Контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс будущее время ответы

Test (Future tenses)

Correct the mistakes

1.       At
2 o’clock tomorrow I will sunbathe.  


2.       Where
do you spend your winter holidays this year?


3.       Stop
that noise! I’m going to call the police.


4.       She
will type this letter as soon as she will come to the office.


5.       Shall
you open the door, please?


6.       By
the end of this year I will be teaching for 21 years.


7.       Her
plane is leaving at 4.30.today.


8.       Perhaps
they have visited us tomorrow.


Put the verbs into the correct future

1.       My
Grandpa is very old. He __________________________________ (be) 90 next year.

2.       She
hopes she _________________________________________________________ (pass) her

3.       The
lesson ___________________________________________________ (start) by the time
I get to school.

4.       By
next week they ________________________________________________ (work) together
for 10 years.

5.       This
time next week we __________________________________________________ (write)
another test.

6.       When
we ___________________________________ (go) to Paris, we’ll climb the Eiffel

7.       They
hope they _____________________________________________ _______________(travel)
all over the world by the time they are 40.

8.        “We’ve
eaten everything!” – “Really? I ___________________________________ (go)
shopping then.”

9.       Look
at those clouds! It ______________________________________ (rain) very soon.

10.   I
_______________________________________ (have) a party at Ben’s tomorrow at

11.   By the end of this
year she _____________________________________________________ (live) in

St. Petersburg  for  5 years.

12.   “What
____________________________________________ (you/ do) later?” – “Nothing
special.  Why?”

KEYS for Test (Future tenses)

Correct the mistakes

1.       At
2 o’clock tomorrow I will sunbathe. 

At 2 o’clock tomorrow
I will be sunbathing.

2. Where do you spend your winter
holidays this year? Where are you spending your winter
holidays this year? / Where are you going to spend your winter holidays this

3.       Stop
that noise! I’m going to call the police. Stop that
noise! I will call the police.

4.       She
will type this letter as soon as she will come to the office.  She will type this letter as soon as she comes/ has come to
the office.

5.       Shall
you open the door, please?  Will you open the door,

By the end of this year I will be teaching for 21 years.  By the end of this year I will have been teaching for 21

7.       Her
plane is leaving at 4.30.today.  Her plane leaves at

Perhaps they have visited us tomorrow.  Perhaps
they will visit us tomorrow.

Put the verbs into the correct future

9.       My
Grandpa is very old. He __will be____ (be) 90
next year.

10.   She hopes she ____will pass_____ (pass) her exams.

11.   The lesson ____will have started___ (start) by the time I get to

12.   By next week they
______will have been working _____ (work)
together for 10 years.

13.   This time next week we
_____will be writing ____ (write) another test.

14.   When we ____go ____   (go) to Paris, we’ll climb the Eiffel Tower.

15.   They hope they _____will have travelled  _____ (travel) all over the world
by the time they are 40.

16.    “We’ve eaten
everything!” – “Really? I ___will go __ (go)
shopping then.”

17.   Look at those black
clouds! It ___is going to rain _____ (rain) very

18.   I ___am having ____ (have) a party at Ben’s tomorrow at

19.   By the end of this
year she ___­­­­____will have been living________
(live) in

St. Petersburg  for 5

20.   “What ___will you be doing_______ (you/ do) later?” – “Nothing
special.  Why?”

NAME _________________________________ CLASS ________ DATE _____________________

1. The train _____________________ (to arrive) at 12:30.

2. We _____________________ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.

3. It _____________________(to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.

4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I _____________________ (to meet) my friend.

5. Paul _____________________ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.

6. Wait! I _____________________ (to drive) you to the station.

7. The English lesson _____________________ (to start) at 8:45.

8. Are you still writing your essay? If you _____________________ (to finish) by 4pm, we can go for a walk.

9. I _____________________ (to see) my mother in April.

10.Look at the clouds – it _____________________ (to rain) in a few minutes.

11.When they _____________________ (to get) married in March, they _____________________ (to be)

together for six years.

12.You’re carrying too much. I _____________________ (to open) the door for you.

13.Do you think the teacher _____________________ (to mark) our homework by Monday morning?

14.When I _____________________ (to see) you tomorrow, I _____________________ (show) you my new book.

15.After you _____________________ (to take) a nap, you _____________________ (to feel) a lot better.

16. The train _____________________ (to arrive) at 12:30.

17. We _____________________ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.

18. It _____________________(to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.

19. On Friday at 8 o’clock I _____________________ (to meet) my friend.

20. Paul _____________________ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.

21. Wait! I _____________________ (to drive) you to the station.

22. The English lesson _____________________ (to start) at 8:45.

23. Are you still writing your essay? If you _____________________ (to finish) by 4pm, we can go for a walk.

24. I _____________________ (to see) my mother in April.

25.Look at the clouds – it _____________________ (to rain) in a few minutes.

26.When they _____________________ (to get) married in March, they _____________________ (to be)

together for six years.

27.You’re carrying too much. I _____________________ (to open) the door for you.

28.Do you think the teacher _____________________ (to mark) our homework by Monday morning?

29.When I _____________________ (to see) you tomorrow, I _____________________ (show) you my new book.

30.After you _____________________ (to take) a nap, you _____________________ (to feel) a lot better.

Future tenses Exercise Answers

1. The train arrives at 12:30.

2. We are going to have dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.

3. It will snow in Brighton tomorrow evening. (or is going to snow)

4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I am meeting my friend. (or am going to meet)

5. Paul is flying to London on Monday morning.

6. Wait! I will drive you to the station.

7. The English lesson starts at 8:45.

8. Are you still writing your essay? If you finish by 4pm, we can go for a walk.

9. I am going to see my mother in April.

10.Look at the clouds – it is going to rain in a few minutes.

11.When they get married in March, they will have been together for six years.

12.You’re carrying too much. I will open the door for you.

13.Do you think the teacher will have marked our homework by Monday morning?

14.When I see you tomorrow, I will show you my new book.

15.After you take a nap, you will feel a lot better. (or have taken)

16.I’m sorry but you need to stay in the office until you have finished your work. (or


17.I will buy the cigarettes from the corner shop when it opens.

18.I will let you know the second the builders finish decorating.

19.Before we start our lesson, we are going to have a review. (or will have)

20.We will wait in the shelter until the bus comes.

21.I’m very sorry Dr. Jones won’t be back in the clinic until 2pm.

22.This summer, I will have been living in Brighton for four years.

23.I don’t think you will have any problems when you land in Boston.

24.The baby should be due soon, next week she will have been pregnant for nine


25.By the time we get home, they will have been playing football for 30 minutes.

26.In three years I am going to live in a different country. (or will live)

27.When you get off the train, I will be waiting for you by the ticket machine.

28.Are you going to take your children with you to France?

29.This time next week I will be skiing in Switzerland!

30.Now I will check my answers. (or am going to)

9 класс, 2 четверть

  1. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

      1. The train ________ (leave) London at 8.15 next Tuesday morning. It _______ (arrive) in Edinburgh at 14.30.

      2. Thanks I’d love something. I ______ (have) a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit, please.

      3. Watch out! Behind you! That dog ________ (bite) you.

      4. By the time you get back Harry _________ (leave).

      5. This time next week I ______ (lie) on the beach in Italy.

      6. They say the weather _________ (get) worse in the next few days.

      7. I ________ (carry) those bags for you; they must be very heavy.

      8. The builders _________ (finish) building the roof by Thursday.

      9. By December I _________ (study) English for three years and I plan to go on.

      10. They ________ (travel) to Paris this time next weekend.

  1. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

      1. She looks very pale. I think she will/ is going to faint.

      2. I’ll be/ I’m going to be a rocket scientist when I grow up.

      3. “Somebody’s at the door”. “I’ll/ I’m going to see who it is”.

      4. I need to be home early today so I leave/ am leaving soon.

      5. By the time you get back all the food will have gone/ will go.

      6. Why are you going to buy/ will you buy a new mountain bike?

      7. Don’t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I’ll study/ I’ll be studying then.

      8. Can you call me at 7.00, because I’ll leave/ I’m leaving tomorrow.

      9. Christmas is/will be on a Tuesday next year.

      10. Let me know as soon as Louise will get/ gets there.

  1. Match the words with their definitions.

1.   The machine that lets you put documents and such on paper.                  MOUSE

2.   The tool you use to type words onto the computer.                                 SCANNER

3.   The most popular internet search engine.                                                 SOFTWARE

4.   What you use to click things on the screen.                                             VIRUS

5.   What is another word for computer screen.                                             CURSOR

6.   Any physical part of a computer.                                                            PRINTER

7.   The object on your screen that lets you point at things.                            EMAIL

8.   Internet mail.                                                                                         HARDWARE

9.   A machine that lets you put paper documents onto your computer.         KEYBOARD

10.   A program that destroys your computer system.                                    GOOGLE

11.   Any program on the computer.                                                             MONITOR

  1. Read the text and do the tasks.

In the Lift

Once, I came home from school and got in the lift and about half way up it suddenly stopped. There was no one in with me. I was terrified. It just stopped with me inside. I felt so stupid. I felt as if I was hanging miles up in the air in a box tied by strings. I didn’t know what to do. I looked at the buttons. I began by pressing all the numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. No good. Then I looked at the other buttons. One said, “STOP”. I didn’t bother to press that one. Another said, DOORS OPEN”. I didn’t dare to press that. Imagine the door opening and me stepping out and falling down four floors.

I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered. I shouted again.

“Help! Help! Get me out. I’m stuck in the lift.”

There was a switch at the bottom of the buttons. So I pressed it down. Nothing happened.

Then the light went out. I started to cry and scream at the same time. I screamed and screamed. In the end I couldn’t scream any more. But I could keep on crying and I did. I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much in my life.

I sat down on the floor and pressed myself against the back wall. I don’t know, It felt safer, as far away from the door as possible. I kept thinking, “They’re going to open soon and I’ll fall out.”

If only I could get a light. Then I could, perhaps, try to escape. If I could see. Maybe that switch, I thought, was really the light-switch even though the light hadn’t gone off when I’d pressed it.

I slid myself round and stretched up my arm to feel for the buttons. I got my fingers on the switch and pressed it back up. Nothing happened. I screamed out, “Help! Please! Help! Get me out! Mum! Mum! Mum!” And I banged my hand against all the buttons; I banged and pressed them all.

Then I heard a bell ringing. It was just like the electric bell we had at our school. But it didn’t stop. It just kept on ringing and ringing.

“It’s an alarm bell,” I thought. “The building must be on fire.”

“Please, God,” I said, “Please get me out. I’ll do anything. I’ll be better. I really will. Please get me out.”

It was hot. It was getting really hot in the lift. I was sweating. I knew that I would soon be able to smell the smoke. And then – the lift moved.

I screamed as loud as I could, though I knew no one would hear me. The lift was moving. The fire must have burnt through the cables. I was scared stiff but then I realized that the lift was moving very slowly as if someone was carefully lowering it down.

Very gently, down we went – me and the lift, together in the dark.

It stopped. I pressed myself against the steel wall. And the door opened. There was a man standing there. I couldn’t see his face against the light. He stepped towards me.

“Right, love,” he said. “Let’s have you out.”

1) Choose true or false.

1The storyteller stuck in the lift

2. The hero felt as if he was hanging miles up in the air in a box tied by strings.

3. The first button which the teller pressed was STOP

4. When the light went out the hero started laughing and mewing

5. The teller stood up from the floor and pressed himself against the back wall

6. In the dark the hero continued looking for the buttons and pressing and banging them all

7. Suddenly he heard an alarm system

8. There was a great fire in the house

9. At last, the hero managed to get out of the lift

2) Find the right translation.

Нажать на кнопку, застрять в лифте, выбраться из лифта, электрический звонок, протянуть руки, на полпути, выпасть из лифта, выключатель, опускаться вниз.

Контрольные работы по английскому языку. 9 класс Spotlight с ответами. ГДЗ Spotlight 9 test book Ответы. Key to tests. Контроль знаний (тесты) по английскому языку в 9 классе и ответы (ключи).

Spotlight 9 Test 1 (Module 1) ОТВЕТЫ

Задания и Ответы на контрольные работы по английскому языку в 9 классе из сборника УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях. При постоянном использовании контрольных работ по английскому языку рекомендуем купить книгу: Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко: Английский язык. 9 класс. Контрольные задания. Сборник контрольных заданий включает контрольные работы, которые выполняются по завершении обучения над каждым модулем, а также промежуточные тесты.

Spotlight 9 Test booklet

Spotlight 9 класс. ENTRY TEST. Ответы

1 C         17 C       33 С       49 В         65 С
2 В         18 В       34 С       50 В         66 А
3 A         19 В       35 В       51 С         67 В
4 A         20 A      36 А      52 С         68 А
5 C         21 C       37 А      53 А        69 С
6 В         22 C       38 В       54 А        70 В
7 C         23 C       39 А      55 В         71 А
8 A         24 A      40 В       56 В         72 А
9 C         25 В       41 С       57 С         73 С
10 В       26 C       42 А      58 А        74 А
11 В       27 A      43 В       59 В         75 В
12 A      28 C       44 В       60 С         76 А
13 C       29 В       45 С       61 С         77 С
14 A      30 В       46 С       62 В         78 С
15 C       31 В       47 А      63 А        79 В
16 В       32 A      48 С       64 С         80 В

Spotlight 9 класс. Тест 1 (модуль 1). Задания и Ответы

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 1

Spotlight 9 класс. Тест 2 (модуль 2). Задания и Ответы

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 2

Spotlight 9 класс. Тест 3 (модуль 3). Задания и Ответы

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Spotlight 9 класс. Тест 4 (модуль 4). Задания и Ответы

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 4

Spotlight 9 test book Ответы

Spotlight 9 класс. MID TEST (модули 1-4) Ответы:

A). 1 C    7 C        13 В         19 А          25 В
2 C          8 В        14 A         20 В          26 А
3 В          9 В        15 В         21 А          27 С
4 В         10 В       16 С         22 С          28 А
5 A         11 A       17 В         23 А         29 В
6 C         12 В       18 С         24 С          30 С
В).  31 C      32 D         33 А        34 F          35 В
С).  36 С      37 А         38 В        39 В          40 C

Spotlight 9 класс. Тест 5 (модуль 5). Задания и Ответы

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 5

Spotlight 9 класс. Тест 6 (модуль 6). Задания и Ответы

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 6

Spotlight 9 класс. Тест 7 (модуль 7). Задания и Ответы

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 7

Spotlight 9 класс. Тест 8 (модуль 8). Задания и Ответы

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 8

Spotlight 9 класс. EXIT TEST (модули 1-8). Задания и Ответы

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Итогового теста

Контрольные работы по английскому языку. 9 класс Spotlight с ответами. ГДЗ Spotlight 9 test book Ответы. Контроль (тесты) по английскому языку и ответы (ключи). Из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение.

Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 9 класс».

Ways of talking about the future Spotlight 9

Variant I

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Translate the sentence.

This time next week I ______ (fly) to Madrid.

He _______ (finish) his book by Monday.

By the end of this week, they _____ (repair) the car for two weeks.

Our lesson ____ (start) at 8 o’clock.

We ______ (take) part in the Teenagers’ Competition next week.

Variant II

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Translate the sentence.

I hope you ______ (finish) your translation by the time I come.

By 9 o’clock tomorrow I ______ (paint) my house for two days.

My father ______ (buy) me a puppy for my birthday.

This time next week I _____ (drive) to the airport.

The train _____ (leave) at 9.15.


Выпишите сказуемое. Определите время в предложении. Переведите.

He will help me.

We are having a party tomorrow.

This time next week I will be flying to Moscow.

By the end of the next year she will have been studying English for 5 years.

The play starts at 21.00.


Выпишите сказуемое. Определите время в предложении. Переведите.

Will you help me to translate the text?

We are having an exam tomorrow.

This time next week I will be driving to Vladivostok.

By the end of the next month he will have been repairing his car for 3 weeks.

The bus leaves at 6.00.


Variant I

will be flying

will have finished

will have been repairing


are going to take

Variant II

will have finished

will have been painting

is going to buy

will be driving



willhelpFutureSimple. Он мне поможет.

arehavingPresentContinuous. У нас завтра вечеринка.

will be flying – Future Continuous. В это время на следующей неделе я буду лететь в Москву.

will have been studying — Future Perfect Continuous. К концу следующего года она будет изучать англ. пять лет.

starts – Present Simple. Пьесаначинаетсяв 21,00.


willhelpFutureSimple. Ты мне поможешь перевести текст?

are having — Present Continuous. Унасзавтраэкзамен.

willbedrivingFutureContinuous. В это время на следующей неделе я буду ехать во Владивосток.

will have been repairing — Future Perfect Continuous. К концу следующего месяца он будет чинить свою машину три недели.

leaves — Present Simple. Автобусуезжаетв 6,00.

Адрес публикации: https://www.prodlenka.org/metodicheskie-razrabotki/395206-future-tenses-kartochki-spotlight-9

ГДЗ Контрольные работы по английскому языку в 9 классе Spotlight с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе. 9 класс». Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях.

При постоянном использовании контрольных работ по английскому языку в 9 классе рекомендуем купить книгу: Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко: Английский язык. 9 класс. Контрольные задания. Сборник включает контрольные задания, которые выполняются по завершении работы над каждым модулем, а также промежуточные тесты. Сборник обеспечивает процесс контроля на регулярной и объективной основе.

Английский язык 9 класс
ОТВЕТЫ на Spotlight Test booklet:

Spotlight 9 Entry TEST + ОТВЕТЫ

Module 1 — Celebrations

Spotlight 9 TEST 1 Module 1 + ОТВЕТЫ

Module 2 — Life & Living

Spotlight 9 TEST 2 Module 2 + ОТВЕТЫ

Module 3 — See it to belive it

Spotlight 9 TEST 3 Module 3 + ОТВЕТЫ

Module 4 — Technology

Spotlight 9 TEST 4 Module 4 + ОТВЕТЫ


Spotlight 9 MID TEST + ОТВЕТЫ

Module 5 — Art & Literature

Spotlight 9 TEST 5 Module 5 + ОТВЕТЫ

Module 6 — Town & Community

Spotlight 9 TEST 6 Module 6 + ОТВЕТЫ

Module 7 — Staying safe

Spotlight 9 TEST 7 Module 7 + ОТВЕТЫ

Module 8 — Challenges

Spotlight 9 TEST 8 Module 8 + ОТВЕТЫ


Spotlight 9 EXIT TEST + ОТВЕТЫ

Вы смотрели: ГДЗ Контрольные работы по английскому языку в 9 классе Spotlight с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе. 9 класс». Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях.

Упражнение 1. Copy the sentences and note if they refer to the present, past or future. Write the tense against each sentence.

Example: He cut his finger with a knife. (Simple Past)

1. He often cuts himself.

2. What time did John arrive?

3. I never forget anything.

4. Are you sitting comfortably?

5. We drank a lot of Coke at the party.

6. It was raining all night.

7. The train will leave in a few minutes.

8. I put on a clean shirt yesterday.

Упражнение 2. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple Past, Simple Present, Present Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

1. I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner.

2. You __________ (buy) this book yesterday?

3. Last Friday Jill __________ (go) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film.

4. When your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening?

5. Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present.

6. What those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road?

7. You __________ (read) this book?

Упражнение 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous).

Alice … (not to take) the bus to school every day.

She usually … (to walk) to school… (to take) … you the bus to get to school or … (to walk) you?

Who is this man? I … (to think) that I … (to know) him, but I … (to forget) his name.

The children … (to have) a good time in the park yesterday. They … (to give) small pieces of bread to the ducks. Then they … (to take) pictures of themselves.

Where are the children? They … (to watch) TV in the room now.Some minutes ago they … (to play) a game.

Now I am in my class. I… (to sit) at my desk. I always … (to sit) at the same desk.

Упражнение 4. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple Past, Simple Present, Present Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

While Fred __________ (sleep), Judy __________ (watch) TV. When I __________ (be) young, I __________ (think) Mary  __________ (be) nice — but now I  __________ (think) she’s fantastic.

Jill __________ (walk) home when she __________ (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema.

Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school.

Jack’s father __________ (not work) in London — he __________ (not speak) English.

Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday.

Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts.

While you __________ (sleep), mother __________ (arrive).


Упражнение 1.

1 Present Simple/indefinite,

2 Past Simple/Indefinite,

3 Present Simple/indefinite,

4 Present Continuous/Progressive,

5 Past Simple/Indefinite,

6 Past Continuous/Progressive,

7 Future Simple / Indefinite,

8 Past Simple/Indefinite

Упражнение 2.

1 was listening / was cooking,

2 did you buy,

3 went / wanted,

4 does your brother usually get,

5  brings,

6 are people doing,

7 have you read,

8 was sleeping / was watching,

Упражнение 3.

1 doesn’t take /walks,

2 Do you take / Do you walk,

3 think / know /have forgotten,

4 had / gave /took,

5 are watching / were playing,

6 am sitting / sit
Упражнение 4.

1 was sleeping / was watching,

2 was /thought / think,

3 was walking / saw,

4 are running,

5 doesn’t work / doesn’t speak,

6 bought,

7 goes,

8 were sleeping / arrived.

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