Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку 7 класс будущее время

Variant 1

I Выбери и обведи нужный глагол.

1. He   will play/ plays   chess   every evening.

2. We   will play/ play   football next Saturday.

3. I and my friend   will run / run   in  the  park every morning.

4. Jim   will skate /skates   next winter.

5. They   will go /   go   to school every day.

II. Расставь слова в правильном порядке. Запиши предложения.

  1. will, toboggan, he, Saturday, next.
  2. ride  bikes, Billy, and, his friend, will, tomorrow.
  3. in, park, the, Jill, badminton, will, play.

III. Сделай данные предложения вопросительными.

  1. I will fly a kite next Monday.
  2. They will draw pictures in their room.
  3. We will fly a kite tomorrow.

IV. Сделай данные предложения отрицательными.

  1. It will be cold next January.
  2. We will fly to London next month.
  3. I will learn English next year.

V Раскройти скобки , употреляя the Present Simple or the Future Simple.https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=sSVfpsuG0oKb0AsG1yh4fGw&rev=1&h=28&w=25&ac=1https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=slOprksMJI7bMqxhsDZ9_nw&rev=1&h=48&w=216&ac=1https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=stEQqcrKrCqY8VmqmxJsaVA&rev=1&h=28&w=26&ac=1https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=slKiBA8cC6bRg-ugpenAitg&rev=1&h=48&w=224&ac=1

  1. If he …………… (be) late, he …………… (miss) the train.
  2. If he …………… (miss) the train, he …………… (have) to take a bus.
  3. If he …………… (take) a bus, he …………… (arrive) at 9.30.
  4. If he …………… (arrive) at 9.30, he …………… (meet) our teacher.
  5. If he …………… (meet) our teacher, she …………… (ask) him about the party.

Variant 2

I  Выбери и обведи нужный глагол.

1. Tiny   will read / reads   funny books on Mondays.

2. It is  /  will be  cold and windy next winter.

3. My friends   will listen / listen   to music every Sunday.

4. We   will have / have   a picnic next Friday.

5. He   will play /plays   tennis tomorrow.

II. Расставь слова в правильном порядке. Запиши предложения.

  1. won’t, he, hide-and-seek, play, his, friends, with.
  2. to, Russia, Tom, will, summer, go, next.
  3. a, snowman, she, make, will, funny, winter, in.

III. Сделай данные предложения вопросительными.

  1. Our friend will make a snowman next Saturday.
  2. He will write a letter tomorrow.
  3. She will run and jump in the park.

IV. Сделай данные предложения отрицательными.

  1. They will dance and sing tomorrow.
  2. Ann and Mike will play chess.
  3. My father will be in London next week.

V Раскройти скобки , употреляя the Present Simple or the Future Simple.https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=sSVfpsuG0oKb0AsG1yh4fGw&rev=1&h=28&w=25&ac=1https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=slOprksMJI7bMqxhsDZ9_nw&rev=1&h=48&w=216&ac=1https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=stEQqcrKrCqY8VmqmxJsaVA&rev=1&h=28&w=26&ac=1https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=slKiBA8cC6bRg-ugpenAitg&rev=1&h=48&w=224&ac=1

  1. If she …………… (ask) him about it, he …………… (tell) her the truth.
  2. If he …………… (tell) her the truth, she …………… (know) everything.
  3. If she …………… (know) everything, she …………… (be angry).
  4. If she …………… (be) angry, she ……………(give) us a lot of work to do.
  5. If she …………… (give) us a lot of work to do, I …………… (be) very busy.

Future tenses.

1.      Match the tenses
to their uses:

1.         Don’t
worry, I’ll be back on time.

2.         I’ll
have the steak and a green salad, thank you.

3.         She
believes she’ll get a promotion.

4.         Come
to class late again and I’ll call your parents.

5.         Slow
down or you’ll have an accident.

       6.  I’ll
pay for dinner.

a)         A
prediction based on what we think or believe

b)         Offer

c)         On-the-spot

d)        Threat

e)         Promise

   f) Warning

2.      Put the verbs into
the correct future tense.

1.      It’ freezing cold!
I …(light) a fire.

2.      Here, Mum. I
…(carry) your ski equipment for you.

3.      We ….(go) to a ski
lodge in  The Rockies. Stan booked it last month.

4.      Look out! You
…(cut) yourself with that penknife.

5.      The train …(leave)
in half an hour.

3.      Underline the correct

1.      We’ll leave/’re
leaving for France on 12th August.

2.      It’s so cold! It’s
snowing/’s going to snow later.

3.      Do you promise
you’re going to/’ll send me a postcard from Moscow?

4.      Perhaps we’ll
take/’re taking our holidays in July this year.

4.      Open the brackets.
Use Future Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.

1.      Don’t phone me at
around seven. I ….(have) dinner.

2.      Come at five.
I…..(do) my homework by then.

3.      This time tomorrow
we …..(lie) on the beach.

4.      Next September he
….(work) here for ten years already.

5.      Contact me at any
time. I ….(stay) at the Royal Hotel.

Вопрос №

After classes I ____ (to go) to English club.

will go
am go

Вопрос №

The meeting ______ (to hold) tomorrow.

is hold
will hold

Вопрос №

____ Penny come back next week?

will be


Вопрос №

When we get a Paddington station, I _____ (to send) you a postcard.

will send
`l send

Вопрос №

Next month our family ______ (to sell) a big van.

will sell

Вопрос №

If the bus doesn`t come soon, she _____ (to be) late.

will be

Вопрос №

What ____ happen if that box drops?

will be

Вопрос №

Martin ______ (to buy) a new jacket next autumn.

will buy

Вопрос №

Kate _____ (not marry) Bill. She loves another man.

won`t marry
not marry

Вопрос №

____ you invite me to your party tomorrow?


Вопрос №

My children _____ (to finish) school next year.

will finish
are finish

Вопрос №

Where ____ they go for their holidays?

will be

Вопрос №

Don`t worry! He _____ (to find) your keys.

will find
will be find

Вопрос №

If Santa Claus presents him a lap top, he _____ (to be) happy.

will be

Вопрос №

If you can`t find our house, we ______ (to draw) a map for you.

are draw
will draw

Тест: «Способы выражения Будущего времени в английском языке»

Fill in the gaps with

be going to, will, the present simple form or the present continuous form

of the verbs in brackets.

1. Do you need a taxi? The doorman …………………. (call) one for you.

2. If you come to my country, you …………….. (like) it.

3. Boris is buying a ski jacket. He …..…………….. (go) on a skiing holiday.

4. I think I ……………….…… (visit) Africa one day.

5. If the weather gets worse, we ……………….. (not/go) to the beach.

6. My parents ………………… (travel) to Spain tomorrow. Here are their tickets.

7. They …………………… (take) a boat trip later today.

8. She’s wearing her swimsuit. She …………………………. (swim) in the sea.

9. Unless she …………………… (call) we won’t leave.

10. We’ll go to the park if it ………………………. (not/rain).

Answer Key

1. will call (on-the-spot decision)

2. will like (type 1)

3. is going to go (prediction hosed on what we see)

4. will visit (prediction based on what we think)

5. won’t go (type 1)

6. are travelling (fixed arrangement in the near future)

7. are taking (fixed arrangement in the near future)

8. is going to swim (prediction based on what we see)

9. calls (type 1)

10. doesn’t ‘t rain (type 1)

I                                                                         7th

of expressing future

Put the verbs in brackets into the right
forms: present simple or present continuous.

1.      _______
(the film/begin) at 3.30 or 4.30?

2.      The
art exhibition _______ (finish) on 3 May.

3.      We
_______ (go) to a concert tonight. It _______ (start) at 7.30.

4.      (On
the train to London) ‘Excuse me. What time _______ (this train/arrive) to

_______ (come) to see us tomorrow. Her train _______ (arrive) at 10.15.

the conversation. Use the correct form: future simple or be going to.

1.      John:
What _______ (you/do) tomorrow?

2.      Bill:
We _______ (visit) my uncle in the hospital in the afternoon. It’s his

3.      John:
I _______ (go) to the cinema in the evening. Do you want to come?

4.      Bill:
Yes, but I don’t have any money.

5.      John:
I _______ (buy) you a ticket. I _______ (see) you outside the cinema at half
past six.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct
form of be going to or future simple and the verbs in the box.

go           have         
travel          rain          buy          win

In the future people _______ in flying

William is running very fast! He _______
the race!

Alexandra is in a fantastic clothes shop.
She _______ a new dress.

In the year 2050 we _______ on holiday to
the moon.

In fifty years everyone _______ a robot in
their home.

The sky is very dark and cloudy. I think
it _______.

Fill in if or unless.

1.      I
can’t finish my homework, _____ you help me.

2.      _____
you go to bed late, you’ll be tired in the morning.

3.      You’ll
catch a cold, _____ you wear a coat.

4.      I’ll
open the window, _____ I get too hot.

5.      _____
we don’t buy it now, we’ll have to get it later.

6.      We’ll
have a picnic on Saturday, _____ the weather is bad.

won’t go on holiday _____ we can take our dog with us.

the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1.      If
Peter _______ (do) lots of exercise, he’ll be fit and healthy.

2.      _______
(Sarah/be) angry if we don’t go to her party?

3.      Unless
it _______ (rain), we’ll go for a walk.

4.      If
_______ (not/do) your homework, I won’t let you watch TV.

5.      Mary
won’t go to Australia unless I _______ (pay) for her tickets.

the sentences with information that is true for you.

1.      My
teacher gets annoyed if…

2.      I don’t
sleep very well if…

3.      I go to
bed late if…

4.      I feel
happy if…

5.      I get
angry if…

Listen to three children’s plans for the evening. Choose the correct alternatives.

Kelly has got lots of science / history homework.

Kellys favourite programme is called Tomorrow’s
Technology / World.

Stevie is going to Matts house for lunch/dinner.

Matts mum/ dad is going to take Stevie home.

Thomas is going to borrow some CDs/ books from the  library.

Thomas is going to do his homework in the evening / morning.

II                                                                         7th
form Ways of expressing future

Put the verbs in brackets into the right
forms: present simple or present continuous.

1.      I
_______ (go) to the cinema with Paul this evening.

2.      We
_______(have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

3.      ‘_______
(you/do) anything tomorrow morning?’   ‘No, I’m free. Why?’

4.      ‘Have
you seen Liz recently?’   ‘No, but we _______ (meet) for lunch next week.’

5.      (Watching
television) ‘I’m bored with this programme. What time _______ (it/end)?’

Complete the conversation. Use the correct
form: future simple or be going to.

John: What _______ (you/do) tomorrow?

Bill: We _______ (visit) my uncle in the
hospital in the afternoon. It’s his birthday.

John: I _______ (go) to the cinema in the
evening. Do you want to come?

Bill: Yes, but I don’t have any money.

John: I _______ (buy) you a ticket. I
_______ (see) you outside the cinema at half past six.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct
form of be going to or future simple and the verbs in the box.

go           have          travel          rain         
buy          win

In the future people _______ in flying

William is running very fast! He _______
the race!

Alexandra is in a fantastic clothes shop.
She _______ a new dress.

In the year 2050 we _______ on holiday to
the moon.

In fifty years everyone _______ a robot in
their home.

The sky is very dark and cloudy. I think
it _______.

Fill in if or unless.

catch a cold, _____ you wear a coat.

open the window, _____ I get too hot.

We won’t go on holiday _____ we can take
our dog with us.

_____ we don’t buy it now, we’ll have to
get it later.

I can’t finish my homework, _____ you help

_____ you go to bed late, you’ll be tired
in the morning.

We’ll have a picnic on Saturday, _____ the
weather is bad.

the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1.      Please
call me if you _______ (need) any help.

2.      Cathy
will be able to go on holiday if she _______ (earn) enough money.

3.      If you
work hard, you _______ (be) promoted.

4.      _______
(you/give) me a call if you have time tomorrow?

5.      If we
arrive on time, we _______ (have) dinner before we go out.

the sentences with information that is true for you.

1.      My
teacher gets annoyed if…

2.      I don’t
sleep very well if…

3.      I go to
bed late if…

4.      I feel
happy if…

5.      I get angry

Listen to three children’s plans for the evening. Choose the correct

Kelly has got lots of science / history homework.

Kellys favourite programme is called Tomorrow’s
Technology / World.

Stevie is going to Matts house for lunch/dinner.

Matts mum/ dad is going to take Stevie home.

Thomas is going to borrow some CDs/ books from the  library.

Thomas is going to do his homework in the evening / morning.


Future Simple and To Be Going to
Choose the correct variant.

1. – Why are you filling that water can with water?
I (will/am going to) water my flowers.

2. – I decided to re-paint my room.
What colour (will you/are you going to) paint it?
3. — Are you going shopping?
Yes. I (will/am going to) buy something for lunch.

4. –The ceiling in this house doesn’t look very safe, does it?
No. It looks as if it (will/is going to) fall down.
5. — Look! There are dark clouds on the sky.

Oh, it (will/is going to) rain.

6. — I’ve got a terrible headache.
— Wait there and I (will/am going to) get an aspirin for you.

7. — I don’t know how to use this camera.
— It’s easy. I (will/am going to) show you.

8 . — We need some milk for lunch.
— Oh, I (will/am going to) go to the shop and get some.
9. – Did you do your homework?
— Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot. I (will/am going to) do it now.

10. – What would you like to drink?
I (will/am going to) have coffee, please.


Корнеева Елена Владимировна

Тест. Английский язык, 7 класс

Внимание! Все тесты в этом разделе разработаны пользователями сайта для собственного
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проверяет возможные ошибки,
которые могут встретиться в тестах.

Тест направлен на контроль навыков образования и употребления утвердительных и отрицательных предложений с глаголами в Будущем простом времени.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Выберите правильную форму глагола в Будущем простом времени:

People … robotic housemaids in 2100.

Варианты ответов
  • will to have
  • will have
  • will has

Вопрос 2

Выберите правильную форму глагола в Будущем простом времени:

Children … in online schools in 2100.

Варианты ответов
  • will study
  • will to study
  • will

Вопрос 3

Выберите правильную форму глагола в Будущем простом времени:

The earth will be so polluted that we … able to live on it in 2100.

Варианты ответов
  • not be
  • will not
  • won`t be

Вопрос 4

Выберите правильную форму глагола в Будущем простом времени:

I think people … under water in 2100.

Варианты ответов
  • live
  • will live
  • will to live

Вопрос 5

Выберите правильную форму глагола в Будущем простом времени:

Flying cars … traffic jams.

Варианты ответов
  • not cause
  • won`t
  • will not cause

Вопрос 6

Выберите правильную форму глагола в Будущем простом времени:

A moon shuttle … from the Earth to the Moon.

Варианты ответов
  • will travel
  • will to travel
  • will travels

Вопрос 7

Выберите правильную форму глагола в Будущем простом времени:

Not all people … enough money to go on a holiday to the moon.

Варианты ответов
  • won`t have
  • will have
  • will not have

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