Проверочная работа по прошедшим временам 10 класс английский

Test.   Past Tenses.

  1. Choose the correct tense: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect.
  1. I (talk) over the phone when they brought me the letter.

          a. talked                               b. had talked

          c. had been talking              d. was talking

  1. They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.

          a. sat                                    b. had sat

          c. had been sitting               d. were sitting

  1. He quickly forgot everything he (learn) at school.

          a. learnt                                b. had learnt

          c. had been learning             d. was learning

  1. I visited Brazil in April. I (stay) at a nice hotel for a fortnight.

          a. stayed                               b. had stayed

          c. had been staying              d. was staying

  1. I (stay) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.

          a. stayed                                b. had stayed

          c. had been staying               d. was staying

6 The musician (play) the piano for a whole hour when we came in.

          a. played                               b. had played

          c. had been playing              d. was playing

  1. We (walk) along a forest road for two hours when we saw a house.

          a. walked                              b. had walked

          c. had been walking              d. were walking

  1. I hardly (finish) speaking with a porter when the phone rang again.

                a. finished                            b. had hardly finished

                c. had been finishing           d. was finishing

  1. First I (answer) the phone, and then I read your letter.

           a. answered                          b. had answered

           c. had been answering         d. was answering

  1. And I began writing to you instead of going to the seaside, as I (plan) before

          a. planned                             b. had planned

          c. had been planning            d. was planning

Put the verbs into the correct form: the Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

  1. The workers…… (to be) on a strike for three weeks when the agreement on pay ….(to be reached).
  1. When she got the results of her medical tests, she realized that she….. (to be feeling) ill since she …….(to be) on holiday.
  1. The door was unlocked. She …..(to wonder) who….. (to leave) the door open.
  1. He (to play) football when the ball (to hit) his head.
  1. He….. (to drive) to work for half an hour when suddenly his car….. (to break) down.
  1. When he arrived at the office he…. (to discover) that he ….(to leave) all the necessary papers at home.
  1. Susan…. (to type) some letters when the boss…. (to ask) her into his office.
  1. She looked tired. She ….(to type) letters all morning.
  1. Yesterday afternoon it…. (still to rain) when I…. (to get) home.
  1. He…. (to clean) the car when the phone rang, so he…. (not to answer) it.
  1.  When I…. (to be) little, my mother…. (to use) to feed me.
  1.  Jane’s clothes were wet. She…. (to wash) her dog.
  1.  Jerry…. (to be) nervous, for he…. (never to flow) in an aeroplane before.
  1.  I…. (never to like) going to the cinema on my own when I was a teenager.
  1.  Kate…. (to dance), but when she saw a newcomer she…. (to stop). 


Task 1.                                      

1. D

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. C

8. B.

9. A

10. B

Task 2.

1. had been, was reached

2. had been feeling, had been

3. wondered, had left

4. was playing, hit

5. had been driving, broke

6. discovered, had left

7. was typing, asked

8. had been typing

9. was still raining, got

10. was cleaning, didn’t answer

11. was, used

12. had been washing

13. was, had never flown

14. never liked

15. was dancing, stopped


Иностранные языки

ТестыРазноуровневый тест по английскому языку на употребление прошедших времен для 9-10 классов

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Материал предназначен для учащихся 9-10 классов для проверки усвоения материала по теме «Употребление прошедших времен», может быть использован при работе с любым УМК.

Предлагаемая работа является разноуровневой и представлена в трех вариантах.

  • Вариант I – для слабоуспевающих учащихся, с выбором правильной временной формы из двух предложенных.
  • Вариант II – для учащихся среднего уровня знаний, с определением временной формы и ее употреблением в данном предложении.
  • Вариант III носит повышенный уровень трудности, где учащиеся должны определить и употребить правильную временную форму по контексту.

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  • Курс повышения квалификации «Специфика преподавания испанского языка с учетом требований ФГОС»

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  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский»

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  • Курс повышения квалификации «Организация кросс-культурной адаптации иностранных студентов в образовательных организациях в сфере профессионального образования»

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  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Организация деятельности секретаря руководителя со знанием английского языка»

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 PAST TIME (Прошлое) 


1. Choose the best answer.

Usually, whenever Peter (1)……..home from a trip he (2)…………..his passport in his desk drawer, but in January, after a trip to Poland, he (3)…………..his passport in the pocket of his overcoat. Two weeks later, he (4)…………..fly to Thailand. While (5)…………..his bag he (6)…………..that he (7)…………..a note of the name of the hotel that his company (8)…………..for him. He (9)…………..for his flight online earlier that morning, but he (10)…………..about the hotel details. While he (11)…………..his office, the doorbell (12)…………….His taxi for the airport (13)…………….He (14)…………..the details of the hotel,(15)…………..his bag and (16)…………..out of the house. He (17)…………..forward to a few sunny days in Bangkok. While he (18)…………..how nice it would be to walk around the city without heavy winter clothes, he suddenly (19)…………..that he (20)………….. his passport in his overcoat.


A was returning

В returns

С returned

D returning


A had put

В would put

С was putting

D puts


A had left

В leaves

С was leaving

D leaving


A was having to

В has had to

С had to

D would have to


A packed

В packing

С had packed

D packs


A was realizing

В realizes

С realized

D realizing


A hadn’t made

В didn’t make

С wouldn’t make

D wasn’t making


A was booked

В books

С booking

D had booked


A was checking in

В had checked in

С checked in

D used to check in


A forgetting

В forgotten

С had forgotten

D was forgetting


A was phoning

В had phoned

С phoning

D phones


A rung

В ring

С was ringing

D rang


A arriving

В arrive

С was arriving

D had arrived


A was noting

В used to note

С noted

D noting


A picked up

В was picking up

С had picked up

D picking up


A ran

В running

С was running

D run


A looked

В was looking

С looking

D had looked


A had thought

В thinking

С was thinking

D would think


A remembered

В remembers

С was remembering

D remembering


A leaving

В had left

С was leaving

D was left

2.Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence. The first one is done for you.

1 I suddenly remembered that I forgot I had forgotten my keys.

2 While Diana watched / was watching her favourite television programme, there was a power cut.

3 Tom used to live / would live in the house at the end of the street.

4 Who was driving /drove the car at the time of the accident?

5 By the time Sheila got back, Chris went / had gone.

6 David ate / had eaten Japanese food before, so he knew what to order.

7 I did / was doing some shopping yesterday, when I saw that Dutch friend of yours.

8 I used to like / was liking sweets much more than I do now.

9 What exactly were you doing / did you do when I came into your office yesterday?

10 Laura missed the party because no-one was telling / had told her about it.

11 Tanya would / used to be a doctor.

3.Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past verb form. Only use the past perfect where this is absolutely necessary.

1 While I (try) ……… to get my car started, a passing car (stop) ……………………………..and the driver (offer)……………………………..to help me.

2 The police (pay)……………………………..no attention to Jos complaint because she (phone)……………………………..them so many times before.

3 Mary (not wear)…………………………her glasses at the time, so she (not notice)…………………………what kind of car the man (drive)…………………

4 Nick (lie)……………………………..down on the grass for a while, next to some tourists who (feed)……………………………..the ducks.

5 Tony (admit)……………………………..that he (hit)……………………………..the other car, but said that he (not damage)……………………………..it.

6 Sorry, I (not listen)…………………………to you. I (think)…………………………….about something else.

7 Helen (feel)……………………………..very tired, and when she (finish)………………………. her work, she (fall)……………………………..asleep.

8 The police (get)……………………………..to Toms house as fast as they could, but the burglars (disappear)………………………………

9 I (phone)……………………………..you last night but you (not answer)……………………..What (you do)……………………………..?

10 We (not go)……………………………..out yesterday because it (rain)…………………………..

4. Decide whether the verb form in italics is suitable or unsuitable. 

1 While I had a bath, someone knocked on the door. …………….

2 Sally didn’t go to a boxing match before………………….

3 Harry tried to repair the car, but he didn’t really know what he was doing.

4 What did you wear to the end-of-term party?…………………

Were you eating spaghetti every day when you lived in Italy?……..

6 I didn’t know you had bought a new car………………….

7 They all wanted to believe her, but suspected she was lying………..

8 As Peggy walked home, she tried to remember what happened….

9 ‘What a terrible day!’ thought Lucy. Everything had gone wrong!

10 Although it rained a lot, I was enjoying my holiday last year………

Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past verb form.

The Search for the Lost City

When Professor Mallory, the famous archaeologist,(1) …invited…………..(invite) me to take part in his expedition to find the Lost City of the Himalayas, 1(2)…………………………(not hesitate) to accept

his invitation. Mallory (3)…………………………(discover) an ancient map showing the position of the city, although no European (4)………………………….(ever go) to the area before. In fact, most of Mallory’s colleagues either (5)…………………………(believe) that the city(6)…………………………(never exist) or (7)…………………………(feel) that it(8)…………………………(vanish) long ago and (9)…………………………

(become) simply a legend. According to the Professor, the builders of the city(10)…………………………(hide) it among the mountains in order to protect its immense riches. He(11)…………………………(believe) that the descendants of these ancient people(12)…………………………(still keep) themselves apart from the rest of mankind for the very same reasons. So when we (13)…………………………(set off) on a cool May morning towards the distant mountains, each of us (14)…………………………(look forward) to exciting discoveries. For a week or more we (15)…………………………(climb) higher and higher, following the map, which Mallory(16)………………………… (study) from time to time. Then one afternoon, while we(17)…………………………

(rest) at the top of a valley, we (18)…………………….(notice) that a rider on a horse(19)…………………..(wave) at us from the other side of the valley. A rider whose clothes(20)…………………………(shine) like gold!


Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Use a participle clause.

1 Norman collected the parcel, but then he realized it was the wrong one.

After collecting the parcel Norman realized it was the wrong one.

2 Sue left the house but first she checked that she had her keys.


3 Mark was parking his car when he noticed the wing-mirror was broken. While……………………………………………………………………………………………………

4 Julia cleaned the house, but then she fell asleep on the sofa.


5 Brian bought a new television, but first he checked all the prices. Before…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

6 Alan was skiing in Switzerland and met his old friend, Ken.


7 Kate took two aspirins, and then she felt a lot better.


8 Sheila went out for the evening, but first she washed her hair.



      1 .   1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.B

            19.a 20.B

  1. 1. had forgotten. 2. was watching. 3. used to live. 4. was driving. 5 had gone. 6. had eaten. 7. was doing. 8. used to like. 9. were you doing. 10. had told. 11. used to.

  2. 1. was trying,stopped, offered. 2. paid, had phoned. 3. was not wearing, didn’t notice,was driving. 4. lay, were feeding. 5. admitted, had hit, hadn’t damaged. 6. wasn’t listening,was thinking. 7. felt/was feeling,finished/had finished, fell. 8. got, had disappeared. 9. phoned, didn’t answer, were you doing. 10. didn’t go, was raining.

  3. 1. unsuitable. 2. unsuitable. 3. suitable. 4. suitable. 5. unsuitable. 6. suitable. 7. suitable. 8. unsuitable. 9. suitable. 10. unsuitable.

  4. 1. invited. 2. did not hesitate. 3. had discovered. 4. had ever been. 5. believed. 6. never existed/ had never existed. 7. felt. 8. had vanished. 9. become/ had become. 10. had hidden. 11. believed. 12. were still keeping/still kept. 13. set off. 14. was looking forward. 15. climbed. 16. studied. 17. were resting. 18. noticed. 19. was waving. 20. shone/ were shining.

  5. 1. After collecting the parcel, Norman realized it was the wrong one. 2. Before leaving the house, Sue checked that she had her keys. 3. While parking his car, Mark noticed the wing-mirror was broken. 4. After cleaning the house, Julia fell asleep on the sofa. 5. Before buying a new television, Brian checked all the prices. 6. While skiing in Switzerland, Alan met his old friend, Ken. 7. After taking two aspirins, Kate felt a lot better. 8. Before going out for the evening, Sheila washed her hair.

Повторяем времена группы Past — Past Tenses, а именно Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect. Упражнения взяты из сборника упражнений Ю. Голицынский, частично изменены и дополнены. В конце раздела «Повторение» вам предлагается выполнить заключительный тест.

Времена группы Past (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous) — повторение. Past Tenses Revision

A. Сопоставьте время глагола Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous и характер действия:

  1. действие происходило давно и не связано с настоящим
  2. действие, которое происходило в какой-то момент в прошлом (процесс)
  3. последовательность действий в прошлом
  4. действие, которое уже закончено к определенному моменту в прошлом
  5. действие, которое началось в прошлом и происходило на какой-то момент уже в течение некоторого времени

В. Подберите примеры:

a. Дети занимались английским с 16.00 до 18.00.
b. Она приготовила ужин к  времени его прихода.
c. Когда я пришел домой, дети ждали меня уже несколько часов.
d. В детстве я любил играть в солдатики (tin soldires).
e. Мы пошли на рыбалку, поймали много рыбы, затем приготовили уху и съели ее.

С. Переведите примеры на английский язык.

* * *

Упражнения на прошедшие времена в английском языке Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect в сравнении

Упражнение вводное. Сопоставьте время глагола и временное выражение.

then, when? (вопрос), when he came, when (в значении after) he came, before he came, from 2 till 3, at 5 o`clock yesterday, by the time he came, yesterday, last night/ year, a week/month ago, in 1999, the other day, while, all day/ night/ morning, after, etc.

Past Simple: ___________________
Past Continuous: ____________________
Past Perfect: ___________________

* * *

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students.
2. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home.
3. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the exams successfully.
4. The poor boy (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him.
5. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a lot in his life.
6. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to leave) home.
7. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood.
8. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin).
9. When I (to come) home, my mother (to go) shopping.
10. He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university.

* * *

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. I (to think) he already (to go) home.
2. I (not to see) him after we (to meet )at the concert.
3. He (to leave) the house before I (to have ) time to ask him anything.
4. After he (to spend) some days in Paris he (to feel) lonely and (to want) to return home.
5. He (to speak) a language we never (to hear) before.
6. When the rain (to stop), I (to look ) out of the window.
7. The telegram (to come) some minutes after he (to leave).
8. She (to think) that Tom and Lanny (to quarrel).
9. The girl (to be) glad that she (to find) a seat near the window.
10. He (to remember) that he (not to ring) her up in the morning.
11. By the time the train (to reach) the city, he (to make) friends with many passengers.
12. When my uncle (to leave), he (to hurry) to the station to book a ticket.

* * *

Сравните употребление Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect.

1. By eight o’clock yesterday I (to finish) my work and at eight I (to play) the piano.
2. By six o’clock father (to come) home and at six he (to have) dinner.
3. By nine o’clock yesterday grandmother (to wash) the dishes and at nine she (to watch) TV.
4. When I (to meet) Tom, he (to eat) an ice-cream which he (to buy) at the corner of the street.
5. When father (to come) home, we (to cook) the mushrooms which we (to gather) in the wood.
6. When I (to see) Ann, she (to look) at the flowers which she (to pick) in the field.
7. When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that my little brother (to break) my pen and (to play) with its pieces.
8. When I (to open) the door of the classroom, I (to see) that the teacher already (to come) and a student (to write) a test.
9. When I (to come) home my sister (to read) a book which she (to bring) from the library.
10. When mother (to come) home, the children (to eat) the soup which she (to cook) in the morning.
11. When I (to ring) up Mike, he still (to learn) the poem which he (to begin) learning at school.
12. When I (to look) out of the window, the children (to play) with a ball which Pete (to bring) from home.

 * * *

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous u Past Perfect.

Last night we (to go) to a football match. We (to take) a bus. The bus (to be) overcrowded as many people (to want) to see the match. We (to get) off the bus and (to go) in the direction of the stadium. While we (to cross) the road, I (to see) Victor. He (to stand) at the corner. He said he (to wait) for his friend who (to come) to St. Petersburg the day before and (to wish) to see the new stadium. A man (to come) up to me and asked if I (to have) a spare ticket for the match. Victor told us that two boys just (to ask) him whether he (to have) a spare ticket. We (to enter) the stadium just as the football players (to come) out on to the field. At the entrance to the stadium we (to meet) Sergei. He (to show) us to our seats and (to ask) me if I (to play) football in my childhood. We (to agree) to meet in the snack bar during the interval.

* * *

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous u Past Perfect.

1. There (to be) two men in the room. One of them (to write) something while the other (to read) a newspaper.
2. He (not to tell) me that he (to receive) a telegram from her.
3. She (to say) that he (to give) her the wrong address.
5. I (to ask) him where he (to put) my hat.
6. He (to tell) us that they (to spend) all the money.
7. I (to sit) in an armchair and (to think) of my coming trip across the North Sea when the door suddenly (to open) and an old friend of mine whom I (not to see) for a very long time (to enter) the room.
8. She (to come) to see us just at the time when we (to have) dinner. It (to be) the first time I (to see) her.
9. I (to see) him when he (to leave) the hotel.
10. He (to leave) the house before I (to have) time to ask him anything.
11. I (to find) the old man in the garden. He (to talk) to some children who (to stand) around listening to him.
12. He (to tell) me that he (to learn) it from the newspaper.
13. He (to enter) the room, (to take) something from the desk and (to go) out.

* * *

Заключительный тест на времена группы Past

(уровень 2, средний)

Это тест №2 из цикла «Повторение английских времен» — Test 1 (на времена группы Present)

Данный тест можно использовать для проверки знаний уровня знаний по английскому языку в 10 классе средней школы).

Времена группы Past. Test (upper-intermediate)Времена группы Past. Test (upper-intermediate)

Данный тест взят из Сборника для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку за 9 класс (уровень upper-intermediate). СКАЧАТЬ более сложные тесты на времена группы Past.СКОРО

* * *

Здравствуйте! Для получения доступа к ответам необходимо оформить подписку. Ссылка в боковом меню — ОТВЕТЫ.

Вопрос №

I suddenly remembered that I forgot I … my keys.

had forgotten
had been forgotten
was forgetting

Вопрос №

While Diana … her favourite television programme, there was a power cut.

was watching
had watched
had been watching

Вопрос №

Who … the car at the time of the accident?

was driving
had driven
had been driving
were driving

Вопрос №

By the time Sheila got back, Chris … .

had been going
had gone
was going
were going

Вопрос №

David … Japanese food before, so he knew what to order

had eaten
was eating
had been eating

Вопрос №

I … some shopping yesterday, when I saw that Dutch friend of yours.

had done
had been doing
was doing
were doing

Вопрос №

What exactly … you … when I … into your office yesterday?

was … doing; had come
did; came
had … been doing; came
were … doing; had been coming
had … done; came
were…doing; came
had…been doing;had come

Вопрос №

Laura … the party because no-one … her about it.

missed; had told
had missed; had told
had been missing;told
didn`t missed; had told
had missed; told


Тест. Английский язык, 10 класс

Внимание! Все тесты в этом разделе разработаны пользователями сайта для собственного
Администрация сайта не
проверяет возможные ошибки,
которые могут встретиться в тестах.

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

I ___ for you for an hour before you called and said that you wouldn’t come.

Варианты ответов
  • had been waited
  • had been waiting
  • waited

Вопрос 2

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

Ann finished her report. She ___ it for three days.

Варианты ответов
  • had been making
  • made
  • had made

Вопрос 3

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

Before I ___ a new car, I ____ overtime for several months.

Варианты ответов
  • bought; had been working
  • had bought; was working
  • bought; was working

Вопрос 4

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

We ___ for the Coffee House for half an hour when we ___ Melissa and She ___ us the way.

Варианты ответов
  • had been looking; met; showed
  • looked; met; showed
  • had been looking; had met; had shown

Вопрос 5

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

They ___ their experiment by January 2021.

Варианты ответов
  • had finished
  • were finishing
  • finished

Вопрос 6

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

When I came, he ___ dinner.

Варианты ответов
  • had already had
  • has already had
  • already had

Вопрос 7

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

I ___ many countries in Europe before I ___ to Russia last year.

Варианты ответов
  • has visited; came
  • visited; had come
  • had visited; came

Вопрос 8

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

Sam was still in the garden. He ___ twenty bushes by the time I came.

Варианты ответов
  • had planted
  • planted
  • had been planting

Вопрос 9

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

Jane wasn’t at home when I ___ to see her. She ___ in the garden.

Варианты ответов
  • came; was working
  • came; worked
  • was coming; was working

Вопрос 10

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

What ___ about when I ___ you?

Варианты ответов
  • were you talking; interrupted
  • was you talking; interrupted
  • were you talking; was interrupting

Вопрос 11

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

My grandmother ___ her favourite show when the telephone ___.

Варианты ответов
  • was watching; rang
  • watched; was ringing
  • was watching; was ringing

Вопрос 12

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

When ___ this parcel?

Варианты ответов
  • did you get
  • did you got
  • you got

Вопрос 13

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

What ___ yesterday at 6 o’clock in the evening?

Варианты ответов
  • were you doing
  • did you do
  • had you done

Вопрос 14

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

I ___ in the swimming pool while John ____ on the balcony yesteray afternoon.

Варианты ответов
  • was swimming; was sunbathing
  • swam; was sunbathing
  • was swimming; sunbathed

Вопрос 15

Выберите форму глагола, чтобы закончить предложение:

When ___ her? — Yesterday after I ___ work.

Варианты ответов
  • did you meet; had finished
  • did you met; had finished
  • had you met; had finished



Past Simple or Past Continuous

I (see) a light in your window when I (pass) by.

a)  was seeing, passed              b)
saw, was passing        c) saw, passed

Yesterday as I (walk) down the street, I (meet) Tomas, an old
friend of mine.

a)  was walking, met                b)
walked, was meeting  

c) was walking, was meeting

My son (talk) over the telephone when somebody (knock) at the

a)  talked, was knocking           b) was
talking, was knocking   

c) was talking, knocked

We (talk) about him, when he suddenly (come).

a)  talked, were coming            b) were
talking, came     

c) were talking, was coming

Yesterday while Dad (watch) the football match I (wash) the car.

a) was watching, was washing          b)
watched, washed       

c) was watching, washed

Past Simple or Past Perfect.

We (be) late. The film (start) before.

a) was, had started         b) were, had
started        c) had been, started

When I (come) home, my mum already (cook) dinner.

a) had come, had cooked         b) had
come, cooked      

c) came, had cooked

As soon as Monica (finish) her homework, she (go) out to play with her friends.

a)  finished, went                     b) finished,
had gone     

c) had finished, had gone

After she (phone) somebody, she (go) out.

a)  phoned, had gone               b) had
phoned, had gone

c) had phoned, went

After I (write) all my letters, I (go) to the kitchen to make coffee.

a) written, went              b) had
written, went                

c) had written, had gone

Past Simple/Past Continuous/ Past Perfect.

When I (open) the door, the lesson already (begin).

They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.

I visited Italy last April. I (stay) at a nice hotel.

Ann (not/go) to the disco last Sunday.

5. Marvin (come)
home, (switch) on the computer and (check) his emails.



Past Simple or Past Continuous

We (walk) for an hour when it (start) to rain.

a)  walked, started          b) were
walking, was started   

c) were walking, started

When you (ring) me yesterday, I (have) dinner.

a)  were ringing, was having    b) rang,
was having       c) rang, having

Last night they (wait) for Jack when I (arrive).

a)  waited, was arriving  b) were waiting,

c) were waiting, was arriving

What you (do) at the disco yesterday? – I (dance) and (sing) there.

a)  did you do; danced; sang    b)  were
you doing; danced; sang

c) were you doing; was dancing; was

Yesterday evening while my granny and mum (watch) the film, I (wash)

the dishes.

a)  watched, was  washing       b) were
watching, was washing

c) was watching, was washing

Past Simple or Past Perfect.

The children (not/clean) the room before their parents (come) home.

a) didn’t clean, had come                  b)
hadn’t cleaned, had come   

c) hadn’t cleaned, came

After she (write) all letters, she (go) to the post office.

a) had written, went        b) had
written, had gone          c) written, went

We (be) late. The train (leave) before.

a) were, had leaved        b) were, left           c)
were, had left

After she (phone) somebody, she (go) out.

a) had phoned, had gone          b) had
phoned, went                

c) phoned, had gone      

When mum (come) home, I already (do) my homework.

a) had come, did            b) came, had
done          c) had come, had done

Past Simple/Past Continuous/ Past Perfect.

Alice (close) the magazine, (rise) from the sofa and (go)
to the kitchen.

What you (do) at 3 o’clock yesterday morning?         

The secretary (not/send) all letters by the time her boss came to work.

The children (clean) the room when mum (come) from work.

Yesterday while my father (watch) the football match, I (wash)
the car.

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