Список всех консалтинговых фирм
Хороший совет на вес золота. Управленческое консультирование используется, как в сфере производства, так и в сфере оказания услуг, помогая организациям повышать свою эффективность, в первую очередь через анализ существующих бизнес-процессов и разработки планов по их улучшению.
Организации нанимают консультантов по управлению, по ряду причин, в том числе для получения независимых консультаций и доступа к узкоспециализированным экспертам.
Список составлен по алфавиту и включает известные консультационные фирмы.
A.T. Kearney
A.T. Kearney — американская международная консалтинговая фирма, которая специализируется на вопросах стратегии и операционного управления, работает с бизнесом и правительственными институтами по всему миру. По состоянию на декабрь 2016 года, A.T. Kearney имеет офисы в 40 странах.
A&G Management Consulting
A&G является итальянской консалтинговой компанией в Турине. Работает на национальном и международном уровнях в сферах производства и услуг, финансов, банковского дела и страхование. A&G успешно расширяет диапазон своей деятельности на российском и международном рынках. A&G также работает в сфере культуры, и финансирует итальянские и зарубежные фильмы.
ABeam Consulting — японская консалтинговая фирмы. Прежде компания называлась Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, которая была японским отделением Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. Компания сменила свое наименование после скандала с компанией Enron. Представительства ABeam Consulting открыты по всей Америке, Азии и Европе.
Основным направлениями деятельности фирмы являются решения SAP ERP, бухгалтерия, внутренний аудит и M&A-консультирования. В ABeam Consulting работает большинство ERP-консультантов, сертифицированных компанией SAP в Японии.
Abacus Consulting
Abacus Consulting Technology Limited — это глобальная компания, оказывающая профессиональные услуги в области управленческого консалтинга, технологий и аутсорсинга. Базируется в Пакистане, Abacus — это крупнейшая фирма в своем роде в стране, как по объему выручки и численности персонала, и одна из крупнейших в Южной Азии.
Компания Accenture PLC является международной компанией в области профессиональных услуг, по стратегии, консалтингу, ИТ, технологиям и аутсорсингу. В 2016 году компания указала чистый доход $32,9 млрд., с более чем 394 000 сотрудников, обслуживающих клиентов в более чем 200 городах в 120 странах. В 2015 году компания имела около 130 000 человек в Индии, около 48 000 в США и около 50 000 на Филиппинах.
Accountor в (ранее известная как Pretax Group) является скандинавской финансовой компанией аутсорсинга и программного обеспечения, имеет штаб-квартиру в Хельсинки. Спектр услуг: от бухгалтерского учета до услуг по расчету заработной платы, а также консалтинга в области программного обеспечения. Accountor является крупнейшей компанией в скандинавских странах по финансовому менеджменту и услугах начисления заработной платы.
AlixPartners-консалтинговая фирма, которая была основана Джейом Аликсом в 1981 году для того, чтобы справиться с электротехническими специальностями и с тех пор перенесла свою деятельность в более традиционное консалтинговое пространство, штат вырос до 1600 сотрудников, офисы были открыты по всей Северной Америке, Южной Америке, Европе, Ближнем Востоке и Азии. AlixPartners 2012 году была оценена в 1 миллиард долларов.
Altran Technologies, SA является глобальной инновационной и инженерно-консалтинговой фирмой, основанной в 1982 году во Франции Алексисом Князеффом и Юбером Мартиньи. Altran проводит консультации, в первую очередь в области высоких технологии и инноваций, которые составляют почти 75% оборота. На административное и информационное консультирование приходится около 20% оборота остальное — стратегии и управленческое консультирование.
Arthur D. Little
Arthur D. Little международная консалтинговая фирма с первой штаб-квартирой в Бостоне, штат Массачусетс, США, и официально зарегистрирована под этим именем в 1909 году Артур Дехоном Мл., химиком который открыл ацетат. Arthur D. Little впервые ввел понятие контрактной профессиональной услуги. Компания сыграла ключевую роль в разработке стратегии развития бизнеса, операционных исследований, текстового процессора, первого синтетического пенициллина. Сегодня компания является транснациональной консалтинговой фирмой.
Avasant является глобальной консалтинговой компанией со штаб-квартирой в Лос-Анджелесе и консультирует частные и публичные компании во многих частях мира. Avasant признана во всем мире, как лидирующая консалтинговая компания по стратегическому снабжению, бизнес-трансформации, глобализации и цифровой трансформации услуг.
Avascent — это консалтинговая фирма-бутик обслуживает оборону, аэрокосмическую промышленность, национальную безопасность, логистику, транзит, и финансовые отрасли. Она была образована в 2007 году после выкупа DFI Corporate Services у своего основателя, DFI International (ныне Detica, поскольку приобретена компанией ВАЕ Systems).
Bain & Company
Bain & Company — американская глобальная консалтинговая компания со штаб-квартирой в Бостоне, штат Массачусетс. Предоставляет консультационные услуги для бизнеса, некоммерческих организаций, и правительств. Входит в «Большую тройку» консалтинговых фирм специализирующихся на стратегическом развитии. Bain & Company имеет 54 представительства в 34 странах и 5700 сотрудников.
BDO Consulting
BDO — это международная сеть аудиторских и консультационных фирм, которые оказывают профессиональные услуги под брендом BDO. Начиная с 2016 года, BDO работает в 154 странах, включает в себя 68,000 партнеров и сотрудников в более чем 1400 отделениях во всем мире. Является пятой по величине в мире сетью профессиональных консалтинговых услуг.
BearingPoint (материнская компания: BearingPoint Europe Holdings B.V.) является многонациональной консалтинговой фирмой специализирующейся на управлении и технологиях, штаб-квартира находится в Амстердаме, Нидерланды. Компания имеет представительства в 21 странах с 3,709 сотрудниками и является одной из крупнейших консалтинговых компаний в Европе.
Berkeley Research Group, LLC
Berkeley Research Group, LLC (BRG) является глобальной стратегической консультативной и экспертно-консультационной фирмой, которая предоставляет независимые консультации, аналитические данные, авторитетные исследования, экспертизы, расследования, урегулирования споров и консультирование крупных корпораций, финансовых институтов, государственных органов, крупных юридических фирм.
Booz Allen Hamilton
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. — американская консалтинговая фирма со штаб-квартирой в Тайсонс Корнер, штат Вирджиния, с 80 другими подразделениями на всей территории Соединенных Штатов и в крупных городах по всему миру.
Boston Consulting Group
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) — американская консалтинговая фирма мирового уровня по управленческому консалтингу. Имеет 88 офисов в 48 странах. BCG консультирует клиентов в частном, общественном, и некоммерческом секторе по всему миру, входит в «Большую тройку» консалтинговых компаний по стратегическому развитию. Является одной из самых престижных консалтинговых фирм.
Bow & Arrow
Bow & Arrow — это быстрорастущая консалтинговая компания, базирующаяся в Лондоне. Компания была основана в 2009 году под названием FH Innovation Ltd. В ноябре 2011 года организация была переименована в Bow & Arrow Ltd.
The Burke Group
The Burke Group (TBG) — американская международная консалтинговая фирма, основанная в 1982 году со штаб-квартирой в Лос-Анджелесе. The Burke Group описывает себя как «мирового лидера» в руководстве управления. TBG предоставляет коммерческие услуги для частных и государственных заказчиков. Также предоставляются услуги по направлению развития бизнеса и топ менеджмента.
The Capital Markets Company N.V., именуемая как Capco — глобальная консалтинговая компания по вопросам коммерческой техники, базирующаяся в Антверпене, Бельгия, с офисами в основных финансовых центрах по всей Северной Америке, Европе, Азии и Африке. Capco является дочерней компанией FIS company, базирующейся в Джексонвилле, штат Флорида. Capco работает только в сфере финансовых услуг, в отличие от «Большой четверки» аудиторских и консалтинговых компаний. По состоянию на 1 ноября 2015 года Capco имеет более 3000 сотрудников по всему миру, и 23 отделения.
Capgemini Consulting
Cap Gemini S.A. является французской транснациональной ИТ консалтинговой корпорацией со штаб-квартирой в Париже, Франция. Предоставляет ИТ-услуги и является одной из крупнейших компаний в мире ИТ-консалтинга, аутсорсинга и профессиональных услуг с почти 183,000 сотрудниками в более чем 40 странах. Была основана в 1967 году.
CGI Group Inc. является канадской глобальной компанией по ИТ- консалтингу, системной интеграции, аутсорсинга со штаб-квартирой в Монреале, Квебек, Канада. Основана в 1976 году Сержом Годином и Андре Имбо.
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Cognizant это американская мультинациональная корпорация, которая предоставляет услуги в области цифровых технологий, консультирования и операционной деятельности. Штаб-квартира расположена в городе Тинек, Нью-Джерси, США. Cognizant занесена в индексы Nasdaq-100 и S&P 500. Была основана в качестве внутреннего технологического подразделения корпорации Dun & Bradstreet в 1994, и начала обслуживать внешних клиентов в 1996 году.
Computer Sciences Corporation
Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) является американской транснациональной корпорацией, которая предоставляет профессиональные услуги в ИТ сфере. Штаб-квартира находится в городе Фоллс-Черч, штат Вирджиния. В CSC более 66 000 сотрудников в более чем 60 странах. Их клиентами являются коммерческие предприятия и федеральное правительство США, а также государственные, местные и правительственные агентства США.
Corporate Executive Board
CEB является мировой технологичной компанией, которая предоставляет продукты и услуги для предприятий по всему миру. CEB (ранее Corporate Executive Board) предложила свою первую программу для руководителей совета по финансовой конкуренции в 1983 году. Спустя четырнадцать лет, они расстались с Advisory Board Company и открыли новый офис в Лондоне.
Deloitte Consulting
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, это английская консалтинговая фирма с оперативной штаб-квартирой в Нью-Йорке в США. Deloitte является одной из аудиторских компаний «Большой четверки», а также крупнейшим мировым объединением консалтинговых фирм по объему выручки и количеству работников. «Делойт» предоставляет услуги в области аудита, налогообложения, консалтинга, корпоративных рисков и финансового консультирования с более чем 244,400 профессионалов во всем мире. В 2016 году компания заработала рекордные 36,8 млрд. долларов США и стала 6-й по величине частной организацией в США.
BAE Systems Applied Intelligenceт (ранее Detica) — это международная консалтинговая фирма в области бизнеса и технологий принадлежит компании BAE Systems. Специализируется в области безопасности, а также в сборе, обработке и использовании информации для выявления так называемых «разведданных», «опасной разведка», «предотвращения мошенничества». Она также продает программное обеспечение для широкомасштабного использования данных и аналитики для безопасности и противостояния финансовой преступности.
Ernst & Young
EY (ранее Ernst & Young) — это международная профессиональная консалтинговая компания со штаб-квартирой в Лондоне, Великобритания. EY является одной из крупнейших профессиональных компаний в мире и является одной из аудиторских фирм «Большой четверки».
Организация осуществляет свою деятельность как сеть фирм-членов, которые являются отдельными юридическими лицами в отдельных странах. Имеет более 231,000 сотрудников в более чем 700 отделений, в 150 странах мира. Он оказывает услуги в области аудита (в том числе финансового аудита), налогообложения, консалтинга и консультационных услуг.
Fulcrum Worldwide
Fulcrum Worldwide базируется в Нью-Джерси предоставляет услуги в области управленческого консалтинга, информационных и коммуникационных технологий. Имеет офисы в Рединге, Великобритания, Мумбаи и Пуне, Индия. Fulcrum Worldwide предоставляет услуги по построению, рамочным решениям, интеграции промежуточного программного обеспечения, облачным сервисам, мобильным и пользовательским интерфейсам, бизнес-аналитике в режиме реального времени, управлению контентом и CRM. По состоянию на ноябрь 2013 года в компании работает около 1000 сотрудников. Около 150 клиентов в США, Европе и Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.
FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting — это консалтинговая фирма со штаб-квартирой в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия. Компания специализируется в области корпоративных финансов, реструктуризации, экономического консалтинга, судебной экспертизы, судебного консалтинга, стратегических коммуникаций и технологий. Основана как Forensic Technologies International Ltd в 1982 году. FTI Consulting насчитывает более 4600 сотрудников в 28 странах.
Gant Bureau of Project Management — российская консалтинговая компания, которая специализируется на проектном менеджменте и управленческом консалтинге. В 2015 году GANTBPM получила аккредитацию ООН в качестве официального поставщика консалтинговых услуг. Штаб квартира находится в Москве, в деловом квартале небоскребов Москва-Сити.
Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton является седьмым, по величине в мире, профессиональным объединением независимых аудиторских и консалтинговых фирм-членов, которые предоставляют аудиторские, налоговые и консультационные услуги для частных предпринимателей, публичных организаций, а также государственного сектора. Grant Thornton International Ltd является некоммерческой, непрактикующей международной организацией, по сути зонтичным брендом. Grant Thornton International Ltd зарегистрирована в Лондоне, Великобритания, и не имеет уставного капитала.
Hay Group
Hay Group является глобальной консалтинговой компанией, базирующейся в Филадельфии, штат Пенсильвания, с 86 отделениями в 49 странах, по состоянию на 2015 год. Она специализируется на преобразовании организаций, предоставляет услуги, связанные с HR.
HCL Axon
HCL AXON британское консалтинговое агентство бизнес-трансформации, которая предлагает свои услуги для клиентов, использующих SAP и Oracle, при планирования ресурсов предприятия и средств моделирования. Ранее котировалась на Лондонской фондовой бирже и входила в индекс FTSE 250. Компания стала дочерним предприятием индийской аутсорсинговой фирмы HCL Technologies с декабря 2008 года, после обратного слияния Axon Group plc и HCL SAP practice.
Hewitt Associates
Hewitt Associates была американской компанией. Имела 500 офисов в 120 странах, предоставляя консалтинговые услуги, HR — аутсорсинг, страхование и брокерские услуги. Hewitt Associates была основан в 1940 году и прекратила свое существование как самостоятельное юридическое лицо после ее покупки Aon Corporation в октябре 2010 года.
Hitachi Consulting
Hitachi Consulting Corporation является американской международной консалтинговой компанией в области менеджмента и технологий, со штаб-квартирой в Далласе, штат Техас. Она был основана в ноябре 2000 года, как дочернее предприятие японской корпорации «Хитачи», и в настоящее время насчитывает около 6500 человек в США, Японии, Бразилии, Китае, Индии, Португалии, Сингапуре, Испании, Великобритании, Германии и Вьетнаме.
Horváth & Partners
Horváth & Partners является независимой, международной консалтинговой компанией с более чем 700 сотрудниками по всему миру. Компания была основана в Штутгарте в 1981 году и в настоящее время имеет одиннадцать отделений в Германии (Берлин, Дюссельдорф, Франкфурт, Гамбург, Мюнхен, Штутгарт), Австриия (Вена), Венгрии (Будапешт), Румынии (Бухарест), Швейцарии (Цюрих), Саудовской Аравии (Джидда, Эр-Рияд), и Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (Абу-Даби). Компания специализируется на проектах в области стратегического управления, инновационного менеджмента, процессного управления, а также финансов.
HP Enterprise Services
HP Enterprise Services является бизнес- и технологической вспомогательной службой стратегического подразделения Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Она была образована путем объединения консалтинговых и аутсорсинговых бизнес услуг «Хьюлетт-Паккард» и интеграции приобретенной Electronic Data Systems.
Huron Consulting Group
Основанная в 2002 году, Huron Consulting Group, широко известна как “Huron” — Международная консалтинговая компания, предоставляющая услуги в сфере здравоохранения, высшего образования, исследований жизни и коммерческой отрасли. В финансовом году, закончившемся 31 декабря 2015 года, Гурон получил годовой доход в 699 миллионов долларов США.
IBM Global Business Services
IBM Global Business Services (GBS) оказывает консалтинговые услуги, включая управление и стратегический консалтинг, системная интеграция и управление службами приложений. Доходы Global Business Services в 2014 году составили 13,5 млрд. долл.
ICF International
ICF предоставляет профессиональные услуги и технологические решения для государственных, коммерческих и международных клиентов. Компания предлагает консультации и услуги по разработке, внедрению и совершенствованию решений в стратегическом управлении, анализе, управление программами, оценке проектов и пр. услуги.
Ikon Marketing Consultants
Учреждена в 2001 г. IKON Marketing Consultants является индийской консалтинговой компанией, помогает индийским и международным компаниям, решать маркетинговые задачи и достигать бизнес-целей с ее основной специализацией в маркетинговой стратегии, маркетинговых исследованиях, международном маркетинге, брендинге и управлению эффективностью.
Imdad logistics
Imdad Logistics является четвертой по величине логистической компанией в Саудовской Аравии. Была основана в 2009 году в качестве компании, предоставляющей консультационные услуги по цепям поставок. Первоначально офис был в Эр-Рияде с целью обслуживания региона Персидского залива, а позднее расширен до Бейрута.
IPL Information Processing Limited
IPL Information Processing Limited, широко известна как IPL, является частью European software services со штаб-квартирой в Бате, Великобритания. Оказывает услуги по консультированию бизнеса, ИТ-решениям и техподдержке. Фирма была основана в 1979 году, персонал 278 сотрудников. За 2014 год, оборот составил 27.3 миллиона фунтов стерлингов.
ITN Consulting
Independent Television News (ITN) — британский новостной и контент-провайдер.Состоит из трех отделов: ITN News, ITN Source и ITN Productions. ITN базируется в Лондоне, имеет бюро и офисы в Пекине, Брюсселе, Иерусалиме, Йоханнесбурге, Нью-Йорке, Париже, Сиднее и Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия.
KPMG является профессиональной сервисной компанией и одной из «Большой четверки» аудиторов, наряду с Deloitte, EY и PwC. Находится в Амстердаме, Нидерланды. В компании KPMG работает 189,000 человек, оказывает следующие услуги: аудиторские, налоговые и консультационные услуги. Его налоговые и консультационные услуги подразделяются на различные группы обслуживания. Название «KPMG» расшифровывается как «Клинвелд Пит Марвик Герделер». Оно было выбрано, когда KMG (Klynveld Main Goerdeler) слился с Peat Marwick.
Kurt Salmon
Kurt Salmon глобальная консалтинговая фирма образованная путем слияния Ineum Consulting и Kurt Salmon Associates (KSA) в январе 2011 года. Оказывает консалтинговые услуги в области управления и стратегии.
L.E.K. Consulting
L.E.K. Consulting является ведущей консалтинговой компанией, с штаб-квартирами в Лондоне и Бостоне (США). Компания была основана в 1983 году тремя партнерами из компании Bain & Company: Джеймсом Лоуренсом, Иэном Эвансом и Ричардом Кохом. В L.E.K. работает более 1200 консультантов в 21 офисе по всему миру.
Logica была консалтинговой компанией со штаб-квартирой в городе Рединг, Великобритания и является стопроцентной дочкой CGI Group. Ранее котировалась на Лондонской фондовой бирже и являлась составной частью индекса FTSE 250, Logica была приобретена канадской CGI Group в августе 2012 года за 1,7 млрд. долларов США.
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. является глобальной консалтинговой фирмой, со штаб-квартирой в Нью-Йорке. Оказывает профессиональные услуги страхового брокера, управления рисками, услуги перестрахования, управления талантами, инвестиционного и управленческого консалтинга.
26 октября 2015 года McGladrey LLP изменила свое название на RSM US LLP. RSM US LLP — это аудиторские, налоговые и консультационные фирмы, ориентированные на средний рынок в Соединенных Штатах. Является членом глобальной сети RSM International. Это 5-я по величине бухгалтерская фирма в Соединенных Штатах.
McKinsey & Company
McKinsey & Company является международной консалтинговой фирмой. Она проводит качественный и количественный анализ для оценки управленческих решений в государственном и частном секторах. Повсеместно считается самым престижным консультированием по вопросам управления, клиентура компании состоит из 80% крупнейших корпораций в мире, и исчерпывающего переченя органов власти и некоммерческих организаций.
Mercer — это крупнейшая мировая консалтинговая фирма работающая на рынке HR. Штаб-квартира находится в Нью-Йорке, Mercer насчитывает более 20 500 сотрудников в более чем 40 странах мира, и работает на международном уровне в более чем 130 странах. Mercer является дочерней фирмой Marsh & McLennan.
Mitchell Madison Group
The Mitchell Madison Group (MMG) является глобальной консалтинговой фирмой, базирующейся в США, которая специализируется на улучшении финансовых и операционных показателей для крупных корпораций. Была основана в 1994 году и вновь запущена в 2003 году. Она ведет активную деятельность в области повышения производительности и анализа больших данных. В отличие от большинства традиционных консалтинговых фирм, большая часть выручки Mitchell Madison Group составляют проценты от успешных проектов, а не от повременная оплата.
Monitor Group
Monitor Deloitte — Международная консалтинговая компания из Deloitte Consulting LLP. Monitor Deloitte специализируется на предоставлении консультаций по стратегии для высшего руководства крупных организаций и правительств.
Mott MacDonald
Mott MacDonald Group — это многопрофильная консалтинговая компания со штаб-квартирой в Соединенном Королевстве. Она предоставляет услуги по инжинирингу, управлению и развитию на международном уровне, с 16 000 сотрудниками в 150 странах. «Мотт Макдональд» является одной из крупнейших частных компаний в мире.
Navigant Consulting
Navigant (NYSE: NCI) является специализированной экспертной фирмой. Базирующаяся в Чикаго, штат Иллинойс, Navigant имеет около полусотни отделений в США, Канаде, Европе, Ближнем Востоке и Азии. Доходы в 2014 году составили 860 миллионов долларов. Компания является членом индекса S&Р 400.
Oliver Wyman
Oliver Wyman является международной консалтинговой компанией с большим упором на банковские и финансовые услуги. Основанная в 1984 году фирма приняла свою нынешнюю форму в мае 2007 года, когда Mercer Oliver Wyman соединился с Mercer Management Consulting и Mercer Delta, чтобы стать одной фирмой с названием Oliver Wyman.
PA Consulting Group
PA Consulting Group специализируется в области управленческого консалтинга, технологий и инноваций. Она имеет клиентов как в частном, так и государственном секторе, включая местные и национальные правительства, а также оборонный сектор. Имеет офисы в Европе, Скандинавии, США, Персидском заливе и странах Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона.
Perficient, Inc. — эта консалтинговая фирма обслуживает корпоративных клиентов по всей Северной Америке с использованием цифрового контента, оптимизации бизнеса и отраслевых решений. В прошлом году, она расширила свой опыт в мобильных приложениях, творческих услугах, маркетинге и стратегии.
PricewaterhouseCoopers (ведет бизнес, как PwC) — это профессиональное международное объединение со штаб-квартирой в Лондоне, Великобритания. Это вторая по величине аудиторско-консалтинговая фирма в мире. Является одной из «Большой четверки аудиторов», наряду с Deloitte, EY и KPMG. PwC является в самой престижной бухгалтерской фирмой в мире в течение семи лет подряд, а также лучшей фирмой для работы в Северной Америке в течение трех лет подряд.
Robert Half, совсем недавно Robert Half International, американская кадровая консалтинговая фирма, базирующаяся в Менло-Парк, Калифорния. Входит в S&Р 500, и является крупнейшей кадровой фирмой в области бухгалтерского учета и финансов, с более чем 400 офисов по всему миру.
PRTM — это дочерняя компания PwC по управленческому консультированию. Работает в области операционной стратегии, цепочки поставок, инновационной деятельности и инновационных продуктов. PRTM была назван журналом Consulting в 2010 как «Лучшая компания для работы».
QualPro, Inc. расположена в Ноксвилле, Теннесси, консультационная фирма по вопросам управления, которая использует многосвязное одновременное тестирование большого количества идей по улучшению бизнес-процессов или производительности.
Rambøll Management
Ramboll Management Consulting (ранее известная как PLS Consult) — независимая компания, входящая в Ramboll Group. Ramboll Management Consulting — международная консультационная фирма по вопросам управления с около 600 консультантами, что делает ее одной из крупнейших консалтинговых компаний в Северной Европе. Главный офис находится в Копенгагене; другие офисы расположены в городах Орхус, Берлин, Гамбург, Брюссель, Осло, Стокгольм и Хельсинки. Всего около 300 офисов по всему миру.
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Roland Berger — это глобальная стратегическая консалтинговая фирма со штаб-квартирой в Мюнхене, с 50 офисами в 36 странах. Компания была основана под названием Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. В 2011 году выручка компании составила примерно 1,2 миллиарда долларов США. В компании трудятся около 2400 сотрудников по всему миру.
The Saint Consulting Group
Saint Consulting Group (TSCG) является частной консалтинговой компанией, базирующейся в Хингэме, штат Массачусетс. Saint Consulting Group работает в сфере землепользования, формирования общественной поддержки. Фирма, имеет годовой доход в 30 миллионов долларов путем предоставления экспертов и юристов в области политики и медиа для казино, образовательных организаций, продуктовых и розничных сетей, медицинских групп, предприятий коммунального хозяйства, и тяжелой промышленности.
Sapient это маркетинговая и консалтинговая компания, которая предоставляет услуги в области бизнеса, маркетинга и технологий. В компании действуют три подразделения SapientNitro, Sapient Global Markets и Sapient Government Services.
Schlumberger Business Consulting
Schlumberger Limited является крупнейшей в мире нефтесервисной компанией. В Schlumberger работает около 100 000 человек, представляющих более 140 национальностей, работающих в более чем 85 странах. Schlumberger имеет четыре основные офиса расположенные в Париже, Хьюстоне, Лондоне и Гааге.
SDG Group
SDG group (Strategy.Decision.Governance) — Международная консалтинговая фирма, специализирующаяся на управлении эффективностью бизнеса и аналитическом проектировании. Она работает по всему миру в Алжире, Колумбии, Кипре, Дубае, Египте, Франции, Германии, Греции, Италии, Перу, Португалии, Испании, Великобритании и США.
Simon-Kucher & Partners
Simon-Kucher & Partners является глобальной консалтинговой компанией со штаб-квартирой в Бонне, Германия, Кембридже, штат Массачусетс, США и Сингапуре. Simon-Kucher & Partners имеет 33 представительства в 23 странах и 980 сотрудников.
Slalom Consulting
Slalom Consulting — это американская консалтинговая фирма со штаб-квартирой в Сиэтле. Компания является подразделением «Slalom, LLC, в которой работает более 4000 человек в 25 офисах в Северной Америке и Лондоне. В 2013 году чистый доход составил 480 млн. долл.
SM&A, основанная в 1982 году как Steven Myers & Associates, является оборонной и аэрокосмической консалтинговой фирмой находящаяся в городе Ирвайн, Калифорния. Основатель SM&A — Стивен Майерс. В 2008 году Стивен Майерс продал компанию Odyssey Investment Partners, LLC и название было сокращено до простого SM&A.
Strategy& (бывшая Booz & Company)
Strategy& — глобальная стратегическая консалтинговая фирма, изначально созданная как Booz Allen Hamilton в США в 1914 году и сейчас являющаяся частью компании PricewaterhouseCoopers, которая приобрела Booz & Co. 4 апреля 2014 года. Фирма принимает активное участие в широком спектре отраслей, включая энергетику, здравоохранение, финансовые услуги, химическую промышленность, телекоммуникации, автомобилестроение, аэрокосмическую промышленность, СМИ, технологии и FMCG.
Tata Consultancy Services
Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) является индийской транснациональной консалтинговой компанией в области информационных технологии (ИТ), консалтинга и бизнес-решений со штаб-квартирой в Мумбаи, Махараштра. Это дочерняя компаний Tata Group, она работает в 46 странах. TCS является одной из крупнейших индийских компаний с рыночной капитализацией ($80 млрд.)
Tefen является международной консалтинговой компанией с штаб-квартирой в Тель-Авиве, Израиль. Основанная в 1982 году, Tefen фокусируется на стратегическом и оперативном управлении. Tefen публично торгуется на Тель-Авивской фондовой бирже (TASE) под символом TEFN.
Towers Watson
Towers Watson & Co. является глобальной фирмой, оказывающей профессиональные консалтинговые услуги. Ее основные направления управление рисками и консалтинг в области кадровой политики. В январе 2016 года, Towers Watson & Co. слилась с Willis Group в Willis Towers Watson.
West Monroe Partners
West Monroe Partners — это многонациональная консалтинговая фирма со штаб-квартирой в Чикаго, США. West Monroe работает на рынке профессиональных консалтинговых услуг для компаний в девяти отраслях: банки и кредитные союзы, рынков капитала, частного акционерного капитала, страхование, здравоохранения, науки, энергетике и ЖКХ, розничной торговли, производства и распределения.
WS Atkins PLC
WS Atkins plc (широко известная как Atkins) является Британской многонациональной консалтинговой компанией, которая работает в таких областях как: инжиниринг, проектирование, планирование, управление проектами, со штаб-квартирой в Эпсоме, Суррей. Она была основана в 1938 году сэром Уильямом Аткинсоном.
Просмотры: 265
A&G Management Consulting, A.T. Kearney, Abacus Consulting, ABeam, Accenture, Accountor, AlixPartners, Altran, Arthur D. Little, Avasant, Avascent, Bain & Company, BDO Consulting, Bearingpoint, Berkeley Research Group, Booz Allen Hamilton, Boston Consulting Group, Bow & Arrow, Capco, Capgemini Consulting, CGI, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Computer Sciences Corporation, Corporate Executive Board, Deloitte Consulting, Detica, ernst young, FTI Consulting, Fulcrum Worldwide, Grant Thornton, Hay Group, HCL Axon, Hewitt Associates, Hitachi Consulting, Horváth & Partners, HP Enterprise Services, Huron Consulting Group, IBM Global Business Services, ICF International, Ikon Marketing Consultants, Imdad logistics, IPL Information Processing Limited, ITN Consulting, KPMG, Kurt Salmon, L.E.K. Consulting, LLC, Logica, Marsh & McLennan Companies, McGladrey, McKinsey & Company, Mercer, Mitchell Madison Group, Monitor Group, Mott MacDonald, Navigant Consulting, Oliver Wyman, PA Consulting Group, Perficient, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Protiviti, PRTM, QualPro, Rambøll Management, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Sapient, Schlumberger Business Consulting, SDG Group, Simon-Kucher & Partners, Slalom Consulting, SM&A, Strategy& (formerly Booz & Company), Tata Consultancy Services, Tefen, The Burke Group, The Saint Consulting Group, Towers Watson, West Monroe Partners, WS Atkins PLC, аудит большая четверка, аудиторские услуги большая четверка, аудиторский компания, аудиторы большой четверки, большая аудиторская четверка, большая консалтинговая четверка, большая четверка, большая четверка аудиторских компаний, большая четверка аудиторских компаний +в россии, большая четверка аудиторских фирм, большая четверка консалтинговых компаний, большая четверка консалтинговых компаний мира, большая четверка москва, большая четверка отзывы, большая четверка рейтинг, большая четверка россия, большой четверка, вакансии большой четверки, группа большой четверки, зарплата в большой четверке, компании большой четверки, компании большой четверки +в россии, компания четверка, консалтинг большая четверка, кто входит в большую четверку, работа в большой четверке, фирмы большой четверки
Top consulting firms [2020 ranking]
By Overall Vault Ranking, Salary, Prestige, Work/Life Balance, Industry Expertise, Revenue, and more.
“What are the best management consulting firms?” That is no easy question to answer, because there is no specific metric to decide whether a consulting firm is “good”. However, there are a few common concerns – mostly about career tracks and business outlooks.
In this article, I’ll be listing the top consulting firms on the most relevant criteria: salary, work-life balance, prestige, and overall ranking. I’ll also touch on industry expertise, revenue and growth in recent years.
Top consulting firms – Overview
What are consulting firms?
Consulting firms are businesses that sell professional advice to businesses and organizations, helping them solve problems. They do so through their in-house experts and/or external experts. Some consulting firms might specialize in one or a few industries and functions, or while others are generalist, covering hundreds or thousands of areas.
Categories of top consulting firms
•MBB Consulting Firms: MBB stands for McKinsey, BCG and Bain – the three most prestigious consulting firms in the world. Each of these firms charge HUGE amounts for their services, with each project going into the millions of dollars. They hold the highest standards in work quality, and pay the most generous salaries for consultants.
•Tier 2 Consulting Firms: This group consists of large, global consulting firms, providing services for big clients. The differences between them and MBB firms are the prestige and the price of projects – Tier 2 projects tend to be cheaper, around six-digit numbers. Some famous names in this segment are Accenture, Roland Berger, Oliver Wyman, LEK.
•Big 4 Consulting Practice: This group consists of the consulting divisions of the Big 4 Accounting Firms – Deloitte, PwC, EY and KPMG (usually with different brand names). These divisions are the largest consulting firms in the world, revenue-wise. Nonetheless, their projects are smaller than MBB, about the same as Tier 2 firms
•Boutique Consulting Firms: Boutique is a loose term for small, specialized and localized firms, often with an elite status in their target market. These firms often employ less than 500 employees, handling smaller projects than their big generalist cousins. Salaries and benefits vary, but can be competitive with the top firms.
You can click on the name of each group for more detailed insights.
Top consulting firms – Vault consulting lists
The following lists consist of the best consulting firms to workfor in each major region. These lists base their data on surveys of working consultants, who are allowed to rate only their firm on quality-of-life issues, and only other firms on prestige and practice areas. Each list is compiled by Vault, which scores and ranks each consulting firm based on the following factors:
•30% – Prestige
•15% – Firm Culture
•15% – Satisfaction
•10% – Level of Challenge
•5% – Overall Business Outlook
•5% – Promotion Policies
Best consulting firms to work for – US 2020 – Vault rankings
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
9.273 |
McKinsey & Company |
2 |
9.190 |
Boston Consulting Group |
3 |
9.158 |
Bain & Company |
4 |
7.930 |
Deloitte Consulting LL |
5 |
7.855 |
Oliver Wyman |
6 |
7.747 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
7 |
7.705 |
EY-Parthenon |
8 |
7.623 |
PwC Advisory/Strategy& |
9 |
7.600 |
Kearney |
10 |
7.595 |
GE Healthcare Partners |
11 |
7.578 |
Accenture |
12 |
7.513 |
Putnam Associates |
13 |
7.401 |
ClearView Healthcare Partners |
14 |
7.382 |
KPMG LLP (Advisory) |
15 |
7.351 |
The Bridgespan Group |
16 |
7.331 |
Strategy&, Part of the PwC Network |
17 |
7.304 |
Analysis Group, Inc. |
18 |
7.293 |
L.E.K. Consulting |
19 |
7.228 |
The Keystone Group |
20 |
7.122 |
21 |
7.098 |
Insight Sourcing Group |
22 |
7.081 |
Alvarez & Marsal |
23 |
7.015 |
Gartner, Inc. |
24 |
7.006 |
Roland Berger |
25 |
6.953 |
Cornerstone Research |
26 |
6.886 |
Health Advances |
27 |
6.866 |
Ignyte Group |
28 |
6.832 |
The Brattle Group |
29 |
6.821 |
Clarkston Consulting |
30 |
6.812 |
Blue Matter |
31 |
6.811 |
ScottMadden Management Consultants |
32 |
6.806 |
Simon-Kucher & Partners |
33 |
6.794 |
The Chartis Group |
34 |
6.738 |
ZS |
35 |
6.733 |
Eagle Hill Consulting |
36 |
6.634 |
Insigniam |
37 |
6.569 |
Applied Value |
38 |
6.551 |
NERA Economic Consulting |
39 |
6.550 |
StoneTurn |
40 |
6.547 |
Keystone Strategy |
41 |
6.527 |
42 |
6.490 |
Cicero Group |
43 |
6.490 |
DayBlink Consulting |
44 |
6.476 |
LeapPoint |
45 |
6.428 |
Kenway Consulting |
46 |
6.427 |
Kaiser Associate |
47 |
6.408 |
Innosight |
48 |
6.396 |
AArete |
49 |
6.387 |
OC&C Strategy Consultants |
50 |
6.379 |
Pace Harmon |
Best consulting firms to work for – Europe 2020 – Vault rankings
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
9.099 |
McKinsey & Company Europe |
2 |
8.841 |
Bain & Company Europe |
3 |
7.945 |
Roland Berger Europe |
4 |
7.831 |
Oliver Wyman Europe |
5 |
7.623 |
Strategy&, part of the PwC network, Europe |
6 |
7.550 |
Kearney Europe |
7 |
7.418 |
OC&C Strategy Consultants Europe |
8 |
7.268 |
Simon-Kucher & Partners Europe |
9 |
7.251 |
10 |
7.061 |
Arthur D. Little Europe |
11 |
6.996 |
Implement Consulting Group |
12 |
6.916 |
Blue Matter Consulting – Europe |
13 |
6.889 |
Teneo (Management Consulting) |
14 |
6.848 |
Frontier Economics Ltd. |
15 |
6.822 |
HTS Consulting |
16 |
6.816 |
Charles River Associates Europe |
17 |
6.802 |
Delta Partners Group |
18 |
6.797 |
Marakon Europe |
19 |
6.796 |
Alvarez & Marsal Europe |
20 |
6.664 |
Mercer Limited Europe |
21 |
6.621 |
NERA Economic Consulting Europe |
22 |
6.607 |
Gartner, Inc. |
23 |
6.598 |
Candesic |
24 |
6.586 |
L.E.K. Consulting Europe |
25 |
6.583 |
ZS Europe |
Best consulting firms to work for – Asia-Pacific 2020 – Vault rankings
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
9.273 |
McKinsey & Company Asia-Pacific |
2 |
9.190 |
Bain & Company Asia |
3 |
9.158 |
Boston Consulting Group Asia |
4 |
7.930 |
Roland Berger Asia |
5 |
7.855 |
Oliver Wyman Asia-Pacific |
6 |
7.747 |
Kearney Asia-Pacific |
7 |
7.705 |
OC&C Strategy Consultants Asia |
8 |
7.623 |
Arthur D. Little Asia |
9 |
7.600 |
Simon-Kucher & Partners Asia-Pacific |
10 |
7.595 |
ZS Asia-Pacific |
11 |
7.578 |
Alvarez & Marsal Asia |
12 |
7.513 |
Gartner, Inc. |
13 |
7.401 |
Avalon Consulting |
14 |
7.382 |
Mercer Limited Asia |
15 |
7.351 |
Incapsulate Asia |
Best boutique consulting firms to work for – US 2020 – Vault rankings
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
9.336 |
ClearView Healthcare Partners |
2 |
9.328 |
3 |
9.327 |
Insight Sourcing Group |
4 |
9.305 |
Putnam Associate |
5 |
9.136 |
The Keystone Group |
6 |
9.042 |
Ignyte Group |
7 |
9.007 |
Blue Matter |
8 |
8.952 |
Clarkston Consulting |
9 |
8.927 |
Health Advances |
10 |
8.918 |
DeciBio Consulting |
11 |
8.861 |
ScottMadden Management Consultants |
12 |
8.792 |
Eagle Hill Consulting |
13 |
8.789 |
The Bridgespan Group |
14 |
8.696 |
StoneTurn |
15 |
8.686 |
The Chartis Group |
16 |
8.591 |
Applied Value |
17 |
8.526 |
Cicero Group |
18 |
8.502 |
DayBlink Consulting |
19 |
8.485 |
The Cambridge Group |
20 |
8.476 |
Kenway Consulting |
21 |
8.455 |
Censeo Consulting Group |
22 |
8.416 |
LeapPoint |
23 |
8.394 |
Keystone Strategy |
24 |
8.39 |
Cornerstone Research |
25 |
8.382 |
The Poirier Group |
Top consulting firms by salary, benefits, and exit opportunities
The following lists consist of the best consulting firms in the US on three areas: benefits, compensations, exit opportunities and work-life balance. The firms are scored and ranked by Vault, using surveys of working consultants, who are allowed to rate only their firm.
Best consulting firms by salary (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
9.571 |
Boston Consulting Group |
2 |
9.420 |
Analysis Group, Inc. |
3 |
9.229 |
McKinsey & Company |
4 |
9.185 |
Bain & Company |
5 |
9.100 |
6 |
9.093 |
Insight Sourcing Group |
7 |
9.087 |
ClearView Healthcare Partners |
8 |
9.077 |
Ignyte Group |
9 |
8.963 |
DayBlink Consulting |
10 |
8.962 |
Cornerstone Research |
11 |
8.938 |
The Keystone Group |
12 |
8.775 |
Putnam Associates |
13 |
8.759 |
GE Healthcare Partners |
14 |
8.694 |
Kenway Consulting |
15 |
8.687 |
Roland Berger |
16 |
8.578 |
EY-Parthenon |
17 |
8.571 |
ScottMadden Management Consultants |
18 |
8.487 |
Health Advances |
19 |
8.477 |
Pace Harmon |
20 |
8.408 |
Alvarez & Marsal |
21 |
8.395 |
Kearney |
22 |
8.321 |
Clarkston Consulting |
23 |
8.319 |
The Brattle Group |
24 |
8.263 |
Blue Matter |
25 |
8.179 |
The Bridgespan Group |
Best consulting firms by benefits (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
9.871 |
Boston Consulting Group |
2 |
9.781 |
McKinsey & Company |
3 |
9.552 |
Bain & Company |
4 |
9.519 |
DayBlink Consulting |
5 |
9.380 |
Analysis Group, Inc. |
6 |
9.256 |
Ignyte Group |
7 |
9.169 |
Putnam Associates |
8 |
9.152 |
ClearView Healthcare Partners |
9 |
9.000 |
Insight Sourcing Group |
10 |
8.839 |
The Brattle Group |
11 |
8.735 |
Applied Value |
12 |
8.692 |
Putnam Associates |
13 |
8.688 |
The Keystone Group |
14 |
8.672 |
Roland Berger |
15 |
8.652 |
The Bridgespan Group |
16 |
8.609 |
Eagle Hill Consu |
17 |
8.604 |
Clarkston Consulting |
18 |
8.586 |
GE Healthcare Partners |
19 |
8.547 |
Innosight |
20 |
8.543 |
ScottMadden Management Consultants |
21 |
8.471 |
StoneTurn |
22 |
8.389 |
Kenway Consulting |
23 |
8.375 |
Keystone Strategy |
24 |
8.330 |
Kearney |
25 |
8.226 |
Insigniam |
Best consulting firms by exit opportunities (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
9.921 |
McKinsey & Company |
2 |
9.881 |
Boston Consulting Group |
3 |
9.804 |
ClearView Healthcare Partners |
4 |
9.730 |
Bain & Company |
5 |
9.562 |
Putnam Associates |
6 |
9.366 |
7 |
9.028 |
The Bridgespan Group |
8 |
8.968 |
EY-Parthenon |
9 |
8.800 |
Oliver Wyman |
10 |
8.786 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
11 |
8.759 |
The Chartis Group |
12 |
8.740 |
Clarkston Consulting |
13 |
8.667 |
Insight Sourcing Group |
14 |
8.654 |
Applied Value |
15 |
8.653 |
L.E.K. Consulting |
16 |
8.633 |
GE Healthcare Partners |
17 |
8.629 |
18 |
8.553 |
Simon-Kucher & Partners |
19 |
8.550 |
Kaiser Associates |
20 |
8.543 |
Pace Harmon |
21 |
8.540 |
Innosight |
22 |
8.531 |
The Keystone Group |
23 |
8.513 |
Ignyte Group |
24 |
8.487 |
Health Advances |
25 |
8.471 |
Analysis Group, Inc |
One important dimension of any job is work-life balance. The following list consist of the best consulting firms in the US on work/life balance. The firms are scored and ranked by Vault, using surveys of working consultants, who are allowed to rate only their firm.
Best consulting firms by work/life balance (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
9.587 |
Insight Sourcing Group |
2 |
9.580 |
Eagle Hill Consulting |
3 |
9.282 |
Ignyte Group |
4 |
9.250 |
5 |
9.222 |
Kenway Consulting |
6 |
9.103 |
Blue Matter |
7 |
9.101 |
StoneTurn |
8 |
8.981 |
Bain & Company |
9 |
8.978 |
ClearView Healthcare Partner |
10 |
8.975 |
Health Advances |
11 |
8.876 |
Putnam Associates |
12 |
8.847 |
McKinsey & Company |
13 |
8.793 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
14 |
8.793 |
Boston Consulting Group |
15 |
8.741 |
DayBlink Consulting |
16 |
8.677 |
Insigniam |
17 |
8.656 |
The Keystone Group |
18 |
8.653 |
The Bridgespan Group |
19 |
8.596 |
Clarkston Consulting |
20 |
8.577 |
ScottMadden Management Consultants |
21 |
8.571 |
Sia Partners North America |
22 |
8.490 |
AArete |
23 |
8.468 |
Jabian Consulting |
24 |
8.463 |
EVERSANA CONSULTING (formerly Promidian) |
25 |
8.419 |
GE Healthcare Partners |
Top consulting firms by prestige
The following list consists of the most prestigious consulting firms in the US. This list is compiled by Vault using surveys of working consultants, who rank the prestige of consulting firms they know on a scale of 1 to 10. They are not allowed to rank their own firm.
Most prestigious consulting firms (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
8.984 |
McKinsey & Company |
2 |
8.738 |
Boston Consulting Group |
3 |
8.600 |
Bain & Company |
4 |
7.121 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
5 |
6.751 |
PwC Advisory/Strategy& |
6 |
6.490 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
7 |
6.474 |
EY (Ernst & Young) LLP Consulting Practice |
8 |
6.445 |
Accenture |
9 |
6.155 |
KPMG LLP (Advisory) |
10 |
6.066 |
Oliver Wyman |
11 |
5.780 |
IBM Global Services |
12 |
5.756 |
EY-Parthen |
13 |
5.749 |
Kearney |
14 |
5.650 |
Strategy&, Part of the PwC Network |
15 |
5.472 |
L.E.K. Consulting |
16 |
5.190 |
Lockheed Martin Corporation (IT Consulting) |
17 |
4.988 |
Gartner, Inc. |
18 |
4.719 |
Grant Thornton LLP (Consulting Practice) |
19 |
4.712 |
Capgemini |
20 |
4.695 |
Mercer LLC |
21 |
4.584 |
Oracle Consulting |
22 |
4.518 |
GE Healthcare Partners |
23 |
4.472 |
Northrop Grumman Corporation (IT Consulting) |
24 |
4.347 |
SAP Services (IT Consulting) |
25 |
4.307 |
Navigant Consulting, Inc. |
26 |
4.274 |
Huron |
27 |
4.218 |
Charles River Associates |
28 |
4.206 |
Gallup Consulting |
29 |
4.133 |
FTI Consulting, Inc. |
30 |
4.124 |
ZS |
31 |
4.113 |
Roland Berger |
32 |
4.097 |
Alvarez & Marsal |
33 |
4.066 |
The Bridgespan Group |
34 |
4.043 |
AlixPartners, LLP |
35 |
4.013 |
Willis Towers Watson |
36 |
4.005 |
Slalom Consulting |
37 |
3.986 |
Aon Hewitt |
38 |
3.923 |
BearingPoint NA |
39 |
3.902 |
Korn Ferry |
40 |
3.796 |
Cognizant |
41 |
3.742 |
Raytheon Professional Services |
42 |
3.717 |
BAE Systems North America |
43 |
3.682 |
Kurt Salmon |
44 |
3.628 |
The Advisory Board Company |
45 |
3.592 |
NERA Economic Consulting |
46 |
3.524 |
Cornerstone Research |
47 |
3.505 |
The Brattle Group |
48 |
3.494 |
Analysis Group, Inc. |
49 |
3.437 |
Tata Consultancy Services |
50 |
3.398 |
Arthur D. Little |
Top consulting firm by industry
The following lists consist of the best consulting firms in each industry, which is compiled by Vault using surveys of working consultants. Consultants are asked to vote for 3 firms as the best in each industry, but not allowed to rank their own firm. The “%” is the percentage of consultants who vote for that firm as the best in the given industry.
Best management consulting firms (US 2020)
Rank |
% |
Name |
1 |
68.61 |
McKinsey & Company |
2 |
58.71 |
Boston Consulting Group |
3 |
54.02 |
Bain & Company |
4 |
28.13 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
5 |
14.66 |
PwC Advisory/Strategy& |
6 |
13.47 |
Accenture |
7 |
9.65 |
EY (Ernst & Young) LLP Consulting Practice |
8 |
5.78 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
9 |
5.59 |
KPMG LLP (Advisory) |
10 |
5.04 |
Oliver Wyman |
Best strategy consulting firms (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
79.03 |
McKinsey & Company |
2 |
71.14 |
Boston Consulting Group |
3 |
66.26 |
Bain & Company |
4 |
15.23 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
5 |
9.57 |
Accenture |
6 |
5.46 |
Strategy&, Part of the PwC Network |
7 |
4.69 |
Oliver Wyma |
8 |
4.47 |
EY (Ernst & Young) LLP Consulting Practice |
9 |
4.10 |
KPMG LLP (Advisory) |
10 |
3.61 |
IBM Global Services |
Best financial consulting firms (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
33.04 |
EY (Ernst & Young) LLP Consulting Practice |
2 |
32.57 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
3 |
32.53 |
McKinsey & Company |
4 |
31.25 |
PwC Advisory/Strategy& |
5 |
24.12 |
Bain & Company |
6 |
21.91 |
Boston Consulting Group |
7 |
18.87 |
KPMG LLP (Advisory) |
8 |
14.09 |
Oliver Wyman |
9 |
10.58 |
Accenture |
10 |
5.91 |
Grant Thornton LLP (Consulting Practice) |
11 |
5.14 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
12 |
5.06 |
FTI Consulting, Inc. |
13 |
4.36 |
Alvarez & Marsal |
14 |
3.89 |
AlixPartners, LLP |
15 |
3.50 |
Kearney |
16 |
3.15 |
L.E.K. Consulting |
17 |
2.22 |
Charles River Associates |
18 |
1.95 |
Capco |
19 |
1.83 |
Mercer LLC |
20 |
1.79 |
Analysis Group, Inc. |
Best healthcare consulting firms (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
34.47 |
McKinsey & Company |
2 |
25.89 |
Boston Consulting Group |
3 |
15.75 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
4 |
15.66 |
Bain & Company |
5 |
15.62 |
GE Healthcare Partners |
6 |
12.74 |
Huron |
7 |
12.74 |
ZS |
8 |
10.82 |
ClearView Healthcare Partners |
9 |
10.59 |
PwC Advisory/Strategy& |
10 |
10.55 |
L.E.K. Consulting |
11 |
9.86 |
Accenture |
12 |
9.41 |
IQVIA (formerly IMS Consulting Group) |
13 |
9.36 |
Kaiser Associates |
14 |
7.81 |
Navigant Consulting, Inc. |
15 |
6.71 |
The Advisory Board Company |
16 |
5.84 |
Oliver Wyman |
17 |
4.98 |
Putnam Associates |
18 |
4.93 |
Mercer LLC |
19 |
4.47 |
EY (Ernst & Young) LLP Consulting Practice |
20 |
4.47 |
Health Advances |
Best IT consulting firms (Operations) (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
45.04 |
Accenture |
2 |
31.29 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
3 |
29.57 |
IBM Global Services |
4 |
13.7 |
PwC Advisory/Strategy& |
5 |
10.75 |
Capgemini |
6 |
9.35 |
Oracle Consulting |
7 |
8.91 |
SAP Services (IT Consulting) |
8 |
8.30 |
McKinsey & Company |
9 |
7.80 |
Cognizant |
10 |
7.57 |
Infosys Ltd. |
11 |
7.18 |
Tata Consultancy Services |
12 |
6.57 |
Lockheed Martin Corporation (IT Consulting) |
13 |
5.96 |
Boston Consulting Group |
14 |
5.40 |
Bain & Company |
15 |
5.35 |
KPMG LLP (Advisory) |
16 |
4.45 |
General Dynamics Information Technology |
17 |
4.34 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
18 |
4.12 |
HP Enterprise |
19 |
3.95 |
Slalom Consulting |
20 |
3.73 |
Northrop Grumman Corporation (IT Consulting) |
Best IT consulting firms (Strategy) (US 2020)
Rank |
Score |
Name |
1 |
44.89 |
Accenture |
2 |
31.93 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
3 |
27.92 |
IBM Global Services |
4 |
19.51 |
McKinsey & Company |
5 |
13.94 |
PwC Advisory/Strategy& |
6 |
11.98 |
Boston Consulting Group |
7 |
8.36 |
Capgemini |
8 |
7.87 |
Oracle Consulting |
9 |
7.82 |
Bain & Company |
10 |
7.63 |
Gartner, Inc. |
11 |
6.80 |
SAP Services (IT Consulting) |
12 |
5.62 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
13 |
5.62 |
Cognizant |
14 |
5.33 |
Lockheed Martin Corporation (IT Consulting) |
15 |
4.74 |
Tata Consultancy Services |
16 |
4.30 |
KPMG LLP (Advisory) |
17 |
4.01 |
Infosys Ltd. |
18 |
3.57 |
SAIC (IT Consulting) |
19 |
3.52 |
Northrop Grumman Corporation (IT Consulting) |
20 |
3.42 |
Slalom Consulting |
Best technology/media/telecommunications consulting firms (US 2020)
Rank |
% |
Name |
1 |
34.41 |
McKinsey & Company |
2 |
26.83 |
Boston Consulting Group |
3 |
24.04 |
Accenture |
4 |
23.98 |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
5 |
23.27 |
Bain & Company |
6 |
15.81 |
IBM Global Service |
7 |
15.29 |
PwC Advisory/Strategy& |
8 |
6.22 |
EY (Ernst & Young) LLP Consulting Practice |
9 |
6.03 |
Oracle Consulting |
10 |
5.64 |
Lockheed Martin Corporation (IT Consulting) |
11 |
5.31 |
Capgemini |
12 |
5.18 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
13 |
5.12 |
Gartner, Inc. |
14 |
4.80 |
KPMG LLP (Advisory) |
15 |
4.41 |
SAP Services (IT Consulting) |
16 |
3.69 |
HP Enterprise |
17 |
3.63 |
SAIC (IT Consulting) |
18 |
3.56 |
BAE Systems North America |
19 |
3.43 |
Cognizant |
20 |
3.18 |
Kearney |
Largest consulting firms by revenue
The following lists consist of the largest consulting firms in 2017, 2018 and 2019, measured by consulting revenue (revenue from other areas of business – such as auditing, accounting or other professional services is not counted).
Due to variations in methodology and definitions, data from different sources may yield different listings.
Largest consulting firms by revenue (Global 2017-2018 – Gartner Inc.)
Consulting |
2017 |
2018 |
2017 |
2018 |
Revenue |
Deloitte |
18,029 |
20,472 |
10.5 |
10.9 |
12.5 |
PwC |
17,812 |
19,084 |
10.4 |
10.1 |
6.2 |
EY |
15,813 |
17,519 |
9.2 |
9.3 |
10.1 |
12,216 |
13,344 |
7.1 |
7.1 |
7.5 |
Accenture |
9,119 |
10,430 |
5.3 |
5.5 |
13.3 |
McKinsey |
8,595 |
9,234 |
5.0 |
4.9 |
6.8 |
5,415 |
6,413 |
3.2 |
3.4 |
17.5 |
3,321 |
3,560 |
1.9 |
1.9 |
6.5 |
Bain |
3,247 |
3,523 |
1.9 |
1.9 |
8.5 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
2,631 |
2,926 |
1.5 |
1.6 |
11.2 |
Avera |
9,620 |
10,651 |
5.6 |
5.7 |
10.0 |
Total |
96,198 |
106,505 |
56.0 |
56.6 |
– |
Largest consulting firms by revenue (Global 2019 – consulting.com)
Rank |
Firm |
Consulting Revenue |
1 |
Accenture Consulting |
$17,310,000,00 |
2 |
Capgemini Consulting |
$15,460,000,000 |
3 |
Tata Consultancy Services |
$14,930,000,000 |
4 |
Cognizant Technology Solutions |
$14,810,000,000 |
5 |
Deloitte Consulting |
$13,350,000,000 |
6 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory |
$12,253,000,000 |
7 |
Cisco Systems Consulting |
$12,000,000,000 |
8 |
Ernst & Young Advisory |
$11,600,000,000 |
9 |
Infosys Consulting |
$10,210,000,000 |
10 |
KPMG Advisory |
$10,180,000,000 |
11 |
McKinsey & Company |
$8,800,000,000 |
12 |
CGI Group |
$8,500,000,000 |
13 |
HP Enterprise Technology Services |
$7,882,000,000 |
14 |
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. |
$6,300,000,000 |
15 |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
$6,100,000,000 |
16 |
Mercer LLC |
$4,300,000,000 |
17 |
IBM Global Services |
$4,200,000,000 |
18 |
Bain & Company |
$3,870,000,000 |
19 |
SAP Services Consulting |
$3,566,000,000 |
20 |
Oracle Consulting |
$3,358,000,000 |
21 |
Gartner, Inc. |
$3,300,000,000 |
22 |
Altran |
$2,813,000,000 |
23 |
Oliver Wyman |
$2,000,000,000 |
24 |
Aon Hewitt |
$1,800,000,000 |
25 |
FTI Consulting, I |
$1,800,000,000 |
26 |
Grant Thornton |
$1,700,000,000 |
27 |
BDO Consulting |
$1,410,000,000 |
28 |
A.T. Kearney |
$1,400,000,000 |
29 |
Sapient Corporation |
$1,305,000,000 |
30 |
Strategy&, part of the PwC network |
$1,300,000,000 |
31 |
Hitachi Consulting |
$1,300,000,000 |
32 |
ICF International |
$1,190,000,000 |
33 |
Navigant Consulting, Inc. |
$1,000,000,000 |
34 |
AlixPartners, LLP |
$1,000,000,000 |
35 |
Slalom Consulting |
$1,000,000,000 |
36 |
Protiviti |
$816,000,000 |
37 |
Huron |
$797,700,000 |
38 |
The Advisory Board Compan |
$781,800,000 |
39 |
Bearingpoint |
$767,000,000 |
40 |
Alvarez & Marsal |
$600,000,00 |
41 |
Berkeley Research Group, LLC |
$600,000,000 |
42 |
PA Consulting Group |
$556,000,000 |
43 |
ZS |
$525,000,000 |
44 |
L.E.K. Consulting |
$500,000,000 |
45 |
Perficient |
$487,000,000 |
46 |
Simon-Kucher & Partners |
$311,000,000 |
47 |
Arthur D. Little |
$239,200,000 |
48 |
Analysis Group, Inc. |
$200,000,000 |
49 |
Horváth & Partners |
$162,000,000 |
50 |
West Monroe Partners |
$160,000,0 |
Where can I find consulting jobs?
If you live in the USA – the home of management consulting itself – you can find vacancies right here at our partner Jooble.org.
They are one of the largest employment website worldwide, with over 2,000,000 users daily, where you can find some 1,000,000 jobs from 21,000 sites. You can find many boutique and start-up consulting firms here – those with much less publicity than the MBB/Big 4 giants, those you won’t easily find elsewhere online.
Which firm should I choose?
The choice of firm should depend on what you want out of a consulting career. Most people approach a consulting career in two ways: the short-term “three-years-then-out” and the long-term consultant.
•In short terms, for building your professional portfolio and network, consulting is a no-brainer – that is, if you can get in. For this approach, MBB firms are undoubtedly the best options, firstly for the prestige, and secondly for the excellent learning and networking environment. Next down the line are Tier 2 and Big 4 groups, then the boutique firms.
•In long terms, however, it ultimately boils down to your skill set and preferences. Working at large firms such as MBB can be extremely stressful, but they offer better salaries and benefits. Smaller boutiques offer less, but allow you to preserve some work-life balance and sanity.
Either way, consulting firms are highly selective about their candidates; at MBB firms, the acceptance rate is even lower than 1%; even the small boutiques need to keep their standards up to maintain their work quality and reputation.
You can start your prep process and enhance your chance at these top firms by subscribing to our newsletter, our Youtube channel, and read other articles on this website on specific consulting firms, resume writing, test preperation, and case interviews.
At MConsultingPrep, we believe anyone can make it to consulting!
It doesn’t get any closer than this.
.001 of a point.
It’s insignificant, a rounding error. And yet it was all that separated Bain and McKinsey in this year’s Vault Consulting 50. Call in every cliché: Margins are slim and you lose by inches. In the end, all that separated Big Red from True Blue was a thousandth of a point.
Advantage: Bain & Company.
Yes, winners are remembered and revered. They are treated as standard bearers who personify the values and traditions of their profession. Finish second? Your mind endlessly loops those tiny mistakes. Worse, every well-wisher encourages you to “build on the positives.” For McKinsey, the Vault Consulting 50 represents a bevy of positives. It remains the envy of the industry — by a wider margin than ever according to survey respondents. The firm’s scores improved in nearly measure — and even eclipsed Bain in several categories. Despite closing the gap, McKinsey fell just short, a result that could’ve easily been altered by a few tweaks to its scores (or Vault’s methodology).
Lost amid this tight margin is the Boston Consulting Group, which slipped a spot to 3rd despite across-the-board improvements. At the same time, the Bridgespan Group vaulted (pun) eight spots into the Top 5 — a feat nearly matched by Kearney. Their advances came at the expense of Deloitte Consulting, which has plunged from 11th to 4th in just two years. And Clearview Partners, once a darling to its employees, tumbled 10 spots to 17th.
In the end, you could say the MBB — or BMB — stuck together at the top of the Vault Consulting 50, while 26 firms are clustered within a point of each other below. How does that happen? It helps to look at the methodology. First, the Vault Consulting 50 is treated as the “gold standard” for evaluating consulting firms. Here, survey respondents — North American consultants at over 130 firms — assess their employers on 20 measures. They include areas like Pay and Benefits, Outlook and Leadership, Health and Work-Life Balance, and Training and Promotion Opportunities. From there, these survey-takers turn around and grade rival firms on their Prestige. Beyond that, they rate competitors in over a dozen practice areas, ranging from Energy to Strategy Consulting. In the cases of Prestige and Practice, respondents may not score their own firms.
The ranking was started in 2007 by Vault Career Intelligence. This firm has since emerged as Firsthand, an Infobase company that gathers market intelligence to produce employer ratings, reviews, and employment opportunities in industries like banking, consulting, and law. Overall, 17,000 consultants completed this year’s Vault Consulting 50 survey, which was released on February 15th. This represents over a thousand more participants from the year before. To complete the survey, respondents rate firms on a 10-point scale, where 10 is the highest possible score. In Vault’s formula, Prestige accounts for 30% of the ranking weight. Firm Culture and Satisfaction each account for 15% of a firm’s overall score, followed by Compensation, Work-Life Balance, and Level of Challenge at 10% a piece. Business Outlook and Promotion Policy scores were divvied up equally at 5%. These weights remain consistent from the previous year.
In the end, the Vault Consulting 50 provides an inside look at how employees view the strengths of their firms — and how firms view their rivals’ capabilities and positioning, Even more, Vault historical data, which is collected by P&Q, reflects how firm scores have shifted over the past five years. In the process, readers can get beyond reputations to see quantitatively where firms are surging and stagnating.
Click on the links below for in-depth analysis and ranking tables for each area of the Vault Consulting 50.
BAIN-MCKINSEY-BCG HISTORICAL COMPARISON (Compensation, Training, Management, Outlook, etc.)
QUALITY OF LIFE AND EMPLOYMENT RANKINGS (Compensation, Training, Management, Outlook, etc.)
PRACTICE AREA RANKINGS (ESG, Management, Strategy, etc.)
Next Page: Why Bain & Company Ranked #1
Once again, the top consulting firm according to the employees in the industry: Bain & Company. Bain photo
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” according to Peter Drucker. What happens when you have both?
You have Bain.
Bain & Company is known as a culture center, the place for fun-lovers who work hard and play hard too. Deeply connected and collaborative, the people are the differentiator at Bain. That camaraderie doesn’t just end in the home office, according to one anonymous Vault survey-taker.
“Clients always say to us ‘having Bain here is like you are part of the team.’ ‘I can’t tell where your work ends and my team’s begins.’”
Not surprisingly, Firm Culture is consistently a Bain strength in the Vault Consulting 50 survey. The firm’s 9.781 average score (on a 10-point scale) ranks 2nd among all consulting firms, besting McKinsey and BCG in the process. Keith Bevans, a Bain partner and global head of consultant recruiting, prefers to use “supportive culture” to describe the Bain difference. For Bevans, the culture starts with people who are carefully selected for their passion and potential to make a huge impact with clients.
“We support everyone we hire to be the best versions of themselves as both a person and a professional,” Bevans told P&Q on February 16th. “You can hire people who are already stars, but not every team of stars works well together. We hire people who have tremendous potential and build them as a team…that’s the secret sauce. We’re not competing with each other but we’re supporting each other and that’s a part of our culture. That’s when great things happen for our clients.”
Indeed, Bain acts as a true partner to their clients, never content to just follow directions or refrain from asking the tough question. Instead, Bain views itself as a co-creator who is as accountable for results as their clients. This translates to a “Results not reports” mindset. Hence, you’ll find Bainies sticking around past the slide deck to ensure stakeholders know how to properly use the tools they create through implementation…and beyond. This approach — and the success stories it has produced —is one reason why Bevans is so bullish on Bain’s future.
Keith Bevans, Bain Partner and Global Head of Consulting Recruiting
“When I look at our client net promoter score, when I look at the advocacy that our clients have for Bain, that’s what gets me excited. Success feeds success. That’s our goal: to create success stories for our people and our clients. They self-perpetuate. Our clients do amazing things powered by Bain case teams and our people on those teams feel a tremendous amount of pride through the success that their clients have. And then they tell other clients and the clients bring us back for more and you start a real virtuous cycle. For me, that’s the story of Bain.”
Vault survey results tell an equally compelling story. Overall, Bain earned the highest survey marks for Relationships with Supervisors and Informal Training (and the 2-best average for Formal Training), a clear indicator of the firm’s feedback-focused culture.
“Bain offers the best training out of any consulting firm – bar none,” writes another Vault survey respondent. “The formal training is meticulously planned and has the perfect balance of content, knowledge/experience sharing, and teambuilding. I walk away from every training a better consultant. The on-the-job training is even better – Bain constantly puts you in situations that are outside of your comfort zone, but with the right support to ensure that you’re successful.”
By the same token, Bain & Company generated the 2nd-highest scores for Employee Satisfaction, Promotion Policies, and Health and Wellness, all while ranking 3rd among all firms in five employment factors: Benefits, Compensation, Firm Leadership, Internal Mobility, and Level of Challenge. In other words, Bain ranked among the elite in 55% of the measures. When it comes to Prestige, which makes up 30% of Vault’s weight, Bain finished 3rd to McKinsey and BCG. However, the firm’s 8.755 score here is actually a .125 of a point uptick over the previous year (and better than the .118 and .60 of a point improvements posted by McKinsey and BCG in Prestige this year).
Still, there are clouds on the horizon for Bain. For one, the firm lost ground in 12 of 20 Employment Factors, notably Compensation (-.284), Benefits (-.176), and Selectivity (-.151). Not surprisingly, the overall gap between Bain and McKinsey narrowed from .116 to .001. Still, Bain’s ongoing efforts in DEI have been producing results, as the firm’s average rose by .337 of a point — moving Bain up to 4th out of 130 firms in this area.
How is Bain expecting to stay ahead of peer firms? Bevans hails the firm’s recent acquisitions, including Optics Engine and Spike as a way to build the firm’s world-class expertise and provide consultants with the tools to do great things.
“That’s real exciting because we hire people who are super passionate about having a huge impact with their clients and understand that they want to go someplace where they’re going to learn how to be best in class and learn from world class experts,” he adds. “We’re bringing that expertise in house [and] we’re building the team. Bain & Company had a record growth year last year. We’re actively hiring right now because when you hire super passionate, talented, and driven individuals. When you’re as busy as we are, the risk over the long-term is high. So we’re making sure we add to the team so we have the capacity to do things in a sustainable way. That’s a huge priority for the firm now.”
Next Page: Why McKinsey & Company Ranked #2
Colleagues at McKinsey Robot Lab
2nd place?
Sure, but for how long?
That’s the question being asked at McKinsey. If Vault’s history reflects anything, it is that the top spot is like a hot potato between Bain and McKinsey with regularity. After all, McKinsey ranked #1 from 2018-2020…after Bain held the top spot five times from 2011-2017. Considering McKinsey’s resources, reach, and renown, it is difficult to picture McKinsey being a runner-up next year.
That’s because McKinsey represents the biggest stage with the biggest challenges. The oldest management consulting firm, with roots stretching back to 1926, McKinsey is also the largest firm: home to over 30,000 employees in 130 locations and 65 countries. For many, McKinsey is a place where “the world is at your fingertips.” By that, the firm means that consultants can access any sort of expertise from anywhere across the globe.
“I was immediately drawn to McKinsey because of its diversity in industries, geographies, and people,” writes Kaleigh Killoran, an HBS grad who joined the firm in 2020. “Specifically, McKinsey was the most global of the firms I was interested in, both from a client base and employee perspective. It was the most diverse firms in terms of industries it serves, ranging from significant public and global health contributions to private sector product design and transformations.”
This diversity also exposes consultants to something more profound: the future. “In many ways, we get a unique perspective on where change is going to happen before rest of the market. That is something that is pretty distinctive we get from our clients,” explains Danielle Bozarth, a McKinsey partner. “There are a lot of areas where we have not only built real capabilities where we see the growth happening and also concurrently see the growth before it happens because we have colleagues who are immersed in that part of that world where there is that growth and innovation.”
The firm also carries a certain mystique with its client secrecy. Being everywhere and seemingly working with everyone makes it the proverbial hidden hand behind every political or organizational shift. Alas, the reality is far less imposing. Yes, “knowledge is king” at McKinsey — but so too are systems and strategy. That’s because being a McKinseyite involves taking apart a problem in a consistent, step-by-step process. More than that, it is an approach for communicating to CEOs, always telling stories behind data and communicating regularly so there are no surprises when the findings are presented. That requires a flat structure and consensus-driven philosophy where everyone — even newbies — have the obligation to dissent if something seems off. That’s why, as the joke goes, the McKinseyite often assumes the leadership role in any room.
“A lot of people talk a lot of smack about McKinsey,” writes one Vault consultant. “I’d challenge anyone to find a private sector organization of our scale and impact that is as fundamentally committed to its purpose as McKinsey. We’re not perfect, but it’s the only organization of its kind that I have ever seen which actually does aspire to be perfect and refuses to simply ‘settle.’”
McKinsey Black Network celebration
Settle? Not if you look at 2022 Vault data. This year, McKinsey boosted its scores in 19 of 20 employment factors measured by Vault. That includes a .220 of a point bump for Compensation. The same could be said for Hours Worked (+.627), Internal Mobility (+.425), Work-Life Balance (+.276), and Health and Wellness (+.429). These changes are reflected in feedback given by McKinsey survey respondents.
“McKinsey is investing heavily in employee mental health and well-being,” observes one anonymous employee surveyed by Vault. “The leadership is focused on it and there are meaningful conversations about supporting people who have or are in recovery from mental health challenges. I have noticed a marked shift in a short period of time regarding the firm’s culture around these issues. Also, there are great programs like Take Time that allow you to go to 90 or 95% time and go do fun things like go on a trek or take extra time with your family. There’s also a [Ramp Off Ramp On] program for people who go out for parental or other extended leave. I have personally found the flexibility offered by these programs very helpful.”
Overall, McKinsey notched the highest scores of any firm in four areas. One was Internal Mobility, which aligns with the “Make your own McKinsey” philosophy that enables consultants to move around to gain experience and pursue passions.
“McKinsey is great about offering new opportunities for development and advancement that allow me to stay and grow inside the firm,” writes one Vault survey respondent. There’s so much flexibility that I’ve reached almost 20 years of tenure and have always been able to find or create the role that fits me best. I’ve worked in other consulting and investment banking firms where you really had to leave if you wanted any advancement at all.”
Another survey-taker lauds the firm’s commitment to its employees. “Literally no other company (in consulting or even tech) invests as much in people development as McKinsey, either in terms of protected time or resources available for learning or the on-the-job mentorship/apprenticeship from experienced practitioners, then it’s combined with a strong culture of regular actionable feedback. When things get off-track in your development, everyone swoops in to help course-correct and give you actionable steps to get back on track.”
McKinsey also produced the highest scores for Innovation, International Opportunities, and Selectivity. The firm also finished 2nd overall in five categories: Benefits, Diversity, Informal Training, Level of Challenge, and Supervisors. Not surprisingly, the firm (again) ranked #1 for Prestige considering its legacy for nurturing top CEO talent like Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman. As McKinsey nears its hundredth year, the future continues to look bright thanks to its careful curation of its culture and proactive approach to serving the marketplace.
“I’m encouraged by the outlook of the firm and consulting in general,” notes one survey respondent. “The seriousness of client challenges to solve and McKinsey’s focus on digital and tech are two reasons I am positive about the firm and being here. McKinsey is almost 100 years old and I’m interested in, and generally positive about, how Bob Sternfels and other partners will lead in the next few years.”
“McKinsey is thriving and will continue to do so, because of its people and the passion each brings as well as because of our approach to innovation and investing in new and exciting ways of working,” adds another survey taker. “The breadth of colleagues we hire with diversity of capabilities is unmatched and gives me confidence in our ability to serve our clients in a distinctive and unmatched way.”
Next Page: Why The Boston Consulting Group Ranked #3
Extensive training for BCG Summer Consultants complements their immersive “on-the-job” learning and mentorship
The well-behaved never make history as the cliché goes. Let’s just say those who play it safe don’t make great consultants either.
That’s why the Boston Consultant seeks team members with a little something different. Like their peers, BCG loves brainpower — and a client-centric mindset too. When it comes to problem-solving, they aren’t looking to hit singles or grab long-hanging fruit. They bet big, looking for fresh takes that push the envelope. Here, every situation is unique, every option is nuanced, and every solution is custom. And you won’t find BCG consultants lounging around the c-suite. They roll up their sleeves and head out to the rank-and-file to see for themselves what the end users experience.
No company, issue, or approach is ever the same at BCG. They’re not re-inventing the wheel. Instead, they understand that every organization features a unique operational structure, history, value system, client base, and brand expectations. Expanding their capabilities and mitigating their limits often requires out-of-the-box solutions in fast-moving and ever-shifting environments.
“BCG does some of the most cutting-edge work in the industry,” notes one Vault survey respondent. “We’re able to do that because we are committed to developing custom solutions for each of our clients by putting incredibly smart teams together to solve those challenges together. The supportive learning environment fuels all of this.”
Yes, BCGers view themselves as pioneers out to disrupt the status quo. Rather than filling frames, they look to decorate a canvas. For that, they are the highest-paid consultants according to the Vault survey. Here, they posted a 9.664 average. To put that number in context, the numbers for Bain and McKinsey came out to 9.150 and 9.161 respectively. At the same time, BCG’s 9.852 score for Benefits bested the rest of the industry too. One survey-taker observes that the industry has followed BCG’s lead in increasing compensation over the past five years.
“BCG’s package is among the best anywhere,” adds another respondent. “The firm recognizes the value of its people and compensates us accordingly. Medical coverage is not just premium-free for employees, it’s extremely comprehensive. My physicians and their office support staff are often floored by what it covers.”
They aren’t alone, adds Brian Myerholtz, a managing director and partner at the firm. “BCG, in general, has a philosophy of taking care of the people who work here,” Myerholtz told P&Q in 2021. “It comes through in compensation and benefits. The one thing I tell recruits that no one seems to fully appreciate is that the healthcare benefits are amazing. I’ll say that to an MBA coming out of school and they’ll say, “Yeah, whatever.” Two years later, they’re having their first child and they’ll email me and say, “This is amazing. I was fully supported and it cost very little. It’s world class healthcare.”
BCG’s New York office at 10 Hudson Yards – overlooking the Hudson River. Photo by Anthony Collins
Overall, BCG racked up six first-place finishes in the Vault Consulting 50 study. Aside from Compensation, the firm also ranked #1 for Promotion Policies. Some of this stems from what BCGers call a “growth mindset” — an embrace of fast learning curves and high expectations that can sometimes be painful.
“BCG has unlocked a comfort with discomfort,” explains Varun Hippalgaonkar, who joined the firm in 2020. “As BCG consultants, we often get to work on a variety of the most complex and challenging problems facing our clients across industries, topic areas, and geographies. This means that we are often solving problems where don’t have a playbook. Admittedly, it can be nerve-racking to ramp up on what feel like completely foreign topics and be tasked with developing high quality solutions. However, BCG has helped me realize that, with a supportive team, this discomfort and anxiety can transform into excitement and fun.”
This is coupled with a transparency, where there is a “clear understanding of what is required” for promotion in the words of one Vault respondent.
Another survey respondent ticked off several other benefits to BCG’s system: “Very structured performance review process, clear intentions of making it objective, and always tied to clear actions to take for any areas for development. Promotions every 18-24 months can be highly rewarding.”
Like Bain and McKinsey, BCG can be called a coaching culture where even senior leaders like Brian Myerholtz have their own coach. “BCG launched an ‘embedded coaching’ program where they pair new hires with tenured consultants,” notes another survey respondent. “[It] was like having a personal tutor and has been a game-changer! Really helped the transition from school to work when I first started.”
Beyond upward mobility, the firm beat its peers in Health and Wellness. According to one survey taker, the firm flags consultants who have a high average number of hours worked, along with mental health programs and structured leaves. In addition, BCG staff ranked Firm Leadership as the best in the industry, while also holding the best outlook for the future according to the survey.
“[We are a] “leader in innovation,” writes an additional survey respondent. “When nobody was thinking about Climate Change, for us it was a core business area. When nobody thought Digital and Analytics had a future, we were already developing our Gamma team. It is in the firm’s DNA and in the way we operate. And innovation goes beyond creative ideas. We are committed to making innovation happen at our clients: we are always ranked #1 in Change Mgmt. because of that.”
Next Page: Vault Consulting 50 Ranking
A.T. Kearney consultant meeting in the New York office
There is just something about the #4 spot in the Vault Consulting 50. Last year, Booz Allen Hamilton knocked Deloitte out of it — a place it had held for three consecutive years. Now, The Bridgespan Group has returned the favor, swiping the #4 spot after ranking 15th just two years ago.
What’s behind the surge? Among employment factors, the firm ranked #1 for Diversity. On top of that, it enjoyed the 3rd-highest marks in Overall Business Outlook and Satisfaction. While the latter two only make up a combined 20% weight, The Bridgespan Group’s Prestige score — which carries a 30% weight — jumped from 39th to 18th. And it didn’t hurt that it ranked 5th for Promotion Policies either.
Alas The Bridgespan Group is a nonprofit operating in the philanthropy space. Still, consultants tout competitive pay and access to Bain formal training as benefits. One Vault respondent positioned the firm’s appeal this way: “Smart people, grateful clients, working to maximize impact—and tons of great learning for new consultants along the way.” However, another boiled it down to perhaps its essence: shared mission.
“It is a privilege to be able to do work that I care deeply about, with colleague who also care deeply about social change.”
Another big winner was Kearney, which climbed seven spots to 8th. Strangely, Prestige had little to do with the firm’s success in this year’s Vault Consulting Year. Despite boosting its Prestige average from 5.115 to 6.093, Kearney only improved one spot to 15th in this measure. Instead, the firm’s workplace scores improved incrementally, led by being 6th for Internal Mobility and 9th for Level of Challenge. According to survey respondents, Kearney’s respectful atmosphere makes it a great place to work.
“The firm culture is the main reason I joined and have stayed for the past seven years,” explains one anonymous employee. “The firm creates a very collegial culture, and we treat each other like a family.”
Another factor is the firm’s flexibility. “Kearney really shines in the attention and level of support to consider life events (e.g., parenthood, personal time to recharge) in the career progression and timing,” adds another respondent. “I have five kids, so balancing work with family obligations is challenging at times. I continue to be amazed how the firm accommodates and helps me balance work and personal obligations.”
Deloitte was named the No. 2 accounting firm to work for in 2021 by Vault. Deloitte photo
L.E.K. Consulting also made a splash in this year’s ranking. After not participating last year, the firm returned to the 9th, spot, after ranking 18th and 14th the previous two years. Like Kearney, L.E.K. Consulting advanced just one spot in the Prestige ranking despite a .682 improvement in its score here. Overall, the firm ranked in the Top 10 in the all-important Compensation and Level of Challenge measures. In the consultant survey, one respondent noted that L.E.K. may be the only firm that considers its weeks to be six days long. Translation: “We almost never work on weekends.” Another appeal of L.E.K. is the work in general
“I joined seven years ago never expecting to stay this long. The teams, the clients, and the problems we work on in biopharma are second to none. I have worked on nearly all of the biggest biopharma issues of this century and find so much meaning in my work. The hours can be tough, but are worth it, and for my colleagues who disagreed they have all landed happily in biopharma and VC. Great opportunity and would take it again any day.”
The MBB weren’t the only mainstays in the Vault Consulting 50 this year. EY Parthenon, Oliver Wyman, Booz Allen Hamilton, and Putnam Associates kept their grip on elite status, even as Deloitte Consulting, Alvarez & Marsal, and Clearview Healthcare Partners all tumbled out of the Top 10. The latter’s downfall was particularly stunning.
Last year, Clearview Healthcare Partners ranked #1 in six categories (Firm Leadership, Innovation, Internal Mobility, Overall Business Outlook, Promotion Policies, and Travel Requirements) and #2 in 5 other categories (Formal Training, Informal Training, Interaction with Clients, Level of Challenge, and Relationships With Supervisors). It even cracked the Top 5 in 7 more categories. Chances are, it would’ve ranked among the MBB if it wasn’t unranked for Prestige. This year, it only ranked among the Top 5 in four categories (Firm Leadership, Formal Training, Innovation, and Overall Business Outlook). To add insult to injury, rivals finally gave it the 38th-best score for Prestige. One reason for Clearview’s stumbles involves growing pains as it adjusts to increasing demands.
“Employee morale is low among those in the analyst to senior consultant career stages who have at least 1 year of experience with the firm due to workload issues,” writes one respondent.
For the most part, this year’s Vault Consulting 50 represented progress for most consulting firms. Charles River Associates rose from 38th to 22nd, with Triangle Insights Group moving from 43rd to 29th and NERA Economic Consulting going from 41st to 31st. At the same time, the list contains several strong debuts and returns, including Arthur D. Little (19th), Analysis Group (21st), Back Bay Life Science Advisors (24th), and Kx Advisors (38th). By the same token, PwC dropped out of the Vault Consulting 50 altogether after ranking 9th last year, a phenomenon usually stemming from a lack of employee participation in the survey. GE Healthcare, which plummeted from 10th to 24th last year, is also missing from the 50-best.
Next Page: Firm Prestige Ranking
McKinsey at ROMBA 2019
It can be difficult to dislodge popular opinion. Outside of public relations fiascos, the forces of branding, shaping daily discourse and media coverage, wins out in the end. That’s what you find in the Prestige ranking: the large incumbents hog the spotlight, leaving little room for movement.
Like the workplace measures, Prestige follows the same 1 to 10 scale. Here, practicing consultants score rivals with which they were familiar. Here, the MBB hold court, led by McKinsey & Company with a 9.100 score, representing ongoing improvement since bottoming out at 8.894. BCG scored an 8.828, edging out Bain & Company at 8.755. In fact, the Top 5 remained the same as last year with Deloitte Consulting and PwC bringing up the rear.
Beyond that, there was a shakeup in the status quo. EY Parthenon boosted its prestige score by .564 of a point, enabling it to move from 10th to 6th. Oliver Wyman actually improved by .292…and still lost a spot, remaining behind EY, which lost three places. The Bridgespan Group actually moved up 21 spots by gaining 1.873 points. The Korn Ferry Hay Group and Gallup Group also improved by over a point, enabling them to move up seven and spots respectively.
Indeed, most firms watched their Prestige scores go up in the latest survey. That meant little movement in some cases. Case in point: Northrop Grumman, which held steady at #17…despite raising its score from 5.014 to 6.011. More notably, Prestige rose by a point or more for nearly every firm ranked between 20 and 30, a group that includes Charles River Associates, Raytheon Professional Services, AZ Associates, and General Dynamics Information Technology. And the pattern continues to a lesser extent through the rest of the Vault Consulting 50.
Next Page: Boutique Firm Ranking
Small but Mighty
Smaller in size and scope, boutique firms can provide specialized expertise that can compete with any generalist firm. For consultants, they provide a platform to focus exclusively on their passions with clients who share their interests and values. At the same time, boutiques often require fewer hours and less travel.
Such differences also demand a different methodology to measure their effectiveness. That’s why Vault has tweaked the weights for its boutique-specific ranking. One big difference: it removes Prestige altogether, as this tends to measure awareness as much as quality. In its place, it boosts the weight of Firm Culture ad Satisfaction. Previously 15%, their weights climb to 25% and 20% respectively. Work-Life Balance’s weight doubles to 20%, as does Business Outlook to 10%. Compensation (10%), Level of Challenge (10%), and Promotion Policies (5%) carry the same weight.
This year, ghSMART & Company held onto the top spot for boutiques. A Chicago-based firm specializing in management assessment, ghSMART actually outpointed all consulting firms in two workforce measures: Interaction with Clients and Level of Challenge. It also finished as the runner-up in Compensation and Work-Life Balance (and 3rd for Hours and Selectivity).
“We are a virtual firm so all work from home,” writes one survey-taker. “After well over a decade in a large consulting firm where we worked in office, coming to ghSMART shows me that we can do higher quality, meaningful work, all while being able to have a healthy home life. It’s been life changing. I get to work with some of the largest companies in the world, offering a tremendous amount of impact, from home.”
In a bit of a surprise, The Bridgespan Group finished 2nd to ghSMART despite ranking 4th in the Vault Consulting 50. The reason is simple: Prestige was taken out of the equation, where Bridgespan ranked 18th and ghSMART didn’t crack the Top 50. The Potomac Point Group jumped four spots to #3, followed by DeciBio Consulting and Putnam Associates (which ranked 1st just three years ago). By the same token, several firms dropped substantially, led by Clearview Healthcare Partners. Ranked 2nd last year, Clearview tumbled to 19th. Blue Matter Consulting, last year’s #5, plunged all the way to #28.
Next Page: Historical Comparison — Bain, McKinsey, and BCG
Here is a look at how the big three compare head-to-head…and how their scores have changed over the past four years.
Next Page: Quality of Employment and Life Rankings
Here are the companies that earned the three highest survey scores for various employment categories measured by Vault.
1) Boston Consulting Group
2) McKinsey & Company
3) Bain & Company
1) Boston Consulting Group
2) ghSmart
3) Bain & Company
1) The Bridgespan Group
2) McKinsey & Company
3) Boston Consulting Group
Firm Culture
1) The Keystone Group
2) Bain & Company
3) DeciBio Consulting
Firm Leadership
1) Boston Consulting Group
2) Kx Advisors
3) Bain & Company
Formal Training
1) Health Advances
2) Bain & Company
3) McKinsey & Company
Health & Wellness
1) Boston Consulting Group
2) Bain & Company
3) McKinsey & Company
Hours in the Office
1) Ignyte Group
2) Eagle Hill Consulting
3) ghSmart
Informal Training
1) Bain & Company
2) McKinsey & Company
3) The Key Stone Group
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) DeciBio Consulting
Interaction with Clients
1) ghSMART
2) Kx Advisors
3) McKinsey & Company
Internal Mobility
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) Bain & Company
International Opportunities
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Applied Value
3) Roland Berger
Level of Challenge
1) ghSMART
2) McKinsey & Company
3) Bain & Company
Overall Business Outlook
1) Boston Consulting Group
2) Kx Advisors
3) The Bridgespan Group
Promotion Policies
1) Boston Consulting Group
2) Triangle Insights Group
3) Bain & Company
Relationships with Supervisors
1) Bain & Company
2) McKinsey & Company
3) DeciBio Consulting
1) ghSMART
2) Bain & Company
3) The Bridgespan Group
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Bain & Company
3) ghSmart
Work/Life Balance
1) Eagle Hill Consulting
2) ghSmart
3) Ignyte Group
Next Page: Practice Area Rankings
It isn’t part of the ranking, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. That’s what you could say about Vault Consulting 50’s assessment of how firms perform in various practice areas. To do this, Vault asks survey respondents to list up to three firms in each practice area where they work, with the caveat that they couldn’t vote for their own firm.
Among the 17 practices, McKinsey earned the highest percentage of votes in eight practice areas: Economics, Energy, Healthcare, Management, Operations, Pricing, Sales & Marketing, Retail, and Technology, Media, and Communications. Technically, this is a down year for McKinsey, which racked up the most votes in 10 areas last year, with BCG replacing them as the top firm for Environmental Sustainability and Strategy consulting.
Accenture also earned plenty of respect from consultants, holding the top spot for the areas of Data Analytics, IT Operations, and IT Strategy. The same is true of Deloitte Consulting, the top performer in Financial, Human Resources, and Public Sector consulting. As always, Lockheed Martin remained the big name for Defense consulting.
Data Analytics Consulting
1) Accenture
2) IBM Global Business Services
3) McKinsey & Company
Defense Consulting
1) Lockheed Martin Corporation (IT Consulting)
2) Northrop Grumman (IT Consulting)
3) Raytheon Professional Services
Economic Consulting
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) Bain & Company
Energy Consulting
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) Bain & Company
Environmental Sustainability Consulting
1) Boston Consulting Group
2) McKinsey & Company
3) Bain & Company
Financial Consulting
1) Deloitte Consulting LLP
2) Ernst & Young
3) McKinsey & Company
Health Care Consulting
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) ZS Associates
Human Resources Consulting
1) Deloitte Consulting LLP
2) McKinsey & Company
3) Willis Towers Watson
IT Operations Consulting
1) Accenture
2) IBM Global Business Services
3) Deloitte Consulting
IT Strategy Consulting
1) Accenture
2) IBM Global Business Services
3) Deloitte Consulting
Management Consulting
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) Bain & Company
Operations Consulting
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) Deloitte Consulting
Pricing, Sales & Marketing Consulting
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) Bain & Company
Public Sector Consulting
1) Deloitte Consulting LLP
2) Booz Allen Hamilton
3) Accenture
Retail Consulting
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) Bain & Company
Strategy Consulting
1) Boston Consulting Group
2) McKinsey & Company
3) Bain & Company
Technology, Media & Telecommunications Consulting
1) McKinsey & Company
2) Boston Consulting Group
3) Accenture
The post Top 50 Consulting Firms To Work For In 2022 appeared first on Poets&Quants.
The Consulting Report is pleased to announce The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022. This year’s awardees comprise some of the most trusted and influential professional services firms in the world. They help provide corporations, governments, and other types of organizations with analytics, insights, and counsel on a wide variety of matters. These firms help their clients solve their biggest problems, capitalize on opportunities, and in some cases, avoid costly mistakes. In a world changing faster than ever in nearly every respect, from technologically to culturally, consulting firms serve as an indispensable partner for any organization navigating its path to success.
By some estimates, there are thousands of consulting firms around the world. Based on nominations and our further proprietary research, we have selected the 50 best firms. While this year’s awardees offer their services across a wide variety of sectors and geographies, and often have very different methods of approaching the problems they solve, what they do have in common is the ability to produce results for their clients. Whether massive global firms or small boutiques, clients rely on these firms for revenue growth, operational improvements, human capital management, and digital transformation, among many other services. Please join us in celebrating The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022.
1. Kearney
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
Kearney is a leading global management consulting firm with more than 4,200 people working in more than 40 countries. We work with more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500, as well as with the most influential governmental and non-profit organizations.
Kearney is a partner-owned firm with a distinctive, collegial culture that transcends organizational and geographic boundaries—and it shows. Regardless of location or rank, our consultants are down to earth, approachable, and have a shared passion for doing innovative client work that provides clear benefits to the organizations we work with in both the short and long term.
Kearney consistently ranks high on a variety of lists for both the consulting industry and the wider business world. It has been ranked in the top 10 in Vault’s Consulting 50 multiple times, and in Consulting magazine’s Best Firms to Work For. It has also been named to Working Mother’s Top 100 Firms for Working Families and Women as well as to the Best Companies for Dads list. In addition, Human Rights Watch has consistently named it one of the Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.
2. Boston Consulting Group
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and one of the “Big Three” management consultancies. Founded in 1963 by Bruce Henderson, BCG partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. The firm focuses on delivering integrated solutions through leading-edge management consulting, technology and design, and corporate and digital ventures. BCG is driven by more than 25,000 employees across 90-plus offices in over 50 countries and regions.
BCG boasts expertise in a wide array of industries, including aerospace and defense, automotive, oil and gas, consumer products, and more. The firm has received many awards for its workplace equality, global culture, and environmental records, including the Human Rights Campaign Award for Workplace Equality Innovation.
3. Deloitte
Headquarters: New York, NY
Professional services network Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (commonly referred to as simply “Deloitte”) continues to set the bar high for services including analytics and cloud computing. It’s hard to find something at which this star of professional advising is less than excellent, from business strategy and data analytics to risk assessment and enterprise technology, with the firm’s AI Institute being a standout in the world of artificial intelligence research and development.
Deloitte is a storied institution that traces its roots back to its founding in 1845. It is one of the largest professional services networks in the world, with annual aggregated revenue nearing $50 billion, and the firm is highly respected for its forecasts regarding the world of technology and work. In 2019 and 2020, Gartner stated that Deloitte was the No. 1 consulting service provider worldwide by revenue.
4. Bain & Company
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Bain & Company is a global management consulting firm headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and with 63 offices in 38 countries around the world. Founded in 1973, Bain is one of the “Big Three” management consultancies (along with McKinsey & Co. and Boston Consulting Group). The firm boasts a workforce of more than 14,000 professionals who provide guidance to public, private, and non-profit organizations of all sizes.
Bain has received many awards and accolades, including being named to the top three of Glassdoor’s 2022 “Best Places to Work” list. The firm has also made a 10-year commitment to invest more than $1 billion in pro bono services to bring its expertise and insight to organizations tackling today’s urgent challenges in education, racial equity, social justice, economic development, and the environment.
5. Oliver Wyman
Headquarters: New York, NY
Frequently named among the top management firms in the world, Oliver Wyman has served more than 1,000 global clients over the past 50 years. Founded in New York City during the mid-1980s (by former Booz Allen Hamilton partners Alex Oliver and Bill Wyman), the firm has since become the fastest-growing management consulting firm today. It has more than 60 offices in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific and employs over 5,000 professionals.
While the firm offers a wide range of consulting services, it is best known for its work within banking and financial services. In fact, it serves more than 80% of the world’s largest 100 financial institutions – and in 2021 it reported $2.5 billion in annual revenue. In addition to financial success, the firm frequently receives top accolades from the likes of Fortune, The Financial Times, and Vault. Indeed, it has ranked in the top 10 of Vault’s best consulting firms since the list was created in 2001.
6. McKinsey & Company
Headquarters: New York, NY
No other firm in the world has as much consulting prestige as McKinsey & Company. It has consistently been the #1 most valued brand in the consulting industry and is associated with cutting-edge strategic approaches. Since 1926 when James O. McKinsey, a University of Chicago professor, opened a consulting office in Chicago, the firm has provided strategic advice to corporations and other organizations.
Now based in New York City, much of the firm’s success stems from its unique culture of hard work and zealous employees. As a result, McKinsey’s alumni pool has generated the greatest number of Fortune 500 CEOs. The consulting firm opened its first international office in London in 1959 – and has expanded steadily since. It now boasts over 30,000 employees, 130+ offices around the globe, and more than $10 billion in annual revenue, making it the biggest pure consulting firm in the world.
7. Capgemini
Headquarters: Paris, France
Digital transformation and consulting firm Capgemini works to bring innovative solutions to corporate clients around the world. Included in its wide range of expertise are achievements in the fields of AI, cybersecurity, cloud infrastructure development, and business operations. Capgemini’s revolutionary Platform AI and analytics portfolio is a standout example of how the firm has been able to offer scaled data transformation at an unmatched level.
Capgemini operated as a small data processing firm from its launch in 1967 until its acquisitions of computer and data companies in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. Now, more than 50 years into its history, Capgemini boasts more than 270,000 employees in dozens of countries. In June 2021, Capgemini partnered with Sanofi, Orange & Generali to launch Future4care, a European start-up accelerator focused on digital healthcare.
8. Booz Allen Hamilton
Headquarters: McLean, VA
For more than a century, Booz Allen Hamilton has been a leading management consulting firm, serving military, government, and business organizations around the world. With headquarters in McLean, Virginia – in the Greater Washington, D.C. area – and 80 other global offices, Booz Allen is made of approximately 29,200 engineers, scientists, software developers, technologists, and consultants. The firm provides expertise in industries including cybersecurity, data analytics, and digital technologies.
Booz Allen has been consistently recognized as an industry-leader in corporate citizenship, employee empowerment, and executive leadership. Among the firm’s many awards, Booz Allen is a three-time honoree of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies®” award from the Ethisphere Institute. The firm is also committed to sharing its diversity and equity values, as well as its environmental, social, and governance practices.
9. Alvarez & Marsal
Headquarters: New York, NY
Founded in 1983, Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) is a global professional services firm notable for its work in turnaround management and performance improvement of several large, high-profile businesses both in the U.S. and abroad. Its clients have included Lehman Brothers, HealthSouth, Tribune Company, Warnaco, Interstate Bakeries, Target, Darden Restaurants, and Arthur Andersen. The firm’s founders, Tony Alvarez II and Bryan Marsal, have led the firm in a fact-driven and action-oriented manner, sharing duties as co-Chief Executive Officers and working to help clients turn areas of stagnation into growth to achieve sustainable results.
With over 6,000 people across four continents, A&M delivers tangible results for corporations, private equity firms, law firms, and government agencies facing complex challenges. The firm is committed to a culture of inclusion and diversity and a focus on community engagement.
10. Arthur D. Little
Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium
Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, Arthur D. Little (ADL) is an international management consulting firm with over a century of heritage. The firm was founded in 1886 and formally incorporated in 1909 by Arthur Dehon Little, a scientist instrumental in developing chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Named for its founder, the firm pioneered the concept of contracted professional services and played a key role in the development of the word processor, the first synthetic penicillin, LexisNexis, SABRE, and NASDAQ.
ADL is also an innovator of business strategy and operations research, which it has honed during its more than 130-year history. The firm boasts 40 offices globally and more than 1,500 experts and professionals; it’s also regularly recognized as one of «America’s Best Management Consulting Firms» by Forbes, among other accolades.
11. EY Parthenon
Headquarters: Boston, MA
EY Parthenon, with the well-known shorthand of EY-P or EYP, is Ernst & Young’s global strategy consulting division. First originated as The Parthenon Group, LLC in 1991 by William «Bill» Achtmeyer and John C. Rutherford, two former Bain & Company directors, it eventually merged with professional services firm Ernst & Young to create the entity EY-Parthenon. This merger was a bold gambit from a Big Four contender to step up its value chain efforts, moving beyond audit services to embark on new business ventures and give its clients various new points of entry.
EYP arms C-suites with strategic guidance in a wide swath of industries, including private equity, consumer products, education, financial services, healthcare, information and media, advanced manufacturing, life sciences, oil and gas, and technology. Going to bat against the likes of Bain, McKinsey, and BCG, as well as other strategy consulting offshoots for Big Four firms, EYP often rises above its competitors in industry rankings by honing in on its ambitious corporate strategy and private equity undertakings.
12. FTI Consulting
Headquarters: Washington, D.C.
FTI Consulting, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is counted among the largest financial consulting firms in the world, typically ranking highly in consulting firm industry listings. The firm is specifically a titan in the fields of corporate finance and restructuring, economic consulting, forensic and litigation consulting, strategic communications, and technology. Founded in 1982 as Forensic Technologies International, Ltd, FTI operates in just under 30 countries with an employee base of more than 6,200.
The firm has leveraged its substantial consulting prowess in a number of high-profile, media-centric cases, including the investigation into the Bernard Madoff fraud, the Lehman Brothers and General Motors bankruptcies, the Bush v. Gore case, and the Major League Baseball steroid investigations of January 2020. In recent history, FTI is known to have had the biggest restructuring business in the U.S.
FTI’s five business segments cover a broad range of services. Corporate Finance and Restructuring provides business turnaround services, including support for restructuring, litigation, insolvency, and interim management. Economic & Financial Consulting offers economic analysis and expert testimony for law firms, corporations, and government agencies. Forensic and Litigation Consulting covers investigative data analysis and forensic accounting services as well as construction solutions services. Strategic Communications handles public relations services for customers managing financial, regulatory and reputational challenges. And Technology, a latent source of boosted revenue for the firm, provides specialized software to manage ediscovery risks.
13. L.E.K. Consulting
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Since being founded in 1983 by three Bain & Company partners – James Lawrence, Iain Evans, and Richard Koch – L.E.K. has become a major player in the global management consulting space. With over 1,400 employees and 21 offices worldwide, the firm brings in roughly $500 million in annual revenue. While L.E.K. services nearly all industries and functions, it is best regarded for its work in healthcare and private equity.
Major project achievements include assisting the U.K. government on the privatization of passenger train operating companies in the mid-1990s, providing strategic and commercial advice on the world’s largest airline merger in 2007, and opening its fifth European office in Madrid, Spain in 2021. Among its numerous awards, in 2007 L.E.K. was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for international trade and export. The following year, L.E.K. became the first global major management consulting firm to hold carbon neutral status.
14. KPMG
Headquarters: New York, NY
British-Dutch multinational professional services network KPMG International Limited, often shortened to KPMG, is well known as one of the Big Four accounting organizations. It operates as an extensive network of firms in 145 countries with an employee base of more than 236,000. KPMG’s three primary lines of services cover financial audit, tax, and advisory concerns, with its tax and advisory services further divided into a number of specific service groups.
KPMG provides adept consultation for highly varied situations. The firm’s extensive client base spans an impressive 16 different industry sectors: banking and capital markets; insurance; investment management; building, construction, and real estate; alternative investments; industrial manufacturing; retail; food, drink, and consumer goods; energy, natural resources, and chemicals; government and public sector; healthcare and pharmaceuticals; technology; high growth mid-market and venture capital; media and telecommunications; private equity; and high growth emerging markets.
15. SAIC
Headquarters: Reston, VA
Certain industries require especially high degrees of accuracy and security, and the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is the firm trusted most by governments and other entities with IT support for sensitive, high-end missions. With next-level solutions in IT modernization and engineering on offer, SAIC is a critical supplier of IT expertise to the space, defense, and intelligence industries.
Spun off in 2013 from an earlier corporation, SAIC has spent the better part of the last decade leading the charge to bring the benefits of deep engineering expertise to government and civilian clients. The IT services brought to life by this firm include top-tier cyber, cloud, and enterprise IT service delivery.
16. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Headquarters: New York, NY
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a behemoth in the world of accounting and consulting services. Along with Deloitte, EY, and KPMG, PwC is recognized for being one of the Big Four accounting firms. It provides services to 420 out of 500 Fortune 500 companies, making it the second largest professional services firm in the world. While the firm in its present form was created in 1998 (by a merger between two accounting firms: Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse), its legacy can be traced back to the middle of the nineteenth century, when it was founded in the U.K.
Today, it employs over 280,000 people who operate in more than 150 countries around the world. Among its services, PwC offers its clients tax, audit, insurance, and consulting services in the fields of aerospace, defense, automotive, banking, health, insurance, and technology, among others. Recognized as the fourth-largest privately owned firm in the U.S., PwC’s global revenues were a whopping $42.4 billion for the 2019 fiscal year. In addition, as of 2020, PwC US has been on Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For in the US for 16 years.
17. Teneo
Headquarters: New York, NY
Teneo was founded in June 2011 by Declan Kelly, Paul Keary, and Doug Band and currently has more than 1,450 employees located in 40 offices. CVC Capital Partners, to which Teneo sold a majority stake in 2019 at a total valuation of around $700 million, has described Teneo’s core service as «providing strategic and communications services, which covers a wide array of engagements such as customer communications, crisis management, investor relations, digital and social media consulting, executive recruitment, and litigation management.»
Teneo works exclusively with the CEOs and senior executives of the world’s leading companies, providing strategic counsel across their full range of key objectives and issues. Its clients include a significant number of the Fortune 100 and FTSE 100, as well as other corporations, financial institutions, and organizations. The firm is widely known for solving for the most complex business challenges and opportunities by integrating a wide variety of disciplines.
18. Ernst & Young
Headquarters: New York, NY
Consulting powerhouse Ernst & Young Global Limited, commonly referred to as EY, is a multinational professional services network with an impressive international reach that has powered its status as one of the biggest service networks in the world. It is often the first firm mentioned when industry experts discuss the Big Four accounting firms, keeping competitive pace with its rivals Deloitte, KPMG, and PwC.
EY is known for offering assurance (financial audit), consulting, tax, and advisory services to its customers. The firm has followed the trends of the sector by augmenting its service portfolio to include markets adjacent to accounting, adding strategy, operations, HR, technology, and financial services consulting. Functioning as an expansive network of member firms, EY’s 700 worldwide offices employ over 300,000 team members in more than 150 countries.
The firm, initially not officially known by its initialism, came into being through the 1989 merger of two accounting firms, Ernst & Whinney and Arthur Young & Co. The EY rebranding campaign of 2013 solidified what had been an informal moniker.
As of 2019, EY’s strong U.S. presence has made it into the seventh-largest privately owned organization in the nation. For the past 20+ years, Fortune magazine has consistently included the firm in its list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For, beating out the streaks of other leading accounting firms.
19. Mercer
Headquarters: New York, NY
Mercer LLC is the world’s largest human resources consulting firm. It specializes in helping clients by improving the most important asset for every organization: its people. Headquartered in New York City, Mercer exudes a large global presence, with more than 25,000 employees operating in more than 130 countries.
The firm, which has been ranked the #1 HR Consulting Firm by Vault for several years running, is arguably the top global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement, and asset management. Furthermore, Mercer is not a stand-alone firm. It’s a subsidiary of parent company Marsh & McLennan – the consulting giant that earns annual revenue of nearly $20 billion. Globally, Mercer is also the largest investment consultant and delegated services (OCIO) provider, with over $15 trillion in assets under advisement (as of June 2020) and over $300 billion in assets under management (as of September 2020).
20. Protiviti
Headquarters: Menlo Park and San Ramon, CA
With more than 5,000 employees across 85+ offices in over 25 countries, global consulting firm Protiviti has made tremendous progress during the past two decades. In 2002, Protiviti was formed with the recruitment of more than 700 Arthur Andersen staffers (in the wake of its collapse), including some 50 partners of the firm. Since then, Protiviti has expanded rapidly, reporting revenue that surpassed the $1 billion mark for the 2019 fiscal year.
The firm specializes in risk and advisory services with an internal audit expertise that spans a variety of areas. The services offered include helping companies identify, measure, and manage operational and technology-related risks as well as providing internal audit services, technologies, and skills for business risk management throughout the world. Headquartered in Menlo Park and San Ramon, California, Protiviti boasts a clientele that includes over 60% of Fortune 1000 and 35% of Fortune Global 500 companies.
21. IBM iX
Headquarters: Armonk, NY
With headquarters in Armonk, New York and more than 10,000 employees, IBM’s consulting branch IBM iX is now one of the largest digital and design consultancies worldwide, with roughly 60 studios as well as wide-reaching global network of strategists, designers, developers, and data architects leveraging deep industry and ISV expertise.
IBM iX provides hybrid data management solutions powered by AI that carry the advantages of a modernized information architecture, simplifying data collection and management as well as making processes smarter with automation containerization built on open platforms. The firm additionally gives its clients authentic end-to-end capabilities at scale, from experience strategy to the design, delivery, and optimization of employee/customer experiences. It collaborates with a peerless ecosystem of partners such as Adobe, Salesforce, Samsung, Apple, and SAP to drive value and differentiation through outstanding customer experiences. This year, IBM teamed up with the USTA to deliver all-new, all-virtual signature experiences for the U.S. Open, leveraging both IBM Watson® and IBM Cloud®.
22. Publicis Sapient
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Featuring a visionary startup mindset and the engineering prowess of an industry veteran, Publicis Sapient is a unique, creative digital transformation firm that’s upping the game for IT services. With an eye toward innovating for the next generation of tech, Publicis Sapient brings to the table a comprehensive array of IT services in enterprise platforms, digital product management, customer experience, and more.
Publicis Sapient has a fascinating history of collaboration and cross-pollination with its French parent company, Publicis, and its fellow subsidiary Sapient Razorfish. Now, Publicis Sapient is working with Microsoft and other tech firms to transform how groceries are delivered, how people travel safely, and much more.
23. Marsh
Headquarters: New York, NY
Marsh knows that managing risk in today’s environment is complex. That’s why the globally acclaimed multinational firm provides data driven risk advisory services and insurance solutions to its clients. The firm’s roots stretch back to the first decade of the twentieth century, after one of its founders studied railroad risk and insurance needs by spending 30 days riding the rails. At the time, the firm was known as Marsh & McLennan. Today, it’s known simply as Marsh, a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan.
With more than 800 risk, claims, safety, and industry-specific specialists in more than 40 countries around the globe, Marsh is primarily concerned with representing commercial interests searching for insurance coverage. The firm’s clients in this area include large multinational companies, high growth middle-market businesses, small commercial enterprises, and high net-worth private clients. Remarkably, Marsh’s $5.98 billion in 2016 revenue accounted for 45% of the parent company’s total fiscal year revenue.
24. Raytheon Technologies
Headquarters: Waltham, MA
Raytheon Professional Services (RPS) is part of Raytheon Technologies (RTX), one of the largest defense contractors in the world. Headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, RTX researches, develops, and manufactures advanced technology products in the aerospace and defense industry – including aircraft engines, cybersecurity, guided missiles, air defense systems, satellites, and drones.
The firm, which gets a significant portion of its revenue from the U.S. government, is the result of the 2020 merger between the aerospace subsidiaries of United Technologies Corporation and the Raytheon Company. Furthermore, the RPS segment provides tailored solutions for customers – commercial, government, and military – who are not just based in the U.S., but rather located across the globe. As experts in technology integration, RPS develops and delivers solutions that use the right technologies, tools, and processes to help with a single training element or a comprehensive, enterprise-wide program.
25. Willis Towers Watson
Headquarters: Arlington, VA
Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company is a British-American multinational risk management, insurance brokerage, and advisory firm with roots dating back to 1828. Willis Towers Watson (now called WTW) is the third largest insurance broker in the world, operates in more than 140 countries, and has a workforce of more than 45,000 employees. The firm was formed as a merger of equals between London-based Willis Group Holdings plc and Arlington, VA-based Towers Watson & Co. in early 2016.
WTW provides data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk, and capital that makes organizations more resilient, motivates workforces, and maximizes performance. It is known for its strong client focus, an emphasis on teamwork, unwavering integrity, mutual respect, and a constant striving for excellence.
26. ZS Associates
Headquarters: Evanston, IL
ZS Associates was founded in 1983 by two professors at Northwestern University who developed sales force alignment models using the world’s first personal-computer-aided territory mapping system. Now, it is a major management consulting and professional services firm focusing on consulting, software, and technology and provides services for clients in healthcare, private equity, and technology. The firm continues to offer sales force alignment service to this day, in addition to a range of professional services, many of which are supported by advanced analytics. It employs more than 10,000 employees in 25 offices in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
ZS has been awarded for its firm culture by Consulting magazine several years in a row and was chosen by Forbes magazine as one of America’s best management and consulting firms in 2019. The firm has also been recognized by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation for earning 100 percent on its Annual Corporate Equality Index for LGBTQ workplace equality.
27. Cognizant
Headquarters: Teaneck, NJ
As an industry leader in business consulting, outsourcing, and information technology solutions, Cognizant has long been hailed for its results and resilience. With nearly 300,000 employees working from home since March 2020, Cognizant continues to expand its reputation for quality digital solutions and workplace innovation, with particular focus on its Work Ahead AI action and research initiative.
Initially an in-house tech unit for data analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet, Cognizant has achieved remarkable growth over the past decades, rising to the top 200 of the Fortune 500 list last year. Since 2018, Cognizant has also been at the forefront of using blockchain technologies to facilitate secure data sharing between companies.
28. CohnReznick LLP
Headquarters: New York, NY
With over a century’s worth of experience, nearly 4,000 global team members, and 25 locations including global subsidiaries, CohnReznick LLP serves clients in 30 different industries through an integrated team of advisory, assurance, and tax professionals. The firm’s Nexia International affiliation expands its reach to more than 128 countries.
In serving its many stakeholders, CohnReznick is committed to its role as a value creator and force for change in promoting sustainability, social justice, and proactive corporate governance. The firm has held a leadership position in community investment for more than 35 years and a 15-year commitment to the cleantech and renewable energy industries. CohnReznick’s history of social advocacy has helped strengthen housing policies and paved the way for emerging industries like cannabis.
CohnReznick recently launched its Gamechangers in ESG Awards program to recognize U.S. businesses that are “changing the game” through their commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies and practices. With an entry deadline of June 30, 2022 and winners announced in the fall, the program provides a platform for organizations to communicate their ESG stories and be recognized for their accomplishments – whether they are just starting their ESG journey or are well on their way.
29. Charles River Associates
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Charles River Associates (CRA) is a global consulting firm specializing in management consulting and economic litigation. Founded in 1965, CRA offers economic, financial, and strategic expertise to major law firms, corporations, accounting firms, and governments around the world. The firm is fueled by a combination of cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art methods, and proven experience, and includes a diverse team of more than 800 professionals from over 50 countries.
CRA provides a wide range of solutions to organizations in communications, retail and distribution, life sciences, energy, and other industries, and its services include analytics, forensic accounting, mergers and acquisitions, and more. The firm is routinely recognized as one of the top 10 consulting companies in fraud, forensic, and investigation services. Among its clients, CRA counts a large number of Fortune 500 companies and Am Law 100 firms.
30. Bates White Economic Consulting
Headquarters: Washington, D.C.
Bates White Economic Consulting is a privately-held consulting firm specializing in advanced economic, financial, and econometric analysis for law firms, corporations, and government agencies. Founded in 1999 by Charles Bates and Halbert White, the firm currently has one office in Washington, D.C., with nearly 300 employees. Bates White boasts expertise in a wide array of sectors, including antitrust, media and communication, finance, healthcare, and many others, and its clients include several Fortune 500 companies.
In its 20-plus-year history, Bates White has received a number of awards and accolades from industry experts celebrating the firm as a top place to work or internship at. Since 2009, Global Competition Review has included Bates White in its annual «Economics 20» for top antitrust and competition economics consultancies every year.
31. CSG Government Solutions
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
CSG Government Solutions (CSG) is a national leader in IT management consulting for complex projects that modernize the technology and business processes of large government programs. CSG provides project related services including planning and strategy, program and project management, independent verification and validation, quality assurance, organizational change management, testing, system security, and federal compliance.
CSG works with its clients collaboratively to deliver results. Its clients include more than 200 government organizations across 47 states and territories, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Labor, and large municipal governments. The operation of CSG’s business is characterized by The CSG Way, an environment that emphasizes teamwork, communication, and consistent high-quality work. Over the years, CSG has attracted many of the most respected senior experts in the government programs they serve.
Established in 1997, CSG recently celebrated 25 years serving as a trusted advisor to the public sector. Along with being named one of The Consulting Report’s Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022, CSG has also been named one of America’s Best Management Consulting Firms five years in a row (2018-2022) by Forbes magazine.
32. Crowe
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
Crowe LLP is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm headquartered in Chicago and with offices around the world. Crowe uses its deep industry expertise to provide audit services to public and private entities. The firm and its subsidiaries also help clients make decisions that lead to lasting value with its tax, advisory, and consulting services. Crowe is recognized by many organizations as one of the best places to work in the U.S.
As an independent member of Crowe Global, one of the largest global accounting networks in the world, Crowe serves clients worldwide. The network consists of more than 200 independent accounting and advisory services firms in more than 130 countries around the world. Crowe is driven by a workforce of more than 4,400 professionals and experts, and has been recognized by Fortune’s 100 Best Companies To Work For list.
33. Grant Thornton LLP
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
Grant Thornton LLP is one of America’s largest audit, tax and consulting firms. The firm offers tailored solutions to a broad range of publicly- and privately-held organizations across a wide range of industries, government agencies, financial institutions, and civic and religious organizations. With revenues of $1.97 billion, 51 offices, and more than 9,000 problem-solvers across the U.S., the firm is also the largest member of the Grant Thornton International Ltd global network.
In pursuit of Grant Thornton’s purpose to make business more personal and build trust into every result, Grant Thornton consultants focus on relationships, quality and comprehensive service. The firm has experienced professionals in almost 20 industry groups who consult on nearly every aspect of business, from finance and technology to operations and compliance as well as risk mitigation, mergers and acquisitions, strategy, cybersecurity and workforce management. Further, Grant Thornton consultants are consistently awarded with some of the industry’s top accolades.
The firm’s commitment to client relationships is only matched by a commitment to its people. Grant Thornton’s award-winning, people-first culture prioritizes mentorship and colleague care, and the firm continuously reviews and enhances its benefits to ensure it promotes work-life balance and strengthens every aspect of its colleagues’ health.
34. Kenway Consulting
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
Technology and management consulting firm Kenway specializes in technology solution delivery, enterprise program leadership, and information insight. Founded in June of 2004 on the core principles of being good and being truthful, the firm has a resolute vision «to transform business by doing what is right,» with a critical stated focus on helping businesses achieve their objectives through the enablement and enhancement of both process and technology.
The «doing what is right» credo permeates its firm culture, leading Kenway to continually be included in the top ranks of best companies for work-life balance listings. This includes placing in Best Places To Work In Chicago in 2020 and 2021 and being honored as one of the Best and Brightest Companies to Work For by the National Association for Business Resources for four consecutive years.
The firm’s banner Technology Solution Delivery capability is how it enables people and processes via strength of technology. This features the establishment and alignment of overall IT strategy with a client’s business strategy, and further delves into formation of solution architecture, design, and development for custom-built or enterprise package solutions.
35. Kroll
Headquarters: New York, NY
Serving more than 50% of the S&P 500, corporate recovery specialist Kroll, LLC is no stranger to receiving honors for being one of the top consulting firms in the world. Established in 1932 as Duff & Phelps, the firm has since added more than 30 complimentary companies to its robust portfolio. This includes the 2018 acquisition of Kroll, which was used in the firm’s renaming process that was completed in 2022. The acquisition valued Kroll at just north of $4 billion.
Headquartered in New York City, the firm now has nearly 5,000 employees across 30 countries and territories. Over the years, Kroll has been hired by multinational corporations and governments alike to investigate a wide range of issues. Kroll advises clients in the key areas of valuation, corporate finance, disputes and investigations, cyber security, and regulatory issues – but the firm is arguably best known for its work in administration processes.
36. Putnam
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Pharma consultancy Putnam Associates – rebranded Putnam last year– made headlines in 2019 when it was acquired by healthcare giant UDG in an $88 million deal, which has allowed Putnam to strengthen its foothold in the rapidly expanding life sciences industry. Since being launched in 1998, the firm has grown significantly, and now has over 200 employees across offices in Boston, London, New York, and San Francisco.
Unlike many consulting firms, it’s a specialist, and tends to focus on a wide spectrum of areas within the life sciences industry. That’s good news for its client roster, which has grown steadily to include 19 of the top 20 global biopharmaceutical companies. Meanwhile, Putnam has also become the strategic partner of choice for venture-backed biotech companies, franchises, and a range of others in the life sciences space. In 2021, Putnam received numerous top honors, including being ranked by Vault as the #1 Consulting Firm for Health and Wellness.
37. Stax
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Stax is a global management consulting firm serving corporate and private equity clients across a broad range of industries including software/technology, healthcare, business services, industrial, consumer & retail, and education. The firm partners with clients to provide data-driven, actionable insights designed to drive growth, enhance profits, increase value, and make better investment decisions.
Stax was founded in Boston in 1994 and currently boasts more than 180 professionals in offices in Boston, Chicago, New York, and Colombo, Sri Lanka. It is proud to have established relationships spanning over two decades or longer with public and private corporations, private equity firms, their portfolio operations groups, and portfolio companies. About 25% of its work comes from clients in Europe and Asia and 40% has a major international component.
38. Tata Consultancy Services
Headquarters: Mumbai, India
By the latest reckonings, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is the largest and most valuable IT services provider in the world. It’s no understatement to say that the Mumbai-based firm possesses top-level talent on a wide variety of IT services, but it is perhaps best known for its work in application development and management as well as its work in enterprise solutions and outsourcing – particularly its lauded enterprise application TCS Crystallus.
With nearly 300 offices and 150 delivery centers worldwide, TCS has posted impressive financial gains even during the time of COVID-19, with operating income in excess of $6 billion as of 2021. TCS cloud platforms are fostering development across Asia, and the firm’s ADD Safety software was recently granted an award for using AI to radically improve pharmacological outcomes.
39. Syneos Health
Headquarters: Morrisville, NC
Based in Morrisville, North Carolina, Syneos Health is a biopharmaceutical solutions management consulting firm making waves in the life sciences industry. It was created in 2017 from the merger of INC Research and inVentiv Health – the parent company of a subsidiary, Syneos. The firm’s current name is intended to communicate the value of helping customers on both the clinical and commercial side.
Following the merger, more than 27,000 talented Syneos Health individuals now form one unique brand that offers a mix of research and advisory services. The pitch seems to be working, as Syneos Health continues to grow and currently boasts customers in more than 110 countries. In 2021, the firm reported annual revenue of $5.21 billion, a roughly 18.1% increase over the $4.42 billion it reported in 2020.
40. The Bridgespan Group
Headquarters: Boston, MA
The Bridgespan Group is a U.S. nonprofit organization launched in 1999 and based in Boston, Massachusetts that provides management consulting to nonprofits and philanthropists. In addition to consulting, Bridgespan makes case studies freely available on its website and publications. It’s stated mission is to build a better world by strengthening the ability of mission-driven organizations and philanthropists to achieve breakthrough results in addressing society’s most important challenges and opportunities.
Bridgespan was founded by Thomas Tierney, formerly Managing Director of Bain & Company; Harvard Business School professor Jeffrey Bradach; and Paul Carttar, formerly a Vice President at Bain & Company. Over the years, the organization has received substantial support from Bain, with whom it has maintained a close relationship. It specializes in helping clients to affect the greatest possible change with their charitable donations, and advises clients against spreading donations too thinly so «that they have no real impact. Bridgespan has advised the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and Bloomberg Philanthropies.
41. The Keystone Group
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
Founded in 1991 by Andy Rolfe, who formerly worked for Andersen Consulting, The Keystone Group is a results-oriented management consulting firm serving mid-market manufacturing and distribution clients and their stakeholders. With offices in Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles, its small, experienced teams create value for clients through growth strategy, operational improvement, financial restructuring, and acquisition integration. With active partner engagement, Keystone’s teams develop and implement recommendations to address its clients’ most complex business challenges.
Rolfe founded Keystone with the goal of creating a firm that placed service to its clients above its own interests. He believed that if his firm always strove to do what was best for its clients, it would in turn end up working out well for the firm. Since 1991, the firm has been working side-by-side with clients, fostering long-term relationships and delivering tangible, sustainable results. In 2021, Keystone was recognized as a top consulting firm to work for in Vault’s 2021 Consulting Firm Rankings. It was named the #13 Best Consulting Firm, #4 Best Boutique Consulting Firm, and #1 for Best Firm Culture.
42. Kaiser Associates
Headquarters: Washington, D.C.
Boutique strategy consulting firm Kaiser Associates was founded in 1981 with a basic but perceptive mission of helping executives follow through on informed strategic and operational decisions by incorporating external insight and analysis. From the firm’s outset, it has specialized in and set the operational standard for steering fact-based strategy and implementation.
Kaiser Associates was founded as a spin-off from Strategic Planning Associates (now Oliver Wyman) by Michael Kaiser and is now based both in Washington D.C., and London, with a third office in São Paulo. Featuring an unparalleled 360° research capability as well as rigorous analytic capabilities, the firm has earned a stellar reputation due to its benchmarking, competitive analysis, ability to listen to the voice of the customer, commercial diligence, work supporting investment decisions, and other externally driven strategic development work. The firm is a preferred thought partner to the world’s most highly valued corporations, PE firms, and government entities, guiding them in turning their most difficult obstacles into extraordinary growth and productivity opportunities.
43. Cornerstone Research
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Founded in 1989, Cornerstone Research is a litigation consulting firm based in San Francisco, California. Cornerstone Research provides economic and financial analysis and expert testimony to attorneys, corporations, and government agencies involved in complex litigation and regulatory proceedings. The firm prides itself on its creative and energetic staff, cutting-edge technology and research, and its work with academic and industry experts. Cornerstone boasts a workforce of more than 700 professionals across eight offices in the United States and United Kingdom.
Cornerstone also collaborates on the «Securities Class Action Clearinghouse» in conjunction with the Stanford University Law School, providing summary information regarding federal class action securities litigation in the U.S. The firm was recognized in the 2021 Vault Consulting 50 list of the best consulting firms to work for.
44. Huron
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
Global consulting firm Huron Consulting pledges to deliver sustainable, long-lasting results to its clients, providing deep expertise in advisory services covering technology, strategy, operations, and analytics to drive results in industries such as higher education, healthcare, commerce, and life sciences. The firm also offers guidance and support to organizations as they navigate the changes transforming their industries and businesses. Huron, which was founded in Chicago, Illinois 20 years ago, has just under 4,000 employees across 25 locations in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
Huron Consulting specializes in helping its client organizations navigate change and economic pressures in various dynamic environments. Since the firm’s founding just after the turn of the century, it has provided guidance for more than 450 health systems, hospitals, and academic medical centers as well as approximately 400 colleges, universities, and research institutions and over 125 life sciences organizations. Huron’s client base also features hundreds of Fortune 500 companies as well as small and midsize businesses. With the consultation of Huron, clients have been empowered to improve performance, resolve disputes, leverage technology, comply with complex regulations, recover from distress, and stimulate expeditious growth.
45. ClearView Healthcare Partners
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2007, ClearView Healthcare Partners is a global strategy consulting firm serving the life sciences sector. ClearView combines international industry knowledge and deep scientific expertise across a range of therapeutic areas with an extensive network of external stakeholders to deliver practical and actionable recommendations. The firm’s projects include cross-functional support at the corporate, franchise, and product levels for pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and diagnostics companies worldwide.
ClearView is a boutique firm with a workforce of more than 400 professionals across offices in Boston, San Francisco, London, and Zurich, Switzerland. The firm’s clients include a broad range of operating companies in the life sciences, from medical device and pharmaceutical companies to investors in the life sciences fields. Among other awards, they were recognized in the 2021 Vault Consulting 50 list of top employers.
46. The Brattle Group
Headquarters: Boston, MA
The Brattle Group provides consulting services and expert testimony in economics, finance, and regulation to corporations, law firms, and public agencies. It is distinguished by the clarity of its insights and the credibility of its experts, which include leading international academics and industry specialists. The firm has more than 500 employees across 13 offices in North America, Europe, and Asia.
The Brattle Group’s clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations, as well as U.S. and international regulatory and government agencies. 80% of AmLaw 100 firms, 50% of Fortune 100 companies, and 25% of Fortune 500 companies use The Brattle Group’s expert services. Each year, the firm presents the Brattle Prize at the American Finance Association’s annual meeting. The award is given for outstanding papers on corporate finance published in the Journal of Finance.
47. The Chartis Group
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
The Chartis Group is at the vanguard of healthcare, helping leading healthcare organizations navigate the future of care delivery. It is the nation’s leading healthcare advisory firm and has an unparalleled breadth of capabilities and depth of experience. From reshaping the healthcare ecosystem, to redefining how care is delivered and financed, Chartis helps its clients achieve meaningful and lasting results.
The Chartis Group consists of more than 550 talented professionals across four offices in Boston, Chicago, New York, and San Francisco with the experience and capabilities required to transform healthcare. 90% of the hospitals on the «Best Hospitals Honor Roll” by U.S. News & World Report work with the firm, and it serves more than 600 healthcare organizations annually. It has also been the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions, including being named one of Modern Healthcare’s Best Places to Work 2021 and Best in KLAS in four different categories in 2022: Healthcare Management Consulting, Digital Transformation Consulting, HIT Advisory Services, and Financial Improvement Consulting.
48. Keystone Strategy
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Serving a bevy of global brands and leading law firms from its offices in Boston, San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle, Keystone Strategy provides strategy and economics consulting fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit as well as dedication to collaborating with clients and peers. Keystone’s rich expertise in strategy, economics, data analysis, product development, intellectual property, and antitrust make it stand out in the consulting industry. The firm teams up with a multitude of Fortune 50 technology companies as well as global consumer brands such as Facebook, GE, Intel, Roche, Amazon, Microsoft, and Oracle.
Keystone combines the strategic insights of leading academic experts from Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Wharton, and other top universities with the practical industry expertise of its accomplished network of professionals to deliver extraordinary impact. Its diverse teams leverage expertise in business, technology, and economics, and as a result, their work includes digital transformation, innovation, AI/ML, data analytics, algorithms, ecosystem strategy, process optimization, antitrust, intellectual property, and tax transfer expertise.
49. NERA Economic Consulting
Headquarters: New York, NY
Described by The New York Times as «one of the country’s oldest and best-known economic consultancies,” NERA Economic Consulting, Inc. is the go-to consulting firm for many high-profile disputes and legal cases around the globe. NERA was launched in 1961 as National Economic Research Associates. Notably, it was the first consulting firm dedicated to methodically applying rigorous microeconomic thought to litigation and regulatory matters. As such, its consultants use hard economic data to make their case, drawing on the firm’s expertise in fields like statistics and computer science.
Currently, NERA employs more than 500 professionals, including 425 economists, who provide a plethora of services – from creating strategies to providing expert testimony and policy recommendations – for corporations, government authorities, and the world’s leading law firms. Since 1983, when NERA was acquired, it has remained a part of the Oliver Wyman Group, a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. In 2018, NERA was ranked second in Vault’s annual survey of the top firms in economic consulting.
50. Insigniam
Headquarters: Narberth, PA
Founded in 1990, Insigniam handles enterprise-scale transformation, transformational leadership, and managing change as a leading management consulting firm. Insigniam’s organization transformation service holds a core value proposition of enabling clients to “build a bond and collaboration” amongst their people. The firm invests deeply in training and fostering entrepreneurship in its own employees so they can bring the most impactful solutions to clients. Insigniam’s belief is that culture fuels strategy.
The firm categorizes its consulting methodology into four areas: reveal, unhook, invent, and implement. This helps to ensure that all breakthrough, innovation, and transformation initiatives are truly led by client leadership and their employees, making it clear that capabilities and competencies are to be developed in tandem within the organization. Insigniam partners with its clients to blend inherent business insights with its expert, unique methods for alternative thinking, sculpting behavior, and execution of results.
Copyright: The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022 publication is copyrighted material, produced and published by The Consulting Report. For information pertaining to content permissions, please refer to The Consulting Report’s award usage regulations.
Наш топ 10 консалтинговых компаний мира расскажет о десятке известных агентств и компаний, которые занимаются консалтингом.
10Manning Selvage & Lee
Компания «Manning Selvage & Lee» была основана в 1938 году. Штаб-квартира данной компании располагается в США. Представительства «Manning Selvage & Lee» находятся в Северной Америке, Южной Америке, Европе, Азии, на Ближнем Востоке.
Компания «Ketchum» была основана в 1923 году. Поначалу эта компания занималась рекламой, а затем сменила направление своей деятельности на связи с общественностью. Штаб-квартира данной компании расположена в Нью-Йорке, в США. «Ketchum» – мировая фирма, которая специализируется на связях с общественностью. Она предоставляет услуги в пяти направлениях, а именно в бренд маркетинге; корпоративных коммуникациях; здравоохранении; продовольствии и питании; технологиях. Фирма включает в себя 23 офиса, 46 филиалов и объединений, которые находятся в Северной Америке, Латинской Америке, Европе, азиатском регионе на западе Тихого океана.
8The Hoffman Agency
Агентство «The Hoffman Agency» было основано в 1987 году. Штаб-квартира данной компании находится в Сан-Хосе, в штате Калифорния, в США. «The Hoffman Agency» представляет из себя глобальную фирму, деятельность которой сосредоточена на связях с общественностью. Компания включает в себя 9 офисов, которые находятся в Европе, Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе и США.
7Porter Novelli
Компания «Porter Novelli» была основана в 1972 году. Штаб-квартира данной компании находится в Нью-Йорке, США. Деятельность фирмы сосредоточена на связях с общественностью. «Porter Novelli» включает в себя приблизительно 100 офисов, которые располагаются в 60 странах мира.
6Waggener Edstrom
Фирма «Waggener Edstrom» была основана в 1983 году. Штаб-квартира данной компании располагается в городе Белвью, в штате Вашингтон, в США. Деятельность фирмы сконцентрирована на связях с общественностью. Представительства «Waggener Edstrom» находятся во множестве городов, среди которых Нью-Йорк, Сан-Франциско, Портленд, Сиэтл, Ора, Остин, Техас, Лондон и Мюнхен.
5Hill & Knowlton
Агентство «Hill & Knowlton», расположенное в США, было основано в 1927 году. Деятельность данной компании включает в себя услуги в области корпоративных и финансовых коммуникаций. В основном, агентство «Hill & Knowlton» предоставляет услуги компаниям, которые специализируются на фармакологии и здравоохранении, а также on-line коммуникациях. Данная компания включает в себя 86 офисов, которые располагаются в 46 странах мира.
Компания «Burson-Marsteller» была основана в 1953 году. Штаб-квартира компании располагается в США. Деятельность данной глобальной компании сосредоточена на связях с общественностью и коммуникациях. «Burson-Marsteller» включает в себя 77 офисов и 85 филиалов, расположенных в 110 странах мира.
Компания «Edelman» была основана в 1952 году. Ее основателем был Даниэль Эдельман, в честь которого фирма и получила свое название. Штаб-квартира компании располагается в городе Чикаго, в штате Иллинойс, в США. Эта консалтинговая фирма предоставляет услуги в отрасли связей с общественностью и маркетинга. Представительства компании расположены в различных городах США (Атланта, Даллас, Майами, Лос-Анджелес, Нью-Йорк, Портленд, Сакраменто, Сан-Франциско, Сиэтл, Вашингтон, Силиконовая Долина), также существуют и представительства в других странах Северной Америки, Южной Америки, Европы и Африки.
2Weber Shandwick
Компания «Weber Shandwick» была основана в 2001 году. Ее основание стало результатом слияния трех компаний: «Weber Group», «Shandwick International» и «BSMG». Штаб-квартира «Weber Shandwick» располагается в Нью-Йорке, США. Деятельность компании сконцентрирована на связях с общественностью. «Weber Shandwick» имеет опыт работы со следующими направлениями: журналистика, юриспруденция, здравоохранение, технологии и т. д. Представительства компании располагаются в 82 городах мира.
Компания «Fleishman-Hillard» была основана в 1946 году. Штаб-квартира компании располагается в городе Сент-Луис, в штате Миссури, в США. «Fleishman-Hillard» представляет из себя агентство, которое занимается предоставлением услуг в двух отраслях: связи с общественностью и маркетинг. Представительства компании располагаются в странах Северной Америки, Южной Америки, Европе, Азии, Австралии и Африки.
Консалтинг зачастую является необходимой услугой для тех, кто хочет успешно заниматься бизнесом. По этой причине в мире существует огромное количество консалтинговых компаний.
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Kept (КЭПТ)
Ссылка: kept.ru
Общие сведения: это аудиторско-консалтинговая фирма. В июне 2022 года подразделение нидерландской фирмы KPMG в России было переименовано в АО КЭПТ (Kept).
Услуги: аудит, консалтинг, налоговое и юридическое консультирование, инвестиции и рынки капитала, технологии.
Кейсы: Билайн, Норникель, Тинькофф, Everland, благотворительный фонд Подарок Ангелу, креативное агентство Smetana, Росбанк и др.
Рейтинг RAEX 2022: 1 место.
Офисы в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Ростове-на-Дону, Воронеже, Казани, Нижнем Новгороде, Перми, Екатеринбурге, Новосибирске, Красноярске, Минске.
Деловые Решения и Технологии (ДРТ)
Ссылка: delret.ru
Общие сведения: одна из ведущих компаний, предоставляющая услуги в области аудита, а также финансового, налогового, юридического и управленческого консультирования.
С 2022 года российская компания, ранее входившая в международную сеть Делойт, продолжила работу в России под собственным брендом Деловые Решения и Технологии.
Услуги: аудиторский услуги, налоговое консультирование, юридические услуги, управление рисками, консалтинг, финансовое консультирование. Компания проводит обучение в Академии ДРТ по направлениям – финансы и бухгалтерский учет, управление рисками, внутренний контроль и внутренний аудит, навыки межличностного взаимодействия и лидерство.
Кейсы: информации нет в открытых источниках.
Рейтинг RAEX 2022: 2 место.
Офисы в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Уфе, Екатеринбурге, Новосибирске, Южно-Сахалинске, Владивостоке и Минске.
Ссылка: b1.ru
Общие сведения: лидер по проведению аудита крупнейших государственных и частных компаний в России.
По итогам 2021 года Группа Б1 оказала аудиторские услуги 17% участников рейтингов РБК 500, Forbes 200 и RAEX-600, а также восьмой раз подряд стала крупнейшей аудиторской группой по версии агентства Эксперт РА.
В 2022 году российское представительство международной компании EY (Эрнст Энд Янг) было переименовано в Группу Б1.
Услуги: аудиторские и сопутствующие услуги, услуги в области консалтинга и технологий, в области транзакции, налоги, право и сопровождение бизнеса.
Кейсы: Российский союз промышленников и предпринимателей, Ассоциация российских банков, общероссийская общественная организация Деловая Россия, Ассоциация европейского бизнеса, Американская торговая палата, Ассоциация менеджеров России, Японский бизнес-клуб, Саморегулируемая организация аудиторов Ассоциацией Содружество, государственные органы и др.
Рейтинг RAEX 2022: 3 место
Офисы в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Казани, Екатеринбурге, Новосибирске, Краснодаре, Ростове-на-Дону, Владивостоке и Тольятти.
Технологии Доверия (ТеДо)
Ссылка: tedo.ru
Общие сведения: предоставляет аудиторские и консультационные услуги компаниям разных отраслей.
В 2022 году после ухода зарубежных компаний с рынка российское представительство PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) было переименовано в Технологии Доверия (ТеДо).
Компания работает в 11 российских городах, штат насчитывает 3700 сотрудников.
Услуги: аудиторские и сопутствующие услуги, налоговое консультирование, сопровождение сделок, стратегическое и операционное консультирование, услуги финансовому сектору, юридические услуги, технологическая практика, цифровые продукты. Компания проводит обучение в Академии Технологий Доверия (бывшая Академия PwC).
Оставить отзыв об обучении можно здесь
Кейсы: информации нет в открытых источниках.
Рейтинг RAEX 2022: 4 место.
Офисы в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Казани, Нижнем Новгороде, Екатеринбурге, Новосибирске, Краснодаре, Воронеже, Ростове-на-Дону, Владикавказе.
Ссылка: fbk.ru
Общие сведения: российская аудиторско-консалтинговая компания, основанная в 1990 году. C 1995 года по 2014 год входила в состав международной сети PKF International.
С 1 августа 2014 года присоединилась к сети независимых аудиторских и консалтинговых фирм Grant Thornton International.
В 2022 году организация прекратила членство в сети и вернулась к своему историческому названию.
Услуги: аудит, консалтинг, налоги и право, оценка, инжиниринговые услуги, аутсорсинг, услуги госсектору, услуги финансовым институтам, устойчивое развитие.
Кейсы: ПАО Газпром, Мосэнерго, Альфа-Банк, Россеть, РусГидро, Новикомбанк и др.
Рейтинг RAEX 2022: 6 место.
Офис в Москве.
Ссылка: finexpertiza.ru
Общие сведения: сеть профессиональных аудиторских, оценочных и консалтинговых компаний, объединенных под одним брендом и оказывающих весь спектр услуг по комплексному сопровождению бизнеса.
С 2017 года выступает официальным аудитором Банка России. Ранее компания входила в международный холдинг FinExpertiza.
С весны 2022 года российское представительство работает отдельно под именем ООО ФинЭкспертиза.
Услуги: налоговая практика и бухгалтерский консалтинг, корпоративное управление, обеспечение внедрения и функционирования автоматизированных систем, Due Diligence, налоговый мониторинг, форензик.
Кейсы: Белая птица, ПИК Группа, издательство Просвещение, Мосводоканал, Банк России, Русэнергосбыт, Рамфуд, Трансмашхолдинг, Связной, Группа Черкизово, Мегафон, Федеральная грузовая компания, Олимп строй, Панавто, АО Росгео и др.
Рейтинг RAEX 2022: 7 место.
Офис в Москве.
Деловой профиль
Ссылка: delprof.ru
Общие сведения: одна из крупнейших российских организаций. С 1995 года оказывает профессиональные услуги в области правового и налогового консалтинга, управленческого и финансового консультирования, аудита, оценки, бухгалтерского аутсорсинга и Due Diligence.
На сегодняшний день в Группу входят более 60 компаний, осуществляющих деятельность в 29 городах по всей России.
Услуги: антикризисный консалтинг, применение мер господдержки, налоговый консалтинг, инвестиционный консалтинг и оценка, финансовый консалтинг, Due Diligence, управленческий консалтинг, аудит, МСФО, юридический, кадровый, бухгалтерский консалтинг.
Кейсы: Дом РФ, Альфа-банк, Билайн, Газпромбанк, ГК Росгеология, ТВЭЛ, Корпорация Баркли, F2FGroup, Форд Мотор Компани, Интер РАО ЕЭС, ГК Евраз, Роснефть, Росатом, Роснано и др.
Рейтинг RAEX 2022: 20 место.
Головной офис в Москве.
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