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Версия Warcraft:

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Преданные и побежденные… Люди Империи сильно пострадали от Демонов. Стремясь найти новые силы, генерал Гардон решает идти против своей собственной веры в Империю. Демоны отняли у него все, что можно теперь он обрекает свою жизнь для борьбы с ними. Однако, его планам не суждено сбыться так быстро. На континент прибывает Верховный Лорд Инквизитор Ренальд Ван Дайс, готовый искоренить в рядах имперской армии предателей и своевольцев.

В кампании без малого 26 глав (вместе с интерлюдиями), сразу говорю, что кампания не моя — это перевод. Автор кампании: Shar Dundred!
Главные герои:

  • Генерал Гардон — безжалостный и беспощадный генерал Империи. Известен тем, что не брезгует использовать различные методы истребления своих врагов. Ему принадлежит одна из элитных армией Империи — Железный Кулак. Откуда он появился никто не знает, однако его навыки и сила доказывают, что он носит титул генерала не зря. Его враги очень оказываются побежденными, так же генерал имеет неплохую позицию около Императора, доверяющему ему. Тот факт, что Гардон был вынужден отступить, потому что внутренние конфликты имперцев слишком ослабили их, сильно разозлил его, и он жаждет отомстить предателям.

  • Адмирал Мерлон Сиабрайнт — живая легенда, как в Империи, так и среди Королевств. Говорят, что ему удалось с флотом уничтожить Террора Феральдира — огромное демоническое морское создание, терроризировавшие любые корабли, проходящие по Великому морю. Мерлон не особый любитель быть на суше дольше, чем ему нужно. Море — вот его настоящий дом. Он познакомился с Гардоном на объединенным задании. По началу он критиковал его, но чуть позже перестал и даже сказал, что будет помогать генералу в любых его делах.

  • Ларина Изгнанница — эльфийский егерь, некогда служивший короле Ренове. Она была сослана из своих родных земель, после того, как в отрытую начала критиковать свою королеву. Она считала её методы мало эффективным, что просто сидеть в лесах, выжидая нового приказа от людей не самая лучшая судьба. Поэтому она нашла себе укрытие в Королевствах — на службе у короля Дортена. Она хороший стрелок и умело может пользоваться магией природы.

  • Кора Редфист — сестра Адель, которая по требованию своего отца отправилась на фронт, вместо окончания обучения в Имперской Академии. Она получила пост в Имперском Флоте, где долгое время изучала магию воды. Она хорошо зарекомендовала себя, после чего ее прикомандировали в Золотую Гвардию. Но её отношение к ее лидеру было не лучший, она считала его слишком наивным и высокомерным.

  • Лорд Брайан Падший — в бывшим он был высокопоставленным дворянином при дворе в Империи, ещё за долго до отплытия имперцев к на континент. Все одновременно боялись и уважали лорда в черных доспехах. О нем ходило много слухов, что он изучает темные секреты и запретные знания. Слухи оказались правдой, он и его семья бесследно пропали, а он сам появился в неизведанном ранее обличие. Сколько ему, что он из себя представляет не ясно, достаточно сказать, что он имеет прямую связь с тенями и абсолютно бессмертен.

  • Верховный Лорд Инквизитор Ренальд Ван Дайс — будучи одним из семи младших братьев бывшего императора и, следовательно, одним из дядей нынешнего императора, Ренальд мог жить мирной роскошной жизнью в императорском дворце. Тем не менее, он ненавидел других своих братьев за то, что позволил роскоши заставить их стать ленивыми и испорченными. Он выбрал путь священного воина и очистил земли Империи от влияния Демонов много лет назад. Его это сделало ещё более высокомерным. Он является лидером Золотой Гвардии, которая в свою очередь можно считать личной гвардией Императора. Безграничная вера в Императора сделала Ван Дайса полностью зависимым от его воли.
  • Плюсы кампании:
  • В кампании присутствует возможность выбора. Данная функция делает серию кампаний «Легенды Аркаины» наиболее уникальной, среди остальных. Этот выбор отражается во всех моментах игры: убили кого-то персонажа и это отразиться в диалог игры, не выполнили какое-то дополнительное задание и это отразиться в будущих миссиях. Данный элемент придает кампании своеобразную живую атмосферу.
  • Сюжет. Сюжетная линия персонажей данной кампании напрямую переплетаяется с другими ее частями и выборы, которые вы совершите в ней, отразятся в других ее частях.
  • Продолжительность. Кампания по времени прохождения занимает не много не мало около часов 20-30. Хотя в основном эта «продолжительность» будет проглядывается в основном в самих миссиях, которые к слову очень долгие (кроме шуток, одна миссия может в среднем проходиться до 2 часов).
  • Вариативность. Ввиду 1-го и 2-го положения данная кампания имеет две концовки.
  • .Связь с другими частями. Если вы играли в первые книги людей, орков и нежити, то сможете в начале сделать выбор, которого вы придерживались в течении тех кампаний.
  • Выбор сложности. Кампания сам по себе не из простых, поэтому автор придосмотрел вариативность уровня сложности.
  • Автор изменил стандартные хоткеи у зданий, способностей и героев. Способности войск теперь находятся на клавишах QWER, т.е. буквенное обозначение клавишы соответствует номеру способности юнита или героя, например «благодать» у паладины идет первой, значит клавиша будет «Q», а «божественный щит» второй, значит будет клавиша «W» и т.д.



ЛЕГЕНДЫ АРКАИНА: КНИГА ОРКОВ 2! — СТРИМ №3! — ПРОХОЖДЕНИЕ! — Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne #5

Warcraft III — Legends of Arkain (Демоверсия второй книги нежити — Эльфы глубин)

Warcraft 3 Classic: HellHalt TD Competitive # 25 — Я хотел попробовать что-то новое! :(



Finally get to play this campaign.

Mission 1. Probably my favourite, we get to see the undead armies at their full extent. Having members or all the races, some even extinct. A pity that we couldnt see the bottom part of the mountain
Unless Aridon is defeated in FUB, pretty easy chapter.

Mission 2. Really like the «moba» fight, the cave Orcs were a delightful surprise, a protorace that survived under the death mountain. I would’ve prefered that the units were produced instead of spawned, but anyway a decent chapter.
Loved Haran and Ornasion relationship, both leaders of their Nexus but totally diferent.
Left the Orcs alone, only made the chapter harder, no change during the campaign.

Mission 3. I hate this one, despite being a good dark elven Lore chapter.
Too narrow corridors, no meat wagons, i didnt like the elves units at all (fucking lashers)
It was fun playing with Pentiss thought.

Mission 4. Second to best. Did the drug route, i dont really care at all about what happens with the Dark elves, they’ll end dying and become undead servants, so if we can minimize the losses, great.
These Orcs were really Faithful, but not enough, if they really worshipped Aridon, they’ll have surrender to the undead, becoming and Ally (or undead servants) and giving up their resources.
A pity we never get to see the giant sludge in action, or some unit/Ally made by sludges.
I knew i couldnt trust on Pentiss and her plan, but It worked quite well so she deserved some points.

Mission 5. BONE ARMY TIME. Playing as Krom and Meya, fighting Hersation lituenant and a HUGE demon army, but no army can stand against the army of Bones.
Finally SIR ROSS is back, but only as a cinematic soldier and a huge help on the mission as both the GG and the dwarves help you fight the Demons.
I completed the secondary mission by cheesing it. Holy crap, the dwarves are 200% stronger than the Demons. Of course no change.
A pity this is the end of the campaign, i would Love to play the siege of capital of Toran, the elven forest, the deathfight between Ornasion and the Demons, and the purificator map.

I Wont Talk about the finale because os a mayor spoiler, play It yourself and suffer It.

The Main issue as everybody said, the duration. Really short but anyway it was a nice campaign.
I was looking to fill some lore gaps during this campaign like in FUB but the short stories and the True Story will fill them, probably.

4,5/5, Better than Orc book thought.

Первый нах! Первую токо скачал, ещё не играл, но уже не терпится! Вторую тоже ща скину, понадобиться.

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Молодец, ViruSSofT, сюжет интересный, исполнено тоже неплохо. Но есть небольшие недостатки. Напрягает, что после роликов камера не сбрасывается в стандартное положение, так же мне не понравилась слишком уж лёгкая кампания. Почти всегда врага можно штурмовать уже стартовыми войсками. В плане сложности мне понравилась только последняя миссия за Альянс.

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учту в третьей части

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Эхх, может и я скоро свою кампанию выложу…

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И это интересная кампания??))Я конечно понимаю человек ее делал за старания я всегда ставлю +10))Я сам их делаю и знаю как это долго и нудно иногда бывает))Но это…текстуры идут в разброс,Персонажи не заменены,на новые…Сюжет однотипный… Нет ну надо что то новое сделать))Если вы не можете добавить модели новые или не знаете где их скачать))То я вам помогу вы говорите))

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что модели стандартные это знаю, но кампанию делал давно, недавно смог доделать. а в третьей будет несколько новых моделей и т.д.

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я использую нестандартные модели только те, что сам сделал или отредактировал

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))Ну лучше бы ты их скачал))Проще было))Я знаю сайт где их миллионы)))

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что за сайт? может, пригодится

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Кстати ты не знаешь программу где найти чтобы не открывалась именно кампания в редакторе??

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сайт знаю, для других карт с него качал. а прогу не знаю

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когда выйдет 3

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скоро. будет архив из всех трёх, первые две ещё собираюсь отредактировать

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поскорей бы 3тью 1 и 2 очень понравились хоть я и редко играю в варик в основном в ваху гамаю

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все три кампании в архиве отправил, скоро должны быть

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Я все понять не могу почему 1ая глава не походится-я убегаю за пределы города как бы в лес и ничего не происходит. И где подмогу взять ?

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в 4 эпизоде глава 6 я застрял у меня никто не может двигатся!!!!!!!!!! а до этого класс!!!

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During the Legends of Arkain campaigns, there are multiple instances where the player can influence the story, either through being forced to make a choice or completing/ not completing certain optional quests. Some choices can drastically alter the story, while others only result in small dialogue changes. Major spoilers ahead!

First Human Book of Arkain[]

Slaying the Black Dragon in Chapter 1[]

In the interlude »Revelations», Thanok mentions how the Black Dragon Queen will be pleased by the death of Blen Greymoore, since he was responsible for the death of her mate. In chapter 11A, Second Human Book, Renald Van Durce will mention how he can slay Thanok, since Blen Greymoore was able to slay one of his kind.

Not slaying the Black Dragon will result in Renald Van Durce mentioning how it caused damage to various villages in chapter 11A, Second Human Book.

Slaying the Orc Clans’ Far Seer in Chapter 2[]

In chapter 8A, First Human Book, Gardon Bloodclaw will mention how the orcs they fought weren’t responsible for the corruption in The Pearl of Lor.

Destroying the Unknown Human Base in Chapter 3[]

In the prologue of the Second Human Book, Renald Van Durce will harshly scold Blen Greymoore and Harmos for attacking Imperial Army troops. In chapter 14B, the Golden Guard loses an allied base, making it harder for him to beat the Imperial blockade. But should you consume both the shard and the Eye, Aedale Redfist and Krogar the Conqueror holds Marin hostage, forcing him to watch as the Golden Guard fleet sinks, revealing that the Unknown Soldiers were under the Dark One.

Rescuing Aedale Redfist in Chapter 3[]

Rescuing her makes her hold Blen Greymoore in high regard and be saddened by his death. Not rescuing her result in a knight informing you in the ending cutscene of chapter 3, that she complained of being tortured by the orcs. She won’t be saddened by Blen Greymoore’s death.

Helping Gardon Bloodclaw Retake the Derryn Outpost in Chapter 4[]

Doing it makes you be able to call Gardon Bloodclaw as an ally in the next chapter. He will also make your amulet item stronger and give you 2 Elites for the next chapter. Gardon will later on use her as the new Queen of the Elves after the coup, and Larine instead welcomed as a new Council member, returning from her exile.

Rejecting it will not allow you to call him as an ally, he won’t make your amulet stronger, you won’t receive the 2 elites and in the ending cutscene of the next chapter, Queen Renova will say she is disappointed in you. And in Second Human Book, Gardon will instead use Larine the Exile instead of her, fighting and incapacitating her in the aftermath. Larine will be Queen of Elves, instead of her.

Killing Lera the Huntress in Chapter 5[]

Killing her results in the player fighting a different ranger in chapter 7, Second Human Book. You also lose the chance to have her as a playable hero in the last chapter of the First Human Book and as a non-allied hero in chapter 14A, Second Human Book.

Not killing her results in the player fighting her in chapter 7, Second Human Book. She also defects to the player’s side if Salana Woodhunter is chosen to be the future queen, with the full Elven Army faction supporting the defection.

Making Aedale Redfist Consume the Demonic Shard in Chapter 6[]

Aedale Redfist will get her Blizzard replaced by another ability — Mark of Chaos. You also won’t be able to spare Duke Volarian Redfist the Tyrant in chapter 13, Second Human Book.

Choosing Gardon Bloodclaw or Genethas in the Interlude »Crossroads»[]

This decides who you will side with in the final chapter of the book. In the Second Human Book prologue, if the player sided with Gardon Bloodclaw, Gardon Bloodclaw will defend Blen Greymoore and say he doesn’t deserve a severe punishment. Terror of Old campaign will be unlocked if you decide to follow Gardon. You will fight alongside Ironfist, Seabright’s Elite and Knights of Kome in Betrayal.

If the player sides with Genethas, Gardon Bloodclaw will criticize Blen Greymoore in the prologue of the Second Human Book, saying he deserves a severe punishment and accuse him of the death of many Imperial Army troops. In chapter 8 of the Second Human Book, a Demon Count will call Harmos Genethas’ servant. The Bleeding campaign unlocks if you follow Genethas. You will be allied with the Veterans of Voidwar, Royal Fist and Imperial Army.

Destroying the base of the Darkmind Clan in Chapter 9[]

In chapter 9 of the Second Human Book, Rath Wolfscar will mention how after killing Renald Van Durce he will also hunt down the dwarf who tried to kill him (Zarin Hammerfall)

Consuming the Demonic Artefact in Chapter 10[]

Aedale Redfist’s cooldown on her infernal ability in chapter 13 of the Second Human Book will be halved. Salomar the Healer will get killed by Largoth. In chapter 11, First Human Book, she will aid you with demons, named Aedale’s Servants. You unlock the Face of Corruption secret chapter if you also consumed the shard in chapter 6. She becomes an irredeemably cold and evil person that’s consumed by Lisara at the end of the Second Human Book.

Not consuming it results in the Guardian of the Temple giving you knowledge and taking the Artifact to another unknown location. Salomar the Healer will be killed by Sir Edoarus the Executioner in the opening prologue of the Second Human Book. In chapter 11, First Human Book, a regular Imperial Army base will remain passive and not send forces at your enemies. You won’t unlock the Face of Corruption secret chapter. If you also didn’t consume the shard, Aedale Redfist will bind Lisara to her will at the end of the Second Human Book.

Defeating Progaderas the Smoking in Chapter 11[]

If you kill him, in chapters 8 and 10 of the Second Human Book, he swears to take revenge for what you did to him. The answer is obvious when facing the Lords of Lava.

Second Human Book of Arkain[]

Completing the »Accidents Happen» Optional Quest in Chapter 1[]

Lerrig Goldheart gets killed in the ending cutscene of the chapter by Gardon Bloodclaw and fed to Zed as the Royal Army does nothing.

Not doing it makes him appear as your ally in chapters 11A, 11B and 14A.

In the epilogue after chapter 14A, It’s revealed that he gets killed by the Undead during The Gate of Hell battle.

In the Golden Guard timeline, at the ending cutscene of chapter 11B, it’s revealed he got killed by a black dragon while trying to protect some soldiers from that Black Dragon.

Preventing the Alliance Between the Orc Clans and Murlocs in Chapter 1[]

In the interlude »True Colors», Renald Van Durce will slightly compliment you. In the epilogue, Aridon the Watcher will mention how you prevented their alliance.

Not preventing it results in some of the murloc units to be replaced by orcs in chapter 2. Renald Van Durce being disappointed you couldn’t prevent it in the interlude »True Colors». In the epilogue, Aridon the Watcher will mention how the orcs added the murlocs to their ranks.

Choosing the »Whispers in the Dark» Leadership Boni at Least Once[]

Cora Redfist gains a shadow orb that can be improved if the player decides to choose the Boni again. In the interlude »Death of a Legend», Cora Redfist will absorb Scarlett Retka of all her powers and gain the Avenge ability. In the epilogue, she will seek out Aridon the Watcher for more knowledge.

In the epilogue, if the player never chose it and chose Cora Redfist over Scarlett Retka, Cora Redfist will be heavily injured, but survive.

Choosing the »Elves of the Ironfist» Leadership Boni at Least Once[]

In the Interlude »Death of a Legend», Gardon will say that Larine will become the Queen of the Elves instead of Salana.

Larine will have her ring upgraded.

In the ending of chapter 7, a heavily injured Salana will be abducted by the Undead.

Choosing Scarlett Retka over Cora Redfist in the Interlude »Death of a Legend»[]

Cora Redfist will leave Gardon Bloodclaw’s side and return to the Empire of Rodan.

Destroying the Base of the Dark Elves Chapter 6[]

In chapter 9, you won’t lose one of your allied bases. In the epilogue, Sister Pentiss will say how Gardon Bloodclaw deserves to die for attacking them.

Not destroying their base results in one of your allied bases under Captain Hornul in chapter 9 being quickly overrun, destroyed and Mirazeyl the Ascendant building a base in its place.

Getting the Gem in Chapter 6[]

Getting it and also sparing Duke Volarian Redfist the Tyrant results in Merlon Seabright not dying in the ending cutscene of chapter 14A.

Siding with the Firemages or Firespirits in Chapter 8[]

Siding with the firemages grants you to train firemages (a cheaper unit) in later chapters.

Siding with the firespirits grants you to train firespirits (a more expensive, but beefier unit) in later chapters.

This also decides who you will fight at the end of the chapter.

Giving Marin 10,000 Lumber in Chapter 9[]

Chapters 9B and 11B become easier by giving you access to many destructors. Chapter 11A becomes harder by giving your enemy access to many destructors.

Not giving Marin the lumber results in Renald Van Durce complaining during chapter 11B, that Marin hasn’t prepared any destructors.

Choosing to Follow Renald Van Durce’s instead of Gardon Bloodclaw’s Path in the Interlude »Last Talk»[]

This shifts the events of the story drastically. By the end of chapter 11B, Gardon Bloodclaw, Vail, Thanok, Lord Brian, Harmos, Prince Toraes, Salana Woodhunter, Theoden of Kome and Cora Redfist or Scarlett Retka (depending on the player’s earlier choices) get killed.

The demonic leader of the Souleater Legion Kersidar survives after chapter 12B, but loses his entire army.

Renald Van Durce, Marin and the Golden Guard either successfully leave the continent of Arkain or don’t. (depending on the player’s earlier choices)

The Kingdoms of Lor and Isalmur remain under demonic control. Sir Praxeus Braelon, his paladin orders and the Purificator guard the continent.

Choosing to Follow Gardon Bloodclaw over Renald Van Durce on the interlude «Last Talk»[]

This shifts the events on the canon story, which is Gardon Bloodclaw and his allies on the side of Royal Army, Elven Army, Splecir Nexus under Saphira Whisperwind and Lord Brian the Fallen’s magics and Black Dragons were battling the Golden Guard, Royal Army Dissenters under Sir Jay Bubblerino, Dwarven Kingdom under High King Zarin Hammerfall, Paladins under Sir Praxeus Braelon and other forces under Flors De Yutub. In which battle, Gardon defeats and then kills his uncle.

Afterwards, the story goes on towards Gardon’s path, up to The Gate of Hell.

Sparing or Killing Duke Volarian Redfist the Tyrant in Chapter 13[]

Killing him makes Lisara consume Aedale Redfist in the epilogue. In the ending cutscene of chapter 14A, Merlon Seabright gets killed by Krom the Immortal. In chapter 14B, the entire Golden Guard fleet gets destroyed, killing Renald Van Durce and the remains of the Golden Guard, thus leaving Marin alone.

If you spare him, in the epilogue, Aedale Redfist will overpower and successfully take control of Lisara. Merlon will survive after 14A if you also completed the gem sidequest in chapter 6. After chapter 14B, the Golden Guard will successfully depart the continent.

Accepting Ebira’s Pact Before Chapter 14A[]

Chapter 14A becomes easier by cutting the number of demon gates you have to destroy by half. Also removes 1 enemy hero Pit Lord. Prince Toraes doesn’t get cut off and lost in the lands of the demons.

If you decline it, the mission becomes harder by not removing any of the demon gates. Ebira still leaves, but her forces remain. Prince Toraes gets cut off and lost in the lands of the demons.

First Orc Book of Arkain[]

Killing the Archmage in Chapter 2[]

Grants you an item and an additional base (non-ally controlled) for the mission.

Attacking the Kasrkin in Chapter 3[]

You receive a »negativity point» to your relations with the humans.

Killing Xxingraal, The Great Brood Mother in Chapter 3[]

Killing her results in the Skullblade Clan becoming your ally in chapter 5, First Orc Book.

Leaving her alive will make the Skullblade Clan become your enemy in chapter 5, First Orc Book. You will receive non-controllable spider reinforcement waves in chapter 6, Second Orc Book.

Deciding to Pass Through the Ironfist Base or Moghtar Tunnels in Chapter 4[]

Destroying the Ironfist base will add a »negativity point» to your relations with the humans. In the epilogue, it’s mentioned how the Ironfist may want to take revenge for what you did.

Passing through the Moghtar tunnels will eliminate an enemy hero that you will fight in chapter 9, Second Orc Book. In the epilogue, it’s mentioned how the Moghtar may want to take revenge for what you did.

Agreeing or Disagreeing with Vanessa Redfist in Chapter 7[]

Agreeing will grant you Shieldbearers (a more defensive, trainable unit) beginning from chapter 7, Second Orc Book.

Disagreeing will grant you Clan Brutes (a more offensive, trainable unit) beginning from chapter 7, Second Orc Book. You will receive a »negativity point» to your relations with the humans.

In either case, Rangul will be disappointed she even considered sparing the humans.

Destroying the Undead Nexus or Imperial Army base in Chapter 8[]

Destroying the Undead Nexus base will lead to the Imperial Army deserting from their base. Zairmak will scold Rangul for his decision, but Vanessa was glad for his decision.

Destroying the Imperial Army base will add a »negativity point» to your relations with the humans.

Defeating Progaderas the Smoking in Chapter 9[]

In chapter 13, Second Orc Book, he will attack your forces while accompanied by a few fire golems.

Destroying Salomar the Healer’s Base in Chapter 9[]

Destroying it will result in Salomar the Healer getting killed. Sir Praxeus Braelon will take his place as the leader of the paladin orders, granting the Golden Guard paladins in chapter 14, Second Orc Book. You will receive a »negativity point» to your relations with the humans.

Not destroying it will result in Salomar the Healer surviving. He will remain the leader of the paladin orders, making the Golden Guard lose the paladins they otherwise would’ve had, the Golden Guard losing the Paladins as their force, also hearing Marin regretted that Salomar declined sending help towards the Golden Guard.

Second Orc Book of Arkain[]

Killing Ironfist Commander Dorcas in Chapter 1[]

Another «negativity point» to your relations with the Humans.

Destroying the Imperial Army Bases in Chapter 3[]

You will receive a »negativity point» to your relations with the humans.

Finding the Cyclops in Chapter 3[]

You will gain the option of training Cyclops Maulers during chapters 3 and 6. During chapter 12, a few Cyclops Maulers will assist you.

Destroying the Bases of the Imperial Regiments and Royal Army in Chapter 4[]

You will receive a »negativity point» to your relations with the humans.

Helping the Bearmen in Chapter 5[]

The bearmen will join your ranks and you will gain a trainable light melee, heavy melee and healer unit available starting from chapter 8.

Choosing Rath Wolfscar or Blen Greymoore in Chapter 6[]

Choosing Rath Wolfscar will make you have to kill Blen Greymoore to end the chapter. In the ending cutscene of the chapter, Rath Wolfscar will be killed by Harmos, while Lokar the Crusher cursed him for dragging him into the mess. Instead, Commander Varan from the Ironfist will assist you.

Choosing Blen Greymoore will make you gain control of him and his troops. Your objective will change and you’ll have to kill Rath Wolfscar to win. In chapter 14, you will have Blen Greymoore and the Kasrkin’s support as long as you haven’t accumulated 6 more »negativity points» by then. Also showing him alongside Gardon on Amari and the Zyaise Cala’er’s non-aggression pact.

Vanessa Redfist Choosing where her Allegiances Lie in »The Duke» Interlude[]

Depending on the number of negativity point that the player has accumulated by the time of this interlude, a few things may happen.

If the player has 6 or less »negativity points», Vanessa Redfist will remain loyal to the orcs.

If the Player has 6 or more »negativity points», Vanessa Redfist will join the Redfist and the player will have to fight and kill her in chapter 13. The player may also decide if he wants to unlock a secret chapter that will lead to an alternate ending where the Tribal Dominion gets wiped out. In the epilogue, you will be informed that the relations between the Tribal Dominion and the Humans of Salria aren’t the best due to the latter lacking a human representative that can lead them.

Killing or Sparing Logan the Skirmisher in the Ending Cutscene of Chapter 12[]

Killing him will result in you receiving a »negativity point» to your relations with the humans.

Sparing him will result in him helping you with a small force during chapter 15. If he dies during the chapter, he will be resurrected as a shadow bound to Amari’s will.

Gardon Bloodclaw and Amari’s Non-Aggression Pact in »Birth of the Dominion»[]

If the player has accumulated 6 or less »negativity points», Gardon Bloodclaw will accept the pact and you may have the Ironfist’s support in chapter 14.

If the player has accumulated 6 or more »negativity points», Gardon Bloodclaw will deny the pact and you won’t have the Ironfist’s support in chapter 14.

Note that you won’t receive the Ironfist’s support if you chose Blen Greymoore over Rath Wolfscar in chapter 6.

First Undead Book of Arkain[]

Killing the Nerubian Overlord Haran’tel-kazor in Chapter 1[]

You will later get to control him as a demi-hero in the same chapter and in chapter 9, First Undead Book. Then the Overlord became Haran’tel-kazor on Second Undead Book.

Not killing him results in him beginning at level 4 instead of 3 in the Second Undead Book.

Blowing or not Blowing up the Tunnels in Chapter 5[]

Blowing them up will, in-storyline, make the Undead be semi-crippled from it, since they can no longer interfere in certain places as fast as they could’ve wanted to.

Not blowing them up will result in Largoth saying, during the epilogue, that they may have made a mistake as the demons could use those same tunnels to attack them.

Destroying the Fleets or Bases of the Orc Clans or Imperial Army in Chapter 6[]

Destroying the fleets will result in Sasrogarn and Merlon Seabright surviving in the Undead timeline of events.

Destroying the bases will result in Sasrogarn and Merlon Seabright getting killed in the Undead timeline of events.

Whichever you choose (even if you manage to destroy both their bases and fleets at the same time), during the First Undead Book epilogue, Largoth will mention how the Undead are no longer a secret due to Aridon the Watcher failing to get rid of all the witnesses.

Making the Fleshtearer survive Chapter 7[]

You will gain him as a playable hero in chapter 9, First Undead Book.

Possessing, Killing or Leaving Sir Ross alone in Chapter 8[]

Possessing Sir Ross will grant you an allied base in the same chapter, while Largoth mocked your decision of possessing an unimportant minor Imperial soldier. In chapter 5, Second Undead Book, he will also assist the Undead in kidnapping Saint Loraine.

Killing him will result in Largoth mentioning during the epilogue, that he could’ve been much more useful alive. In chapter 5, Second Undead Book, Lady Meya’s agents kidnap Saint Loraine instead.

Leaving him alone leads to no changes, which made the kidnapping harder.

Destroying the Base of the Ravaging Fire Clan in Chapter 9[]

In the epilogue, Largoth will mention how Zairmak, the leader of the clan survived, and may seek revenge for this one day.

Destroying the Darkmind Clan’s Wyvern Breeding Grounds in Chapter 9[]

In the epilogue, Largoth will mention how the Imperial Army fell anyway, leading to him questioning the effectiveness of this sabotage.

Defeating Progaderas the Smoking in Chapter 9[]

In chapter 5, Second Undead Book, he’ll seek revenge for what you did. It was revealed that on Chapter 5 of the Second Undead Book that he has presence on the forest which the player wants to flank the Demons, bypassing the Golden Guard/Stonelord bases.

Losing Aridon the Watcher in Chapter 9[]

Ends the mission and grants you the standard ending cutscene, with a spell only defeating Ornasion. At the beginning of chapter 1, Second Undead Book, the Undead will be attacked by a large wave of demons.

Second Undead Book of Arkain[]

Allowing Rahandir Drakeskull and Saphira Whisperwind’s Black Citadel to be Destroyed in Chapter 1[]

You gain the option of upgrading your ziggurats into spirit towers. In the ending cutscene, Aridon the Watcher heavily scolds Ornasion for not supporting them enough.

Choosing to Research the Elixir over Directly defeating the Renegade Dark Elves’ Forces in Chapter 4[]

The renegade Dark Elven forces become Sister Pentiss’ slaves. Ornasion heavily scolds Sister Pentiss for not telling him what she planned, should you follow Sister Pentiss’ plan to research the Peacemaker. While Ornasion will be pleased should you besiege them, earning the ire of Sister Pentiss for doing so.

Choosing to attack the Stonelord and Golden Guard Bases in Chapter 5[]

Ignoring the Stonelord and Golden Guard bases will force you to dodge their bases, using the forest nearby to flank the Souleater Legion. The Rohir Nexus will be happy with your decision.

Attacking them will make enemies out of all of the bases, making it harder for the mission to push through, but defeating them will add several Scarec Nexus forces at your disposal.

ЛЕГЕНДЫ АРКАИНА: КНИГА ОРКОВ 2! — СТРИМ №3! — ПРОХОЖДЕНИЕ! — Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne #5


Warcraft 3 Classic: HellHalt TD Competitive # 25 — Я хотел попробовать что-то новое! :(





Warcraft 3 Classic: HellHalt TD Competitive # 28 — Lumos Too Good !!!

Warcraft 3 Classic: HellHalt TD Competitive # 26 — Думаю, я понял, почему часто утекаю на уровне 10.

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