Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку предлоги времени

Упражнение 1. Вставьте предлоги on, in, at (предлоги времени)

  1. Where were you ______ September 22nd?
  2. Mike is taking his driving test ______five o’clock.
  3. Liz is coming ______three days.
  4. She rests ______weekends but works hard from Monday till Friday.
  5. Good bye! See you ______Monday.
  6. It’s nice to be here ______such a lovely day.
  7. My father is a doctor. He often comes home late ______night.
  8. My brother got married ______May.
  9. She came London ______the end of August______1972.
  10. The leaves on the trees turn brown ______Autumn.
  11. The English examination is ______July.
  12. The banks close______ 5 pm.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте предлоги on, in, at (предлоги времени)

  1. I have my gym class _______ Wednesdays.
  2. I started work this morning _______ 8 am.
  3. Are you going away______ Easter?
  4. Moira’s birthday is ______September, 24.
  5. We’re flying to Beijing _____ June 2nd.
  6. Please visit me ______ Sunday.
  7. My flight is_______ Monday.
  8. Mary went on holiday ______ Monday.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте предлоги on, in, at (предлоги места)

  1. She waited for him ______the bus stop ______the end of Green Street.
  2. This is the best cake ______the world!
  3. My friend spent his holiday ______a small village ______the mountains.
  4. There are a few shops ______the end of the street.
  5. Let’s meet ______the entrance to the Supermarket.
  6. Petersburg is ______the Neva River.
  7. Jane lives ______a two-room flat ______ the third floor.
  8. Gerhard has some nice pictures hanging ______his office wall.
  9. There’s somebody______ the door.
  10. There’s somebody waiting ______the bus stop.
  11. Wolfgang met Michaela______ the way to work.
  12. His office is _____the top of the stairs.
  13. There are lots of managers_______ my company

Упражнение 4. Вставьте предлоги by, out of, off, of

  1. Turn left when you come______ the wood.
  2. He got_____ the bus at the wrong bus-stop.
  3. Sorry, I did it _____mistake.
  4. His son was a little boy_____ five.
  5. Have you read any books _____Jack London?
  6. Jane always goes to school _____bus.
  7. This is a photo _____my grandparents.
  8. Nick took the keys _____the bag.
  9. He says he has never seen any paintings _____ Andy Warhol.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте предлоги of, for, about, with (устойчивые сочетания)

  1. It’s not easy to get rid ______bad habits.
  2. This town is famous ______its hand-woven carpets.
  3. He seems not to be afraid ______anything.
  4. We’ve run out ______milk.
  5. The film was not popular ______the public.
  6. He is not ashamed ______what he did. In fact, he seems to be proud ______it.
  7. The bus was crowded ______people.
  8. He has never complained _________ bad service in our hotel.

Упражнение 6. Предлоги at, on, to, of, about (устойчивые сочетания)

Какие предлоги образуют устойчивые сочетания с данными глаголами, заполните таблицу. Обратите внимание, некоторые глаголы могут употребляться с несколькими предлогами в зависимости от значения






to consist, to be rude, to belong, to smile, to talk, to depend, to get rid, to remind, to be fond, to look, to be sorry, to listen, to concentrate, to laugh, to rely, to complain, to be afraid, to be keen, to be good

Упражнение 7. Вставьте предлоги by, on, in, out of, off (предлоги с транспортными средствами)

  1. I decided not to go_____ car.
  2. Two men with guns got ______ the car and went into the shop.
  3. It takes him about half an hour to get there______ bike and about twenty minutes______ bus.
  4. They go to New York______ plane.
  5. When your bus arrives you get______ it. If you want to leave it, you get______ it.
  6. I like walking______ the train.
  7. They decided to go to Bristol______ sea.
  8. It’s not far. We can go there______ foot.
  9. Don’t wait outside. When a taxi stops for you I’ll tell you and you’ll get______ it.

Упражнение 8. Вставьте предлоги to, by, over, into

  1. When we came the play was
  2. He went ______ school.
  3. The book was brought ______ the girl.
  4. The pencil belongs ______ me.
  5. The document was signed ______ the director.
  6. The ball fell ______ the water.
  7. He quickly climbed ______ the fence.
  8. The sunny weather will be all ______ the country.
  9. She went ______ the river.
  10. The pupils came ______ the classroom.

Exercise 1.

1 on, 2 at, 3 in, 4 at, 5 on, 6 on, 7 at, 8 in, 9 at / in, 10 in, 11 in, 12 at

Exercise 2.

1 on, 2 at, 3 at, 4 on, 5 on, 6 on, 7 on, 8 on

Exercise 3.

1 at / at, 2 in, 3 in /in, 4 at, 5 at, 6 on, 7 in / on, 8 on, 9 at, 10 at, 11 on,12 at, 13 in

Exercise 4.

1 out of, 2 off, 3 by, 4 of, 5 by, 6 by, 7 of, 8 out of, 9 by

Exercise 5.

1 of, 2 for, 3 of, 4 of, 5 with, 6 of / of, 7 with, 8 about

Exercise 6.






to smile

to look

to laugh

to be good

to depend

to concentrate

to rely

to be keen

to be rude

to belong

to talk

to listen

to be good

to consist

to get rid

to remind

to be fond

to be afraid

to remind

to be sorry

to complain

Exercise 7.

1 by, 2 out of, 3 by / by, 4 by, 5 on / off, 6 on, 7 by, 8 on, 9 in

Exercise 8.

1 over, 2 to, 3 by, 4 to, 5 by, 6 into, 7 over, 8 over, 9 to, 10 into

Надеюсь, эти упражнения на предлоги в английском языке были вам подлезны.

Упражнение 1. Insert prepositions of time (in, at, on)

  1. My school starts____8 o’clock.

  2. The students will write a test ____ the end of the week.

  3. I play basketball ___Tuesday and ___Friday.

  4. Was Easter ____ May last year?

  5. Is your birthday____ summer?

  6. I’m going to have a party ____ the weekend.

  7. I usually come home ___ three o’clock.

  8. I have studied English ___ four years.

  9. The exhibition opens ____ 10 a.m. ____ Sunday.

  10. Who was born ____ March?

  11. My friend was born ____October.

  12. He was born ___ the fifth of June.

  13. The first lesson ___Wednesday is Music.

  14. I get up ____ 7 o’clock.

  15.  ____ the twenty-fifth of December people celebrate Christmas.

  16. I usually take a shower ____ the evening.

  17. We have New Year____the first of January.

  18. ____ end of the year we’ll have no exams.

  19. We have Art ____Monday and ___ Friday.

  20. The snow usually starts melting ____ spring, ____ April.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский

В десять минут восьмого, на семь недель, с 1980-го года, с двух часов, в четыре часа, до четырех часов, первого мая, в 1945 году, в августе, к трем часам, в понедельник, утром, в полдень, ночью, в без десяти семь.

Мы уже довольно подробно говорили о предлогах времени, пришло время отработать знания на практике. Предлагаю выполнить prepositions of time practice и свериться с ответами для контроля своих знаний. Надеюсь, упражнения на предлоги времени будут Вам полезны.

Предлоги времени английский язык упражнения.

Упражнение 1. Complete the questions. Add in, on or at.

  1. Do you sometimes watch TV ____ the mornings?
  2. Are you usually at home ____ 7 o’clock ____ the evenings?
  3. Do you sometimes work ___night?
  4. What do you usually do ____ weekends?
  5. Do you usually go shopping ____ Saturdays?
  6. Do you go skiing ____ the winter?
  7. Do you have a holiday ____ December?
  8. Is there a holiday in your country ____ 6 , January?

Упражнение 2. Look at these time expressions.

2 o’clock, Friday, the morning, last Friday, night, Tuesday, March, 1st March, the afternoon, next Tuesday, 1980, Monday morning, this morning, the summer, every summer, my birthday, the weekend, 8.15, tomorrow evening, July, Friday night, 1804, 4th July, the spring, weekends, Christmas, New Year’s Day, yesterday afternoon

Do we use these time expressions with in, on, at or without a preposition? Make four lists:

At: at 2 oclock, …

On: on Friday, …

In: in the morning, …

Without a preposition: last Friday

Упражнение 3. Do we use these time expressions with in, on or at?

  1. ___ ten o’clock, ___ 2.15
  2. ___ Monday, ___ Tuesday
  3. ___Monday morning, ___Tuesday afternoon
  4. ___the weekend, ___ weekends
  5. ___ Christmas, ___ Easter
  6. ___ January, ___ February
  7. ___ 1st May, ___ 7th June
  8. ___ 1930, ___ 1992, ___ 2001
  9. ___ the summer, ___ the winter

Упражнение 4. Practice prepositions of time.

  1. He’s usually at home ____ four o’clock.
  2. What do you usually do___the evening?
  3. When do you come home? ___ half past one.
  4. When do you take a shower? ____ the morning.
  5. I rarely watch TV ____ the afternoon.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский

на семь недель, за неделю, через час, за последние три месяца, во время войны, в ходе работы, до работы, после работы, с двух часов, до четырех часов, к трем часам, с 1980-го года, в 1945 году, в августе, в четыре часа, в понедельник, первого мая, утром, в полдень, ночью, в десять минут восьмого, в без десяти семь

Упражнение 6. Вставьте английские предлоги времени перед праздниками.

  1. Does Molly paint eggs ___ Easter?
  2. Did your girlfriend play any jokes _____ April 1st?
  3. Do Molly and sally wear funny costumes____ Halloween?
  4. Does Greg send cards____ Valentine’s Day
  5. Fred got a lot of funny presents____ Christmas.
  6. School begins ____ September 1st.
  7. Do you play jokes ___ April Fool’s Day?

Упражнение 7. Insert prepositions of time.

  1. Was Easter ____ May last year?
  2. Is your birthday____ summer?
  3. I’m going to have a party ____ the weekend.
  4. I usually come home ___ three o’clock.
  5. I usually take a shower ____ the evening.
  6. I usually tidy my room ___ Sunday.
  7. I usually wash the dishes ____ the afternoon.
  8. I usually go to bed____10.30.
  9. I play basketball ___Tuesday and ___Friday.
  10. Who was born ____ March?
  11. My friend was born ____October.
  12. My school starts____8.00.
  13. He was born ___ the fifth of June.
  14. We have Art ____Monday and ___ Friday.
  15. The first lesson ___Wednesday is Music.
  16. I get up ____ 7 o’clock.
  17. We have New Year____the first of January.
  18. ____ end of the year we’ll have no exams.
  19. I have studied English ___ four years.
  20. We are going to meet ___ half past three.
  21. The telephone rang ___ midnight.

Prepositions of time exercises. Answers.

Exercise 1.

1 in, 2 at/ in, 3 at, 4 at (Br. E) or on (Am. E), 5 on, 6 in, 7 in, 8 on

Exercise 2.

At: at 2 o’clock, night, the weekend (можно с on в американском варианте), 8.15, weekends (можно с on в американском варианте), Christmas.

On: on Friday, Tuesday, 1st March, Monday morning, my birthday, Friday night, 4th July, New Year’s Day.

In: in the morning, March, the afternoon, 1980, the summer, July, 1804, the spring.

Without a preposition: last Friday, next Tuesday, this morning, every summer, tomorrow evening, yesterday afternoon.

Exercise 3.

1 at / at, 2 on /on, 3 on / on, 4 at /at или on /on, 5 at / at, 6 in / in, 7 on / on, 8 in / in / in, 9 in / in

Exercise 4.

1 at, 2 in, 3 at, 4 in, 5 in

Exercise 5.

for seven weeks, within a week, in an hour, over the last three months, during the war, in the course of the work, before the work, after the work, from two o’clock, till four o’clock, by three o’clock, since 1980, in 1945, in August, at four o’clock, on Monday, on the first of May, in the morning, at noon, at night, at ten minutes past seven, at ten minutes to seven

Exercise 6.

1 at Easter, 2 on April 1st, 3 at Halloween, 4 on Valentine’s Day, 5 at Christmas, 6 on September, 1, 7 on April’s Fool Day

Exercise 7.

1 in, 2 in, 3 at или on, 4 at, 5 in, 6 on, 7 in, 8 at, 9 on /on, 10 in, 11 in, 12 at, 13 on, 14 on / on, 15 on, 16 at, 17 on, 18 at, 19 for, 20 at, 21 at

Я надеюсь эта информация по теме предлоги времени упражнения английский была полезной.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Prepositions (Time)

Variant 1

…. noon, …. Tuesday morning, ….. 6 o’clock, … 1834, ….. the 31st of January, …… summer, …1945, …. the 5th of May, … night, … the evening, … July, ….. 1345, ….. 4 o’clock.

Prepositions (Time)

Variant 2

…. the morning, …… 12 o’clock, …… 1987, …… the 3rd of August, ….. the afternoon, ….. Monday, …. Saturday, ……. 3 o’clock, ….. night, …… spring, ……. February, …. 1845, …… Friday evening.

Prepositions (Time)

Variant 3

…. noon, ….4 o’clock, …… winter, ….. Sunday, ….. the 14th of September, ….. 1950, …. Thursday morning, …. June, …. night, ….. autumn, ….. summer, ….. 1873, ….. the afternoon,.

Prepositions (Time)

Variant 1

…. noon, …. Tuesday morning, ….. 6 o’clock, … 1834, ….. the 31st of January, …… summer, …1945, …. the 5th of May, … night, … the evening, … July, ….. 1345, ….. 4 o’clock.

Prepositions (Time)

Variant 2

…. the morning, …… 12 o’clock, …… 1987, …… the 3rd of August, ….. the afternoon, ….. Monday, …. Saturday, ……. 3 o’clock, ….. night, …… spring, ……. February, …. 1845, …… Friday evening.

Prepositions (Time)

Variant 3

…. noon, ….4 o’clock, …… winter, ….. Sunday, ….. the 14th of September, ….. 1950, …. Thursday morning, …. June, …. night, ….. autumn, ….. summer, ….. 1873, ….. the afternoon,.

Prepositions (Time)

Variant 1

…. noon, …. Tuesday morning, ….. 6 o’clock, … 1834, ….. the 31st of January, …… summer, …1945, …. the 5th of May, … night, … the evening, … July, ….. 1345, ….. 4 o’clock.

Prepositions (Time)

Variant 2

…. the morning, …… 12 o’clock, …… 1987, …… the 3rd of August, ….. the afternoon, ….. Monday, …. Saturday, ……. 3 o’clock, ….. night, …… spring, ……. February, …. 1845, …… Friday evening.

Тест упражнение на предлоги времени в английском языке

Эта страничка поможет проверить ваше знание темы с помощью теста на английские предлоги времени. Теорию мы подробно разобрали вот здесь: Предлоги времени в английском языке. Обязательно освежите информацию если не помните тонких различий между during и for, since и from. Также в статье тщательно описаны случаи когда нужно употреблять in, at, on. 

Если вы готовы, то переходите к тестированию. Упражнение на предлоги времени состоит из 20 вопросов, тест можно пройти онлайн. Результат вы увидите когда ответите на все вопросы.

Пройти тест

Употребление предлогов времени очень важна тема. Если ваш результат оставляет желать лучшего, то еще раз перечитайте статью и повторно пройдите тест на английские предлоги времени. Удачи!

Тест на предлоги места


Fill in: at, in, on.

Task 1.

1)… Monday;

2)… weekend;

3)… six o’clock;

4)… midnight;

5)… September;

6)… the first of March;

7)… winter;

8)… the afternoon;

9)… Sunday;

10)… the morning;

11)… half past two;

12)…Friday morning.

Task 2.

1) It is hot … Summer.

2) I wake up … 7 o’clock … the morning.

3) Russian students go to school … the first of September.

4) We watch TV … 8 o’clock every evening.

5) She was born … the second of June.

6) It’s very cold … Winter.

7) … the afternoon we go to the swimming pool.

8) I have lunch … half past eleven.


Task 1.

1) on Monday; 2) at weekend; 3) at six o’clock; 4) at midnight;

5) in September; 6) on the first of March; 7) in winter; 8) in the afternoon;

9) on Sunday; 10) in the morning; 11) at half past two; 12) on Friday morning.

Task 2.

1) It is hot in Summer.

2) I wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning.

3) Russian students go to school on the first of September.

4) We watch TV at 8 o’clock every evening.

5) She was born on the second of June.

6) It’s very cold in Winter.

7) In the afternoon we go to the swimming pool.

8) I have lunch at half past eleven.


1. Поставьте подходящий предлог времени (after, before, since, for, ago).

  1. We lived there 5 years … .
  2. She has worked here … 2012.
  3. I’ve been waiting for him … 20 minutes.
  4. You should wash the floor … your mother comes home.
  5. I have never seen that woman … .
  6. Ella went to the market 2 hours … .
  7. He must buy warm clothes … winter comes.
  8. Clean your teeth … lunch.
  9. It’s been raining … last night.
  10. My granny rides a bicycle … half an hour every morning.
  11. I’ve been painting … my childhood.
  12. He found his passport, 6 months … losing it.
  13. We’ve been studying Japanese … 2 years.
  14. The month … June is May.
  15. The day … Tuesday is Wednesday.

2. Выберите в скобках верный предлог времени.

  1. I would like to visit you … (in/on/at) Thursday. (Я бы хотел навестить тебя в четверг.)
  2. I like taking photographs … (in/on/at) sunset. (Мне нравится делать фотографии на закате.)
  3. The train will arrive … (in/on/at) 20 minutes. (Поезд прибудет через 20 минут.)
  4. My granny was working as a doctor … (at/during/for) the Great Patriotic war. (Моя бабушка работала врачом во время Великой Отечественной войны.)
  5. We have to go … (in/on/at) 6 o’clock. (Нам нужно идти в 6 часов.)
  6. I hate getting up early … (in/on/at) the morning. (Ненавижу вставать рано утром.)
  7. He should fix the car … (in/by/since) 8 p.m. (Ему следует починить машину к 8 часам вечера.)
  8. Bob went to bed … (in/on/at) midnight. (Боб лег спать в полночь.)
  9. We often visit our relatives … (in/for/during) the Christmas vacation. (Мы часто навещаем родственников во время рождественских каникул.)
  10. My dad goes fishing only … (in/on/at) summer. (Мой отец ходит на рыбалку только летом.)
  11. Sorry, Nick. I’ll call you back … (in/on/at) 5 minutes. (Извини, Ник. Я перезвоню тебе через 5 минут.)
  12. I am on holiday … (for/until/during) Monday. (Я в отпуске до понедельника.)
  13. Pushkin was born … (in/on/at) 1799. (Пушкин родился в 1799 г.)
  14. Our dance class starts … (in/on/at) the evening. (Наше танцевальное занятие начинается вечером.)
  15. Her husband never works … (in/on/at) weekends. (Ее муж никогда не работает в выходные.)
  16. Let’s travel to the mountains … (in/on/at) Christmas. (Давай поедем в горы на Рождество.)
  17. My friend’s birthday is … (in/on/at) the 7th of January . (Мой друг родился 7 января.)
  18. I hope to buy this yacht … (in/on/at) the future. (Надеюсь купить эту яхту в будущем.)
  19. We met your teacher … (in/on/at) Friday morning. (Мы встретили твоего учителя в пятницу утром.)
  20. Our shop is open … (in/at/from) 9 a.m. … (at/till/for) 6 p.m. (Наш магазин открыт с 9 утра до 6 вечера.)



  1. ago (Мы жили там 5 лет назад.)
  2. since (Она работает здесь с 2012 г.)
  3. for (Я жду его в течение 20 минут.)
  4. before (Тебе нужно помыть пол до того, как придет мама.)
  5. before (Я никогда не видел ту женщину раньше.)
  6. ago (Элла ушла на рынок 2 часа назад.)
  7. before (Он должен купить теплую одежду до того, как наступит зима.)
  8. after (Почисти зубы после обеда.)
  9. since (Идет дождь со вчерашней ночи.)
  10. for (Моя бабушка катается на велосипеде по полчаса каждое утро.)
  11. since (Я рисую с детства.)
  12. after (Он нашел свой паспорт, через 6 месяцев после того, как потерял его.)
  13. for (Мы изучаем японский язык в течение 2 лет.)
  14. before (Месяц перед июнем – май.)
  15. after (День после вторника – среда.)


  1. on
  2. at
  3. in
  4. during
  5. at
  6. in
  7. by
  8. at
  9. during
  10. in
  11. in
  12. until
  13. in
  14. in
  15. at
  16. at
  17. on
  18. in
  19. on
  20. from – till

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