Проверочная работа по английскому языку по временам present

Test work –
Present Tenses.

Variant — I

Поставьте в следующие словосочетания «for» или «since».


9 o’clock


9 hours


last November


my childhood




10 months


a year


your birthday



10.  … a long

Преобразуйте следующие утвердительные предложения в отрицательные.

  1. He
    usually leaves work at 5 p.m.
  2. We
    are enjoying the party.
  3. Mary
    has just met my boss.
  4. I’ve
    been writing this poem for a week.
  5. They
    like watching TV quizzes.

3. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Simple,
Present Continuous, Present Perfect
или Present Perfect


  1. Vicky
    … in an Italian restaurant.
  2. I
    … only for 3 days this week.
  3. The
    radio … now.
  4. We
    … in the garden since morning.

4. Найдите
предложения, в которых «for» или «since» использованы неверно.

  1. The magazine
    has been published for nearly 20 years.
  2. My mum has
    been on a diet since such a long period of time.
  3. I think
    they’ve lived in Chicago for ages.
  4. Mary hasn’t
    met her sister since Christmas.
  5. Your wife has
    changed for the time we last met.

Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму.

  1. It’s still
    snowing. It … (snow) for hours.
    (Все еще идет снег. Он идет
    много часов.)
  2. Steve …
    (date) four girls this weekend.
    (Стив ходил на свидание с 4
    девушками в эти выходные.)
  3. They … (win)
    two prizes so far.
    (Они пока выиграли 2 приза.)
  4. I … (attend)
    a swimming-pool for 5 years.
    (Я посещаю бассейн в течение 5 лет.)
  5. I … (peel)
    onions, that’s why my eyes are red.
    (Я чищу лук, поэтому мои глаза

Test work –
Present Tenses.

Variant — II

Поставьте в следующие словосочетания «for» или «since».


he was a teenager


a couple of days


the whole life




the 15th of June


30 years


I was 30 years old


20 minutes


last century

10.  … you

Преобразуйте следующие утвердительные предложения в отрицательные.

  1. That
    waiter has been speaking on the phone since 2 o’clock.
  2. You
    have broken my notebook.
  3. The
    train is going too slow.
  4. I
    am playing billiards with my brother now.
  5. Lara
    lives with her parents in Madrid.

3. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Simple,
Present Continuous, Present Perfect
или Present Perfect


  1. Bob
    … this book since last year.
  2. I
    usually … detective stories.
  3. Dad
    … all the newspapers today.
  4. She
    … a fairy-tale to her son now.

4. Найдите
предложения, в которых «for» или «since» использованы неверно.

  1. Bob hasn’t
    practiced his French since a couple of years.
  2. Nothing has
    happened in this village for the Middle Ages.
  3. He has worked
    here for 6 months.
  4. I
    haven’t smoked for 2005.
  5. We haven’t
    seen our neighbor since last Wednesday.

Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму.

  1. Crank … (be)
    in hospital for 2 weeks already.
    (Мистер Крэнк лежит в больнице
    уже 2 недели.)
  2. We …
    (know) each other since (Мы знаем друг друга с 2000 года.)
  3. Our neighbor
    … (have) that car for 20 years.
    (У нашего соседа эта машина
    уже 20 лет.)
  4. The baby …
    (cry) for a couple of hours.
    (Ребенок плачет пару часов.)
  5. Don’t worry,
    the film … (not start) yet.
    (Не беспокойся, фильм еще не

Test work –
Present Tenses.

Variant — I



  1. since
    (с 9 часов)
  2. for
    (в течение 9 часов)
  3. since
    (с прошлого ноября)
  4. since
    (с моего детства)
  5. since
    (с 1986 года)
  6. for
    (в течение 10 месяцев)
  7. for (
    в течение года)
  8. since
    (с моего дня рождения)
  9. for
    (целую вечность)
  10. for
    (долгое время)


  1. He
    usually doesn’t leave work at 5 p.m. (Обычно он не выходит с работы в 5
    часов вечера.)
  2. We
    aren’t enjoying the party.
    (Нам не нравится вечеринка.)
  3. Mary
    hasn’t just met my boss.
    (Мэри не встретила только что моего
  4. I
    haven’t been writing this poem for a week.
    (Я не пишу
    эту поэму в течение недели.)
  5. They
    don’t like watching TV quizzes.
    (Они не любят смотреть


  1. works
    (Вики работает в итальянском ресторане.)
  2. have
    worked (На этой неделе я проработал только 3 дня.)
  3. is
    working (Радио сейчас работает.)
  4. have
    been working (Мы работаем в саду с утра.)


  1. +
    (Журнал публикуется на протяжении почти 20 лет.)
  2. for
    (Моя мама сидит на диете такое долгое время.)
  3. +
    (Думаю, что они живут в Чикаго целую вечность.)
  4. +
    (Мэри не встречала свою сестру с Рождества.)
  5. since
    (Твоя супруга изменилась с тех пор, как мы виделись в последний раз.)


  1. has
    been snowing
  2. has
  3. have
  4. have
    been attending
  5. have
    been peeling

Test work –
Present Tenses.

Variant – II



  1. since
    (с тех пор, как он был подростком)
  2. for
    (пару дней)
  3. for
    (всю жизнь)
  4. since
    (со вчерашнего дня)
  5. since
    (с 15 июня)
  6. for
    (в течение 30 лет)
  7. since
    (с тех пор, как мне исполнилось 30 лет)
  8. for
    (на протяжении 20 минут)
  9. since
    (с прошлого века)
  10. since
    (с тех пор, как ты пришел)


  1. That
    waiter hasn’t been speaking on the phone since 2 o’clock.
    официант не разговаривает по телефону с двух часов.)
  2. You
    haven’t broken my notebook.
    (Ты не сломал мой ноутбук.)
  3. The
    train isn’t going too slow.
    (Поезд не едет слишком медленно.)
  4. I’m
    not playing billiards with my brother now.
    (Я не играю в
    бильярд со своим братом сейчас.)
  5. Lara
    doesn’t live with her parents in Madrid.
    (Лара не
    живет с родителями в Мадриде.)


  1. has
    been reading (Боб читает эту книгу с прошлого года.)
  2. read
    (Обычно я читаю детективы.)
  3. has
    read (Сегодня папа прочитал все газеты.)
  4. is
    reading (Сейчас она читает сыну сказку.)


  1. for
    (Боб не практиковался во французском в течение пары лет.)
  2. since
    (Ничего не произошло в этой деревушке со времен Средневековья.)
  3. + (Он
    работает здесь в течение 6 месяцев.)
  4. since
    (Я не курю с 2005 года.)
  5. + (Мы
    не видели нашего соседа с прошлой среды.)


  1. has
  2. have
  3. has
  4. has
    been crying
  5. hasn’t

  • Главная
  • Тесты

Данный тест проверяет умение правильно выбирать и употреблять настоящие времена (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous) в соответствии с ситуацией общения. Из предложенных вариантов ответа необходимо выбрать только один, который на ваш взгляд является правильным.

Уровень сложности:

Upper intermediate

Вопросов в тесте:


Теория по теме:

Present Simple — простое настоящее время
Present Continuous — настоящее длительное время
Present Perfect — настоящее совершенное время
Present Perfect Continuous — настоящее совершенное длительное время

Мы подготовили для теста большее количество вопросов, чем выводится на странице. Вы можете проходить тест многократно без их повторения.

В этом уроке вы проверите, насколько хорошо вы разбираетесь в употреблении времен группы Present в английском языке.

Если вам требуется больше практики с Present tenses, рекомендую следующие уроки:

  • Упражнения на времена группы Present
  • Present Simple и Present Continuous: упражнения с ответами

В каждом вопросе теста только 1 правильный ответ и за каждый правильный ответ вы получите 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов за этот тест – 20.

Скачать тест на времена Present (в pdf)

Выберите правильный ответ:

1. I _______________ my best friend for 1 year.

 am not seeing

 haven’t been seeing

 haven’t seen

 don’t see

2. We sometimes ________________ weekends in the country house.


 have spent

 have been spending

 are spending

3. Nick is so concentrated. He ________________ a poem.

 is writing

 has written


 has been writing

4. We _______________ in this hotel since Saturday.

 are staying

 have been staying

 have stayed


5. They usually ________________ to work together.

 are driving

 have been driving

 have driven


6. Susan usually ________________ in her free time.

 is painting

 has been painting


 has painted

7. It’s an old TV. It  ________________.

 hasn’t worked

 doesn’t work

 isn’t working

 hasn’t been working

8. Dad always ________________ home before 7 pm.

 has been coming


 has come

 is coming

9. Wow, you ________________ beautiful in this dress.

 have been looking


 have looked

 are looking

10. We ________ already _______ to this restaurant once.

 are being

 has, been

 have, been

 are been

11. I _______________ my phone for 2 years.

 have been having

 have had


 am having

12. How often ________________ swimming?

 are you going

 have you been going

 do you go

 have you gone

13. A: What’s this noise? B: The neighbour ________________ the grass.


 has cut

 has been cutting

 is cutting

14. A: Are you busy? B: Yes, I ________________ after my younger sister.

 have looked

 have been looking


 am looking

15. Paul __________ always ________________ to visit Paris.

 has, been wanting

 is, wanting

 has, wanted


16. She ________________ listening to music. It’s one of her hobbies.

 has enjoyed


 has been enjoying

 is enjoying

17. Bob always  ________________ notes during meetings.

 is taking


 has been taking

 has taken

18. __________ you ________________ for me for a long time?

 Are, waiting

 Have, waited

 Do, wait

 Have, been waiting

19. Michael  _______ just ________ a test on Present tenses.

 is, taking

 has, taken

 has, been taking


20. Grandpa often ________________ to turn off the light.

 has been forgetting

 is forgetting

 has forgotten


Читать далее:

  • Present Continuous: упражнения с ответами
  • Past Simple и Past Continuous: упражнения с ответами
  • Past Simple: тест с ответами


  • Онлайн тест №2 на тему «Present Tenses».
  • Сложность: 5 из 5
  • Укажите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков.
  1. I have just applied for a job in the local hospital, now I   for an answer from them.

    • have been waiting
    • wait
    • have waited
    • am waiting
  2. I think you   very weak. Don’t get out of bed. You’ll only make your temperature go up again.

    • are
    • are being
    • have been
    • were
  3. David is quite an athlete. He wants to be strong and healthy that’s why he   every morning.

    • has been jogging
    • has jogged
    • jogs
    • is jogging
  4. Jake is a good footballer. Do you know since when   football?

    • has he been playing
    • is he playing
    • he plays
    • he has been playing
  5. About 85 percent of American students   public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes.

    • have been attending
    • are attending
    • have attended
    • attend
  6. A group of scientists are travelling around Africa. How many countries   so far, I wonder?

    • do they visit
    • they have visited
    • have they been visiting
    • have they visited
  7. Today the world   so rapidly; things never stay the same.

    • has been changing
    • changes
    • is changing
    • has changed
  8. Excuse me I   a public telephone. Is there one near here?

    • have been looking for
    • look for
    • am looking for
    • have looked for
  9. Willy   from his Uncle Alex since the latter immigrated to Canada.

    • does not hear
    • has not heard
    • have not heard
    • is not hearing
  10. Sara, my next door neighbour, has a car, but she   it very often.

    • hasn’t been using
    • isn’t using
    • doesn’t use
    • hasn’t used
  11. As far as I know Mike   Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much.

    • learns
    • has been learning
    • has learnt
    • is learning
  12. Jack Strom has been a postman all his life; he   mail to homes and offices to the people of the town.

    • is delivering
    • has been delivering
    • delivers
    • has delivered
  13. My mother is a medical nurse; she takes care of sick and old people. What   for a living?

    • has your mother done
    • is your mother doing
    • has your mother been doing
    • does your mother do
  14. Her family   from town to town ever since she can remember.

    • is moving
    • has moved
    • has been moving
    • moves
  15. Paul looks young for his age. He says he is 56 years old, but nobody   him.

    • believe
    • is not believing
    • believes
    • hasn’t believed

Сохранить себе или поделиться:

Посмотрите другие онлайн тесты

  • Lonely, alone, single, solitary
  • Go, come, walk
  • Sequence of Tenses
  • Wait, expect, anticipate
  • Busy, engaged, occupied
  • Slip, mistake, error
  • Director, manager, chief, boss, head
  • Change, alter, vary, adjust
  • Funny, witty, amusing, merry
  • See, look, glance

Сегодня мы займемся отработкой времен группы Present. Предлагаю вам упражнения на времена группы Present с ответами. Для того, чтобы повторить настоящие времена в английском, вы можете прочесть следующие статьи:

  • Present Simple: правила и употребление
  • Present Continuous: правила и употребление
  • Present Perfect: правила и употребление
  • Present Perfect Continuous: правила и употребление

Для отработки каждого из настоящих времен английского языка можете использовать следующие статьи:

  • Упражнения на Present Simple
  • Упражнения на Present Continuous
  • Упражнения на Present Perfect
  • Упражнения на Present Perfect Continuous

Также обратите внимания на следующие материалы:

  • Упражнения на времена Present Simple и Present Continuous
  • Упражнения на времена Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous

Настоящее время в английском —  упражнения.

Ну что же, переходим к упражнениям по 4 настоящим временам английского языка.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребив одно из настоящих времен.

  1. What time _____________ (the meeting/end)?
  2. Tomorrow I _____________ (fly) to Moscow to visit my aunt Sally.
  3. Right now he _______ (talk) on the phone.
  4. The Earth __________ (go) round the Sun.
  5. I _________ (look) for my camera for an hour.
  6. Could you close the window? I _____________ (freeze)
  7. The man __________ (paint) the walls all day long.
  8. The coffee ___________ (smell) good.
  9. At the moment we ___________ (take) a walk around a beautiful village.
  10. We _____________ (not/finish) our history project yet.
  11. Kim _____________ (never/be) abroad.
  12. School always _______  (close) for Easter holidays.
  13. I’m exhausted. I _____________ (train) my stomach muscles all morning.
  14. What _____________ (usually/you/do) in your free time?
  15. Look! Your mum ____________ (water) tomatoes in the vegetable garden.

Упражнение 2. Choose the right variant.

1 The boy ___________his homework and now he _________-TV.

a) already has done, watches

b) already does, has watched

c) has already done, is watching

2. They___________ about Russian traditions since the beginning of the lesson.

a) have been talking

b) are talking

c) talk

3. This is the best conference I ________.

a) am

b) have ever been to

c) ever have been to it

4. The postman usually __________ at 9 in the morning. It is half past 9 now but he ___________

a) comes, has not come yet

b) comes, has not been coming

c) is coming, has not come yet

5. They__________ the walls and they ___________nice.

a) have painting, are looking

b) have painted, look

c) have been painting, look

6. The economic situation in the world is already bad and it __________worse.

a) is getting

b) gets

c) have gotten

Упражнение 3.  Use Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

Hello Nancy

It (1) _________ (be) time since my last letter to you. I (2) ____________ (still/work) at ABS and the company (3) _____________ (do well). This is very fortunate as many of my friends (4) ___________ (lose) their jobs. Our savings (5) _____________ (take) a disastrous dive because of the economy. I (6) ____________ (know) the situation everywhere is difficult and I (7) __________ (be) happy I still have a job. My friend Michael and his wife Georgia (8) ______________ (now, live) in Virginia. Michael (9) ______________ (finish) studying massage therapy. He (10) __________ (run) a small clinic in partnership with another woman. He and Georgia (11) _____________ (look) for a full-time job, though, as they (12) _____________ (lose) money also. As I say, many people (13) __________ (have) a hard time now.

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения на русский, используя одно из настоящих времен английского языка.

  1. Он смотрит телевизор с самого утра.
  2. Завтра у меня урок английского в 8:00.
  3. Воздух в городе становится все более и более грязным.
  4. Я потерял кошелек.
  5. Её волосы грязные. Она красила дом весь день.
  6. Ты постоянно что-то теряешь!
  7. Ты пишешь сочинение уже два часа.
  8. Я хожу в бассейн три раза в неделю.
  9. Папа чинит машину с самого утра.
  10. Он сломал ногу.

Ответы к упражнениям.

Exercise 1.

1 does the meeting end, 2 am flying, 3 is talking, 4 goes, 5 have been looking, 6 am freezing, 7 has been painting, 8 smells, 9 are taking, 10 have not finished, 11 has never been, 12 closes, 13 have been training, 14 do you usually do, 15 is watering  

Exercise 2.

1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b, 6 a

Exercise 3.

1 has been, 2 am still working, 3 is doing, 4 have lost, 5 have taken, 6 know, 7 am, 8 are living, 9 has finished, 10 is running, 11 are looking, 12 have lost, 13 are having

Exercise 4.

  1. He has been watching TV since the very morning.
  2. Tomorrow I have English class at 8:00.
  3. The air in the city is becoming more and more dirty.
  4. I have lost my wallet.
  5. Her hair is dirty. She has been painting the house the whole day.
  6. You are always losing something!
  7. You have been writing an essay for two hours.
  8. I go to the pool three times a week.
  9. My father has been repairing the car since morning.
  10. He has broken his leg.

Надеюсь, эти упражнения помогли вам систематизировать употребление времен группы Present.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Опубликовано 19.08.2014 — 8:51 — ПОВ

тест по английскому языку на тренировку времен группы Present


Предварительный просмотр:

Present Tenses Test

I. Chose the right variant.

 1.  Jeremy ….. basketball this season; he wants to concentrate on his studies.

doesn’t play

hasn’t been playing

isn’t playing

hasn’t played

  1. What ….. with yourself? There is mud all over you! 

has you been doing

are doing

did you do

have been doing

  1. As far as I know Mike ….. Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much.

is learning

has been learning

has learnt


  1. I am sorry Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she ….. a shower. 

is taking

has taken


has been taking

  1. How long ….. Jerry? — But I don’t know him at all. I have never met him.

do you know

have you known

has you known

did you know

  1. — Hello! May I speak to John, please? — Sorry, he is out. He has gone to the library. He ….. for his History exam there.  

has been reading

is reading


has read

  1. Excuse me I ….. a public telephone. Is there one near here?  

have been looking for

have looked for

look for

am looking for

  1. Her family ….. from town to town ever since she can remember. 

is moving

has moved


has been moving

  1. About 85 percent of American students ….. public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes.  


are attending

have attended

have been attending

  1. You may take this magazine. I ….. through it already. 


have looked

am looking

have been looking

  1. I don’t like Alice. She ….. about difficulties of life all the time. 


is complaining

has complained

has been complaining

  1. Nora, you look awfully tired. What ….. all day?  

do you do

are you doing

have you been doing

have you done

  1. Sara, my next door neighbour, has a car, but she ….. it very often.  

doesn’t use

isn’t using

hasn’t used

hasn’t been using

  1. I think you ….. very silly. Don’t get out of bed. You’ll only make your temperature go up again.  


are being


have been

  1. Peter and Mary ….. on the platform. They have been waiting for their train for half an hour.

have been standing

are standing


have stood

II. Use the right tense form of the verb.

  1. How much money……..(you/spend) on food every week?
  2. I…………….(never/eat) octopus, but I ……….(eat) squid.
  3. Where is Ann? She …..(sunbathe) in the garden.
  4. ………..(you/watch) the TV? —  No. You can switch it off if you like.
  5. I’m afraid I………(not/speak) Spanish very well.
  6. We ……….(look) everywhere for a purple silk shirt, but we……….(not/find) one yet.
  7. ………(you/hear) the latest news? A bomb ………(explode) in the station at 10 o’clock this morning.
  8. John …………..(look for) a bigger flat.
  9. She ………..(usually/finish) work before 6 o’clock.
  10. ……….(you/know) how to use this computer programme? Not yet. But I……….(learn).
  11. Where …..(Joe/go) with that gun in his hand? Oh, he……….(always /carry) it with him when he goes walking in the woods.
  12. Oh, hello Debby! I’m sorry, I……….(not recognize) you at first. You……..(lose) weight!
  13. Be quiet! I……….(think) Dad ……….(sleep) upstairs.
  14. I ….(not/like) cooking, but I …..(love) eating.
  15. Why ………(you/cry)? Have you hurt yourself?
  16. Something ………(smell) good. What ……….( you/cook)?
  17. In autumn the leaves ……….(fall) from the trees.
  18. Gary……….(not/be) to work since Monday.
  19. How many times ……..(you/be) to the cinema this year? I went twice in January, but I………..(not/be) since then.
  20. Look at that! Someone……….(leave) the fridge door open again! It wasn’t me. I………(not/be) in the kitchen for hours.
  21. I ……….(just/read) your composition. It’s very good. How much time did you spend writing it?
  22. You………(work) very hard recently. I’m surprised the boss did not give you a pay rise when you asked him.
  23. Oh no! I think I……….(break) Mum’s stereo.  
  24. Sally is very clever. She ………..(speak) five languages.
  25. I don’t understand those people. What language ………..(they/speak)?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Present tenses

Презентация представляет собой иллюстративный материал для предъявления группы настоящих времён в сравнеии. Анимация и картинки позволяют использовать презентацию для интерактивного введения грамматич…

Тест «Present Tenses»

Тест на знание употребления настоящих времен К учебнику: «Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др….

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Тест на настоящее время в английском языке

Пройдите тесты на настоящее время в английском языке, чтобы проверить свои знания. Я подготовил тест для начинающих с вопросами на времена Present в активном залоге и более трудный тест на времена Present в активном и пассивном залоге. Если у вас есть вопросы, пишите в комментариях!

1. Тест на настоящее время для начинающих

В этот тест на настоящее время в английском языке вошли простые вопросы на времена Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous в активном залоге.

Выберите подходящий вариант перевода.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. Мы играем в шахматы каждый четверг. — We play chess every Thursday.
  2. Смотри! Собака улыбается! — Look! The dog is smiling!
  3. Теперь я вас понимаю. — Now I understand you.
  4. Завтра я уезжаю в Прагу. — I’m leaving for Prague tomorrow.
  5. Погода ужасная. Дождь идет с понедельника. — The weather is terrible. It’s been raining since Monday.
  6. Сколько людей вы повстречали по дороге? — How many people have you met on your way?
  7. Я изучаю два языка, и я собираюсь учить еще один. — I study two languages, and I’m going to study another one.
  8. Вообще-то, она поет хорошо, но сейчас она поет довольно плохо. — Actually, she sings well, but now she’s singing quite badly.

2. Тест на настоящее время — вопросы потруднее

В этот тест на настоящее время в английском языке вошли более трудные вопросы на времена Present в активном и пассивном залоге, тест включает разные вопросы с подвохом. Если у вас есть вопросы, почему ответ именно такой, пишите в комментариях.

Выберите подходящий вариант перевода.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. Энни занимается в домашнем спортзале прямо сейчас, она тренируется каждый день. — Anny is working out in the home gym right now, she works out every day.
  2. Эти птицы держатся в неволе. — These birds are kept in captivity.
  3. Твоя машина обходится мне в целое состояние. — Your car is costing me a fortune.
  4. Лошадей сейчас кормят. — The horses are being fed now.
  5. Дети просто дурачатся. — The kids are just being foolish.
  6. Она прочла все книги в своей библиотеке. — She has read all the books in her library.
  7. О вашей проблеме уже позаботились. — Your problem has already been taken care of.

Если у вас есть вопросы, пишите в комментариях!


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