Логистическая компания презентация на английском

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ООО «Логистическая Компания Церта» — это динамично развивающаяся компания на рынке логистических услуг и таможенного оформления. Коллектив состоит из ответственных, инициативных, амбициозных специалистов с многолетним опытом работы в транспортной сфере, всегда готовых развиваться и совершенствоваться.

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СПб ГБПОУ «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»


Преподаватель: Ирина Владимировна Криницкая, преподаватель дисциплин ОУД.03 Иностранный язык, ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности, ОП.08 Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.

Общая тема: The Logistic Companies



Курс: 3. Группа: 9Л-31к Специальность: 38.02.01 Операционная деятельность в логистике

Дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык.

Пояснительная записка.

Учебной задачей студента группы являлось создание презентации в соответствии с методическими требованиями, опубликованными преподавателем на образовательном портале колледжа Eduhouse.


В мини-проекте необходимо было отразить пять интересных фактов о той или иной логистической компании (каждому студенту была дана одна компания).

Начальные слайды презентации, полная версия в прикрепленном файле: 

Немкин Максим. Business Lines
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Автор материала: М. Немкин (3 курс)

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Petrov I. 04-4RMTransport Logistics. Surmounting huge distances.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Petrov I. 04-4RMTransport Logistics. Surmounting huge distances.

    1 слайд

    Petrov I. 04-4RM
    Transport Logistics.
    Surmounting huge distances.

  • Market economy has brought a lot of new business terms into the Russian langu...

    2 слайд

    Market economy has brought a lot of new business terms into the Russian language. Logistics is one of them. The word ‘logistics’ dates from the ancient Greek logos – ‘ratio, word, calculation, reason’ and was used in ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires to denote the military’s need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position.

  • With increasing development of trade and economy, it started to be used in bu...

    3 слайд

    With increasing development of trade and economy, it started to be used in business too. Moving raw materials to manufacturers and then finished goods to customers used to be a simple job for men with strong backs and little education. Today more than ever before senior management of a firm is concerned about improving transportation management and logistics as transportation represents a major expense item and freight transportation accounts for about 6 per cent of gross domestic product of a country.

  • The goal of transportation is to ensure that all raw materials arrive at the...

    4 слайд

    The goal of transportation is to ensure that all raw materials arrive at the factory at the proper time and in good condition. To achieve that it is necessary to focus on improvements of operations that lead to a better service at the lowest cost. Transportation managers are also involved in many other operations. They assist marketing by quoting freight rates for salespeople, suggesting quantity discounts that can be based on transportation savings and selecting carriers and routes for reliable delivery of products.

  • There are nine different time zones in the Russian Federation. This is one of...

    5 слайд

    There are nine different time zones in the Russian Federation. This is one of the clearest indications of the huge distances that transport logistics operations have to handle in this country.

  • Domestic haulie...

    6 слайд

    Domestic hauliers performed the first international trip in 1933 – they transported cargo (mainly fuels) to Mongolia by the Chuysky Trakt. Occasional truck hauls from the Soviet Union to the countries of the socialist camp began since 1963, a little bit later they extended to Western Europe countries.

  • The many different geographical and climatic conditions at the starting point...

    7 слайд

    The many different geographical and climatic conditions at the starting points and destinations of the transport chains create challenging requirements, even for domestic Russian shipments.

  • Transport logistics especially for Russia
Trucks usually handle the last mi...

    8 слайд

    Transport logistics especially for Russia

     Trucks usually handle the last mile in Russia, as in many other countries. It goes without saying that these services are always geared to individual transport requirements. This multi-modal approach also applies to special trips linked to fixed dates and special or heavy-duty transport services.

  • Transport operations in Russia place a huge emphasis on rail services because...

    9 слайд

    Transport operations in Russia place a huge emphasis on rail services because of the huge distances and the massive carrying capacity of the trains. This is indispensable for international rail shipments when switching between the broad gauge used in the Community of Independent States and the normal European gauge.

  • The history of "SovTransAvto" begins in September  1963, when Kuntsevskoye Mo...

    10 слайд

    The history of «SovTransAvto» begins in September 1963, when Kuntsevskoye Motor Transport Enterprize of long haul communications was officially registered in GlavMejAvtoTrans Department of Minavtoshosdor (Ministry of Motor Transport and Highways) of RSFSR . Along with the Moscow office a Leningrad branch of the company was established.

  • According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of USSR on July 1, 19...

    11 слайд

    According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of USSR on July 1, 1968 «On measures for further development of the international transportation of goods and passengers by road transport of USSR», Minavtoshosdor of RSFSR was comissioned to organize trucking between the Soviet Union and foreign countries.

  • Pursuant to this resolution the Ministry  establised  the General Derectorate...

    12 слайд

    Pursuant to this resolution the Ministry establised the General Derectorate for international highway communiations «Sovtransavto» .

  • The main purpose the "Sovtransavto" system has been created for a formation o...

    13 слайд

    The main purpose the «Sovtransavto» system has been created for a formation of unified and powerful national transport and freight forwarding structure specializing in the international road carriage. In the early 70’s the basic facilities were set up along with a fleet of 300 Sovtransavto vehicles.

  • Foreign Trade Association (1988) Foreign Economic Concern  (1990) Stock comp...

    14 слайд

    Foreign Trade Association (1988)
    Foreign Economic Concern (1990)
    Stock company (1992)
    At the end of the 80s, «Sovtransavto» experienced a number of consecutive reorganizations:

  • Of course, now the industry is widespread throughout the world, and it is im...

    15 слайд

    Of course, now the industry is widespread throughout the world, and it is improving from year to year. Means of transportation of goods, such as airplanes, trains, trucks are getting better and more powerful, and we will never return back


    18 слайд


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«Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Баранова К.М.,Дули Д., Копылова В.В. и др.

«Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Вербицкая М.В., Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл, Э. Уорд./ Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.

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Слайд 1

«Logistics and Logistic Services» Student : Tsarev Aleksey Aleksandrovich , the group: ОДЛ -31 Teacher: Blokhina Tamara Samvelovna 1

Слайд 2

Content 3. What is logistics ? 4. Logistic services: transportation 5. « 7R » Rule 6. Freight transport features 7. Warehouse logistic 8. Warehousing Services 9. Safekeeping 10. Inventory management 11. Conclusion 12. Test 2

Слайд 3

What is logistics ? Logistics is an economic science that studies the issue of the movement of material assets while maintaining its consumer ability, as well as saving costs for the transportation of goods. But logistics covers not only the transportation of goods, but also the storage of finished products or materials in a warehouse. 3

Слайд 4

Logistic services: transportation The most typical and widespread service considered in logistics is the transportation of goods by a logistics company. This phenomenon is called outsourcing — the transfer by an organization, on the basis of an agreement, of certain types or functions of productive entrepreneurial activity to another company operating in the required field. 4

Слайд 5

« 7R » Rule Any transportation of goods must meet the following requirements: delivery of the right product in the required quantity and quality at the specified time to the right place to a specific consumer with minimal cost. This approach is called the « 7R » Rule. This approach makes logistics more economical and more profitable. 5

Слайд 6

Freight transport features Cargo transportation can be carried out by one or several modes of transport, and this moment depends on the transportation distance, route and type of cargo. The route and features of cargo transportation should be designed to minimize costs , but at the same time, you can not save on traffic safety and the legality of transporting property. Strict study of the route and determination of time costs in order to deliver the cargo as soon as possible and preserve its quality parameters and properties. Focus on customer satisfaction and additional advice on the organization of competent transportation of goods. 6

Слайд 7

Warehouse logistic Not every entrepreneur is able to provide a place and special equipment for storage and placement of goods, products. Therefore, it is much easier (and cheaper) for companies to specialize in warehouse logistics. 7

Слайд 8

Warehousing Services There are several general warehouse services that are universal with respect to goods. The list includes: Reception loading / unloading; storage: temporary and responsible; sorting; maintaining accounting documentation. Additionally, pre-sale preparation services can be provided. At this stage, the goods are Packed, packaged, labeled, collect the order according to the criteria put forward by the client. 8

Слайд 9

Safekeeping Types of storage are as follows: responsible and temporary. In fact, this is one and the same concept. But, on-site storage is the provision of storage conditions selected specifically for each individual type of product (method of placement, compliance with the temperature regime). Also, there are differences in the principle of placement: shelving, in cells, in bulk. All these conditions are selected in accordance with the requirements of customers and the features of their products. 9

Слайд 10

Inventory management Especially developed companies with a high level of income can use such narrowly targeted logistics services as inventory management. Here, the issue of the quantity of the required stock, the timing of its supply, the intensity of its consumption, and the demand for raw materials and materials for the production enterprise are forecasted. 10

Слайд 11

Conclusion Logistic services are an integral part of the economic activity of any enterprise. After all, any transportation of raw materials, materials or finished products is logistics. And in this difficult matter, accuracy and focus on this process alone are needed. It is for this that logistics services are used. They help enterprises operate successfully. 11

Слайд 12

Test 12 1. Logistics is an … science . a) social b) economic c) biology 2. Logistics is an economic science that studies the issue of the movement of material assets while … its consumer ability . a) maintaining b) loss c) the acquisition

Слайд 13

13 3. Logistics … transportation costs . a) increase b) saves c) keep 4. Logistics covers not only the transportation of goods, but also the … of finished products or materials in a warehouse. a) transportation b) disposal c) storage

Слайд 14

14 5. The most typical and widespread service considered in logistics is the … of goods by a logistics company. a)transportation b) disposal c) registration 6. This phenomenon is called outsourcing — the … by an organization, on the basis of an agreement, of certain types or functions. a) conservation b) transfer c) renouncement

Слайд 15

15 7. Cargo transportation can be carried out by one or several modes of transport, and this moment depends on the transportation distance, route and type of … a) transport b) client c) cargo 8. The route and features of cargo transportation should be designed to … costs . a) minimize b) save c) stop

Слайд 16

16 9. You … save on traffic safety and the legality of transporting property . a) should b) may c) can’t 10. Strict study of the route and determination of time costs in order to deliver the cargo … as possible . a) as soon b) as average c) as long

Presentation on theme: «LOGISTIC AND TRANSPORT»— Presentation transcript:


«The logistics and transport activity is one of the key factors of competitiveness for developing the economy of a region and country.» MANUELA BELTRÁN UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY IN LOGISTICS PROCESS MANAGEMENT NINI JOHANA LADINO RAIGOSO COD:


Logistic and transport
In order to manage a company in the best way possible is necessary to have good information that shows what is happening inside the same and what is happening around them.


Logistic and transport
Some of the most important topics in this area are: Cost Time Amount Material Handling Staff Operating time Delivery Quality of service If the company don’t have this clear is possible that the final result is not what you want.


Logistic and transport
Logistic: Good logistics minimize the costs and improve the level of service to the customer. Logistics involves the coordinated management of material flows and information through its transportation management organization also provides solutions and activate action plans when is necessary.


Logistic and transport
Is also important to confirm that this companies can use many kinds of means of transportation; the most important are: Air Road Sea Rail


Logistic and transport
The companies that work in transporting must have in mind three important aspects, which are the basis for planning the service to offer. Reception Storage Delivery


Logistic and transport
Important aspects of Transportation The different modes of transport can be evaluated by considering a variety of criteria. Some of them are: Cost Speed Capacity Availability Frequency Reliability Service


Logistic and transport
The purpose of management of quality logistics products and services in the supplier is to provide confidence to the internal organization and its customers of its ability to provide products and services that meet the logistical requirements agreed with the client. Also the companies nowadays have to obtain the last technology to can give to the customers real information.

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  • 1.

    Презентация на Английском языке: Logistics

  • 2.

    Market economy has brought a lot of

  • 3.

    With increasing development of trade and economy,

  • 4.

    The goal of transportation is to ensure

  • 5.

    There are nine different time zones in

  • 6.

    Слайд 6

  • 7.

    The many different geographical and climatic conditions

  • 8.

    Transport logistics especially for Russia Trucks usually handle

  • 9.

    Transport operations in Russia place a huge

  • 10.

    The history of «SovTransAvto» begins in September

  • 11.

    According to the resolution of the Council

  • 12.

    Pursuant to this resolution the Ministry establised the General Derectorate for international highway communiations «Sovtransavto» .

  • 13.

    The main purpose the «Sovtransavto» system has

  • 14.

    Foreign Trade Association (1988) Foreign Economic

  • 15.

    Of course, now the industry is widespread

  • 16.

    Слайд 16

  • 17.

    Слайд 17

  • 18.


Market economy has brought a lot of new business terms into the Russian language. Logistics is one of them. The word ‘logistics’ dates from the ancient Greek logos – ‘ratio, word, calculation, reason’ and was used

Слайд 1Petrov I. 04-4RM
Transport Logistics.
Surmounting huge distances.

Petrov I. 04-4RMTransport Logistics.  Surmounting huge distances.

Слайд 2Market economy has brought a lot of new business terms into

the Russian language. Logistics is one of them. The word ‘logistics’ dates from the ancient Greek logos – ‘ratio, word, calculation, reason’ and was used in ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires to denote the military’s need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position.

Market economy has brought a lot of new business terms into the Russian language. Logistics is one

Слайд 3With increasing development of trade and economy, it started to be

used in business too. Moving raw materials to manufacturers and then finished goods to customers used to be a simple job for men with strong backs and little education. Today more than ever before senior management of a firm is concerned about improving transportation management and logistics as transportation represents a major expense item and freight transportation accounts for about 6 per cent of gross domestic product of a country.

With increasing development of trade and economy, it started to be used in business too. Moving raw

Слайд 4The goal of transportation is to ensure that all raw materials

arrive at the factory at the proper time and in good condition. To achieve that it is necessary to focus on improvements of operations that lead to a better service at the lowest cost. Transportation managers are also involved in many other operations. They assist marketing by quoting freight rates for salespeople, suggesting quantity discounts that can be based on transportation savings and selecting carriers and routes for reliable delivery of products.

The goal of transportation is to ensure that all raw materials arrive at the factory at the

Слайд 5There are nine different time zones in the Russian Federation. This

is one of the clearest indications of the huge distances that transport logistics operations have to handle in this country.

There are nine different time zones in the Russian Federation. This is one of the clearest indications

Слайд 6

Domestic hauliers performed the first international trip in 1933 – they transported cargo (mainly fuels) to Mongolia by the Chuysky Trakt. Occasional truck hauls from the Soviet Union to the countries of the socialist camp began since 1963, a little bit later they extended to Western Europe countries.

Слайд 7The many different geographical and climatic conditions at the starting points

and destinations of the transport chains create challenging requirements, even for domestic Russian shipments.

The many different geographical and climatic conditions at the starting points and destinations of the transport chains

Слайд 8Transport logistics especially for Russia

 Trucks usually handle the last mile in

Russia, as in many other countries. It goes without saying that these services are always geared to individual transport requirements. This multi-modal approach also applies to special trips linked to fixed dates and special or heavy-duty transport services.

Transport logistics especially for Russia Trucks usually handle the last mile in Russia, as in many other countries.

Слайд 9Transport operations in Russia place a huge emphasis on rail services

because of the huge distances and the massive carrying capacity of the trains. This is indispensable for international rail shipments when switching between the broad gauge used in the Community of Independent States and the normal European gauge.

Transport operations in Russia place a huge emphasis on rail services because of the huge distances and

Слайд 10The history of «SovTransAvto» begins in September 1963, when Kuntsevskoye Motor

Transport Enterprize of long haul communications was officially registered in GlavMejAvtoTrans Department of Minavtoshosdor (Ministry of Motor Transport and Highways) of RSFSR . Along with the Moscow office a Leningrad branch of the company was established.

The history of

Слайд 11According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of USSR

on July 1, 1968 «On measures for further development of the international transportation of goods and passengers by road transport of USSR», Minavtoshosdor of RSFSR was comissioned to organize trucking between the Soviet Union and foreign countries.

According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of USSR on July 1, 1968

Слайд 12Pursuant to this resolution the Ministry establised the General Derectorate for

international highway communiations «Sovtransavto» .

Pursuant to this resolution the Ministry establised the General Derectorate for international highway communiations

Слайд 13The main purpose the «Sovtransavto» system has been created for a

formation of unified and powerful national transport and freight forwarding structure specializing in the international road carriage. In the early 70’s the basic facilities were set up along with a fleet of 300 Sovtransavto vehicles.

The main purpose the

Слайд 14 Foreign Trade Association (1988)
Foreign Economic Concern (1990)
Stock company


At the end of the 80s, «Sovtransavto» experienced a number of consecutive reorganizations:

Foreign Trade Association (1988) Foreign Economic Concern (1990) Stock company (1992)At the end of the 80s,

Слайд 15
Of course, now the industry is widespread throughout the world, and

it is improving from year to year. Means of transportation of goods, such as airplanes, trains, trucks are getting better and more powerful, and we will never return back

Of course, now the industry is widespread throughout the world, and it is improving from year to

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