Согласование времен самостоятельная работа

1. Продолжите предложения в косвенной речи, соблюдая правила согласования времен.

Н-р:  He said, “I work in New York.” (Он сказал: «Я работаю в Нью-Йорке.») – He said that he … . (He said that he worked in New York. – Он сказал, что работает в Нью-Йорке.)

  1. She said, “I speak French.” – She said that she …
  2. She said, “I am speaking French.”
  3. She said, “I have spoken French.”
  4. She said, “I spoke French.”
  5. She said, “I am going to speak French.”
  6. She said, “I will speak French.”
  7. She said, “I can speak French.”
  8. She said, “I may speak French.”
  9. She said, “I have to speak French.”
  10. She said, “I must speak French.”
  11. She said, “I should speak French.”
  12. She said, “I ought to speak French.”

2. Найдите предложения, в которых глагол в скобках может стоять в настоящем времени.

  1. Our neighbour said his name (be) Fred. (Наш сосед сказал, что его зовут Фред.)
  2. He said he (be) tired. (Он сказал, что устал.)
  3. I thought you (call) the doctor. (Я думал, что ты вызвал врача.)
  4. We met the woman who (live) next door. (Мы встретили женщину, живущую рядом.)
  5. Jane said she (can’t afford) to buy a new car. (Джейн сказала, что не может позволить себе покупку новой машины.)
  6. She asked me how many books I (read) last month. (Она спросила меня, сколько книг я прочитал в прошлом месяце.)
  7. Bob said he usually (go to bed) before midnight. (Боб сказал, что обычно ложится спать до полуночи.)
  8. I wondered why Sam (leave) without saying a word. (Мне было интересно, почему Сэм ушел, не сказав ни слова.)
  9. Cavendish discovered that water (consist of) hydrogen and oxygen. (Кавендиш открыл, что вода состоит из водорода и кислорода.)
  10. Alice and Henry said that they (be) from Florida. (Алиса и Генри сказали, что они родом из Флориды.)

3. Выберите верный вариант глагола и переведите предложения.

  1. I knew that my sister … (have/has/had) a problem.
  2. I know that my sister … (have/has/had) a problem.
  3. I knew that my sister … (will have/would have/had) a problem soon.
  4. He said he … (lived/has lived/had lived) in Moscow since 2005.
  5. She asks me if the flight … (has been cancelled/had been cancelled/been cancelled).
  6. She asked me if the flight … (has been cancelled/had been cancelled/was cancelled).
  7. Nobody knew what … (will happen/would happen/happens) next.
  8. Mike said that he … (hasn’t met/didn’t meet/hadn’t met) Helen since they parted.
  9. Kelly said that she … (didn’t want/doesn’t want/hadn’t wanted) to wear her hat.
  10. We didn’t expect that he … (showed/will show/would show) us the film.

 sequence of tenses



  1. She said that she spoke French.
  2. She said that she was speaking French.
  3. She said that she had spoken French.
  4. She said that she had spoken French.
  5. She said that she was going to speak French.
  6. She said that she would speak French.
  7. She said that she could speak French.
  8. She said that she might speak French.
  9. She said that she had to speak French.
  10. She said that she had to speak French.
  11. She said that she should speak French.
  12. She said that she ought to speak French.


  1. + (is)
  2. — (was)
  3. — (had called)
  4. + (lives)
  5. — (couldn’t afford)
  6. — (had read)
  7. + (goes to bed)
  8. — (had left)
  9. + (consists of)
  10. + (are)


  1. had (Я знал, что у моей сестры была проблема.)
  2. has (Я знаю, что у моей сестры есть проблема.)
  3. would have (Я знал, что у моей сестры скоро возникнет проблема.)
  4. had lived (Он сказал, что живет в Москве с 2005 года.)
  5. has been cancelled (Она спрашивает меня, был ли отменен вылет.)
  6. had been cancelled (Она спросила меня, был ли отменен вылет.)
  7. would happen (Никто не знал, что произойдет дальше.)
  8. hadn’t met (Майк сказал, что не встречал Хелен с тех пор, как они расстались.)
  9. didn’t want (Келли сказала, что не хотела надевать шляпу.)
  10. would show (Мы не ожидали, что он покажет нам фильм.) 

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Пахомова Наталья Петровна

Комплексный материал по согласованию времен с подробным разбором большинства трудностей для учащихся. Возможно использовать как для самостоятельной работы дома, так и для работы в классе.


Предварительный просмотр:

Итак, косвенная речь – это способ передачи чужих слов, то есть мы пересказываем то, что уже сказал кто-то другой. Передача информации посредством косвенной речи на иностранном языке один из основных показателей вашей исключительной эрудиции и образованности.

Чтобы правильно передать чью-то речь, необходимо использовать глагол сообщения с правильным значением. Самые распространенные глаголы сообщения – say и tell. У них одинаковое значение – говорить; однако используем мы их по-разному. После подлежащего в первой части мы можем использовать глагол say, если мы не знаем, к кому обращена речь или глагол tell, когда мы знаем, к кому обращена речь.

Существует действительно огромное количество вариантов, как донести высказывание говорящего, не прибегая к прямой речи и банальным say, tell, ask. Можно не только разнообразить свою речь вводными глаголами, но и придать ей тонкий эмоциональный окрас: добавить нотки гнева, радости, уверенности или же разочарования. Такие глаголы сообщения помогают точнее выразить, что человек чувствует, его точку зрения или что думает говорящий o чьих-то словах.

Однако,  с ними нужно быть внимательными, так как при переходе из прямой речи в косвенную, эти глаголы  влияют на структуру придаточного предложения.

Выделяют пять основных моделей управления посредством глаголов сообщений (Patterns) требующих запоминания (с инфинитивом, герундием, дополнением или сказуемным придаточным, а также косвенные вопросы). После некоторых глаголов можно использовать разные структуры.

  1. Pattern 1 — Verb + that-clause (Глагол сообщение + (союз that) придаточное предложение).        Pattern 1а – Verb + object + [that] (Глагол сообщение + дополнение + (союз that) придаточное предложение).
  2. Pattern 2 — Verb + Infinitive (Глагол сообщение + инфинитив глагола из предложения прямой речи).                                                                                                                                                            Pattern 2а — Verb + sb + [not] + to-inf (Глагол сообщение + дополнение + инфинитив глагола из предложения прямой речи).
  3. Pattern 3 — Verb + Gerund (Глагол сообщение + герундий).                                                                    Pattern 3а — Verb + preposition + [not] + gerund (Глагол сообщение с предлогом + герундий).                   Pattern 3b — Verb + object + preposition + [not] + gerund (Глагол сообщение + дополнение + предлог + герундий).
  4. Pattern 4 — Verb + object (Глагол сообщение + дополнение)
  5. Pattern 5 — Reported Questions (Косвенные вопросы)


  1. Pattern 1 — Verb + that-clause (Глагол сообщение + (союз that) придаточное предложение). Союз that может опускаться. В данной модели мы используем правило согласования времен!

They said (that) they were happy.  She said (that) it was raining.                                                                              

Наиболее используемые вводные глаголы с этой моделью: 

agree (соглашаться), decide (решать что делать), explain (объяснять), promise (обещать), complain (жаловаться), admit (признаваться), recommend (советовать), insist (настаивать), regret (сожалеть), suggest (предлагать), comment (комментировать), point out (обращать внимание) и т.д.


  1. She said, “I will marry you.”  She agreed that she would marry him.
  2. John said, “I will see him on Sunday.” John decided that he would meet him on Sunday.
  3. The teacher said: “This is the rule of Sequence of tenses.” The teacher explained that was the rule of Sequence of tenses.
  4. David said, “I will take you to the station.” David promised that he would take me to the station.
  5. He said, “I don’t earn enough money.” He complained that he didn’t earn enough money.
  6. “I was really unfriendly to him.” She admitted that she had been unfriendly to him.
  7. “You’d better stay at home.” She recommended that we stayed at home.
  8. “You do need to be present at the meeting.” They insisted that I need to be present at the meeting.
  9. “If only I could go on a vacation this year.” She regrets that she can’t go on a vacation this year.
  10. “Shall we spend the evening together?” He suggested that they spent the evening together.
  11. “Your friend’s behavior is absolutely outrageous.” Dad commented that his daughter’s friend’s behavior was absolutely outrageous.
  12. “It is very important to earn enough to be independent.”  She pointed out that it is very important to earn enough to be independent.

И разновидность первой модели со словами к кому обращаются:

  1. Pattern 1а – Verb + object + [that] (Глагол сообщение + дополнение + (союз that) придаточное предложение). В данной модели мы тоже используем правило согласования времен!

He told everybody (that) he had to leave. She told me (that) she loved John.

Наиболее используемые вводные глаголы с этой моделью:                                                                                 tell smb. (говорить кому-то), inform sb. (сообщать кому-то), warn smb. (предупреждать кого-то), advise smb. (советовать кому-то), remind smb. (напоминать кому-то) и т.д.


  1. “I spent the whole weekend working on my test.” He told us that he had spent the whole weekend working on his test.
  2. “You will be interviewed on Thursday.”He informs me that I will be interviewed on Thursday.
  3. “This is a very dangerous liquid.” Dad warned the son that the liquid was very dangerous.
  4. “You should visit your grandparents more often.” The neighbour advised her that she should visit her grandparents more often.
  5. “Don’t forget to take away the suit from the dry-cleaner’s.” Mrs. Evans reminded him that he should take away the suit from the dry-cleaner’s.
  1. Pattern 2 — Verb + Infinitive (Глагол сообщение + инфинитив глагола из предложения прямой речи).  Следующая структура отличается! Здесь вам не понадобится правило согласования времен, так как после глагола сообщения нужно использовать ИНФИНИТИВ.

 She said, “I will marry you.” She agreed to marry him.                                                                                             John said, “I will see him on Sunday.” John decided to see him on Sunday.                                                                  ‘Can I get you a cup of tea?’ – He offered to get me a cup of tea.

 Наиболее используемые вводные глаголы с этой моделью:                                                                           agree (соглашаться),  demand   (требовать), offer (предлагать), refuse (отказываться), claim( заявлять), threaten (угрожать)…

 Глаголы decide, promise также используются с этой моделью.


  1. “Do give the money I paid back to me!”  He demanded to give the money he had paid back to him.
  2. “Shall I make some coffee for you?” He offered to make some coffee for us.
  3. “I won’t accompany you to the party.” He refused to accompany her to the party.
  4. “I am a vegetarian.” She claimed to be a vegetarian.
  5. “Unless you leave, I’ll call the police.” She threatened to call the police unless he left.

И разновидность второй модели со словами к кому обращаются:

        4.  Pattern 2а — Verb + sb + [not] + to-inf (Глагол сообщение + дополнение + инфинитив глагола          из предложения прямой речи). 

  ‘You should stay in bed.’ – He advised me to stay in bed.                                                                                 ‘Please post this letter for me.’ – He asked me to post the letter for him.

   Наиболее используемые вводные глаголы с этой моделью: 

 advise (советовать), allow (позволять), ask (просить,) beg (умолять), command (приказать,) invite (приглашать,) order (распоряжаться,) remind (напоминать,) warn (предупреждать), want (хотеть)

Глаголы recommend, tell также используются с этой моделью.


  1. “You may go out.” The teacher allowed the pupil to go out.
  2. “Please do stay with me.” He begged her to stay with him.
  3. “Turn to the left and go straight ahead.” He commanded him to turn to the left and go straight ahead.
  4. “Come to see us on Saturday.” They invited us to come on Saturday.
  5. “Come  in and sit down.” He ordered the boy to come in and sit down.
  6. “Don’t forget to put the oven mittens on.” Mum reminded me to put the oven mittens on.
  7. “Don’t touch the boiling kettle.” She warned the kid not to touch the boiling kettle.
  8. “Don’t tell Mary about that.” She didn’t want Mary to know that.

5. Повелительное наклонение в косвенной речи.  

Повелительное наклонение в косвенной речи тоже управляется инфинитивом. Согласование времен не соблюдается.

Приказ/ команда:                                                                                                                                                              Если прямая речь выражает приказ, то глагол  say заменяется на глаголы  tell, order, command

Mother said, «Be careful!» – Мама сказала: «Будьте осторожны!»
recommended to be careful – Мама попросила быть осторожными.                                                                                     He said, «Listen to what I am saying!» – Он сказал: «Слушай, что я говорю!»
told to listen to what he was saying – Он велел слушать, что он говорит.

Запрет:                                                                                                                                                                  Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения в косвенной речи заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not. Если прямая речь выражает запрет, то глагол to say заменяется на глаголы  forbid, warn, demand  …

She said, «Don’t laugh at him!» – Она сказала: «Не смейтесь над ним!»
warned them not to laugh at him. – Она попросила не смеяться над ним.                                                            ‘Don’t move!’ – He ordered me not to move. «Не двигаться!» — Он приказал мне не двигаться.                            ‘Don’t go near the fire.’ – He warned me not to go near the fire.                                                                                                    «Не подходи близко к огню». – Он предостерег меня не подходить близко к огню.                                                                         “Don’t go out late,” he said.  He forbade me to stay out late. Он запретил мне гулять ночью

Просьба:                                                                                                                                                                      Если прямая речь выражает просьбу, то глагол to say заменяется глаголами  ask, beg. 

Mother said, «Be careful!» – Мама сказала: «Будьте осторожны!»
asked to be careful. – Мама попросила быть осторожными.                                                                                  ‘Please post this letter for me.’ – He asked me to post the letter for him. «Пожалуйста, отправьте это письмо для меня». – Он попросил меня отправить это письмо для него.                                                                   ‘Please, please listen to me.’ – He begged her to listen to him.                                                                            

Вежливая просьба/ приглашение:                                                                                                                            Если прямая речь выражает вежливую просьбу или приглашение, выраженные вопросительной конструкцией, то при передаче информации в косвенной речи вопрос можно заменить на модель – глагол сообщение + инфинитив. Используют такие глаголы, как offer и invite.                                                                                                                                                                 

“Would you like some tea,” she said. She offered to have a cup of tea.                                                                              ‘Would you like me to do the shopping?’ she asked. He offered me to do some shopping.                                                    ‘How about going to the cinema tonight?’ he said. He invited me to go to the cinema that night.                                          “Shall I open the door?” she asked. She offered to open the door.

Совет/ рекомендация:                                                                                                                                                                                           Если прямая речь выражает совет, то глагол to say заменяется глаголами  advise (советовать), recommend (советовать)…

‘You should stay in bed.’ – He advised me to stay in bed. «Тебе следует оставаться в постели». – Он посоветовал мне оставаться в постели.

Приглашение к совместному действию:                                                                                                                                     В повелительном наклонении есть конструкция, начинающаяся со слов Let’s. Она тоже передается глаголом с инфинитивом.

Camilla said, “Let’s go to the cinema.” Camilla offered to go to the cinema.                                                                                          “Let’s have a party,” he said. He decided to have a party.                                                                                                                                             

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения на отработку грамматического материала по теме «Согласование времен и косвенная речь» для учащихся 9 классов. Часть II. Косвенные глаголы и придаточные предложения.

  1. Fill in: say or tell in the correct form.
    1. Can you t.e.ll... me what time the film starts?
    2. She
    ………. she would never speak to him again.
    3. I promise to
    ………. the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
    4. Who ………. you I wasnt going to the party?
    5. Bob promised to
    ………. nothing about it to anyone.
    6. Sometimes it’s hard to
    ………. one twin from the other.
    7. She always
    ….. good morning to her neighbours.
    8. I couldnt believe what he ………. to me.
    9. Please ……… me what happened!
    «Go and tidy your room,» she …….. to her son.
  2. Переведите предложения, обратите особое внимание на употребление глаголов сообщения.
  1. She said, “I will marry you.”  She agreed that she would marry him.
  2. John said, “I will see him on Sunday.” John decided that he would meet him on Sunday.
  3. The teacher said: “This is the rule of Sequence of tenses.” The teacher explained that was the rule of Sequence of tenses.
  4. David said, “I will take you to the station.” David promised that he would take me to the station.
  5. He said, “I don’t earn enough money.” He complained that he didn’t earn enough money.
  6. “I was really unfriendly to him.” She admitted that she had been unfriendly to him.
  7. “You’d better stay at home.” She recommended that we stayed at home.
  8. “You do need to be present at the meeting.” They insisted that I need to be present at the meeting.
  9. “If only I could go on a vacation this year.” She regrets that she can’t go on a vacation this year.
  10. “Shall we spend the evening together?” He offered that they spent the evening together.
  11. “Your friend’s behavior is absolutely outrageous.” Dad commented that his daughter’s friend’s behavior was absolutely outrageous.
  12. “It is very important to earn enough to be independent.”  She pointed out that it is very important to earn enough to be independent.
  13. “I spent the whole weekend working on my test.” He told us that he had spent the whole weekend working on his test.
  14. “You will be interviewed on Thursday.”He informs me that I will be interviewed on Thursday.
  15. “This is a very dangerous liquid.” Dad warned the son that the liquid was very dangerous.
  16. “You should visit your grandparents more often.” The neighbour advised her that she should visit her grandparents more often.
  17. “Don’t forget to take away the suit from the dry-cleaner’s.” Mrs. Evans reminded him that he should take away the suit from the dry-cleaner’s.

3. Переведите, используя правило согласования времен:

  1. Она сообщила, что будет рада увидеть нас вновь.
  2. Я пожаловался, что он только что вернулся домой.
  3. Мы не заметили, как дети вышли из комнаты.
  4. Она пообещала, что пришлет нам письмо.
  5. Он не хотел верить, что они не понимают его.
  6. Он не сказал нам, что не любит ходить в театр.
  7. Мы надеялись, что он уже вернулся домой.
  8. Она утверждала, что живет в Москве уже двадцать лет.
  9. Мы хотели знать, где он и что делает в данный момент.
  10. Мы не надеялись, что увидим его снова.
  11. Все думали, что лекция начнется в десять.
  12. Нам показалось, что она смеялась над нами.
  13. Они спросили меня, что я буду делать в субботу.
  14. Мой брат сообщил мне, что поступил в университет.

4. Употребите предложения как придаточные дополнительные. В роли главных предложений употребите предложения в скобках. Помните о правиле согласования  времен:

  1. He cannot swim. (I didn’t suppose).
  2. They are working in the garden. (We were sure).
  3. She will talk to Susan. (She promised).
  4. He is translating the article. (I saw).
  5. She is not feeling well. (She told the doctor.)
  6. I have never been to Paris. (I told).
  7. They have been waiting for him for ten minutes. (He didn’t know).
  8. Tim hasn’t written for them for ages. (She knew).
  9. Mary will not see us. (My mother wrote.)
  10. He is going to the park. (He told me).
  11. They are skating. (I supposed).
  12. Somebody has stolen his purse. (He didn’t notice).
  13. Sophie is a very clever girl. (Everybody pointed out).
  14. He doesn’t agree. (He warned).

Упражнения на отработку грамматического материала по теме «Согласование времен и косвенная речь» для учащихся 9 классов. Часть III. Косвенные глаголы и инфинитив.

1.Переведите предложения, обратите особое внимание на употребление глаголов сообщения.

  1. She said, “I will marry you.” She agreed to marry him.  
  2. John said, “I will see him on Sunday.” John decided to see him on Sunday.                                                                  
  3. ‘Can I get you a cup of tea?’ – He offered to get me a cup of tea.
  4. “Do give the money I paid back to me!”  He demanded to give the money he had paid back to him.
  5. “Shall I make some coffee for you?” He offered to make some coffee for us.
  6. “I won’t accompany you to the party.” He refused to accompany her to the party.
  7. “I am a vegetarian.” She claimed to be a vegetarian.
  8. “Unless you leave, I’ll call the police.” She threatened to call the police unless he left.
  9. “You may go out.” The teacher allowed the pupil to go out.
  10. “Please do stay with me.” He begged her to stay with him.
  11. “Turn to the left and go straight ahead.” He commanded him to turn to the left and go straight ahead.
  12. “Come to see us on Saturday.” They invited us to come on Saturday.
  13. “Come on in and sit down.” He ordered the boy to come in and sit down.
  14. “Don’t forget to put the oven mittens on.” Mum reminded me to put the oven mittens on.
  15. “Don’t touch the boiling kettle.” She warned the kid not to touch the boiling kettle.
  16. “Don’t tell Mary about that.” She didn’t want Mary to know that.
  17. She said, «Don’t laugh at him!» She warned them not to laugh at him.
  18.  ‘Don’t move!’ – He ordered me not to move. «Не двигаться!»        
  19.  ‘Don’t go near the fire.’ – He warned me not to go near the fire.  
  20.   “Don’t go out late,” he said.  He forbade me to stay out late.
  21. Mother said, «Be careful!» Mother asked to be careful
  22. ‘Please, please listen to me.’ – He begged her to listen to him.    
  23. “Would you like some tea,” she said. She offered to have a cup of tea.
  24.  ‘Would you like me to do the shopping?’ she asked. He offered me to do some shopping.                                                  
  25. How about going to the cinema tonight?’ he said. He invited me to go to the cinema that night.                                         
  26. “Shall I open the door?” she asked. She offered to open the door.
  27.  ‘You should stay in bed.’ – He advised me to stay in bed.  
  28.  Camilla said, “Let’s go to the cinema.” Camilla offered to go to the cinema.                                                                                        
  29. “Let’s have a party,” he said. He decided to have a party.                                                                                                                                             

2. Fill in the gaps with the introductory verbs from the list below in the simple past.

tell (x2) • advise • order (x2) • ask • beg • offer
1. «Dont be afraid,» he said to his son.
He .told his son not to be afraid.
2 «Bring me a glass of water, pleaseshe said to him.
She   ……….. him to bring her a glass of water.
«Please, please, dont tell my parentshe said to me.
. . . . .me not to tell his parents.
4 «You should always wear your helmet when riding your bikeher father told her.
Her father  
……….. her to always wear her helmet when riding her bike.
«Let’s go to the bowling alleyJeff said to Tom.
Jeff . . . . . . . . .to go to the bowling alley.
«Be quiet! » she said to her students.
She . . . . . . . . .her students to be quiet.
«Slowly add the sugar, butter and flourthe cook said.
The cook
……….. us to slowly add the sugar, butter and flour.
«Get out of the car!» the police officer said to the thieves.
The police officer . . . . . . the thieves to get out of the car.

  1. Перепишите предложение в косвенной речи, заполняя пропуски глаголами из таблицы.

promise decide explain agree offer refuse

  1. 1. “I promise I’ll take you to Prague,” said Mary.
  2. Mary _________ to take me to Prague.
  3. 2. “I am not going to do it,” she said.
  4. She _______ to do it.
  5. 3. “Would you like some tea,” she said.
  6.  She _______ to have a cup of tea.
  7. 4. Chris said, “Yes, it was a great film.”
    Chris ________that the film had been great.
  8. 5. Angela said, “I will be an architect.”
  9. Angela _____ that she would be an architect.
  10. 6. Tom said: “I am late because I missed the bus.”
  11. Tom _______that he was late because he had missed the bus.

4.  Переведите прямую речь в косвенную, используя вводные глаголы.

  1. ‘Please get me a glass of water,’ he said to Jill.
  2. ‘No, I won’t help you,’ she said to Jim.
  3. ‘I’ll buy you something nice for your birthday,’ her mother told her.
  4. ‘Don’t play near the road because it’s dangerous,’ he said to us.
  5. ‘Would you like me to do the shopping?’ she asked.
  6. ‘Please, please don’t leave me alone in the dark,’ she said to her parents.
  7. ‘How about going to the cinema tonight?’ he said.
  8. ‘Go to bed! Now!’ his father told him.
  9. ’I think you should eat more vegetables,’ my mother told me.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test: reported verbs. V-I

 1. Put said /told in the sentence.

  1. She _____ me (that) she loved John.
  2. They ______ (that) they were happy.
  3. He ________ everybody (that) he had to leave.
  4. Anne _______me (that) her brother was buying a car.
  5. Alice ______ to Mike (that) he was wearing a nice suit.

2. Use the proper introductory verbs in the correct forms: explain, invite, promise, admit, decide

  1. She said, “I will marry you.” She …… that she would marry him.
  2. The teacher said: “This is the rule of Sequence of tenses.” The teacher ……. that was the rule of Sequence of tenses.
  3. “I was really unfriendly to him.” She ……. that she had been unfriendly to him.
  4. “Come to see us on Saturday.” They ……..us to come on Saturday.
  5. “Let’s have a party,” he said. He ……. to have a party.                                                                                                                                             

3. Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use the Sequence of tenses and introductory verbs.

  1. “You’d better stay at home”, she said to us.
  2. Mother to her son, “You should visit your grandparents tomorrow.”
  3. James said, “I like to watch TV shows.”
  4. “This is a very dangerous snake.” Dad told his son.
  5. He told me, “My son will arrive tomorrow.

4. Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use the infinitive and introductory verbs.

  1. The teacher said, “Don’t make so much noise, please.”
  2. The teacher said, “Let’s make a Christmas card.”
  3. The teacher said, “Be careful with the scissors.”
  4. The teacher said, “Don’t open the glue.”
  5. The teacher said, “Shall we sing a Christmas song?”





0 — 10

11 — 14

15 — 17

18 — 20

Test: reported verbs. V-II

 1. Put say /tell in the correct forms in the sentence.

  1. I couldnt believe what he ………. to me.
  2. Bob promised to ………. the truth about it to anyone.
  3. She ______ (that) it was raining.
  4. Lisa _____ me (that) she would call at 2p.m.
  5. Sveta _____ that she doesn’t play the piano.

2. Use the proper introductory verbs in the correct forms: warn, admit, beg, offer, ask

  1. The pupil said, “I haven’t learnt the lesson.” The pupil …….he hadn’t learnt the lesson.
  2.  «Dont be afraid,» he said to his son. He ……..his son not to be afraid.
  3. «Bring me a glass of water, pleaseshe said to him. She ……. him to bring her a glass of water.
  4. «Be quiet!» she said to her students. She ………her students to be quiet.
  5. “Would you like some tea,” she said. She _______ to have a cup of tea.

3. Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use the Sequence of tenses and introductory verbs:

  1. John said, “I will see him on Sunday.”
  2. The teacher said: “This was the rule of modals of obligation.”
  3. “You can come to me if you have any problems,” she said.
  4. The boy said: “I am very hungry now.”
  5. “You should watch this film,” she said.

4. Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use the infinitive and introductory verbs.

  1. Alex said: “We should advertise our product on TV.”
  2. “Don’t move!” the police officer said.
  3. “Please, please, wait a little!” she said to Peter.
  4. “Shall we go to the swimming pool?” Fran said to Helen.
  5. “Don’t touch the flowers, please.” I said.





0 — 10

11 — 14

15 — 17

18 — 20

Test: reported verbs. V-III

1. Put say /tell in the correct forms in the sentence.

  1. Can you …….. me what time the film starts?
  2. I…………her that she was my only friend.
  3. Did he…………he would stay in New York?
  4. She…………that she is going to invite me.
  5. They didn’t…………us they were ill.

2. Use the proper introductory verbs in the correct forms: explain, beg, offer, order, ask.

  1.  “Please, forgive me,” he said to Clara. – He … Clara to forgive him.
  2. “Be careful of the broken glass,” my father said. – My father … to be careful of the broken glass.
  3. “How about calling your colleague?” Annie said to me. – Annie … to call my colleague.
  4. “Don’t shoot!” the policeman shouted. – The policeman … not to shoot.
  5. “Listen to me, please,” Tom said to the lawyer. – Tom … the lawyer to listen to him.

3. Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use the Sequence of tenses and introductory verbs:

  1. David said, “I will take you to the station.”
  2. She said to me, “I’m sorry but I can’t go for a walk with you because I’m watching TV.”
  3. “You will be interviewed on Thursday”, he to me.
  4. “When I opened the window, I saw the sunrise,” he said.
  5. “They must be present at the final test next Monday”, the teacher said.

4. Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use the infinitive and introductory verbs.

  1. The doctor said: “Stop drinking coffee.”
  2. “Let’s do some research on this subject,” the manager said.
  3. The flight attendant said: “Please, switch off your mobile devices.”
  4. “Find my pearl necklace!” the stepmother said to Cinderella.
  5. “How about eating out tonight?” he said.





0 — 10

11 — 14

15 — 17

18 — 20

Test: reported verbs. V- I. Answers:

  1. Told/ said/ told/ told/ said
  2. Promised/ explained/ admitted/ invited/ decided
  3. She recommended that we stayed at home.                                                                                            Mother advised her son that he should visit his grandparents the next/ fallowing day.                               James declared/ stated that he liked to watch TV shows.                                                                                       “This is a very dangerous snake.” Dad warned the son that that was a very dangerous snake.                       He told/ informed me that his son would arrive the following day.
  4. The teacher asked / ordered not to make so much noise.                                                                                  The teacher offered to make a Christmas card.                                                                                              The teacher asked / ordered to be careful with the scissors.                                                                            The teacher told/asked/ warned not to open the glue.                                                                                         The teacher offered to sing a Christmas song.

Test: reported verbs. V- II. Answers:

  1. Said/ tell/ said/ told/ says
  2. Admitted/ warned/ begged/ asked/ offered
  3. John decided/ promiced that he would meet him on Sunday.                                                                                         The teacher explained that had been the rule of modals of obligation.                                                                    She offered/ invited that I could come to her if I had any problems.                                                                                       The boy complained that he was hungry then.                                                                                                                   She recommended that I should watch that film.                                                       
  1. Alex advised to advertise their product on TV.
  2. The police officer ordered not to move.
  3. She begged Peter to wait a little.
  4. Fran offered Helen to go to the swimming pool.
  5. I asked  not to touch the flowers.

Test: reported verbs. V-III. Answers:

  1. Tell/ told/ say/ says/ tell
  2. Begged/ explained / offered / ordered/ asked
  3. David promised that he would take me to the station.                                                                        She regretted/ stated she couldn’t go for a walk with me because she was watching TV. 

He informed me that I would be interviewed on Thursday.                                                                             He stated/ admired/ admitted/ pointed out that when he had opened the window, he had seen the sunrise.

The teacher insisted that they must be at the final test the next Monday.


  1. The doctor told (advised) to stop drinking coffee.
  2. The manager offered to do some research on that subject
  3. The flight attendant told (asked) to switch off the mobile phones.
  4. The stepmother ordered Cinderella to find her pearl necklace.
  5. He invited to eat out that night. 

Test: reported verbs. V-IV

 1. Put say /tell in the correct forms in the sentence.

  1. Can you …….. me what time the film starts?
  2. I…………her that she was my only friend.
  3. Did he…………he would stay in New York?
  4. She…………that she is going to invite me.
  5. They didn’t…………us they were ill.

2. Use the proper introductory verbs in the correct forms: tell, beg, offer, order, ask.

  1.  “Please, forgive me,” he said to Clara. – He … Clara to forgive him.
  2. “Be careful of the broken glass,” my father said. – My father … to be careful of the broken glass.
  3. “How about calling your colleague?” Annie said to me. – Annie … to call my colleague.
  4. “Don’t shoot!” the policeman shouted. – The policeman … not to shoot.
  5. “Listen to me, please,” Tom said to the lawyer. – Tom … the lawyer to listen to him.

3.Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use the Sequence of tenses and introductory verbs.

  1. “You will be interviewed on Thursday”, he to me.

4. Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use the infinitive and introductory verbs.

  1. My mother said to me, “Put on your coat!”
  2. My friend said to us, “Don’t come today.”
  3. He said to Mary, “Don’t forget to send me an e-mail.”
  4. Karrie said to me, “Call me tomorrow.”
  5. She said to me, “Don’t shout at me!”

1. Put said /told in the sentence.

  1. She _______she would never speak to him again.
  2. They ______ (that) they were unhappy.
  3. Anne _______me (that) her brother was buying a car.
  4. Alice ______ Mike (that) he was wearing a nice suit.
  5. Bill _____ he felt ill.

Said/ said/ told/ told/ said

Test: reported verbs. V-IV. Answers:

Can you t.e.ll... me what time the film starts?

I told her that she was my only friend.

Did he say he would stay in New York?

She says that she is going to invite me.

They didn’t tell us they were ill.

  1. Begged/ told / offered / ordered/ asked
  2. He informed me that I would be interviewed on Thursday.
  3. My mother asked/ told/ ordered me to put on my coat.                                                                            My friend told/ warned us not to come that day.                                                                                                   He told/ begged/ Mary not to forget to send him an e-mail.                                                                       Karrie asked me to call her the next day.                                                                                                       She told/ demanded/ forbade me (not) to shout at her.

Предварительный просмотр:

Косвенная речь в английском языке: правила, примеры и исключения в различных временных формах (общая информация)

Общаясь с людьми, мы постоянно получаем от них какую-то информацию, которую в последующем передаем кому-то еще. Для ее передачи может использоваться несколько вариантов. Конечно же, вы можете просто объяснить мысль своими словами так, как поняли ее именно вы. Или же вы можете дать понять, что идея принадлежит не вам. В таких случаях используют прямую или косвенную речь. И если прямая достаточно проста в использовании, косвенная речь в английском языке имеет ряд особенностей, которые стоит учитывать.

Для начала давайте разберемся, чем отличаются прямая и косвенная речь в английском языке. Direct speech или прямая речь выражает фразу человека дословно. Это в своем роде цитата, которую никак изменить нельзя. Как и в русском, прямая речь обрамляется кавычками. Вот только вместо двоеточия перед словами автора в начале или запятой с тире на конце обычно используется одна простая запятая:

Схемы предложений прямой речи

Слова автора,

“прямая речь.”

“Прямая речь”,

слова автора.

Обратите внимание, что точка на конце предложения в первом случае ставится перед кавычкой, а не после как в русском языке. Кроме того, кавычки в английском всегда ставятся сверху.


  • She asked, “Do you feel comfortable here?” — Она спросила: «Тебе здесь комфортно?»
  • “I will not accept his apology”, she said. — «Я не приму его извинения», — сказала она.

Заметьте, что вопросительные и восклицательные знаки в косвенной речи не употребляются.

Все предложения можно перевести из прямой речи в косвенную. Indirect speech или косвенная речь (досл. «непрямая речь» или Reported speech) в свою очередь выражает содержание фразы, не сохраняя дословности и особенностей стилистики. Все предложения, имеющие косвенную речь, являются сложноподчиненными, где в главном предложении используются слова автора, а в придаточном – сама косвенная речь. Как правило, главное предложение ставится первым, а после него идет придаточное, которое в таких речевых конструкциях часто вводится союзом или местоимением.

Схема предложений косвенной речи

Слова автора

вводное слово

косвенная речь.

Стоит отметить, что запятая после слов автора в английском не употребляется.

  • She asks when you’ll be free. — Она спрашивает, когда вы будете свободны.
  • He said (that) they liked everything very much. — Он сказал, (что) им все очень понравилось.

Замена прямой речи косвенной

При замене прямой речи косвенной личные и притяжательные местоимения, а также личные формы глаголов передаются от лица автора, рассказчика, а не от лица того, чья речь передаётся.

 В косвенной речи английского языка так же меняются и ссылка на того, кто говорит (то есть меняется местоимение), а так же слова, указывающие на место и время. Чтобы разобраться в этом попроще, но и более подробней, давайте обратим отдельное внимание на каждый из этих аспектов.   

  1. Итак, местоимения:

в прямой речи

в косвенной речи


he / she


him / her


his / her


his / hers


I / we


my / our


mine / ours









      2. Стоит отметить, что если глагол в главном предложении стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, глаголы в косвенной речи могут стоять в любом времени:

Direct speech (Прямая речь)

Indirect speech (Косвенная речь)

He says, «You remind me of my mother.»

(Он говорит: «Ты напоминаешь мне мою маму».)

He says that I remind him of his mother.

(Он говорит, что я напоминаю ему его маму.)

I will just say, “You made a huge mistake.”

(Я просто скажу: «Ты совершил огромную ошибку».)

I will just say that he made a huge mistake.

(Я просто скажу, что он совершил огромную ошибку.)

То есть если вы хотите составить косвенное предложение, в котором главная часть используется в настоящем или будущем, просто переведите придаточное с прямого предложения в косвенное, изменив лишь местоимения по смыслу.

  1. Косвенная речь в английском языке: согласование времен

Дело в том, что если главное предложение будет в прошедшем времени, придаточное тоже должно будет поменять свое время на соответствующее. Здесь работает согласование времен. Наверное, это вам совсем ничего не объяснило, а потому давайте обратимся к примерам для наглядности.

Допустим, у вас есть предложение с прямой речью:

He said, “I have never been to South Korea.”

Он сказал: «Я никогда не был в Южной Корее».

Его главная часть используется во времени Past Simple. Косвенная же образуется в Present Perfect. Пока обе эти части используются в предложении с прямой речью, все в порядке, потому как настоящее время используется в кавычках и слово в слово передает фразу человека. Однако если убрать кавычки и превратить прямую речь в косвенную, сохранить Present Perfect не получится, по крайней мере, это будет считаться ошибкой.

«Почему?» — спросите вы. Да потому, что в английском языке есть такое правило: если глагол в главном предложении употребляется в прошедшем времени, придаточные предложения образуются только формами прошедшего или будущего в прошедшем. Соответственно, переделав предложение выше в косвенное, вы получите:

He said that he had never been to South Korea.

Он сказал, что (он) никогда не был в Южной Корее.

  • Во-первых, поменялось местоимение для согласования времен.
  • Во-вторых, глагол из Present Perfect перешел в Past Perfect.

На первых порах вы, вероятно, будете испытывать трудности в преобразовании предложений. Однако в последующем этот процесс не будет занимать у вас время. Чтобы облегчить вам понимание этой темы, давайте рассмотрим все возможные варианты согласования времен. Таблица для наглядности:

Direct speech (Прямая речь)

Indirect speech (Косвенная речь)

Present Simple меняется на Past Simple

He answered, “I want to go to the theatre.”

(Он ответил: «Я хочу пойти в театр».)

He answered that he wanted to go to the theatre. (Он ответил, что хочет пойти в театр.)

Present Continuous меняется на Past Continuous

Jim said, “I’m doing English exercises now.”

(Джим сказал: «Сейчас я делаю упражнения по английскому языку».)

Jim said that he was doing English exercises then. (Джим сказал, что он делает упражнения по английскому языку.)

Present Perfect меняется на Past Perfect

My son said, «I have read the book twice.»

(Мой сын сказал: «Я дважды читал эту книгу».)

My son said that he had read the book twice.

(Мой сын сказал, что он дважды читал эту книгу.)

Present Perfect Continuous меняется на Past Perfect Continuous

Bruce confirmed, «She has been living here for 2 years.»

(Брюс подтвердил: «Она живет здесь уже 2 года».)

Bruce confirmed that she had been living there for 2 years.

(Брюс подтвердил, что она живет там 2 года.)

Past Simple меняется на Past Perfect

He said, «I worked yesterday.»

(Он сказал: «Я работал вчера».)

He said that he had worked the day before.

(Он сказал, что за день до этого он работал.)

Past Continuous меняется на Past Perfect Continuous

She said, «He was sleeping.»

(Она сказала: «Он спал».)

She said that he had been sleeping.

(Она сказала, что он спал.)

Past Perfect неменяется

Mom said, «Tom was tired because he had studied hard.»

(Мама сказала: «Том устал, потому что он много занимался».)

Mom said that Tom was tired because he had studied hard.

(Мама сказала, что Том устал, потому что он много занимался.)

Past Perfect Continuous неменяется

She said, «We had not been travelling till he graduated from the university.»

(Она сказала: «Мы не путешествовали, пока он не окончил университет».)

She said that they had not been travelling till he graduated from the university.

(Она сказала, что они не путешествовали, пока он не окончил университет.)

Во всех будущих временах will меняется на would, образуя будущее в прошедшем

He said, «I will be with you whatever what.»

(Он сказал: «Я буду с тобой, что бы ни случилось».)

He said that he would be with me whatever what.

(Он сказал, что будет со мной, что бы ни случилось.)

Модальные глаголы, имеющие прошедшее время тоже изменяются:

Can на Could;

May на Might;

Will на Would;

Have to на Had to;

Shall на Would (о будущем);

Shall на Should (совет).

She said, «He can do it.»

(Она сказала: «Он может это сделать».)

She said that he could do it.

(Она сказала, что он может это сделать.)

Should, must, might, ought to, need, had to не меняются

The teacher said, «You must consider the translation rules doing the task.»

(Учитель сказал: «Вы должны учитывать правила перевода, выполняя задание».)

The teacher said that we must consider the translation rules doing the task.

(Учитель сказал, что мы должны учитывать правила перевода, выполняя задание.)

То есть вам нужно использовать ту же группу, но в другом времени. Обычно это «другое» время расположено на временной шкале до того времени, которое использовалось в прямой речи. Исключениями являются времена Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous, так как до них никаких времен нет. Времена Past Simple и Past Continuous могут тоже не изменяться в разговорной речи, а также когда в предложении используется Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous, как в примерах выше.

            4. Теперь то, что касается времени и места, если главное предложение будет в прошедшем времени:

в прямой речи

в косвенной речи


that day


that night


the next day / the following day

next (week, month, year, etc.)

the next day / the following (week, month, year, etc.)




the day before / the previous day

last (week, month, year, etc.)

the previous (week, month, year, etc.)





this (о месте)

that (о месте)


John said, «I arrived there an hour ago». — John said he had arrived there an hour before.

Типы предложений в косвенной речи английского языка

Конструкция предложений выше не является единственной. Рассмотрим все варианты косвенных предложений:

  • Для образования повествовательного предложения в косвенной речи достаточно, как в примерах выше, использование союза that (что), который может при желании опускаться:

Direct Speech (Прямая речь)

Indirect Speech (Косвенная речь)

George said, “I knew the truth.”

(Джордж сказал, что он знает правду.)

George said (that) he knew the truth.

Джордж сказал, что он знает правду.

  • Если предложения в прямой речи являются повелительными, то в косвенную речь в английском эти повелительные предложения вводятся инфинитивом:

Direct Speech (Прямая речь)

Indirect Speech (Косвенная речь)

Mom said, “Go home!”

(Мама сказала: «Иди домой!»)

Mom said to go home.

(Мама сказала идти домой.)

Если повелительное наклонение отрицательное, то перед инфинитивом ставится отрицательная частица not:

She said to me, “Don’t touch my clothes.”

(Она сказала мне: «Не трогай мои вещи».)

She asked me not to touch her clothes.

(Она попросила меня, не трогать ее вещи.)

The officer said, “Don’t move!”

(Офицер сказал: «Не двигайся!»)

The officer ordered not to move.

(Офицер приказал не двигаться.)

Заметьте, что в главном предложении возможно использование побудительных слов, которые выражают приказ или просьбу.

  • Особые нюансы имеют и вопросы в косвенной речи в английском языке. Если прямая речь содержит общие вопросы, то такие предложения в косвенную речь будут вводиться союзами whether / if (ли):

Direct Speech (Прямая речь)

Indirect Speech (Косвенная речь)

He asks, “Do you like these colours?”

(Он спрашивает: «Тебе нравятся эти цвета?»)

He asks whether I like these colours.

(Он спрашивает, нравятся ли мне эти цвета.)

Если вы, например, пересказываете диалог, то помимо вопроса вам нужно будет рассказать и об ответе, который тоже может употребляться в косвенной речи:

She answered, “Yes, I do.”

(Она ответила: «Да».)

She answered that she did.

(Она ответила утвердительно.)

Как видите, «да» и «нет» в таких случаях опускаются.

  • Если же прямая речь в английском языке содержит специальный вопрос, то он вводится в косвенное предложение союзом, который идентичен вопросительному слову, с которого начинается предложение. Несмотря на то, что вопросительные предложения имеют обратный порядок слов, в косвенной речи сохраняется прямой порядок:

Direct Speech (Прямая речь)

Indirect Speech (Косвенная речь)

She asks, “Where will you go?”

(Она спрашивает: «Куда вы пойдете?»)

She asks where we will go.

(Она спрашивает, куда мы пойдем.)

Ввод вопросов в косвенную речь применяется достаточно часто, поэтому обязательно изучите этот момент.

Обход косвенных предложений

Из самых лучших побуждений, расскажем вам небольшой секрет, который имеется в арсенале переводчиков. Если, составляя предложения в косвенной речи на английском языке, у вас возникает паника, или же вы просто не хотите их использовать, иногда употребление этих предложений можно избежать. Например:

He said, “Hello everyone!”

(Он сказал: «Привет всем!»)

He greeted everyone.

(Он поздоровался со всеми.)

She said, “Yes.”

(Она сказала: «Да».)

She agrees. / She confirms.

(Она согласилась. / Она подтвердила.)

She says, “No.”

(Она говорит: «Нет».)

She doesn’t agree (disagree). / She denies.

(Она не соглашается. Она отрицает.)

He said, “I don’t want to answer”.

(Он сказал: «Я не хочу отвечать».)

He refused to answer.

(Он отказался отвечать.)

Переделывать все косвенные предложения в подобные, конечно, не получится, но если такой переход возможен, смело его используйте.

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения на отработку грамматического материала по теме «Согласование времен и косвенная речь» для учащихся 9 классов. Вводная часть: «Замена прямой речи косвенной».

1. Переделайте предложения из косвенной речи в прямую речь и переведите на английский язык.

1. Он говорит, что раньше он учился в университете. 3. Мы скажем бабушке, что будущим летом мы все поедем в Крым. 3. Сестра говорит, что хочет приехать к нам. 4. Я знаю, что она очень занята. 5. Гид всегда предупреждает туристов, что в этой части города движение довольно сильное. 6. Секретарь говорит, что директор не может принять нас, так как он с кем-то разговаривает. 7. Все мы знаем, что ее семья в Санкт-Петербурге. 8. Лена говорит, что она дарит нам эту картину. 9. Она говорит, что ее родители всегда дают ей прекрасные советы. 10. Он говорит, что он любит эту пьесу. 11. Он говорит всем, что его отец — профессор и живет в Москве. 12. Он боится, что ему будет трудно сделать доклад. 13. Он скажет нам, что когда он вошел в комнату, его друг уже сидел на диване. Он читал газету. 14. Мы надеемся, что они скоро придут. 15. Он говорит, что не знает, когда начнется конференция. 16. Я уверен, что если мы поспешим, мы не опоздаем на поезд. 17. Я отвечу ему, что не знаю, когда буду ли я свободен вечером, но, если буду свободен, то позвоню ему часов в восемь. 18. Все уверены, что Борис хорошо сдаст свои экзамены. 19. Он говорит, что Лев Толстой — его любимый писатель. 20. Он говорит нам, что знает, что мы живем в Москве, но не знает нашего адреса. 21. Он говорит, что бросает курить. 22. Все говорят мне, что я должен поехать в Рим. 23. Я не знаю, что вы тоже любите футбол. 24. Я уверен, что он будет выдающимся артистом. 25. Я не знаю, что ты будешь работать в читальном зале.

2. Переделайте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную речь.

1. Не says: «I have just received a letter from my uncle.» 2. «I am going to the theatre tonight,» he says to me. 3. Mike says: «I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning.» 4. He says to her: «I shall do it today if I have time.» 5. I say to them: «I can give you my uncle’s address.» 6. Oleg says: «My room is on the second floor.» 7. He says: «I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg.» 8. Misha says: «I saw them at my parents’ house last year.» 9. He says: «I haven’t seen my cousin today.» 10. «I don’t go to this shop very often,» she says. 11. Tom says: «I have already had breakfast, so I am not hungry.» 12. «This man spoke to me on the road,» says the woman. 13. «I can’t explain this rule to you,» says my classmate to me. 14. The teacher says to the class: «We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.» 15. The woman says to her son: «I am glad I am here.» 16. Mike says: «We have bought these books today.» 17. They say to me: «Now we can read your translation.» 18. Nellie says: «I read «Jane Eyre» last year.» 19. «My friend lives in Moscow,» says Alec. 20. The rich man says to the judge: «This man’s horse has killed my horse.»

3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate pronouns in reported speech.

  1. Valera, «I work in this office.» Valera told me (that) __ worked in __ office.
  2. Zina and Liuba, «We play basketball.» Zina and Liuba told me (that) __ played basketball.
  3. Victoria, «I like my dog.» Victoria told me (that) __ liked __ dog.
  4. Kirill, «Can you see me?» Kirill asked me if __ could see __.
  5. Nikita, «I will need to borrow your pen.» Nikita told me (that) __ would need to borrow __ pen.
  6. Misha, «My father is a businessman.» Misha told me (that) __ father is a businessman.
  7. Pasha and Dasha, «Can we use your car?» Pasha and Dasha asked me if __ could use __ car.
  8. Olya, «How is your trip?» Olya asked me how __ trip was.
  9. Nina and Fedya, «We love our plants.» Nina and Fedya told me (that) __ loved __ plants.
  10. Grandfather, «Please bring me a cup of my coffee.» Grandfather told me to bring __ a cup of __ coffee.

4. Replace the time and place references with the appropriate expressions in reported speech.

  1. here —
  2. today —
  3. that —
  4. yesterday —
  5. tomorrow —
  6. this —
  7. a week ago —
  8. last weekend —
  9. those —
  10. next week —
  11. there —
  12. these days —
  13. last week —
  14. now —
  15. these —
  16. this morning —

5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions in reported speech.

  1. ”He came yesterday.” She said that he had come……………
  2. “My parents will arrive today.” He said that his parents would arrive……………
  3. “I will contact you tomorrow.” He said he would contact me………………
  4. “I was there the day before yesterday.” She said she was there………………
  5. “Five years ago there were no people living here at all.” He said that five years….. there had been no people living …… at all.
  6. “My son will arrive ……. .” He told me that his son would arrive the following day.
  7. “Where will you go …….?” They wanted to know where I would go the following summer.
  8. “My brother was here today.” She said that her brother had been ……  …….
  9. “Last year I spent my summer vacation in the Caucasus.” She said that she had spent her summer vacation in the Caucasus …….
  10. “We came to live in this town several years ago.” They say that they came to live in this town several years……
  11. “I have read all about it in ……. newspaper.” He said he had read all about it in that day’s newspaper.
  12. “They finished building ….. house only last week.” They said they had finished building that house only the week before.

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения на отработку грамматического материала по теме «Согласование времен и косвенная речь» для учащихся 9 классов. Часть I. Утвердительные предложения.

1. Продолжите предложения в косвенной речи, соблюдая правила согласования времен.

  1. She said, “I am speaking French.”
  2. She said, “I have spoken French.”
  3. She said, “I spoke French.”
  4. She said, “I am going to speak French.”
  5. She said, “I will speak French.”
  6. She said, “I can speak French.”
  7. She said, “I may speak French.”
  8. She said, “I have to speak French.”
  9. She said, “I must speak French.”
  10. She said, “I should speak French.”
  11. She said, “I might speak French.”
  12. She said, “I ought to speak French.”

2. Переделайте утвердительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную:

  1. “I am not married,” Jimmy said.
  2.  “My sister is ready to go now” Helen said.
  3. “China is a populated country,” she said.
  4. He said: “This machine isn’t good, but that one is perfect”.
  5. “I’m taking my little sister to school today,” little Anthony said.
  6. “They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said.
  7. I am planning to go to Kenya next month,” Sally said.
  8. “I’m going to Spain next week,” she said.
  9. “We are going to the disco tonight”, my friend said to me.
  10. “You can come to me if you have any problems,” she said.
  11.  “I can’t read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said.
  12.  “You may take my textbook,” Nona said.
  13.  “I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.
  14. They boy said: “I am very hungry. I want to eat something now.”
  15. “I have my English lesson today”, my sister said to me.
  16. “She doesn’t understand me,” he said.
  17.  “My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said.
  18.  “We have been married four years,” they said to me.
  19. John said: “I have never tasted anything so tasty”.
  20.  “I’ve heard about it before”, David said.
  21. “The birds have built their nests among the trees in our garden,” the teacher said.
  22. “I’ll help you to repair your car tomorrow,” he said.
  23. “I will not repeat this again,” he said.
  24. “I’m afraid I won’t come”, she said.
  25.  “Beer will not be good to your health”, the doctor said to me.
  26. He said, “I have lived in Moscow since 2005.”

3. Переделайте утвердительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную:

  1. “I didn’t understand the meaning of the film”, he said.
  2.  “I saw the film you recommended last night,” she said.
  3.  “I saw him yesterday, but he didn’t recognize me,” she said.
  4.  “I was not crying when you phoned me”, Jill said to me.
  5.  “He didn’t join us in the bar”, my friend said.
  6. “I was reading a story yesterday when the light went out”, mother said.
  7. Kelly said, “I didn’t want to wear this hat yesterday.”
  8. He said, “You couldn’t bring any food or drinks last weekend.”
  9. She said, “I had never eaten sushi before I moved to Moscow.”
  10. He said, “She was going to visit the dentist a week ago.”

4. Восстановите прямую речь в предложениях:

  1. He said he had had a big meal.
  2. She told me she wasn’t surprised as she knew about the news.
  3. The boy told me he was afraid that he had broken my vase.
  4. Sally said she had already found her book.
  5. The pupil said that he hadn’t learnt the lesson.
  6. My grandma told me that she was very busy and couldn’t help me.
  7. Ben told the doctor that he felt ill as he had had an enormous meal.
  8. They told us they were leaving on June 8.
  9. They said their daughter lived in London.
  10. David said he had broken the cup.
  11. He told me that his son would arrive the following day.
  12. Tom said he had been working at school for three years.
  13. James told his friends he liked to watch TV shows.
  14. His friend told him that he didn’t think he could help.
  15. She said she couldn’t go for a walk with me because she was watching an interesting TV programme.
  16. Tamara said she had been working at school for thirteen years.
  17. Susan told Ann that she would give her new phone number.

5. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужное время.

  1. Our neighbour says his name (be) Fred.
  2. He said he (be) tired.
  3. I thought you (call) the doctor.
  4. We have met the woman who (live) next door.
  5. Jane said she (can’t afford) to buy a new car.
  6. She asked me how many books I (read) the month before.
  7. Bob says he usually (go to bed) before midnight.
  8. I wondered why Sam (leave) without saying a word.
  9. Alice and Henry said that they (be) from Florida.

6. Выберите верный вариант глагола.

  1. I knew that my sister … (have/has/had) a problem.
  2. I know that my sister … (have/has/had) a problem.
  3. I knew that my sister … (will have/would have/had) a problem soon.
  4. He said he … (lived/has lived/had lived) in Moscow since 2005.
  5. She told me that the flight … (has been cancelled/had been cancelled/been cancelled).
  6. She told me that the flight … (has been cancelled/had been cancelled/was cancelled).
  7. Nobody knew what … (will happen/would happen/happens) next.
  8. Mike said that he … (hasn’t met/didn’t meet/hadn’t met) Helen since they parted.
  9. Kelly said that she … (didn’t want/doesn’t want/hadn’t wanted) to wear her hat.
  10. We didn’t expect that he … (showed/will show/would show) us the film.

7. Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени:

  1. Christy says he will tell you the truth.
  2. I think he came in a taxi.
  3. They are sure we will be waiting for them in the bar.
  4. She says she will let me know when they come.
  5. He doesn’t suppose she speaks so much.
  6. We hope they have noticed us.
  7. I don’t know where she is.
  8. She is sure we will be glad to meet her.
  9. They think she is driving to the country.
  10. I can’t believe she has done it.
  11. Harry doesn’t know when his cousin will come.
  12. John says he knows how I feel.
  13. We think that he is joking.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test: Statements in reported speech. V-I

I. Choose the right alternative.

1. I said, “I will not get here on time”.

a) I said that I wouldn’t get there on time.

b) I said that I won’t get there on time.                                                                                                                         c) I said that he wouldn’t get here on time.

2. Jacky said to Pat that she would spend her holidays in Russia.

a) Jacky said to Pat, “You will spend your holidays in Russia.”

b) Jacky said to Pat, “You would spend your holidays in Russia.”                                                                                                                                 c) Jacky said to Pat, “I would spend my holidays in Russia.”

3. She said that she … twenty years old the following Friday.

a) will be   b) would be   c) was

4. Mary said that Paris______beautiful in spring.                                                                                                                     a) is           b) was            c) has been              d) were

5. Jane told everybody that she______a meeting______.

a) had, tomorrow                                                                                                                                                                      b) was having, tomorrow                                                                                                                                                     c) will have, the next day                                                                                                                                                        d) was having, the next day

II. Change the sentences into the reported speech (2 points for each sentence).

  1. “My friend lives in Moscow now”, said Alec.
  2. Her teacher said, “I am not going to ask you tomorrow.”
  3. Marry said, “I went to London with my sister last month.”
  4. She said: “You will read this book in the 9th form.” 
  5. “We have been married four years,” they said to me.





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Test: Statements in reported speech. V-II

I. Choose the right alternative.

1. He said, “I didn’t go shopping yesterday.”                                                                                                                                                a) He said that he didn’t go shopping yesterday.                                                                                                                                                    b) He said that he hadn’t gone shopping yesterday.                                                                                                               c) He said that he hadn’t gone shopping the day before.

2. He said that I could come and stay at his flat if I was ever in London.

a) He said, “I could come and stay at his flat if I was ever in London.”

b) He said, “You can come and stay at his flat if you are ever in London.”                                                                                       c) He said, “He can come and stay at his flat if you are ever in London.”

3. Liz says she … the film.

a) already saw    b) had already seen    c) has already seen

4.  Mary told me that she_____to leave for London the next week.                                                                                              a) is going         b) were going         c) has gone      d) was going

5. I am surprised to see you. Your mother said you______ ill.                                                                                             a) were            b) has been             c) are             d) had been

II. Change the sentences into the reported speech.

  1. I said, “He is going to give up his job next year”.
  2. My friend said, “I watch a lot of soap operas now.”
  3. She said, “He turned out a good pianist.”
  4. Mike said: “We have bought these books today.”
  5.  “I’ll help you to repair your car tomorrow,” he said.





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Test: Statements in reported speech. V-III

I. Choose the right alternative.

1. Betty said, “He wrote this book.”

a) Betty said that he had writen this book.

b) Betty said that he had written this book.                                                                                                                                         c) Betty said that he had written that book.

2. Fred said he worked for a small publishing company.

a) Fred: “I worked for a small publishing company.”

b) Fred: “I work for a small publishing company.”                                                                                                                        c) Fred: “I have worked for a small publishing company.”

3. Mr. Green told that the children … so much noise.

a) had not made   b) do not make   c) did not make

4 .I said that I______if I______time.                                                                                                                                       a) will go, have                  c) would go, have had                                                                                                                                   b) would go, had               d) will go, had

5. Mary told me that writing a test______her nervous.                                                                                                            a) is making        b) will make              c) made                           d) make

II. Change the sentences into the reported speech.

  1. “I can’t explain this rule to you now”, said my classmate to me.
  2. “There is no paper in the box”, she said.
  3. He said: “I have received a letter from my uncle today.”
  4. “This man spoke to me on the road,” said the woman. 
  5. Kelly said, “I didn’t want to wear this hat yesterday.”





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Test: Statements in reported speech. V-IV

I. Choose the right alternative.

1. Mary (to her brother): “We won’t watch TV. It’s late.”

a) Mary told her brother that they will not watch TV, because it’s late.                                                                                             b) Mary told her brother that they will not watch TV, because it was late.

c) Mary told her brother that they wouldn’t watch TV, because it was late.

2. Kelly told that she didn’t look after herself properly.

a) Kelly: “I don’t look after myself properly.”

b) Kelly: “I didn’t look after myself properly.”                                                                                                                                   c) Kelly: “She didn’t look after myself properly.”

3. Our children said they … school.

a) don’t like   b) didn’t like   c) won’t like                                                                                                                                

4. She said that she_____keen on drawing.                                                                                                                                   a) was            b) is         c) has been       d) were

5.She said that Mary______into her flat because she ______her key.                                                                               a) cannot get, lost              c) couldn’t get, had lost                                                                                                                 b) couldn’t get, has lost       d) can’t get, was losing

II. Change the sentences into the reported speech.

  1. I said:”I can give you his address tomorrow”.
  2. He said, “I am living in London now.”
  3. “You have not done your work well”, said the teacher to me.
  4. Misha said: “I saw them at my parents’ house last year.” 
  5. She said, “I had never eaten sushi before now.”





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Test: Statements in reported speech. V-V

I. Choose the right alternative.

1. “We can’t remember where we put our passports,” said Richard.

a) Richard said they couldn’t remember where they had put their passports.

b) Richard said they couldn’t remember where they put their passports.                                                                            c) Richard said they couldn’t remember where they have put their passports.

2. Nick said that he had been very successful while learning to drive.

a) Nick: “I have been very successful while learning to drive.”

b) Nick: “I was very successful while learning to drive.”                                                                                                                                               c) Nick: “I had been very successful while learning to drive.”

3. She told me that I … my dinner.

a) enjoyed   b) would enjoy   c) have enjoyed

4. I______her that I______time to play the piano.                                                                                                                 a) told, have no                 c) told, did not have                                                                                                                                 b) tells, did not have           d) told to, had not have

5. Jane answered that she______very early, so she______ the news.

a) went to bed, hadn’t seen                                                                                                                                                    b) had gone to bed, hadn’t seen                                                                                                                                           c) has gone to bed, hasn’t seen                                                                                                                                             d) had gone to bed, didn’t see

II. Change the sentences into the reported speech.

  1. The poor man said: “My horse is wild. It can kill your horse”.
  2. “I am sorry, I am late. I lost my way”, he said to our guide.
  3. Ann said, “I spent a summer here in this village last year.”                                                                    
  4. The teacher said to the class: “We’ll discuss this subject next week.” 
  5. He said, “You couldn’t bring any food or drinks last weekend.”





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Test: Statements in reported speech. Answers:


  1. a, c, b, b, d
  1. Alec said that his friend lived in Moscow then.
  2. Her teacher said that she was not going to ask her the following day.
  3. Marry said that she had gone to London with her sister the month before.
  4. She said that I would read that book in the 9th form. 
  5. They said to me that they had been married four years.


  1. c, b, b, d, a
  1. I said that he was going to give up his job the next year.
  2. My friend said that he watched a lot of soap operas then.
  3. She said that he had turned out a good pianist.
  4. Mike said that they had bought those books that day.
  5. He said that he would help you to repair my car the following day.


  1. c, b, a, b, c
  1. My classmate said to me that he/ she couldn’t explain that rule to me then.
  2. She said that there was no paper in the box.
  3. He said that he had received a letter from his uncle that day.
  4. The woman said that that man had spoken to her on the road. 
  5. Kelly said that she hadn’t wanted to wear that hat the day before.


  1. c, a,  b, a, c
  1. I said that I could give him/ her/ them his address the following day.
  2. He said that he was living in London then.
  3. The teacher said to me that I had not done my work well.
  4. Misha said that he had seen them at his parents’ house the previous year. 
  5. She said that she had never eaten sushi before then.


  1. a, b, b, c, b
  1. The poor man said that his horse was wild. It could kill my horse.
  2. He said to our guide that he was sorry, he was late. He had lost his way.
  3. Ann said that she had spent a summer there in that village the previous year.                                                                    
  4. The teacher said to the class that they would discuss that subject the next week. 
  5. He said that he/ she/ they couldn’t bring any food or drinks the previous weekend.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 8. V – I Part 1 Vocabulary

1. Choose the correct verb.

  1. I’m so upset — Josh cheated/ missed on me.
  2. He finished with me/ asked me out and                                                                                                                                       I said «yes».
  3. I can’t believe it! He fell in love/fancied                                                                                                                         with her after two weeks.
  4. Maria and Sam were shouting and having                                                                                                                                                            an argument/ getting on well.
  5. She said that she had met a new boy and she                                                                                                                          finished/ got on with me.

2. Complete the sentences with proper verbs.                                                                                                                                       There are two extra verbs.                                    

promised/announced/ complained/ invited/ refused/ explained/ asked

  1. My friends ….. me to go to a party.
  2. I ….. that I was busy that day.
  3. He ….. not to drive too fast.
  4. My sister ….. to lend me her pink top.
  5. She ….. that she had a headache.


3. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. She said/ told me that she loved John.
  2. They said/ told that they were happy.
  3. His father asked/ said him to go to bed.
  4. Mother said/ told that she wanted to                                                                                                                                        have a cup of tea.
  5. John said/ asked if I liked cold winters.

4. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. Lisa said that she have/ had never been to England.
  2. She said that she wouldn’t/ didn’t see her friends until the following day.
  3. He said that he hadn’t/couldn’t answer all the questions in the test.
  4. She said that she was/ is learning French.
  5. They said that they had visited/ visited the UK the year before.

5. Rewrite each sentence using reported speech.

  1. He said, “Bring me some water, please.”
  2. She said, “He must stay here.”
  3. “I’m going to Spain next week,” she said.
  4. “I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.
  5. “Don’t eat bananas,” mum said.
  6. “I’ve heard about it before”, David said.
  7. “I’ll help you to repair your car tomorrow,” he said.
  8. John said “I didn’t expect he would come”.
  9. Marry said, “I went to London with my sister.”
  10. Her teacher said, “I was not going to ask you.”

6. Write the direct questions.

  1. She asked if I was Russian. “Are ……………….?”
  2. She asked if I drove a car.  “Do………… a car?”
  3. She asked if I was going out. “Are……… out?”
  4. She asked if I had passed my exams. “Have ………. your exams?”
  5. She asked if I would go to the collage in the future. “Will ……… to the collage in the future?”

7. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. Paul asked me if I liked travelling. — “Do you like/Did you like travelling?” asked Paul.
  2. He asked me if I had finished the essay. – “Did you finish/Have you finished the essay?” he asked me.
  3. Helen asked me if she could leave. – “Can/Could I leave?” asked Helen.
  4. I asked Sam where we were going. – “Where are we/we are going?” I asked.
  5. Mark asked Liz if she had met anyone the previous Sunday. – “Did you meet/Have you met anyone                                                                                                                   last Sunday?” asked Mark.

Test 8. V – II Part 1 Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Complete the expressions with these verbs.                                                                                                                                                         There are two extra verbs.

fall/  go/  cheat/  miss/  get/  flirt/  ask

  1. ….. out with someone
  2. ….. on someone
  3. …… with someone
  4. ….. someone out
  5. …… on with someone


2. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. My mum refused/ admitted that she’d read my diary.
  2. Peter complained/ offered that he was ill.
  3. Oliver promised/ asked me to go to the party.
  4. I announced / agreed to meet my friends in the cafe.
  5. She refused/ complained to borrow my top.

3. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. She  said/ told that it was raining.
  2. Lisa said/ told me that she would call at 2p.m.
  3. Layla said/asked Frida to help her.
  4. My mother asked/ told if I cooked any vegetables for supper.
  5. They said/ told us to come on Saturday.

4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions in reported speech.

  1. ”He came yesterday.” She said that he had come ……
  2. “I will contact you tomorrow.” He said he would contact me………
  3. “My brother was here today.” She said that her brother had been ………
  4. “Where will you go …….?” They wanted to know where I would go the following summer.
  5. “I have read all about it in ……. newspaper.” He said he had read all about it in that day’s newspaper.

5.  Rewrite each sentence using reported speech.

  1. My friend said: “Watch this film”
  2. Mother asked: “Don’t be late”
  3. Frank said, “They are getting married tomorrow”.
  4. He said, “I can drive a car.”
  5. “My sister is ready to go now” Helen said.
  6. She said, “Somebody has stolen my bag”.
  7. “I have my English lesson today”, my sister said to me.
  8. “I saw the film last night,” she said.
  9. Kelly said, “I didn’t want to wear this hat yesterday.”
  10. Gerry asked, “Can you lend me some money?”

6. Write the direct questions.

  1. He asked if I lived in Japan. “Do ………. in Japan?”  
  2. He asked if I would help. “Will………?”
  3. He asked if I had been out.  “Have ……….?”    
  4. He asked if I was going for dinner that night.                                                                                                                            “Are ………… for dinner tonight?”
  5. He asked if my friends were with me. “Are ……………..?”                                                                                              

7. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. “Did you listen to the CD?”  — He asked if I have listened / had listened to the CD.
  1. “Are your friends funny?”   — He asked if my friends were/ were my friends funny.
  2. “Can you speak French?”    — He asked if I can speak/ could speak French.
  3. “Do you really come from Japan?”  — He asked if did I really come/ I really came from Japan.
  4. “Will you help me?”  — He asked if I helped/ would help him.

Test 8. V – IV Part 1 Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Complete the text with these verbs.                                                                                                                                                          There are two extra verbs.

missed/  asked/  got/  fancied/ went/ finish/  flirted

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Missy  (1) ….. Jim a lot so she flirted with him at a party last month. Then he (2) ….. her out and she said «yes». They (3) ….. out together for three years and at first they  (4) ….. on well. But after they had had a great argument she decided  to (5) ….. with him.

2. Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. John decided/ complained that he would mee him on Sunday.
  2. She said/ asked  she would never speak to                                                                                                                                       him again.
  3. He complained/ suggested that he didn’t earn enough money.
  4. She recommended/reminded to stay at home.
  5. They agreed/ invited us to come on Saturday.

3. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. He told/ said me to wash the dishes.
  2. He asked/ said Jill to get him a glass of water.
  3. Mother said/ told that she wanted me to wash my hands before dinner.
  4. My mother asked/ told if I ate more vegetables.
  5. Molly told/ said me that she wanted to go shopping.

4. Put the verb in the correct form.

Do you ever wonder why so many famous people get married to other celebrities these days? Last night I                                                                                                                     (1) asked to/ asked Sally Haigh, a gossip writer from the “Fame” magazine (2) why are so many/ why so many                                                                                                                           get married to other famous people these days. She told me that this (3) wasn’t/ hadn’t been a new trend and                                                                                                                             that celebrity couples (4) existed/ had existed for centuries. But she (5) explained me/ explained that the celebrity style couples are an invention of the press.

5. Rewrite each sentence using reported speech.

  1. The chief ordered, “Go to the theatre and book the tickets.”
  2. I said, “Don`t drink coffee at night or you will not sleep.”
  3. She said, “Kent has visited many countries in Western Europe.”
  4. I said:”I can give you my address”.
  5. “I am not married,” Jimmy said.
  6. “They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said.
  7. “My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said.
  8. “I will not repeat this again,” he said.
  9. “I didn’t understand the meaning of the film”, he said.
  10. “I was not crying when you phoned me”, Jill said to me.

6. Write the indirect questions.

  1. The teacher asked, “Have you done your homework?”
  2. The little boy asked the man, “Will you help me?”
  3. “Do you really come from Japan?” the prince asked the young man.
  4. “Are they hungry?” my mother asked.
  5. “Can you speak French?” the manager asked.

7. Rewrite the sentence into direct speech.

  1. He said he had had a big meal.
  2. She told me she wasn’t surprised as she had known about the news the day before.
  3. The boy told me that he was afraid because he had broken my vase.
  4. Sally asked if I had already found her book.
  5. She asked me not to open the door.

Test 8. V – V Part 1 Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Complete the texts with proper verbs.                                                                                                                                                      Don’t forget about tense forms.

  1. Molly’s gone to live in Berlin but I email her                                                                                                                                every day because I…..her so much.
  2. My boyfriend said me that our relationship didn’t have any future and he…..with me. I was so upset.
  3. I saw my best friend’s boyfriend with another girl today. They were holding hands and smiling at each other. I’m sure he’s ….on her.
  4. I’ve been friends with a boy in my street for years but now I’m sure I….him a lot!
  5. There’s a group of us in my class who spend a lot of time together. We always laugh and have fun. We really…..on well.

2. Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. He refused/ recommended to accompany her to the party.
  2. She complained / admitted that she had been                                                                                                                       unfriendly to him.
  3. She warned/ didn’t want the kid not to touch                                                                                                                                 the boiling kettle.
  4. The doctor decided/ advised me to stay in bed.  
  5. He invited/ suggested that they spent the

evening together.

3. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. He  said/ told everybody that he had to leave.
  2. Anne  said/ told me that her brother was                                                                                                                                       buying a car.
  3. Alice said/ told to Mike that he was wearing                                                                                                                               a nice suit.
  4. He asked/ said her to let him know when                                                                                                                                                  the dinner would be ready.
  5. John asked/ said if he would meet us on Sunday.

4. Put the verb in the correct form.

Do you ever wonder why so many famous people get married to other celebrities these days? Sally Haigh,                                                                                                                                  a gossip writer from the “Fame” magazine said to me that this (1)(not be) a new trend and that celebrity                                                                                                                            couples (2)(exist) for centuries. I asked Sally if she (3)( think) these couples had more chance that they                                                                                                                                     (4)( split up) than other couples. And she answered that she (5)( not think) that was the case.

5. Rewrite each sentence in reported speech using reported verbs.

  1.  “Please don`t tell anybody what happened”, Ann said to me.
  2.  He said, “I can` t move the piano alone.”
  3. He said, “Call a doctor if you have a strong pain in the heart.”
  4. They said to me, “You should drive more carefully.”
  5. She said, “Can you open your bag, please?
  6. “We are going to the disco tonight”, my friend said to me.
  7. “We have been married four years,” they said to me.
  8. “I’m afraid I won’t come”, she said.
  9. “I saw him yesterday, but he didn’t recognize me,” she said.
  10. She said, “I had never eaten sushi before I moved to Moscow.”

6. Write the indirect questions.

  1. “Do you know when she will return?” he asked.
  2. “Are you coming home with me?” he asked me.
  3. Ann said, “Did anybody see you?”
  4. “Can you give me some juice?” asked the little girl.
  5. I asked him, “Have you met my sister yet?”

7. Rewrite the sentence into direct speech.

  1. The pupil said that he hadn’t learnt the lesson.
  2. Ben told the doctor that he had felt ill the day before.
  3. They told us they were leaving on June 8.
  4. The children asked the teacher not to clean the board.
  5. She asked if we could come the following weekend.

Test 8. V – III Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Match the beginning of the sentences with their endings. Then put them in the correct order to make a story.

1) When he

2) They went out

3) She couldn’t believe it,

4) Emma fancied

5) One day she asked

a) because they got on well.

b) him out and he agreed.

c) a classmate called Nick.

d) together a few weeks.

e) finished with Emma.

  1. …/…      2. …/…     3…./…    4. …/…      5. …/…  

2. Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. My friends invited/ agreed to go out for a drink.
  2. Steve explained/ promised that he couldn’t come to the party because he was busy.
  3. I promised/ complained to help my sister with the homework.
  4. My wife never offers/ complains to go jogging.
  5. Sam announced/ warned that they were having a baby!

3. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. Mother told/ said me that she wanted to go                                                                                                                         shopping.
  2. Mother said/ told that she wanted to go shopping.
  3. She asked/ said her parents not to leave her alone in the dark.
  4. The doctor said/ told me to stay in bed.  
  5. His father asked/ said him to go to his bedroom.

4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions in reported speech.

  1. “I was there yesterday.” She said she was there……
  2. “Five years ago there were no people here.” He said that five years ….. there had been no people there.
  3. “My son will arrive ……. .” He told me that his son would arrive the following day.
  4. “Last year I spent my summer in the country.” She said that she had spent her summer in the country …….
  5. “We came to live in this town years ago.” They said that they had come to live in this town the years……

5. Rewrite each sentence using reported speech.

  1. Jo asked me,” Give me a lift into the centre”.
  2. She said, “Don`t write a letter to Ann.”
  3. She said, “Tom is leaving tomorrow night.”
  4. Our granny said, “I can`t find my gloves.”
  5. “She doesn’t understand me,” he said.
  6. He said, “I have lived in Moscow since 2005.”
  7. “I read an interesting story yesterday”, mother said.
  8. He said, “She was going to visit the dentist a week ago.”
  9. “He didn’t join us in the bar”, my friend said.
  10. Tom said, “New York was lovelier than London last spring.”

6. Write the indirect questions.

  1. I asked him, “Have you seen my dog?”
  2. “Can you give me an ice-cream?” asked she.
  3. Ann said, “Did anybody see you?”
  4. “Are they hungry?” my mother asked.
  5. “Was your sister at home?” Bob asked.

7. Choose the correct alternatives.

  1. The policeman asked him if the gun belonged to him. – “Does/Did the gun belong to you?”
  2. David asked his daughter when she would get back. – “When would you get/will you get back?”
  3. Diana asked me what time the film started. – “What time did/does the film start?”
  4. He asked me where the nearest toilet was. – “Where has been/is the nearest toilet?”
  5. She wondered who would buy that car. – “Who will/would buy that car?”

 Test8. V — I Keys:

  1. 1)  cheated   2)  asked me out  3) fell in love  4)  having an argument    5)  finished
  2. 1) invited  2) explained  3)  promised   4)  refused    5) complained      
  3. 1) told  2)  said  3) asked  4) said  5)  asked          
  4. 1) had  2)  wouldn’t  3)  couldn’t  4)  was  5)   had visited  
  1. He said/ asked to bring him some water.
  2. She said that he must stay there.
  3. She said that she was going to Spain the next week/ the following week.
  4. Mary said that she didn’t like chocolate.
  5. Mother said/ asked not to eat bananas.
  6. David said that he had heard about it before.
  7. “I’ll help you to repair your car tomorrow,” he said.
  8. John said that he hadn’t expected he would come.
  9. Marry said that she had gone to London with her sister.
  10. Her teacher said that she was not going to ask us


1) you Russian  2) drive a car  3) you going   4) you passed  5) you go

7. 1) Do you like 2) Have you finished 3) Can 4) are we 5) Did you meet

Test8. V — II Keys:

  1. 1) go  2) cheat  3) finish/ flirt  4) ask  5) get
  2. 1) admitted  2) complained  3) asked  4) agreed  5) refused
  3. 1) said  2) told  3) asked  4) asked  5) told
  4. 1) the day before/ the previous day 2) the next day/ the following day 3) that day  4) next summer  5) today’s
  5. 1) My friend said to watch that film.

2) Mother asked not to be late.

3) Frank said that they were getting married the next day/ the following day.

4) He said that he could drive a car.

5) Helen said that her sister was ready to go then.

6) She said that somebody had stolen her bag.

7) My sister said to me that she had her English lesson that day.

8) She said that she had seen the film the previous night.

9) Kelly said that she hadn’t wanted to wear that hat the day before/ the previous day.

10) Gerry asked me to lend him some money.

  1. 1) you live  2) you help  3) you been  4) you going  5) your friends with you
  2. 1) had listened 2) my friends were  3) could speak  4) I really came  5) would help

Test 8. V — III

  1. 1) 4/c    2) 5/b    3)  2/ d     4) 1/ e  5) 3/ a
  2. 1) agreed  2) explained  3) promised  4) offers  5) announced
  3. 1) told  2) said  3) asked  4) told  5) asked
  4. 1) the day before/ the previous day 2) before  3) tomorrow  4) the year before/ the previous year  5) before  
  1. Jo asked me to give him a lift into the centre.
  2. She said not to write a letter to Ann.
  3. She said that Tom was leaving the next /the following night.
  4. Our granny said that she couldn`t find her gloves.
  5. He said that she didn’t understand him.
  6. He said that he had lived in Moscow since 2005.
  7. Mother said that she had read an interesting story the day before/ the previous day.
  8. He said that she had been going to visit the dentist a week before.
  9. My friend said that he hadn’t joined us in the bar.
  10. Tom said that New York had been lovelier than London the previous spring/ the spring before.

6. 1) I asked him if he had seen my dog.

     2) She asked if I could give her an ice-cream.

     3) Ann asked if anybody had seen me.

     4) My mother asked if they were hungry.

     5) Bob asked if my sister had been at home.

7. 1) Does   2) will you get   3) does   4) is   5) will

Test8. V — IV Keys:

  1. 1) fancied  2) asked  3) went   4) got  5) finish
  2. 1) decided 2) said 3) complained 4) recommended 5) invited
  3. 1) told  2) asked  3) said  4) asked  5)  told
  4. 1) asked  2) why so many  3) wasn’t  4) had existed  5) explained
  5. 1) The chief ordered to go to the theatre and book the tickets.

2) I said/ asked/ warned not to drink coffee at night or they would not sleep.

3) She said that Kent had visited many countries in Western Europe.

4) I said that I couldn’t give him/ her/ them my address.

5)  Jimmy said that he was not married.

6) Nick said that they were playing in the gym then.

7) The girl said that her mother usually went shopping on Saturday.

8) He said that he would not repeat that again.

9) He said that he hadn’t understood the meaning of the film.

10) Jill said to me/ told me that he had not been crying when I had phoned him.

6.  1) The teacher asked if I had done my homework.                                                                                                                                       2) The little boy asked the man if he would help him.                                                                                                                                              3) The prince asked the young man if he really came from Japan.                                                                                                                 4) My mother asked if I was hungry.                                                                                                                                                                     5) The manager asked if I could speak French.

7. 1) He said, “I have had a big meal”.                                                                                                                                                                         2) She told me, “I am not surprised as I knew about the news yesterday”.                                                                                                         3) The boy told me, “I am afraid because I have broken your vase”.                                                                                                      4) Sally asked, “Have you ready found my book?”                                                                                                                                  5) She told me, “Don’t open the door”.

Test8. V — V Keys:

  1. 1) missed  2) finished  3) cheating  4) fancies  5) get
  2. 1) refused 2) admitted  3)warned 4) advised  5) suggested
  3. 1) told  2) told  3) said  4) asked  5) asked
  4. 1) wasn’t  2) had existed  3) thought  4)would  5) didn’t think
  5. 1) Ann said to me/ asked/ begged not to tell anybody what had happened.

2)  He said that he could` t move the piano alone.

3) He asked to call a doctor if I had a strong pain in the heart.

4) They said to me/ recommended to drive more carefully.

5) She asked/ ordered to open my bag.

6) My friend said to me/ informed that they were going to the disco that night.

7) They told that they had been married four years.

8) She apologized that she wouldn’t come.

9) She said that she had seen him the day before/ the previous day, but he hadn’t recognized her.

10) She said that she had never eaten sushi before she had moved to Moscow.


  1. He asked if I knew when she would return.
  2. He asked if I was coming home with him.
  3. Ann asked if anybody had seen me.
  4. The little girl asked if I could give her some juice.
  5. I asked him if he had met my sister yet.


  1. The pupil said, “I haven’t learnt the lesson.”
  2. Ben told the doctor, “I felt ill yesterday.”                                                                                                          
  3. They told us, “We are leaving on June 8.”
  4. The children asked the teacher, “Don’t clean the board.”
  5. She asked, “Can you come next weekend?”

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Комплексная контрольная работа

Данную работу можно провести в начале в в конце учебного года для сравнения результатов обученности учащихся. Предназначена для учащихся 5-х классов….

Составление вопросов: теория, практика, тест.

В предоставленном материале очень доходчиво объясняется правила построения вопрос. предложений в английском языке. Предназначено для обобщение и повторения в старшем звене средней школы….

  • Мне нравится 


Задание 1. Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.
  1. He said, «I went to the city centre yesterday.»
  2. My mother said, «I have washed the dishes.»
  3. Kristy asked me, «Do you want to stay here?»
  4. She asked us, «Why have you come so late?»
Задание 2. Отметьте предложения, в которых глагол в скобках может стоять в форме настоящего времени.
  1. Aristotle discovered that the Earth (be) round.
  2. I thought you (invite) her to the cinema.
  3. I met the girl who (live) near here.
  4. He told me he (be preparing) for his exams.
  5. You made me understand how important education (be).
Задание 3. Отметьте правильные предложения. В остальных – исправьте ошибки.
  1. He knew he has a problem.
  2. He knows he will have a problem.
  3. He knew he will have a problem.
Задание 4. Продолжите предложения.

Пример: I think I know the answer.
                I thought… – I thought I knew the answer.

  1. He realizes he will be alone.
    He realized…
  2. We hope she will be waiting for us at six o’clock.
    We hoped…
  3. He proves he is the best.
    He proved…
  4. She imagines she can do that.
    She imagined…
  5. We understand we need more money.
    We understood…
Задание 5. Переведите предложения с русского на английский.
  1. Я думал, что они ждут меня дома.
  2. Джон был уверен, что я уехал из города.
  3. Я надеялся, что он придет.
  4. Мы не знали, что он говорит по-английски.

Ответы с пояснениями

Задание 1.
  1. He said he had gone to the city centre the day before.

    Если при обращении прямой речи в косвенную глагол в главном предложении стоит в Past Simple (said), то в придаточном предложении действует согласование времен. В данном случае Past Simple меняется на Past Perfect: went –> had gone.

  2. My mother said that she had washed the dishes.

    Если при обращении прямой речи в косвенную глагол в главном предложении стоит в Past Simple (said), то в придаточном предложении действует согласование времен. В данном случае Present Perfect меняется на Past Perfect: have washed –> had washed.

  3. Kristy asked me whether I wanted to stay there.

    Если при обращении прямой речи в косвенную глагол в главном предложении стоит в Past Simple (asked), то в придаточном предложении действует согласование времен. В данном случае Present Simple меняется на Past Simple: want –> wanted.

  4. She asked us why we had come so late. 

    Если при обращении прямой речи в косвенную глагол в главном предложении стоит в Past Simple (asked), то в придаточном предложении действует согласование времен. В данном случае Present Perfect меняется на Past Perfect: have come –> had come.

Задание 2.
  1. +

    Аристотель обнаружил, что Земля круглая. В данном примере выражается общеизвестное положение или факт, поэтому согласование времен может не соблюдаться, и допустимо употребление Present Simple (is round).

  2. В данном примере должно соблюдаться согласование времен: I thought you had invited her to the cinema.
  3. +

    Я встретил девушку, которая живет поблизости. В данном примере согласование времен может не соблюдаться, поскольку в придаточном предложении сообщается фактическое, а не относительное время событий. Иными словами, девушка здесь всегда живет, и это факт, поэтому допустимо употребление Present Simple (lives near here).

  4. В данном примере должно соблюдаться согласование времен: He told me he was preparing for his exams.
  5. +

    Ты заставил меня понять, как важно образование. В данном примере выражается общеизвестное положение или факт, поэтому согласование времен может не соблюдаться, и допустимо употребление Present Simple (how important education is).

Задание 3.
  1. He knew he had a problem.

    Глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени – knew (Past Simple). Поэтому должно соблюдаться согласование времен, и в придаточном предложении глагол должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен – в данном случае во времени Past Simple (had).

  2. +

    Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения может стоять в любой временной форме, требуемой смыслом. Поэтому предложение составлено верно.

  3. He knew he would have a problem.

    Глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени – knew (Past Simple). Поэтому должно соблюдаться согласование времен, и в придаточном предложении глагол должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен – в данном случае во времени Future in the Past (would have).

Задание 4.
  1. He realized he would be alone.

    Глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени – realized (Past Simple). Поэтому должно соблюдаться согласование времен, и в придаточном предложении глагол должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен – в данном случае Future Simple меняется на Future in the Past (will be –> would be).

  2. We hoped she would be waiting for us at six o’clock.

    Глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени – hoped (Past Simple). Поэтому должно соблюдаться согласование времен, и в придаточном предложении глагол должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен – в данном случае Future Continuous меняется на Future Continuous in the Past (will be waiting –> would be waiting).

  3. He proved he was the best.

    Глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени – proved (Past Simple). Поэтому должно соблюдаться согласование времен, и в придаточном предложении глагол должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен – в данном случае Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (is –> was).

  4. She imagined she could do that.

    Глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени – imagined (Past Simple). Поэтому должно соблюдаться согласование времен, и в придаточном предложении глагол должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен – в данном случае Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (can –> could).

  5. We understood we needed more money.

    Глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени – understood (Past Simple). Поэтому должно соблюдаться согласование времен, и в придаточном предложении глагол должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен – в данном случае Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (need –> needed).

Задание 5.
  1. I thought that they were waiting for me at home.
  2. John was sure that I had left the city.
  3. I hoped he would come.
  4. We didn’t know he could speak English.

Report these sentences. (1)

  1. «There are a lot of trains to my station on Sunday», said Andrew to us. “You will no problems getting to my country place.”

  2. “I want to know how your cousin likes working at the hospital,” said Vera to Helen.

  3. “I’m very sorry,” said Mike. “I have forgotten to bring your dictionary.”

  4. My friend said: “We arrived in Moscow on Saturday and the next day we went to have a look around a city.”

  5. “I will gladly go to the cinema with you tomorrow because I haven’t seen this film and I want to see it very much,” said aunt to me.

Report these sentences. (2)

  1. “I’m very happy,” said Frank. “I have bought a very good bicycle.”

  2. “I will not go to the party tomorrow because I don’t feel well,” said Mary.

  3. “We saw a lot of places of interest when we were travelling around Europe last summer,” said Walter.

  4. He said: “I study at Moscow University.”

  5. Ann said to me: “I wonder if you are going to leave St. Petersburg tomorrow.”

Report these sentences. (3)

  1. His grandfather said to me: “This dog is very clever and it won’t do you any harm.”

  2. He said to me: «I have seen you somewhere.”

  3. Mary says: «Peter has taken my dictionary.»

  4. Mary said: «Peter has taken my dictionary.»

  5. He said: «I’ll be working this summer.»

Report these sentences. (4)

  1. He said: «We had finished our work by six o’clock.»

  2. John said: «They were here yesterday.»

  3. She told me, “I will come to see you tomorrow.”

  4. Mary said: «I haven’t seen her today.»

  5. Linda said: “I’m watching TV at this moment.”


Report these sentences. (4)

  1. He said: «We had finished our work by six o’clock.»

  2. John said: «They were here yesterday.»

  3. She told me, “I will come to see you tomorrow.”

  4. Mary said: «I haven’t seen her today.»

  5. Linda said: “I’m watching TV at this moment.”

Сегодня мы потренируемся употреблять согласование времен (Sequence of Tenses) в английском языке.

В этом уроке 8 упражнений с ответами, но сначала давайте повторим правила согласования времен.

Основное правило согласования времен

Если главное предложение в настоящем времени, то время в придаточном не меняется. Например: 

  • I know that you study English. – Я знаю, что ты учишь английский.

Если главное предложение в прошедшем времени, то в придаточном происходит смещение времен “на шаг назад”. Например: 

  • I knew that you studied English. – Я знал, что ты учишь английский. 

В таблице приведены правила согласования времен в английском языке:

Простое предложение Сложное предложение с согласованием
Present Simple I like pizza. Past Simple He knew (that) she liked pizza.
Present Continuous I’m sleeping. Past Continuous He knew (that) she was sleeping.
Present Perfect I have traveled a lot. Past Perfect He knew (that) she had traveled a lot.
Past Simple I got a job in 2018. Past Perfect He knew (that) she had got a job in 2018.
Past Continuous I was reading all evening. Past Perfect Continuous He knew (that) she had been reading all evening.
Will  I will write to you later. Would  He knew (that) she would write to him later.

При согласовании времен и в косвенной речи указатели времени меняются:

  • Sally: I went swimming yesterday
  • Sally said (that) she had gone swimming the day before.

Скачать упражнения в PDF

Упражнение 1. Указатели времени при согласовании времен

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола  


He lives in London. – Он живет в Лондоне. (глагол в Present Simple) 

I thought (that) he lived in London. – Я думал, что он живет в Лондоне. (глагол меняется на Past Simple)

Упражнение 3. Напишите в пропусках правильную форму глагола

Согласование с Past Simple не обязательно, если есть указание, когда произошло действие.


She left Moscow on Sunday. (глагол в Past Simple) 

He said that she left / had left Moscow on Sunday. (глагол в Past Simple/Past Perfect)

Упражнение 4. Впишите в пропуски глаголы в правильной форме


I‘m having breakfast. (глагол в Present Continuous)

She said she was having breakfast. (глагол в Past Continuous)

Больше уроков по теме:

  • Упражнения на Present Continuous с ответами
  • Тест на Present Continuous с ответами

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски глаголом в правильной форме 


I’ve been to Morocco twice. (глагол в Present Perfect)

He said he had been to Morocco twice. (глагол в Past Perfect)

Упражнение 6. Напишите глаголы в правильной форме


I will come to Ben’s birthday party. (глагол will)

He said he would come to Ben’s party. (глагол would)

Упражнение 7. Напишите глаголы в правильной форме

При согласовании модальные глаголы меняются: Can → Could, Must → Must / Had to, Have to → Had to, May → Might

Не меняются: Should, Ought to, Might

Упражнение 8. Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола


Упражнение 1. 

  • today – that day
  • yesterday – the day before
  • tomorrow – the next/following day
  • a year ago – a year before
  • next weekend – the following weekend
  • last week – the previous week
  • these days – those days
  • last month – the previous month
  • now – then
  • this evening – that evening

Упражнение 2. 

  1. I knew that she collected stamps.
  2. I knew that they went surfing every day.
  3. I didn’t know he was a doctor.
  4. I thought that they were volunteers.
  5. I heard he worked in a school.

Упражнение 3.

  1. I didn’t know he had written/wrote many books in the past.
  2. She said that she had traveled/traveled around Europe in her 20s.
  3. I heard she bought/had bought a new car.
  4. They said they visited/had visited France in 2015.
  5. Kate said she had seen/saw Tom this morning. 

Упражнение 4.

  1. He said the kids were playing in the yard.
  2. I knew he was taking a day-off.
  3. I saw they were sunbathing.
  4. She said she was living in Greece.
  5. Ken said they were working together.

Упражнение 5.

  1. Mary said she had seen that movie before. 
  2. I knew she had been to England twice.
  3. He said he had passed the exam.
  4. Vicky mentioned that she had never met a celebrity.
  5. They told me that they hadn’t applied/had not applied for University yet.

Упражнение 6.

  1. Harry said that he would write to me.
  2. Mom said that she would call me soon.
  3. Nancy said that they would meet on Red Square.
  4. Lucy said that she would invite all her friends.
  5. Bruce said that he would move to Japan.

Упражнение 7.

  1. Jane said that she could do it for me.
  2. She added she might be late for her class.
  3. He said he had to work hard.
  4. Teacher told me (that) I should read every day.
  5. The doctor said that I had to take a pill every 3 hours.

Упражнение 8.

  1. Danny said he would wait for me at the square.
  2. I didn’t know you had studied/studied Japanese at school.
  3. Hanna said she had read that book before.
  4. I thought that you liked cooking.
  5. I saw that the cat was sleeping on the sofa.

Изучать далее: 

  • Тест на согласование времен в английском
  • Упражнения на косвенную речь с ответами
  • Тест на косвенную речь с ответами

Согласование времён – очень важная, но не самая лёгкая тема грамматики в английском языке, которая требует к себе большого количества внимания. Согласование важно, потому что в большинстве случаев говорящий пересказывает чьи-то слова, поступки или действия. А в случае такого пересказала действует особое правило «шаг назад», которое и является наибольшей проблемой для людей, изучающих английский язык.

Мальчик у доски

Однако в этой статье мы не будем разбирать само правило, мы будем тренировать своё умение использовать согласование времён в различных ситуациях и предложениях.

Поэтому повторяйте правило и скорее приступайте к упражнениям на согласование времён!

Упражнения на согласование времен в английском языке

Ниже будут представлены разнообразные упражнения онлайн, которые помогут вам отработать правило согласование времён в самых разных случаях. Проработайте каждое упражнения, сверяясь с ответами, а не подсматривая в них. Только так вы сможете добиться эффективного результата в освоении согласования времён.

Упражнение 1

Ниже находятся предложения, которые вам необходимо переписать в прошедшем времени, используя правило согласования времён. Будьте внимательны!

  1. She knows that you are a good friend but a really strange lover.
  2. Marisa tells that her parents are very strict. But I think she is lying.
  3. Peter asks me where his girlfriend goes every day.
  4. Sam is not sure his school is pretty well but he continues to go there.
  5. I tell you that your friends are very dangerous people. You should stop to talk with them.

ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode

Упражнение 2

Вам необходимо раскрыть скобки и написать глагол в правильном времени, подходящем данному предложения, используя правило согласование времён. При необходимости повторите его перед началом выполнения упражнения.

  1. I cannot believe my parents (buy) a new car the two days before yesterday.
  2. Alice said that she (love) reading books in the evening but (hate) to do this in the morning.
  3. The brother of my friend said that he (see not) this disgusting and horrible film before in his life.
  4. I knew that young Tomas (to pass) his examination at that time.

Упражнение 3

Согласование временИз предложенных предложений выберите то, глагол в котором может стоять в настоящем времени. Здесь могут быть также и предложения, которые не относятся к согласованию времён, например, придаточные или сложные предложения.

  1. I (know) that my parents want to (buy) me many gifts on my birthdays next year even if I do not want it.
  2. Mary (say) that Bill (beat) Andrew because of the young girl named Elisabeth.
  3. My close friends and I (think) that our best friend Dilan still (to be) in the hospital in the city.
  4. Do not be afraid of my dogs. I (know) that they (to be) pretty kind. They (bite) you!
  5. Masha (say) that her parents (not like) how she (dance) at school. She (to be) upset about this situation.

Упражнение 4

Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму и переведите предложения на русский язык согласно правилу согласования времён. Повторите правило перед выполнением данного задания.

  1. Teresa told me that she is going to (go) to the blue sea next year with her husband and a little child. I am so glad for her.
  2. Helen said that she (can) repair her old car my herself.
  3. Katy is a pretty smart pupil. But her parents said that she (go) drop put the school. It will be bad.

Упражнение 5

Ниже даны предложения на русском языке. Вам необходимо данные предложения перевести на английский язык, применяя правило согласования времён.

  1. Моя мама сказала, что Джереми в госпитале.
  2. Дин говорит, что его сестра нарисовала потрясающую картину.
  3. Родители Луизы спросили мене, где находится их дочь.
  4. Мария сказала мне, что её дети очень хорошие ученики.

ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode

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Упражнение 6

Переведите данные предложения, используя правило согласования времён. Перед началом повторите само правило, так вы сможете освежить свои знания. Старайтесь не подсматривать в ответы раньше времени.

  1. Мила сказала, что он поедет в Лондон на следующей неделе вместе с Джимом.
  2. Денис сказала, что он очень хороший спортсмен, а его друзья нет.
  3. Мой учитель сказал, что он умеет играть на гитаре и на фортепиано.
  4. Маленький мальчик сказала, что он не смог победить в игре.

Упражнение 7

Ниже даны предложения, построенные в прямой речи. Вам же нужно переделать их в косвенную, используя правило согласования времён. Старайтесь не подсматривать в ответы, а только сверяться по ним.

  1. Мальчик в очкахMika said: “Boys are playing in the back yard now and girls are cooking in the kitchen”.
  2. My granny said “Your grandfather was reading a detective book yesterday when the guests came in our house”.
  3. Teddy said to me “You may take my textbook and those pencils”.
  4. My parents said to me “You could invite more your friends here, if we bought a bigger house”.
  5. Kevin said to me: “I saw Bobby in the library yesterday, but he didn’t recognize me”.

Упражнение 8

Ниже даны общие вопросительные вопросы на английском. Вашей задачей является переделать их в косвенную речь согласно правилу согласования времён.

  1. My parents asked my brother: “Can you help us with the dinner tomorrow evening?”
  2. Mary asked her cousin: “Did you become an English teacher ten years ago?”
  3. My sister`s children asked me: “Will you come to the cinema with us and our mother next weekend?”
  4. The waiter asked us: “What would you like to drink and what do you want to eat in this wonderful evening?”
  5. Alice asked my classmate: “Can you give me your notes for ten minutes, please?”

Упражнение 9

Данные предложения уже построены в косвенной речи, вам же нужно вернуть им первоначальный вид, то есть построить их в прямой речи, применяя согласование времён наоборот.

  1. Teresa said she couldn’t go to the library with me because she was reading a very interesting book about aliens.
  2. The little children asked their favorite teacher not to clean the classroom. They said that they wanted to do it by their own.
  3. My mother said to her pupils that she had been working at school for twenty years. They all were chocked.
  4. My parents wanted to know where my grandparents and I would go the following summer.
  5. Tommy asked me not to open the door because it was really cold outside. I agreed with this statement.

Ответы к упражнениям

Здесь находятся ответы на все предложенные в статье упражнения на согласование времён. Ответы даны для самопроверки вашего труда, а не для простого списывания. Поэтому уважайте своё время и не подсматривайте в ответы перед выполнением заданий на данное правило английского языка.

Упражнение 1:

1) She knew that you were a good friend but a bad lover.

2) Marisa told that her parents were very strict. But I thought she lain.

3) Peter asked me where his girlfriend went every day.

4) Sam was not sure that his school was pretty good.

5) I told you that your friends were very bad and rude people. You should stop to be friends with them.

Упражнение 2:

1) I cannot believe that my parents had bought a new cat the day before yesterday.

2) Alice said that she loved reading books in the evening but she hated to do this in the morning.

3) My friend`s brother said that he had not seen this wonderful and horrible film before.

4) I knew Tomas that had been passing his examination at that time.

Упражнение 3:

1) I know that my parents buy me many gifts on my birthdays every year even if I do not want it.

2) Mary said that Bill had beaten Andrew because of the young lady named Elisabeth.

3) My friends and I thought that our best friend Dilan still was in the local hospital.

4) Do not be afraid of big dogs. I know that they are pretty kind. They will not bite you!

5) Masha said that her parents did not like how she danced at school. She was upset about their words.

Упражнение 4:

1) Teresa said that she would go to the sea next year with her husband and little children. I am so glad for her. / Тереза сказала, что она поедет на море в следующей году с мужем и маленькими детьми. Я так рада за неё.

2) Helen said that she could repair her car my her own. I hope it will be so. / Хелен сказала, что она сможет починить свою машину сама. Надеюсь, это будет так.

3) Katy is a pretty good pupil. But her parents said that she was going to drop put the school. It will be so bad. / Кэти очень хорошая ученица. Но её родители сказали, что она собирается бросить школу. Это будет очень плохо.

Упражнение 5:

1) My mother said that Jeremy was in the hospital.

2) Din says that his sister had painted a very good picture.

3) Luisa`s parents asked me where his daughter was.

4) Maria said me that her children were very good pupils.

Упражнение 6:

1) Mila said that she would go to the London next week with Jim.

2) Denis said that he was a very good sportsman but his friends were not.

3) My teacher said that he could play the guitar and the piano.

4) A little boy said that he could not win the game.

Упражнение 7:

1) Mika said that boys were playing in the gym then and girls were cooking in the kitchen.

2) My grandmother said that my grandfather had been reading a detective book the day before when the guests had come in their house.

3) Teddy said to me that I might take his textbook and those pencils.

4) My parents said to me that I would invite more friends, if they had a bigger house.

5) Kevin said that he had seen Bobby in the library the day before, but he had not recognized him.

Упражнение 8:

1) My parents asked my brother whether (if) could he help them with the dinner the following evening.

2) Mary asked my cousin whether (if) he had become an English teacher ten years ago.

3) My sister`s children asked me whether (if) i would come to the cinema with them and their mother the following weekend?”

4) The waiter asked: “What would you like to drink and what do you want to eat in this wonderful evening?”

5) Alice asked my classmate whether (if) he can give her his notes for ten minutes.

Упражнение 9:

1) Teresa said: “I cannot go to the library with you because I am reading a very interesting book about aliens”.

2) The little boys and girls asked their favorite teacher: “Do not clean the classroom. We want to do it by our own.”

3) My mother said to her pupils “I have been working at school for twenty years.” They all were chocked.

4) My parents wanted to know: “Where your grandparents and you will go the next summer?”

5) Tommy asked me: “Do not open the front door because it is really cold in the house.” I agreed with this.


Научиться применять согласование времён или Sequence of Tenses в английском языке очень важно для человека, который хочет овладеть этим языком на очень хорошем уровне. Предложенные в этой статье упражнения помогут вам справиться с этой нелёгкой задачей. Для этого вам будет нужно время, чтобы прорешать упражнения, стараясь не подсматривать в ответы.

Если вы допустили где-то ошибку, то попытайтесь понять, что вы сделали неправильно или просмотрите правило на данную тему ещё несколько раз. Таким образом, вы сможете освежить свои знания по данному материалу и в следующий раз выполнить работу намного лучше. Главное, не отчаиваться и проходить грамматические темы осознанно.

Удачи в изучении английского языка!

Sequence of Tenses: choose the correct verb form. Translate into Russian:

  1. The teacher asked who (is /was) present that day.

  1. He realized that they (lost /had lost) their way.

  1. She says she (will come/ would come) in time.

  1. He says he (has/ had) a good camera now.

  1. He explained that he (stayed /had stayed at home the day before.

  1. My friend says that he (has just returned /had just returned) from London.

  1. I think the weather (will be/ would be) fine next week.

  1. I asked my sister what she (has bought /had bought) for my birthday.

  1. He says it (is/ was raining) again.

  1. The mother told me to (come/will come) by 11p.m.

Put the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

  1. Sam asked, “Where did you find this book yesterday?”

  1. He asked, “Have you ever bought clothes in this shop?”

  1. She said to me, “My sister doesn’t like dresses.”

  1. I asked her, “Don’t go alone tomorrow.”

  1. “Will you be back early tomorrow?” the mother said to her daughter.

  1. He said to me, “I have something to show you.”

  1. “John, write to me as often as you can,” said his wife.

  1. Tom answered, “We met 2 days ago.”

  1. “Where is the ticket office?” asked Sam.

  1. Mother said to me, “It is raining again.”

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Учитель спросил, выучили ли мы стихотворения Бёрнса.

  2. Катя ответила, что никогда не бывала в Москве.

  3. Я спросил своего друга, где он купил словарь.

  4. Доктор посоветовал мне ходить пешком каждый день.

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