Контрольная работа времена группы simple 1 вариант ответы

Контрольная работа на «Времена группы Simple» 1. заполните таблицу


Когда используется


Отрицательные предложения

Вопросительные предл

Present simple

Past simple

Future simple

2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1.    We … (go) roller-skating last Saturday.

2.    Our granny … (bake) meat-pies every weekend.

3.    We … (write) an essay tomorrow.

4.    I really … (enjoy) the opera yesterday.

5.    Where your husband … (work) five years ago?

6.    British people … (prefer) tea to coffee.

7.    Tom, you … (meet) me at the railway station next Sunday?

8.    Where she usually … (celebrate) her birthdays?

9.    … you (have) a big family?

10.                      Newton … (invent) the telescope in 1668.

11.                      When … this accident (happen)?

12.                      I always … (send) Christmas cards to my grandparents.

13.                      Nina and Nick … (get married) in two weeks.

14.                      How many books they … (bring) tomorrow?

15.                      Stanley … (have) two sons and a daughter.

3. Поставьте глагол to be в одну из форм Simple.

1.    … your girlfriend Italian?

2.    I … afraid of spiders.

3.    There … a lot of tourists in our café yesterday.

4.    Peter … in Africa next winter.

5.    We … never late for our Drawing classes.

6.    I … 70 years old in 2050.

7.    She … my neighbor last year.

8.    It … usually very hot in Egypt.

9.    I … born in September.

10.                      My parents … doctors.

4. Выпишите из текста глаголы в форме Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple. Переведите текст.

Clara had a car accident when she was ten years old. When she grew up she was afraid of cars. Then she met Brad who was a professional racing driver. He wanted to help her and drove her in his car every day. So in five years Clara became a racing driver too. Now she drives 200 km per hour and takes part in sports championships. She really enjoys driving and has a lot of future plans. Next year she will open a driving school. And Clara and Brad will get married quite soon.

5. Превратите утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.

1.    This coat belongs to Jane.

2.    I drive to Moscow once a month.

3.    Your boss is very impudent.

4.    The car stopped near the bank.

5.    The soup was delicious.

6.    The concert will start at 7 p.m.

7.    Her shoes are dirty.

8.    I bought the curtains for my bedroom.

9.    I am a football fan.

10.  Their wedding will be in spring.

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

  1. We … (go) roller-skating last Saturday.
  2. Our granny … (bake) meat-pies every weekend.
  3. We … (write) an essay tomorrow.
  4. I really … (enjoy) the opera yesterday.
  5. Where your husband … (work) five years ago?
  6. British people … (prefer) tea to coffee.
  7. Tom, you … (meet) me at the railway station next Sunday?
  8. Where she usually … (celebrate) her birthdays?
  9. … you (have) a big family?
  10. Newton … (invent) the telescope in 1668.
  11. When … this accident (happen)?
  12. I always … (send) Christmas cards to my grandparents.
  13. Nina and Nick … (get married) in two weeks.
  14. How many books they … (bring) tomorrow?
  15. Stanley … (have) two sons and a daughter.

2. Поставьте глагол to be в одну из форм Simple.

  1. … your girlfriend Italian?
  2. I … afraid of spiders.
  3. There … a lot of tourists in our café yesterday.
  4. Peter … in Africa next winter.
  5. We … never late for our Drawing classes.
  6. I … 70 years old in 2050.
  7. She … my neighbor last year.
  8. It … usually very hot in Egypt.
  9. I … born in September.
  10. My parents … doctors.

3. Выпишите из текста глаголы в форме Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple. Переведите текст.

Clara had a car accident when she was ten years old. When she grew up she was afraid of cars. Then she met Brad who was a professional racing driver. He wanted to help her and drove her in his car every day. So in five years Clara became a racing driver too. Now she drives 200 km per hour and takes part in sports championships. She really enjoys driving and has a lot of future plans. Next year she will open a driving school. And Clara and Brad will get married quite soon.

4. Превратите утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.

  1. This coat belongs to Jane.
  2. I drive to Moscow once a month.
  3. Your boss is very impudent.
  4. The car stopped near the bank.
  5. The soup was delicious.
  6. The concert will start at 7 p.m.
  7. Her shoes are dirty.
  8. I bought the curtains for my bedroom.
  9. I am a football fan.
  10. Their wedding will be in spring.

 simple tenses



  1. went (Мы ходили кататься на роликах в прошлую субботу.)
  2. bakes (Наша бабушка печет пирожки с мясом каждые выходные.)
  3. will write (Мы будем писать сочинение завтра.)
  4. enjoyed (Мне очень понравилась опера вчера.)
  5. Where did your husband work five years ago? (Где работал твой муж 5 лет назад?)
  6. prefer (Британцы предпочитают чай кофе.)
  7. Tom, will you meet me at the railway station next Sunday? (Том, ты встретишь меня на ж/д вокзале в следующее воскресенье?)
  8. Where does she usually celebrate her birthdays? (Где обычно она празднует свои дни рожденья?)
  9. Do you have a big family? (У тебя большая семья?)
  10. invented (Ньютон изобрел телескоп в 1668 году.)
  11. When did this accident happen? (Когда произошел этот несчастный случай?)
  12. send (Я всегда посылаю рождественские открытки своим бабушке с дедушкой.)
  13. will get married (Нина и Ник поженятся через две недели.)
  14. How many books will they bring tomorrow? (Сколько книг они принесут завтра?)
  15. has (У мистера Стэнли два сына и одна дочь.)


  1. is (Твоя подруга итальянка?)
  2. am (Я боюсь пауков.)
  3. were (Вчера в нашем кафе было много туристов.)
  4. will be (Питер будет в Африке следующей зимой.)
  5. are (Мы никогда не опаздываем на уроки рисования.)
  6. will be (В 2050 году мне будет 70 лет.)
  7. was (В прошлом году она была моей соседкой.)
  8. is (Обычно в Египте очень жарко.)
  9. was (Я родился в сентябре.)
  10. are (Мои родители – врачи.)


Present Simple: drives, takes, enjoys, has

Past Simple: had, was, grew up, was, met, was, wanted, drove, became

Future Simple: will open, will get married

Клара попала в автомобильную аварию, когда ей было 10 лет. Когда она выросла, она боялась машин. Затем она познакомилась с Брэдом, который был профессиональным автогонщиком. Он хотел ей помочь и катал ее на своей машине каждый день. Так, через 5 лет Клара тоже стала автогонщиком. Теперь она ездит со скоростью 200 км/в час и принимает участие в спортивных чемпионатах. Ей очень нравится вождение, и у нее много планов на будущее. В следующем году она откроет школу вождения. И Клара и Брэд довольно скоро поженятся.


  1. This coat doesn’t belong to Jane. (Это пальто не принадлежит Джейн.)
  2. I don’t drive to Moscow once a month. (Я не езжу в Москву раз в месяц.)
  3. Your boss isn’t very impudent. (Твой начальник не очень дерзкий.)
  4. The car didn’t stop near the bank. (Машина не остановилась возле банка.)
  5. The soup wasn’t delicious. (Суп был невкусным.)
  6. The concert won’t start at 7 p.m. (Концерт не начнется в 7 вечера.)
  7. Her shoes aren’t dirty. (Ее туфли негрязные.)
  8. I didn’t buy the curtains for my bedroom. (Я не купила занавески для своей спальни.)
  9. I am not a football fan. (Я не фанат футбола.)
  10. Their wedding won’t be in spring. (Их свадьба будет не весной.)

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Контрольная работа по временам системы Simple

Вариант 1

1 Поставьте глагол в одно из времен системы Simple:

  1. He (to begin) to translate the text last week.

  2. Chuck (to eat) all his dinner yesterday.

  3. Julie (not to come) to Moscow next month. She (to be) busy.

  4. … you (to have) classes tomorrow morning?

  5. Usually he (not to come) in time.

2 Поставьте предложение в вопросительную форму:

  1. Kate and Bob will understand their mistakes.

  2. He watches TV almost every evening.

  3. I helped my mother about the house.

  4. She won the race yesterday.

3 Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму:

  1. They want to know the truth.

  2. Ann was at home the day before yesterday.

  3. She will begin to study at school next year.

  4. Jack visited his friends at Moscow.

4 Исправьте ошибки в предложении:

  1. Is Ivan will go to work tomorrow?

  2. We go to a movie yesterday night.

  3. Emily drink a cup of black coffee every morning.

  4. Did children put on pajamas in half an hour?

Контрольная работа по временам системы Simple

Вариант 2

1 Поставьте глагол в одно из времен системы Simple:

  1. I (to come) home in 20 minutes.

  2. Boys (to speak) English at the lesson yesterday.

  3. He always (to do) all the work he must.

  4. They usually (to jump) and (to laugh) in the street.

  5. … you (to open) the door and (to call) John?

2 Поставьте предложение в вопросительную форму:

  1. He will show his knowledge at the exam.

  2. She carried her granny’s bag.

  3. I like to swim in summer.

  4. He likes to go to the theatre.

3 Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму:

  1. They study at school every morning.

  2. Ann ate the cake and thanked her mother.

  3. Nick will try to do all the exercises.

  4. Ted left his book in the classroom.

4 Исправьте ошибки в предложении:

  1. When you will call me?

  2. Did you met your friends at the station?

  3. A thief stealed my bicycle.

  4. He usually returned from work at 6 p.m.

Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple


1. Paul is good at tennis. He … tennis very well.

 a) play     b) played       c) plays          d) will play

2. Suzy … to rock music ten minutes ago.

a) listened     b) listens     c) will listen    d) listen

3. Many birds … south every summer.

a) will fly  b) fly   c) flew   d) flies

4. Mr. Black … computer in several minutes.

a) use    b) used   c) will use  d) uses  

5. Jack usually … to work on Saturdays.

a) don’t go     b) didn’t go c) doesn’t go   d) won’t go

6. Dick … help students with the projects next week.

a) won’t  b) doesn’t   c) didn’t  d)  don’t

7. It … rain last week.

a) doesn’t   b) didn’t  c) won’t  d) don’t

8. Cats … very well in the dark.        

a) saw    b) will see   c) sees  d) see

9.  Yesterday John … at 7 o’clock.

a)  geted up   b) will get up  c) got up  d) gets up

10. Derek is good at football. But he … play                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    very often.

a) doesn’t   b) didn’t   c) don’t   d) won’t

Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple


1. When he (to get) up every day? — He (to get) up at 8 o’clock.

2. They (not to drink) coffee yesterday. They (to drink) tea.

3. He (to call) us tomorrow.

4. Our friends always (to go) to the country for the weekend.

5. The kitten (to play) with its tail a minute ago.

6. What your brother usually (to drink) i the evening?

7. We (to have) English lesson last Tuesday.

8. Somebody (to speak) in the next room the day before yesterday.

9. If it (not rain) tomorrow, we (not stay) at home.

10. Don’t go out: it’s raining heavily. You (to get) wet through if you (not to take) an umbrella.

Present Simple or Future Simple

1. If the food (to be) good, we (to come) here again.

2. When I (to arrive), I (to phone) you.

3. You (to help) me if I (to have) a problem?

4. If you (not to pay), you (to get) into trouble.

5. If you (not to go) away, I (to call) the police.

6. If he (to miss) he last train, he (to spent) the night in a hotel.

7. If I (to stay) here, I (to be) very happy.

8. If I (to be) unhappy, I (not to work) hard.

9. She (to have) some English lessons before she (to go) to London.

10. If the bus (not to come) soon, I (to be) late for school.

Тест по английскому языку по теме «Времена группы Simple» Задание : выберите подходящую форму глагола 1.

My sister___lunch yesterday at 7 o’clock.

A. had b.

Will have c.

Has 2.

We ___ TV tomorrow in the evening.

A. will watch b.

Watch c.

Watched 3.

Tom usually___ his homework .

A. does b.

Did c.

Will do 4.

I ___to school next Sunday.

A. does not go b.

Did not go c.

Will not go 5.

Yesterday afternoon Kitty ___about the house.

A. helps b.

Helped c.

Will help 6.

She ___her toys and books.

A. likes b.

Like c.

Will like 7.

We ___our Mother after breakfast yesterday.

A. thanked b.

Will thank c.

Thank 8.

Last week I __at the school sports ground.

A. jumped b.

Jump c.

Will jump 9.

Jane always ___her teeth in the morning.

A. clean b.

Cleans c.

Will clean 10.

He ___ at the ice rink tomorrow a.

Skate b.

Will skate c.

Skated 11.

Yesterday morning Tim ___his hands and face.

A. washed b.

Washes c.

Will wash 12.

Every evening last week we ___chess.

A. played b.

Will play c.

Play 13.

Last year they ___at the school sports ground.

A. skied b.

Will ski c.

Ski 14.

We ___our Granny about the house yesterday.

A. helped b.

Help c.

Will help 15.

I ___to school yesterday a.

Go b.

Shall go c.

Went 16.

She ___dinner tomorrow.

A. cooked b.

Cooks c.

Will cook 17.

The boy ___his homework 2 days ago a.

Did not do b.

Will not do c.

Does not do 18.

We ___this book next week.

A. read b.

Reads c.

Shall read 19.

___you play tennis tomorrow a.

Will b.

Did c.

Do 20.

I ___my granny next week.

A. will visit b.

Visits c.

Shall visit 21.

She ___him in the morning yesterday a.

Saw b.

Sees c.

Will see 22.

___you ___ to my birthday party tomorrow?

A. will come b.

Did come c.

Comes 23.

Tomorrow I ___at 9 o’clock.

A. shall get up b.

Will get up c.

Got up 24.

He ___ it yesterday.

A. said b.

Will say c.

Says 25.

Next year she ___to London to visit her friends.

A. went b.

Will go c.

Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Тест по английскому языку по теме «Времена группы Simple» Задание : выберите подходящую форму глагола 1?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

Проверочная работа

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present,
Past или Future Simple.

1.I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock every day. 2. I (to go)to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day?  11.   When you (to leave) home for school yesterday?  12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow?  13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. He (to spend) last summer in the country.  2. He (not to spend) last summer in the country. 3. He (to spend) last summer in the country?  4.  Where he (to spend) last summer? 5. She (to help) mother yesterday. 6. She (not to help) moth­er yesterday. 7. She (to help) mother yesterday? 8. How she (to help) mother yesterday? 9. Kate (to cook) dinner every day. 10. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. 11. Kate (to cook) dinner now. 12. Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday. 13. I (not to eat) ice-cream every day. 14. I (not to eat) ice-cream now, 15. I (not to eat) ice-cream tomorrow. 16. I (not to eat) ice-cream yesterday. 17. You (to go) to school every day? 18. You (to go) to school now? 19. You (to go) to the south next summer? 20. You (to go) abroad last summer?

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. Mother (to cook) a very tasty dinner yester­day. 2. Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to school. 3. Look! My friends (to play) football. 4, Kate (not to write) letters every day. 5. You (to see) your friend yesterday? 6. Your father (to go) on a busi­ness trip last month? 7. What Nick (to do) yesterday? 8. When Nick (to get) up every morning? 9. Where your mother (to go) tomorrow? 10. I (to invite) my friends to come to my place tomorrow. 11. He (not to play) the piano tomorrow. 12. We (to see) a very good film last Sunday. 13. Your mother (to cook) every day? 14. We (to make) a fire last summer. 15. I (to spend) last summer at the seaside.

Адрес публикации: https://www.prodlenka.org/metodicheskie-razrabotki/252178-kontrolnaja-rabota-po-teme-vremena-gruppy-sim

Тест по английскому языку по теме « Времена группы Simple»

( 5-6 класс)

Задание: выберите подходящую форму глагола.

1. Alice _______dinner tomorrow.

A. Cooked

B. Cooks

C. Will cook

2. Cats __________very well in the dark.

A. See

B. Sees

C. Saw

3. Peter _______at the ice rink tomorrow.

A. Skate

B. Will skate

C. Skated

4. The boy ______his homework four days ago.

A. Didn`t do

B. Won`t do

C. Doesn`t do

5. Next year Kate ___________to London to visit her friends.

A. Went

B. Will go

C. Goes

6. Peter never _______football.

A. Plays

B. Doesn`t play

C. Don`t play

7. Paul is good at football. But he ______ play very often.

A. Doesn`t

B. Didn`t

C. Won`t

8. My sister ________lunch yesterday at six o`clock.

A. Had

B. Will have

C. Has

9. I _______my granny next year.

A. Visit

B. Will visit

C. Visited

10. For breakfast Sasha __________two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

A. Has

B. Had

C. Will have

11. Alina ______French well.

A. Will speak

B. Speaks

C. Spoke

12. My brother usually _______his homework in the afternoon.

A. Does

B. Did

C. Do

13. Stanley __________two sons and three daughters.

A. Has

B. Will have

C. Had

14. I _______tea to coffee.

A. Prefered

B. Will prefer

C. Prefer

15. We really _________opera yesterday.

A. Enjoy

B. Enjoyed

C. Will enjoy

16. They _________this book next week.

A. Read

B. Reads

C. Will read

17. Yesterday afternoon Kelly ______ me about the house.

A. Helps

B. Helped

C. Will help

18. Masha _______us tomorrow.

A. Called

B. Calls

C. Will call

19. We _______English lesson last Friday.

A. Have

B. Had

C. Will have

20. My sister __________her toys and books.

A. Likes

B. Like

C. Will like

21. Many birds __________south every summer.

A. Flies

B. Flew

C. Fly

22. We _________an essay tomorrow.

A. Write

B. Wrote

C. Will write

23. Our friends always __________to the country for the weekend.

A. Go

B. Went

C. Goes

24. Last year they ____________at the school sports ground.

A. Skied

B. Will ski

C. Ski

25. Yesterday John _______at eight o`clock.

A. Get`s up

B. Geted up

C. Got up

26. Mark __________to rock music five minutes ago.

A. Listened

B. Listens

C. Will listen

27. The puppy __________with its tail a minute ago.

A. Played

B. Playes

C. Play

28. I always __________Christmas cards to my grandparents.

A. Sent

B. Send

C. Sended

29. Our granny ___________meat-pies every weekend.

A. Bake

B. Baked

C. Bakes

30. Last week I _____________at the school sports ground.

A. Jumped

B. Jump

C. Will jump


1. C

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. C

15. B

16. C

17. B

18. C

19. B

20. A

21. C

22. C

23. A

24. A

25. C

26. A

27. A

28. B

29. C

30. A

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