Изображение слайда
Слайд 2: Setting up
Изображение слайда
Слайд 3: Humanity always develops
Изображение слайда
Слайд 4: How to begin
Изображение слайда
Слайд 5: Reasons for setting up:
Satisfy personal creativ e needs
Way to find employment
Ability to extend hobby to business
Or others …..
Изображение слайда
Слайд 6: Independence
Make own decisions
Изображение слайда
Слайд 7: Commitment to a product
New invention
Special rights
Изображение слайда
Слайд 8: Result of redundancy
Redundancy payments
Free time
Изображение слайда
Слайд 9: Getting a business idea
Every business starting from idea
And this ideas can coming from:
Изображение слайда
Слайд 10: Existing skills
Изображение слайда
Слайд 11: Ideas from college
Most useful
Most simple
Most cheap
Most welcome
Изображение слайда
Of c ause you can do it better:
You know what customer need
You know all weaknesses of original product
Изображение слайда
Слайд 13: Gap in the market
In dividual approach
New market
New target group
Изображение слайда
Слайд 14: Market research
Customer needs
Brand portfolio
Изображение слайда
What products or services do you know which Russian companies made from foreign analogs?
Изображение слайда
Social network
Изображение слайда
Слайд 17: Chances to success
By information of Department Trade and Industry
Изображение слайда
Слайд 18: Finding information about the market
What are straights and weaknesses of competition?
To find out it use:
Secondary research
Primary research
Изображение слайда
Слайд 19: Marketing and promotion
That helps to:
Undercut competitor’s prices
Increase sells
Изображение слайда
Слайд 20: Cheaper methods of promotion
Advertising in local magazines and newspapers;
Sending leaflets by direct mail
Offering discounts
Make Internet website
Изображение слайда
Слайд 21: Expensive methods of promotion
Advertising abroad
Advertising on television
Advertising in national magazines or publications with glossy advertisements
Use large national advertising agencies
Изображение слайда
Take care of safety and heath of employees
W ork with professionals
Retrain workers
Изображение слайда
50% businesses borrowing money
A lot of people sell their houses to raise finance
Изображение слайда
Слайд 24: Special rights
Изображение слайда
Part-time job
Изображение слайда
Understand aims and priorities
Predict achievements
Изображение слайда
Слайд 27: What’s inside business plan
Our idea
Our strategy
Information about competitors
Why bank should give us loan
Our chances to be successful
Изображение слайда
Слайд 28: Business plan used to
Give clear idea of its direction and operation
Show bank our position and ability to pay back a loan
Identify problems that may occur to allow the business
Highlight our straights and weaknesses
Изображение слайда
What does business plan allow to start up?
Изображение слайда
Слайд 30: Getting advice
Изображение слайда
Personal savings
Funds from partners and investors
Credit purchases
Banks and finance institutes
V enture capitalists
Organizations & business angels
Government funds
Изображение слайда
What kinds of finance are minor costly?
Изображение слайда
Слайд 33: How to set up
Buying a business
Buying a franchise
Setting up a new business alone
Setting up with others
Изображение слайда
Слайд 34: Running a business
Keep all transactions records:
Use of documents
Изображение слайда
Cash receipts
Credit notes
Proofs of delivery
Изображение слайда
Последний слайд презентации: Starting a Business: Thank you for your attention!
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Подписи к слайдам:
Слайд 1
Car Rent Service “ Alyonushka ” Made by Rosotvtcev
Слайд 2
The shop will be based on BMW cars. We will give cars to other people from 1 day to 2 weeks.
Слайд 3
This shop will be for mans? Womans and family at all. At start I’m will work single, And when I will have enoudh money, I will take some customers to work.
Слайд 4
Goal My goal is raise more than 100 000 roubles per month And I want to take new friends on this work
Слайд 5
Research the demands of the buisness For start I need about 3 000 000 roubles . 2 millions for by a BMW cars, and 1 million is for rent a garage for this cars I want to by garage near the subway “ Dybenko ”. It will be good variant to stay here, near subway station, Because a lot of people need a car.
Слайд 6
Products BMW cars such as: BMW E34 BMW X7 BMW M5 and other
Слайд 7
Strategy At start it will be little cost of a rent , To take trust of people? And next it will be more expensive. If you were good driver and were accuracy with car? We will give you some bonuses.
Слайд 8
I want to develop my business, To achieve the goals, about a half-year. I really hope that I can do it!
Слайд 9
Thanks for attention!
Presentation on theme: «Starting your own business»— Presentation transcript:
Starting your own business
A person who organizes and then runs a business
Entrepreneurship A person who organizes and then runs a business Life is challenging….must be motivated Needs to make good decisions…..must be perceptive Find inventive solutions to problems….must be decisive Risks are high….but rewards can be great!
Advantages You are in charge Job satisfaction
Can lead to a good income
disadvantages Financial risk …you can lose your investment
Work long hours Competitors No guarantees…half of all business fail in first 4 years
Starting a new business
4 Ways to become a business owner Start a New Business Buy an Existing business Buy a Franchise Join A family business
New business Advantages: Disadvantages:
It all you…..you build it from scratch Disadvantages: Requires more time & effort to start Start up costs are high (equipment, office supplies , insurance , etc…) Need to borrow money Very risky
Existing Business Advantages: Disadvantages:
Steps ahead…take advantage of previous owners business agreements Build on former successes Disadvantages: Existing business may have problems- Poor location or reputation Competition Building or equipment is not new and may need repairs
Franchise Advantages: Disadvantages:
Recognized name, reputation, & goodwill Established procedures and management systems Trained employees, support services, advertising & finance Disadvantages: Portion of profits go to parent company Must follow guidelines of parent company
Family Business Advantages: Disadvantages:
Relatives can help with finance Family members are loyal, have a team of people you trust and know Teach you the business Disadvantages: Some families work well together others do not Issues at work could affect family relationships
Forms of Legal ownership
Sole Proprietorship- business completely owned by one person Partnership- legal agreement in which 2 or more people share ownership Corporation- business chartered by a state that legally operates apart from owner(s). Owners by shares of company and are called shareholders
Sole proprietorship Advantages: Disadvantages:
Owner makes all decisions Easiest form of business Least regulated Disadvantages: Limited by the skills, abilities and finance of one person Difficult to raise funds Owner is financially responsible
Partnership Advantages: Disadvantages:
Can draw on skills, abilities and finance of more than one person Easier to raise funds Disadvantages: More complicated than sole proprietorship Tension among partners Owners liable for all business losses
Corporation Advantages: Disadvantages: Easiest to finance
Financial liability of stakeholders is limited Disadvantages: Expensive to set up Record keeping can be time consuming and costly Can pay more taxes than other forms of businesses
Business plan project 9 slides
75 points : 60 information – 15 technical Must have : background, slide transition, clear and easy to read & at least 7 pictures tiles : 1 – title 2 – mission 3 – company description 4 – company founders and titles 5 – employees and job openings 6 – location 7 – market analysis 8 – SWOT Analysis 9 – Marketing & Sales strateg
Business Plan- CFM Total Points: _______/75 Percent: _____%
Information 50 points All 9 slides are present and all requested information is given. 45 points Presentation contains 7-8 slides, and/or most of the requested information is given. 40 points Presentation contains 4-6 slides, and/or some of the requested information is given. 35 points Presentation contains 2-3 slides, and/or little of the requested information is given. 0-30 points Presentation contains 0-1 slides, and/or very little of the requested information is given. Spelling / Grammar 10 points 0-1 mistakes 8 points 2-3 mistakes 6 points 4-6 mistakes 4 points 7-9 mistakes 0-2 points 10 or more Technical 15 points Both background and 7 appropriate pictures 12 points Background and 5-6 appropriate pictures 9 points Either no background, less than 4 pics, or not appropriate pics for the business idea Either no background, or no pictures 0-5 points Neither any background, or any pictures
Let’s get started!
Слайды и текст этой презентации
Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
Part 2
Chapter 4
Starting and Growing a Business
Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
Options for Organizing Business
Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchising
Слайд 3
Описание слайда:
Learning Objectives
LO 4-1 Define and examine the advantages and disadvantages of the sole proprietorship form of organization.
LO 4-2 Identify two types of partnership, and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the partnership form of organization.
LO 4-3 Describe the corporate form of organization, and cite the advantages and disadvantages of corporations.
LO 4-4 Define and debate the advantages and disadvantages of mergers, acquisitions and leveraged buyouts.
LO 4-5 Propose an appropriate organizational form for a startup business.
Слайд 4
Описание слайда:
Introduction (1 of 2)
Comparison of Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships and Corporations
Слайд 5
Описание слайда:
Introduction (2 of 2)
Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
Sole Proprietorship
Sole Proprietorship
Businesses owned and operated by one individual; the most common form of business organization in the United States
Many focus on services rather than manufacturing
Typically employ fewer than 50 people
Comprise nearly three-quarters of all U.S. companies
Men are twice as likely as women to start their own business
Слайд 7
Описание слайда:
Advantages of Sole Proprietorship
Ease and cost of formation
Allow a high level of secrecy
Owner keeps all profits
Flexibility and control of the business
Government regulation is minimal
Taxes paid only once
Can be dissolved easily
Слайд 8
Описание слайда:
Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship
Unlimited liability
Scarce external funding
Owners need diverse skills
Success is tied to the owner
Lack of qualified employees
Higher taxation
Слайд 9
Описание слайда:
Finding Talented Employees
Sole proprietorships have greater difficulty attracting talented employees
Large corporations such as McDonald’s have better profits and more job opportunities
Difficult to match the wages and benefits offered by large corporations
Little chance for advancement within sole proprietorship
Слайд 10
Описание слайда:
This entrepreneur opened his small business as a sole proprietorship
As sole proprietor, he keeps his profits but is personally responsible for all risks and financial obligations
Слайд 11
Описание слайда:
A form of business organization defined by the Uniform Partnership Act as “an association of two or more persons who carry on as co-owners of a business for profit”
One way to minimize the disadvantages of sole proprietorship and maximize its advantages is to have more than one owner
Typically larger than sole proprietorships but smaller than corporations
Partnerships can be a fruitful form of business as long as you follow some keys to success
Слайд 12
Описание слайда:
Types of Partnerships
General Partnership
Involves a complete sharing in both the management and the liability of the business
Limited Partnership
Has at least one general partner, who assumes unlimited liability, and at least one limited partner whose liability is limited to his or her investment in the business
Articles of Partnership
Legal documents that set forth the basic agreement between partners
Слайд 13
Описание слайда:
Advantages of Partnerships
Easy to organize
Availability of capital & credit
Combined knowledge and skills
Swift decision making
Government regulations are few
Слайд 14
Описание слайда:
Disadvantages of Partnerships
Unlimited liability
Responsible for each others’ decisions
A new agreement is needed if the partnership changes
Difficult to sell a partnership interest
Distribution of profits may be uneven
Cannot find external funding as easily as large corporations
Слайд 15
Описание слайда:
Partnerships and Taxes
Partnerships are quasi-taxable organizations
Partnerships do not pay taxes but do file a tax return providing information on profitability and distribution of profits
Partners report their share of the profits and pay taxes at the income tax rate for individuals
Слайд 16
Описание слайда:
Keys to Success in Business Partnerships
Keep profit sharing and ownership at 50/50, or you have an employer/employee relationship
Partners should have different skill sets to complement one another
Honesty is critical
Must maintain face-to-face communication in addition to phone and e-mail
Maintain transparency, sharing more information over time
Be aware of funding constraints, and do not put yourself in a situation where neither you nor your partner can secure additional financial support
To be successful, you need experience
Whereas family should be a priority, be careful to minimize the number of associated problems
Do not become too infatuated with “the idea” as opposed to implementation
Couple optimism with realism in sales and growth expectations/planning
Слайд 17
Описание слайда:
In 1996 Stanford students Sergey Brin and Larry Page partnered to form the search engine Google as part of a research project
The company was incorporated in 1998 and is now the world’s top search engine
Слайд 18
Описание слайда:
A legal entity, created by the state, whose assets and liabilities are separate from its owners
Has many of the rights, duties and powers of a person
Can own and transfer property
Can enter into contracts
Can sue and be sued in court
Account for the majority of all U.S. sales and income
Слайд 19
Описание слайда:
Stock and Dividends
Corporations are typically owned by many individuals and organizations who own shares of the business
Shares of the corporation that may be bought or sold
Can also be gifted or inherited
Profits of a corporation that are distributed in the form of cash payments to the stockholders
Слайд 20
Описание слайда:
Creating Corporations
Incorporators create the corporation
Following state procedure of chartering the corporation
Incorporators file legal articles of incorporation with the state
State issues a legal corporate charter to the company
Owners establish bylaws and board of directors
Слайд 21
Описание слайда:
Types of Corporations
Domestic Corporation
If conducting business in the state in which it is chartered
Foreign Corporation
If conducting business outside the state in which it is chartered
Alien Corporation
If conducting business outside the nation in which it is incorporated
Слайд 22
Описание слайда:
American Companies with More than Half of Their Revenues from Outside the U.S.
Слайд 23
Описание слайда:
Private Corporations and Initial Public Offering
Private Corporation
Owned by just one or a few people who are closely involved in managing the business
None of their stock is sold to the public
Private companies are not required to disclose financial information publicly
Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Selling a corporation’s stock on public markets for the first time
Done when a private corporation wishes to “go public” or to raise additional capital and expand
Слайд 24
Описание слайда:
Mars Corporation
The snack and food company Mars is privately owned by the Mars family
The company became one of the world’s largest candy makers when Mars purchased chewing-gum company Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. in 2008
Слайд 25
Описание слайда:
Public Corporations
Public Corporations
A corporation whose stock anyone may buy, sell, or trade
Two types of public corporations
Owned and operated by the government
Provides a service but often operates at a loss
Focuses on providing a service rather than making a profit
Not owned by the government
Слайд 26
Описание слайда:
Board of Directors
A group of individuals, elected by the stockholders to oversee the general operation of the corporation, who set the corporation’s long-range objectives
The board is responsible for meeting objectives on schedule
Legally liable for mismanagement or misuse
An important duty is to hire corporate officers
Слайд 27
Описание слайда:
Preferred and Common Stocks
Preferred Stock
A special type of stock whose owners, though not generally having a say in running the company, have a claim to profits before other stockholders do
Common Stock
Stock whose owners have voting rights in the corporation, yet do not receive preferential treatment regarding dividends
May vote by proxy, allows stockholders to assign their voting privilege to someone else
Have preemptive right , they can buy any new shares of stock the company issues
Слайд 28
Описание слайда:
Preferred Stock
Owners of preferred stock have first claim to profits
Dividend payments on preferred stocks are usually a fixed percentage of the initial issuing price (set by the board of directors)
If a share of preferred stock originally cost $100 and the dividend rate was stated at 7.5%, the dividend payment will be $7.50 per share per year
Слайд 29
Описание слайда:
Advantages of Corporations
Limited liability
Ease of transfer of ownership
Perpetual life
Securing funding is easier than for other forms of business
Expansion potential
Слайд 30
Описание слайда:
Disadvantages of Corporations
Double taxation
Expensive to form
Disclosure of information to the government and the public
Owners and managers are not always the same and can have different goals
Слайд 31
Описание слайда:
Volkswagen is the eighth-largest corporation in the world
Did You Know?
The first corporation with a net income of more than $1 billion in one year was General Motors, with a net income in 1955 of $1,189,477,082
Слайд 32
Описание слайда:
Hostile Takeovers
Hostile takeovers occur when one individual or company attempts to buy a majority share in the company for the purpose of restructuring the management team and/or the board of directors
They are different from mergers and acquisitions because there is no mutual agreement for the transfer of company ownership
Many times, companies that are vulnerable to hostile takeovers will institute a “poison pill”, which works to dilute the value of company stock making it less attractive for the individual or company to purchase a majority share of the company
The poison pill can also serve to decrease the stock value of the takeover company if they follow through with the takeover
Слайд 33
Описание слайда:
Joint Venture and S Corporation
Joint Venture
A partnership established for a specific project or for a limited time
Control can be divided equally, or one partner may control decision making
Used for ventures that call for large investments, such as development of new products
S Corporation
Corporation taxed as though it were a partnership with restrictions on shareholders
Eliminates double taxation and retains the limited liability benefit
Very popular with entrepreneurs, representing nearly half of all corporate filings
Слайд 34
Описание слайда:
Limited Liability Company and Cooperatives
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Form of ownership that provides limited liability and taxation like a partnership but places fewer restrictions on members
Considered a blend of the best characteristics of corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships
Cooperatives or Co-ops
Organizations composed of individuals or small businesses that have banded together to reap the benefits of belonging to a larger organization
Set-up not to make money as an entity but so members can become more profitable or save money
Слайд 35
Описание слайда:
Consumer Cooperative REI
REI is organized as a consumer cooperative
REI operates a bit differently because it is owned by consumers rather than farmers or small businesses
Слайд 36
Описание слайда:
Employee-Owned Businesses
Employee-owned companies have proven to be successful on many fronts whether the company is large or small
Employees who have ownership tend to have a higher sense of loyalty to the company because there is a mutual interest between the two
Two types of employee ownership structures
Equity benefit plan: offers employee a stake in the company without voting rights
Employee-controlled company: all are considered owners and may have varying degrees of voting rights
Слайд 37
Описание слайда:
The combination of two companies (usually corporations) to form a new company
Horizontal merger
Firms that make and sell similar products to the same customers merge
Vertical merger
Companies operating at different but related levels of an industry merge
Conglomerate merger
Firms in unrelated industries merge
Слайд 38
Описание слайда:
Google Acquisitions
In 2013, Google paid $3.2 billion for smart home company, Nest Labs
Just one of many that Google acquired during the year
These acquisitions have the potential to diversify Google’s service offerings and benefit it financially
Some believe Google might be investing in companies of which it has little knowledge
Acquisitions could end up harming the acquiring company
Слайд 39
Описание слайда:
Trends in Business Ownership (1 of 2)
The purchase of one company by another, usually by buying its stock
Corporate raider
A company or individual who wants to acquire or take over another company and first offers to buy some or all of its stock at a premium in a tender offer
Poison pill
The firm allows stockholders to buy more shares of a stock at lower prices than the current market value to head off a hostile takeover
Слайд 40
Описание слайда:
Trends in Business Ownership (2 of 2)
Shark repellant
Management requires a large majority of stockholders to approve a takeover
White knight
A more acceptable firm that is willing to acquire a threatened company
Слайд 41
Описание слайда:
Leveraged Buyout
A purchase in which a group of investors borrows money from banks and other institutions to acquire a company (or a division of one), using the assets of the purchased company to guarantee repayment of the loan
Mergers and acquisitions (particularly the merger mania in the late 20th century) have been criticized
Executives have to focus excessively on avoiding takeovers, not on managing the business
Слайд 42
Описание слайда:
Build Your Skills
Selecting a Form of Business (1 of 2)
Ali Bush sees an opportunity to start her own website development business
Ali has a master’s degree in computer science
Has most of the computer equipment necessary
She needs additional software
She feels she can take this start-up firm and create a long-term career opportunity for herself and others
Can work out of her apartment’s extra bedroom
As the business grows, hire the additional full- and/or part-time help needed and reassess the location of the business
Слайд 43
Описание слайда:
Build Your Skills
Selecting a Form of Business (2 of 2)
Using what you’ve learned in this chapter, decide which form of business ownership is most appropriate for Ali
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each business ownership
Слайд 44
Описание слайда:
Name five advantages of a sole proprietorship.
Differentiate among the different types of corporations. Can you supply an example of each type?
Would you rather own preferred stock or common stock? Why?
Which form of business requires the most specialization of skills? Which requires the least? Why?
Descriptive part of the restaurant business plan Business Purpose: Opening a restaurant with 75 seats. Project goal: Providing quality public catering services for middle-income visitors.
Initial capital Loan in the amount of 750,000 for 48 months. Heritage in the amount of UAH.
Demand: Every year a large number of office space is built, whose employees need a full-fledged business lunch, and it is convenient to hold business talks with a cup of flavored coffee. In the evenings the institution can serve individual visitors and hold banquets.
Marketing and sales: Advertising in the media, promotional campaigns for employees of companies located in the nearest office buildings. The conclusion of contracts with heads of various organizations for the corporate servicing of their employees.
Room for a restaurant To create a new restaurant you can buy a room, but you can open the restaurant and the rented squares. The first option has the following advantages: investing in real estate is a good form of investment, and this room can be a pledge if you need to get a loan for the development of your business.
The production part of the business plan is a cafe The area of the space for 75 seats should be from 350 sq.m. The room will be located in the part of the city where there is a large number of people. institutions and offices, banks, educational institutions and cultural objects.
PositionNumberSalary (months)Salary (year.) Chefs грн грн Assistant workers грн грн Administrator грн грн Waiter грн грн Bartender грн грн Manager грн грн Accountant грн грн Maid грн грн Total: грн грн
Equipment Kitchen: refrigerator (2), stove (2), oven, work tables (2), sinks (2) Hall: bar, tables, chairs, hangers, muses. center, TV Interior decoration Dishes. Products The cost will depend on the offered menu.
Ціна за 100 гр. 1. Salads — 9 species from 40 to 195 грн 2. Snacks — 6 species from 35 to 225 грн 3. First courses — 5 kinds from 40 to 375 грн 4. Hot meat dishes — 6 species from60 to 436 грн 5. Side dishes for meat — 5 kinds from 30 to 140 грн 6. Desserts — 12 species from 45 to 155 грн 7. Drinks — over 40 species. from 20 to 295 грн In the future, the assortment of dishes is planned to be expanded. Average restaurant check per day is UAH Monthly income — from UAH.
Losses Services Funds (year) Advertising грн Taxes грн Personnel грн Equipment and products від грн Utilities від Credit грн Profit від грн Net profit від грн
Competitors Savannah Restaurant Mafia Restaurant
Слайд 1
Вареник С.С.
DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of
Secondary professional education of the city of Moscow TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE № 34
Слайд 2
People are divided into those who think, that business trip
is a waste of money, and those who go on these trips, but they really are useless to those who leverages business tourism.
To get a good result, you must first set a goal trip
Who and why wants a business trip?
Слайд 3
The purposes of business trips
Слайд 4
Obtaining information about suppliers «first hand»
Next you need to conduct
a «pre-event marketing», that is, to see what companies are presented in the different sections, you can visit the most interesting sites.
The most convenient way of obtaining such information — visit trade fairs. It is important to properly select the exhibition.
Слайд 5
Then prepare the preliminary questions that must be clarified at
the exhibition (price, service, hardware compatibility, and so on). You can also arrange site visits and see the equipment in use.
Слайд 6
Getting new ideas
To do this, go to the company that
employed the same as yours. To see how work is organized, ask any questions, of course, to remember that they have trade secrets.
Слайд 7
Such visits also need to prepare to study in advance
the enterprise’s website, learn its history, the businesses that it leads to make it easier to ask questions. In addition, it is desirable to prepare the gifts for the meeting part (preferably, with the logo of your company or city/country).
Слайд 8
Certainly, tourism, including business, this kind of leisure. In trips,
in addition to the business part, remains free time. To use all the time as much as possible, think in advance about how to take — perhaps something you need to pre-book.
Слайд 9
As a rule, these excursions, mini-cruises, restaurants of national cuisine,
relax in the parks — all that matters is that switching to another type of activity and this activity was fun. Also an important part of the holiday is the proper planning of the route, the choice of transport and accommodation — if you will live in a comfortless hotel on the outskirts of town, where Breakfast will give a dry bun with jam, you are unlikely to feel rested.
Слайд 10
Cohesion and motivation.
In my opinion, corporate travel just created to
solve these problems. Some companies organize competitions among the employees, and the best send in a trip, during which they learn from foreign experience, relax and get to know each other.
Слайд 11
Learn these words
Words on the topic «Travelling Route» (for intermediate).
List №3
trip — поездка
journey — путешествие
route — маршрут
destination — место назначения
round the world tour — кругосветное путешествие
go on a trip (journey, tour) to… — отправиться в путешествие в
Слайд 12
Use these expressions to make up a topic:
start from — начать с
travel from
… to… — путешестовать из … в …
travel (go) by car (bus, ship, train, plane, helicopter) — путешествовать (ехать) на (автобусе, корабле, поезде, самолете, вертолете)
go on foot — идти пешком
leave my native city — уехать из родного города
leave for Moscow — уехать в Москву
leave Moscow for London — уехать из Москвы в Лондон
to take a taxi — взять такси
to get to — добраться до …
to change to — пересесть на
to arrive in — прибыть в
to come back — вернуться
Слайд 13
Представьте себе, что ваш друг собирается заграницу. Он полетит самолетом.
Дайте ему совет, как подготовиться к поездке, как зарегистрироваться на рейс и пройти паспортный контроль.
Используйте модальные глаголы и конструкции, выражающие совет:
have to (must)
if I were you
you had better
A model:If you have some valuable things on you, you have to fill in the declaration form.
Слайд 14
Read the text and ask 5 types of questions:
Most airlines
have at least 2 classes of travel: first class and economy class which is cheaper. Each passenger of more than 2 years of age has a free luggage allowance. Generally this limit is 20kg for economic class passenger and 30kg for first class passenger. Excess luggage must be paid for except for some articles that can be carried free of charge. Each passenger is given a boarding card to show at departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane. Watch the electric sign flashes when you are on board, when the «Fasten Seat Belts» sign goes on do it promptly and also obey the «No Smoking» signal. Do not forget your personal effects when leaving the plane.