Настоящее продолженное время в английском языке 4 класс контрольная работа

Test “Present Continuous Tense”

Name __________________Form____________

1. Раскрой скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Continuous Tense.

Образец: He (run) is running in the park now.

         The boys (not have) are not having breakfast now.

1) Tom (play)___________________football now.

2) I (wash) ______________ up at the moment.

3) They (read) _______________books now.

4) Nelly (not swim)_______________in the swimming pool now.

5) We (not watch)________________TV now.

2. Прочитай вопрос и выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1) Are we going to school at the moment?

  • Yes, they do.
  • Yes, we are.
  • Yes, are.

 2) Is Billy playing computer games now?

  • No, he is not.
  • No, he is.
  • No, he.

3) Are you listening to music?

  • Yes, I are.
  • Yes, I is.
  • Yes, I am.

4) Are the pupils having lunch now?

  • No, I aren’t.
  • No, they aren’t.
  • No, you aren’t.

5) Is your mother cooking now?

  • Yes, he is.
  • Yes, she is.
  • Yes, they are.

работа 4 класс

Настоящее продолженное время

Вставьте is, am, are. Переведите на русский язык.

I … reading a book now.

They … playing football now.

We … watching a new film.

Ann … washing the car now.

Раскройте скобки, написав глаголы в настоящем продолженном времени.

Mrs Bird (play) is playing the piano.

Mr.Smith (drive) ____ home.

Jimmy (sleep) ___ after lunch.

3. They
finish) ___ their

4. He
watch) ___ television.

Напиши 2 предложения, чего в данный момент ты не делаешь. Используй
словосочетания в рамочке.

have lunch, get up, play the piano, play
football, go to bed, listen to music

к контрольной работе  4 класс

Настоящее продолженное время

Вставьте is, am, are. Переведите на русский

1. We
having lunch.

I … playing computer games now.

Jack … riding a bike.

They … dancing now.

Раскройте скобки, написав глаголы в настоящем продолженном времени.

Mrs Bird (play) is playing the piano.

Bess (read)___ a book now.

I (swim) ___ in the swimming pool.

The pupils (write) ___ a test now.

4. My
mum (cook)___

Напиши 2 предложения, чего в данный момент ты не делаешь. Используй
словосочетания в рамочке.

have breakfast, wash cups, play tennis,
ride a bike, read a book, watch television


I. Найди строку, в которой нет указателей на Present Continuous

a) usually, every day, every Monday

b) Look! Listen!

c) now, at the moment

II. Запиши глаголы с окончанием –ing в соответствующие строчки по правилам написания

Write, ski, cut, skate, dive, sit, surf, have, eat, swim, run, shine, live, go




III. Напиши, кто чем занимается в данный момент, используя подсказки

1. Kate/ eat a banana.- Kate is eating a banana.

2. Ann/read a book._______________________________________________________________

3. Ben and Nick/ski.______________________________________________________________

4. My friends/dive.________________________________________________________________

5. I/write._______________________________________________________________________

IV. Выбери правильный вариант Present Continuous

1. Listen! Mary _______ (sing) songs in now.

a) is singing b) am sings c) are singing

2. My friend ______ (draw) at the moment.

a) is drawing b) draws c)drawing

3. We ______ (listen) to music at the moment.

a) am listening b) are listening c) is listening


1. В каком предложении допущена ошибка?

a) My parents are watching TV now.

b) They are swimming.

c)He am doing sums.

2. В каком предложении допущена ошибка?

a) The pupils reading now.

b) Look! The cat is climbing a tree.

c) We are eating now.


Сделай предложение отрицательным и вопросительным

Tom is writing a letter now.



Test 7 A

1. Look and match.

1) play basketball

2) eat a hot dog

3) fly a kite

4) sleep

5) wear a mac

6) ride a bike

7) drive a car

8) make a sandcastle

9) watch TV

10) paint a picture

a. играть в футбол

b. запускать воздушного змея

c. спать

d. играть в баскетбол

e. водить машину

f. есть хотдог

g. играть в игру

h. рисовать рисунок

i. лицо

j. смотреть телевизор

k. строить замок из песка

l. носить плащ

m. кататься на велосипеде

2. Make sentences.

1. is/a/Jim/playing/game

2. Mike/a/riding/bike/ isn´t/

3. her/with/playing/is/Lena/toys/

4. little/sleeping/sister/my/is

3. Look, read and write the answers.

1. Tim 2. Sam 3. Tony and Anna 4. Mary

…………… …………… …………… …………..

4. Look, read and choose.

1) What is Vika doing now?

2) Who is eating an apple?

3) Is Rita sleeping?

4) What are the boys doing?

5) Who is talking?

6) Are Mike and Nick sinning?

7) Are you having a good time?

a. Yes, we are.

b. The girls are.

c. She is watching TV.

d. No, she isn´t.

e. No, they aren´t.

f. Masha is.

g. They are riding bikes.

5. Look, read and complete.

Today is Sunday. We are in the country now. Dad 1) (work) in the garden. My

big brother 2)… (help) him. I 3)…(play) with my toys. My little sister4) … (sleep)

in the bedroom. Mum and my little brother 5)… (cook) supper. It´s a sunny day!

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  • Повторение.Настоящее время: Present Simple или Present Continuous

Повторение.Настоящее время: Present Simple или Present Continuous

Данный тест рассчитан на учеников 4,5 класса, в качестве повторения темы:»Настоящее время: Present Simple или Present Continuous». Необходимо вспомнить, в каких случаях употребляется Present Simple(настоящее простое время), в каких случаях употребляется Present Continuous( настоящее продолженное время), какие временные указатели помогают в выборе того или иного времени, а также следует обратить внимание на согласование подлежащего и форм глаголов, будь то вспомогательный, или основной, или глагол-связка.

Английский язык 4 класс | Автор: Стрельникова Карина Константиновна | ID: 15095 | Дата: 30.10.2021

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Получение сертификата
о прохождении теста

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 4 класса по теме: «Present Simple и Present Continuous»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

1. Many different animals _____ in Africa.

+ live

— lives

— are living

— is living

2. Where is Misha? He ______ to his friend Ivan on the phone.

— talk

+ is talking

— talks

— told

3. Anna, why ___ you _____ now?

— do, cry

+ are, crying

— is, cry

— are, cry

4. My uncle _______ the car now.

— repairs

+ is repairing

— repair

— is repair

5. I usually _____ six classes on Monday

+ have

— am having

— has

— had

6. __ you ___ to go to the movies with us tonight?

+ Do, want

— Does, wants

— Are, wanting

— Does, want

7. No, I _____ at home with my sister on Tuesdays.

— stays

+ stay

— am staying

— can`t stay

8. I’m busy right now. I _____ my homework now.

— do

+ am doing

— does

— did

9. I ______ this ice cream, I ______ strawberries

+ don’t like, don’t like

— am liking, don’t like

— don’t like, am liking

— am liking, am liking

тест 10. My mother ______ as an English teacher at the school.

+ works

— am working

— is working

— worked

11. I ____ reading books about animals and birds.

+ like

— likes

— liked

— am like

12. She _________ the guitar.

— are not playing

— is not playing

— does not playes

+ does not play

13. Mark never _____to his little brother about sport.

+ talks

— talk

— talking

— are talking

14. Mom, I think someone __________ on the door right now.

вопрос теста Стук в дверь

— are knocking

+ is knocking

— knocks

— knock

15. Dad, listen! I ________ a new song now!

— sing

— sings

+ am singing

— is singing

16. Grandmother Marina __ in the kitchen now. She _______ a banana pie.

— are, cook

+ is, is cooking

— is, cook

— is, are cooking

17. My little brother often ____ our little cat Tom.

вопрос теста Целовать кота

— kissing

+ kisses

— kissed

— is kissing

18. _ it _________ right now?

+ Is, snowing

— Are, snowing

— Is, snows

— Are, snows

19. I’m not watching football right now, I’m watching a movie about space.

— Я не смотрю футбол сейчас, я смотрел кино про космос.

+ Я не смотрю футбол сейчас, я смотрю кино про космос.

— Я не смотрел футбол сейчас, я смотрел кино про космос.

— Я не смотрел футбол сейчас, я смотрю кино про космос.

тест-20. Ann _____ at 6 o’clock every day.

+ gets up

— is getting up

— get up

— are getting up

21. Now it is half past nine. Grandfather ________ dinner for us.

— are cooking

— cooks

— cook

+ is cooking

22. Anton Sergeevich (not visit) Pskov at the moment.

— does not visiting

+ is not visiting

— does not visit

— are not visit

23. I (not want) to go to school.

— do not wanting

— does not want

+ do not want

— does not wanting

24. Dad usually __ (go) shopping on Fridays.

— go

+ goes

— are going

— is going

25. Don`t talk so loud! The baby (sleep) now.

— sleeps

— sleep

— are sleeping

+ is sleeping

26. Who is that old woman? Why ___ she ___ (look) at us?

— are, looking

+ is, looking

— does, look

— do, looking

27. The teacher ___ (wear) a blue dress today.

— wear

— wears

— are wearing

+ is wearing

28. I ___ (not need) to visit the doctor.

— do not needing

+ do not need

— am not need

— am not needing

29. Nina (to help) her mother Olga every day.

— help

+ helps

— are helping

— is helping

тест_30. __she usually _____ a newspaper?

— Are, read

+ Does, read

— Is, reading

— Does, reads

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