 2021 | co-production with Gunn Films and Marc Platt Productions |
Luca ‡ | June 18, 2021 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; distributed by Disney+; nominee of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
Jungle Cruise § | July 30, 2021 | co-production with Davis Entertainment, Flynn Picture Company and Seven Bucks Productions |
Encanto | November 24, 2021 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film and the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid ‡ | December 3, 2021 | co-production with Bardel Entertainment; distributed by Disney+[N 16] |
The Last Warrior: A Messenger of Darkness * | December 23, 2021 | Russian film; co-production with Disney CIS and Yellow, Black & White |
The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild ‡ | January 28, 2022 | co-production with Bardel Entertainment; distributed by Disney+[N 16] |
The Beatles: Get Back – The Rooftop Concert | January 30, 2022 | co-production with Apple Corps Ltd. and WingNut Films; limited IMAX engagement |
Turning Red ‡ | March 11, 2022 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios; distributed by Disney+ |
Cheaper by the Dozen ‡ | March 18, 2022 | co-production with Khalabo Ink Society; distributed by Disney+[N 16] |
Better Nate Than Ever ‡ | April 1, 2022 | co-production with Marc Platt Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers ‡ | May 20, 2022 | co-production with Mandeville Films; distributed by Disney+ |
Hollywood Stargirl ‡ | June 3, 2022 | co-production with Gotham Group and Hahnscape Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Lightyear | June 17, 2022 | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Rise ‡ | June 24, 2022 | co-production with Faliro House Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Pinocchio ‡ | September 8, 2022 | co-production with ImageMovers and Depth of Field Studios; distributed by Disney+ |
Hocus Pocus 2 ‡ | September 30, 2022 | co-production with David Kirschner Productions and Weimaraner Republic Pictures; distributed by Disney+ |
Disenchanted ‡ | November 18, 2022 | co-production with Right Coast Productions, Josephson Entertainment and Andalasia Productions; distributed by Disney+ |
Strange World | November 23, 2022 | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios; first film to use the 2022 logo |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules ‡ | December 2, 2022 | co-production with Bardel Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ |
Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again ‡ | December 9, 2022 | co-production with 21 Laps Entertainment, Alibaba Pictures and Atomic Cartoons; distributed by Disney+; last film to use the 2006 logo [N 16] |
Chang Can Dunk ‡ | March 10, 2023 | co-production with Hillman Grad Productions and Makeready; distributed by Disney+ |
Title | Release date | Notes |
Peter Pan & Wendy ‡ | April 28, 2023[4] | co-production with Whitaker Entertainment and Roth/Kirschenbaum Films; distributed by Disney+ |
The Little Mermaid | May 26, 2023[5] | co-production with Lucamar Productions, Marc Platt Productions, and 5000 Broadway Productions[6] |
Elemental | June 16, 2023[7] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Haunted Mansion | July 28, 2023[8][9] | co-production with Rideback[10] |
Wish | November 22, 2023[11] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Elio | March 1, 2024[12] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Snow White | March 22, 2024[8][5][12] | co-production with Marc Platt Productions[13] |
Inside Out 2 | June 14, 2024[12] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
Mufasa: The Lion King | July 5, 2024[8][5][12] | co-production with Fairview Entertainment[14][15] |
Unspecified films with dates
These films are unspecified but have confirmed dates from The Walt Disney Studios.
Release date | Notes |
December 1, 2023[16] | |
February 14, 2024[16] | |
August 16, 2024[16] | |
November 27, 2024[16] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
March 7, 2025[16] | |
April 11, 2025[16] | |
May 23, 2025[16] | |
June 13, 2025[16] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
July 2, 2025[16] | |
August 15, 2025[16] | |
November 26, 2025[16] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
January 16, 2026[16] | |
March 6, 2026[16] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
March 27, 2026[16] | |
April 17, 2026[16] | |
May 22, 2026[16] | |
June 19, 2026[16] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios |
July 10, 2026[16] | |
August 14, 2026[16] | |
September 18, 2026[16] | |
November 25, 2026[16] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Undated films
Title | Release date | Ref. | Notes | Production Status |
Crater ‡ | 2023 | [17] | co-production with 21 Laps Entertainment; distributed by Disney+ | Post-production |
Young Woman and the Sea ‡ | [18] | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films; distributed by Disney+ | ||
29 Dates ‡ | TBA | [19] | distributed by Disney+ | In development |
61 ‡ | [20] | Pre-production | ||
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ‡ | [21] | co-production with 21 Laps Entertainment and The Jim Henson Company; distributed by Disney+ | ||
All Night Long | [22] | co-production with Cavalry Media | In development | |
Aloha Rodeo ‡ | [23] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Bambi | [24] | co-production with Depth of Field Studios and Known Universe Productions | ||
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad | [25] | co-production with LuckyChap Entertainment and Scott Free Productions | ||
Father of the Bride ‡ | [26] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Flight of the Navigator ‡ | [27] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Hercules | [28] | co-production with AGBO | ||
Hunchback | [29] | co-production with Mandeville Films | ||
Inspector Gadget | [30][31] | co-production with Rideback | ||
Keeper of the Lost Cities | [32] | co-production with Pearl Street Films | ||
Knights | [33] | |||
Lilo & Stitch | [34] | co-production with Rideback | ||
Merlin | [35] | |||
Muppet Man | [36] | co-production with The Jim Henson Company | ||
National Treasure 3 | [37] | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Junction Entertainment and Saturn Films | ||
Once on This Island ‡ | [38] | co-production with Marc Platt Productions; distributed by Disney+ | ||
One Thousand and One Nights | [39] | |||
Penelope | [40] | co-production with Olive Bridge Entertainment | ||
Robin Hood ‡ | [41] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Sadé | [42] | co-production with Verse Productions | ||
Shrunk ‡ | [6] | co-production with Mandeville Films; distributed by Disney+ | ||
Sister Act 3 ‡ | [43] | distributed by Disney+ | Pre-production | |
Society of Explorers and Adventurers | [44] | co-production with Maximum Effort | In development | |
Space Camp ‡ | [45] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Space Mountain | [46] | co-production with Safehouse Pictures and Rideback | ||
Spooked ‡ | [47] | co-production with Rideback; distributed by Disney+ | Pre-production | |
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee | [48] | co-production with Rideback | In development | |
The Aristocats | [49] | co-production with Olive Bridge Entertainment | ||
The Graveyard Book | [50] | co-production with 2Dux2 | ||
The Parent Trap ‡ | [26] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
The Sword in the Stone ‡ | [51] | |||
The Thief ‡ | [52] | |||
Three Men and a Baby ‡ | [53][54] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Tink | [55] | co-production with Hello Sunshine | ||
Tom Sawyer ‡ | [56] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
The Return of the Rocketeer ‡ | [57] | |||
Tower of Terror | [58] | co-production with These Pictures | Pre-production | |
Tron: Ares | [59] | |||
Untitled Aladdin sequel | [60] | co-production with Rideback | In development | |
Untitled Brian Fee film | [61] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Cruella sequel | [62] | |||
Untitled FC Barcelona film | [63] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled fifth Toy Story film | [64] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Figment film | [65] | co-production with Point Grey Pictures | ||
Untitled Jennifer Lee film | [66] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Josie Trinidad film | [67] | |||
Untitled Jungle Cruise sequel | [68] | co-production with Davis Entertainment, Flynn Picture Company and Seven Bucks Productions | ||
Untitled Kristen Lester film | [69] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Marc Smith film | [67] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Mulan sequel | [70] | co-production with Jason T. Reed Productions and Good Fear Productions | ||
Untitled Pirates of the Caribbean spin-off | [71] | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films | ||
Untitled Prince Anders film ‡ | [72] | distributed by Disney+ | ||
Untitled Rosana Sullivan film | [73] | co-production with Pixar Animation Studios | ||
Untitled sixth Pirates of the Caribbean film | [74] | co-production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films | ||
Untitled Stephen J. Anderson film | [75] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
Untitled Suzi Yoonessi film | [67] | |||
Untitled The Jungle Book sequel | [76] | co-production with Fairview Entertainment | ||
Untitled third Frozen film | [64] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
Untitled third Maleficent film | [77][78] | |||
Untitled Zootopia sequel | [64] | co-production with Walt Disney Animation Studios | ||
World’s Best ‡ | [79] | distributed by Disney+ | Pre-production | |
Wouldn’t It Be Nice ‡ | [80] | In development |
See also
In-depth lists by other types
- List of Disney feature-length home entertainment releases
- List of Disney television films
- List of Disney theatrical animated feature films
- List of Disney live-action adaptations and remakes of Disney animated films
- List of Disney park ride adaptations
Disney-branded labels
- Lists of Walt Disney Studios films
- Walt Disney Animation Studios (list)
- Disney Channel Original Movies (list)
- Pixar Animation Studios (list)
- Disneynature
- ImageMovers Digital
- Skellington Productions
- Disneytoon Studios
Other film labels and/or subsidiaries
- Marvel Studios (list)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (list)
- Marvel Television
- Lucasfilm Ltd.
- 20th Century Studios (list)
- Searchlight Pictures
- 20th Century Animation
- Star Studios
- ESPN Films
- Star Studios
- Hollywood Pictures
- Touchstone Pictures (list)
- ABC Motion Pictures (list)
- ABC Family (list)
- Fox 2000 Pictures[81]
- Blue Sky Studios (list)
- UTV Motion Pictures
Divested (once owned by Disney):
- Miramax (list)
- Dimension Films (list)
Related lists
- List of Walt Disney Animation Studios short films
- List of Disney television series
- ^ a b Walt Disney Productions and Paramount Pictures co-produced this film, with Buena Vista International handling international distribution, and Paramount handling North American distribution.
- ^ a b c d e f g Distributed by Buena Vista in North America only.
- ^ Released in conjunction with the Hollywood Pictures label.
- ^ Distributed by Buena Vista in a small number of countries. International rights were held by Summit Entertainment.
- ^ Direct-to-video film. Theatrical release outside of North America on January 26, 2006, except for China, Japan and Taiwan.
- ^ Released under the Touchstone Pictures label in its original 1993 date, and rebranded as a Walt Disney Pictures film for the 2006 reissue.[3]
- ^ Theatrical release only in China. Direct-to-video release in the United States on January 27, 2009.
- ^ Limited theatrical release on September 18, 2008. Direct-to-video release on October 28, 2008.
- ^ a b c Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures in North America only.
- ^ Limited theatrical release on September 3, 2009 in Argentina. Direct-to-video release on October 27, 2009.
- ^ Limited theatrical release on August 13, 2010 in the United Kingdom. Direct-to-video release on September 21, 2010.
- ^ Limited theatrical release on August 31, 2012 in the United States and on August 16, 2012 in Ukraine. Direct-to-video release on October 23, 2012.
- ^ Theatrical release internationally on February 13, 2014. Direct-to-video release in the United States on April 1, 2014.
- ^ Theatrical release internationally and limited theatrical release in the United Kingdom on December 12, 2014. Direct-to-video release on March 3, 2015.
- ^ Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures worldwide except in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, where DreamWorks Pictures’ international partner Mister Smith Entertainment sold the rights to independent distributors.
- ^ a b c d The film was originally in-production at 20th Century Studios, but was switched over to Walt Disney Pictures during production.
- ^ McClintock, Pamela (December 20, 2018). «Disney’s Film Prodution Chief Talks ‘Mary Poppins’ and His Big Bet on ‘The Lion King’: «It’s a New Form of Filmmaking»«. The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on December 20, 2018. Retrieved December 20, 2018.
- ^ Pedersen, Erik (December 10, 2020). «Disney+ Programming: Here’s What Was Announced Or Confirmed For Streamer During Disney Investor Day». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved December 10, 2020.
- ^ Mendelson, Scott (October 15, 2013). «‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Turns 20: From Shameful Spawn To Disney’s Pride». Forbes. Archived from the original on October 15, 2013. Retrieved October 15, 2013.
- ^ Reul, Katie (February 28, 2023). «‘Peter Pan & Wendy’ Trailer Unveils Jude Law’s Captain Hook, Yara Shahidi’s Tinkerbell and a Whole New Neverland». Variety. Retrieved February 28, 2023.
- ^ a b c Kit, Borys (September 10, 2021). «Disney’s Live-Action ‘The Little Mermaid’ to Open on Memorial Day Weekend in 2023». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 11, 2021.
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- ^ a b c McNary, Dave (September 15, 2022). «Disney Release Dates Coming Out Of D23: ‘Snow White’ Set For Spring 2024, ‘Rogue Squadron’ Scrubbed From Schedule & More». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved September 15, 2022.
- ^ D’Alessandro, Anthony (February 17, 2023). «‘The Marvels’ Zooms To November, ‘Haunted Mansion’ Going In Late July – Release Dates». Deadline. Retrieved February 17, 2023.
- ^ McNary, Dave (August 28, 2020). «New ‘Haunted Mansion’ Movie in the Works at Disney». Variety. Retrieved August 29, 2020.
- ^ D’Alessandro, Anthony (November 15, 2019). «Disney Dates A Ton Of Pics Into 2023 & Juggles Fox Releases With Ridley Scott’s ‘The Last Duel’ To Open Christmas 2020, ‘The King’s Man’ Next Fall – Update». Deadline. Archived from the original on January 16, 2020. Retrieved November 16, 2019.
- ^ a b c d «WALT DISNEY STUDIOS MOTION PICTURES RELEASE SCHEDULE (As Of 4/19/2022)» (PDF). Retrieved June 11, 2022.
- ^ Kroll, Justin (May 30, 2019). «Marc Webb Eyed to Direct Disney’s ‘Snow White’ Remake (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved May 30, 2019.
- ^ Couch, Aaron; Kits, Borys (September 29, 2020). «‘Lion King’ Prequel in the Works with Director Barry Jenkins». The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on September 29, 2020. Retrieved September 29, 2020.
- ^ Chapman, Wilson (September 9, 2022). «‘Lion King’ Prequel Gets Official Title, Footage Shown at D23″. Variety. Archived from the original on September 10, 2022. Retrieved September 10, 2022.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Trenholm, Richard (January 20, 2023). «Disney Adds A Ton of ‘Untitled Disney’ Movies, Including One This Year».
- ^ Kroll, Justin (March 26, 2021). «Isaiah Russell-Bailey To Star in Disney Plus’ ‘Crater’; Billy Barratt, Orson Hong And Thomas Boyce Round Out Ensemble». Deadline. Retrieved August 30, 2021.
- ^ Fleming, Mike Jr. (December 9, 2020). «Disney Takes Plunge On ‘Young Woman And The Sea’; ‘Star Wars’ Daisy Ridley, ‘Kon-Tiki’s Joachim Rønning Team On Tale Of First Woman To Swim English Channel». Deadline. Retrieved August 30, 2021.
- ^ Busch, Anita (December 17, 2018). «’29 Dates’ Picked Up By Disney For Its Streaming Platform». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on December 17, 2018. Retrieved April 12, 2019.
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- ^ Kroll, Justin (December 8, 2020). «Disney Rebooting ‘Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day’ With Matt Lopez Penning The Script». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on December 8, 2020. Retrieved December 8, 2020.
- ^ Donnelly, Matt (June 9, 2020). «Disney Developing Original Movie Musical ‘All Night Long’ From Lionel Richie Song Catalog (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Retrieved December 11, 2022.
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Further reading
- Maltin, Leonard (2000). The Disney Films. New York: Disney Editions. ISBN 978-0-7868-8527-5.
- Smith, Dave (2006). Disney A to Z: The Official Encyclopedia (3rd ed.). New York: Disney Editions. ISBN 978-0-7868-4919-2.
- «A Complete List of Disney Films». The Walt Disney Company. Archived from the original on August 25, 2011. Retrieved April 23, 2003.
- List of all films released by Disney regardless of label—Disney
- List of Pre-1980 Live Action Disney Movies and DVD Status—UltimateDisney.com
- List of 1980–Present Live Action Disney Movies and DVD Status—UltimateDisney.com
External links
- Official list of Walt Disney Pictures films