Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс времена глаголов с ответами

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Времена глаголов

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

Английский язык 6 класс | Автор: Прозорова О.В. | ID: 11058 | Дата: 30.4.2019



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Вопрос №

Nick … already the book.

has read
have read

Вопрос №

Where … she … yesterday?

did … go
does … go
do … went
will … go

Вопрос №

Look! This is Max. He … his pet dog.

is walking

Вопрос №

… you often watch news programmes?


Вопрос №

I … never … to the USA.

did … was
has … be
didn`t … was
have … been

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Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме: «Времена глагола»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

1. Сколько временных форм существует в английском языке?

— 3

— 9

+ 12

— 15

2. В каком времени к сказуемому прибавляется окончание -s.

+ Present Simple

— Past Simple

— Future Simple

— Present Continuous

3. В каком варианте представлено лишнее слово?

— Simple

+ Past

— Perfect

— Perfect Continuous

4. В каком варианте указана правильная форма образования отрицательного предложения в Present Simple?

— Подлежащее + do/does + not + V2 (ed)

— Подлежащее + do/does + not + V3

+ Подлежащее + do/does + not + V1

— Подлежащее + V1 + not

5. «Alice will have finished her work by next Friday». В каком времени употребляется в данном предложении глагол «to work»?

+ Future Perfect

— Present Perfect

— Future Simple

— Past Continuous

6. С помощью какого слова образуется Future Simple?

+ will/shall

— have/has

— do/does

— did

7. Время, обозначающее обычные повседневные действия, которые происходили в прошлом, называется:

— Present Simple Tense

+ Past Simple Tense

— Future Simple Tense

— Past Perfect Tense

8. Какое предложение описывает данный рисунок?

вопрос теста Времена глагола 6 класс. Задание 1

— The boy writes the letter to his friend.

— The boy has written the letter to his friend.

— The boy will write the letter to his friend.

+ The boy is writing the letter to his friend.

9. «I saw her yesterday, she was coming along the road». В каком времени употребляется в данном предложении глагол «to see»?

— Present Simple

— Past Continuous

— Present Perfect

+ Past Simple

тест 10. В каком варианте указана правильная форма образования вопросительного предложения в Past Simple?

— Did + подлежащее + V2 (ed)?

+ Did + подлежащее + V1?

— Do/does + подлежащее + V1?

— Did + подлежащее + V3?

11. В каком времени употреблен глагол в предложении «They were eating a sandwich for lunch when I came in»?

— Present Continuous

— Future Simple

+ Past Continuous

— Past Simple

12. «… she went to the cinema». Дополните данное предложение с подходящим словом:

— Now

— Today

+ Yesterday

— Next year

13. My parents … a car three weeks ago”. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to buy»:

— buy

+ bought

— did buy

— buyed

14. В каком варианте указана правильная форма образования отрицательного предложения в Present Perfect Continuous?

— had + been + Ving

— have/has + been + V3(ed)

— am/is/are + being + V3(ed)

+ have/has + been + Ving

15. «Where have you never been?». В каком времени употребляется в данном предложении глагол «to work»?

+ Present Perfect

— Present Simple

— Past Perfect

— Past Simple

16. В каком варианте указано лишнее слово?

— Past

— Future

+ Perfect

— Present

17. В каком варианте указана правильная форма образования вопросительного предложения в Past Perfect?

+ Had + подлежащее + V3?

— Have/has + подлежащее + V3?

— Had + подлежащее + V2?

— Did + подлежащее + V1?

18. Выберите отрицательное предложение в Present Simple Tense:

— Tom had not finished his work when his father came.

— Philip has never been to Liverpool.

— I have never been to St. Petersburg.

+ I don’t drink coffee every morning.

19. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на следующий вопрос: «What do the children like doing in winter?»:

вопрос теста Времена глагола 6 класс. Задание 2

+ The children like playing hockey in winter.

— The children are playing hockey in winter.

— The children play hockey in winter.

— The children likes playing hockey in winter.

тест-20. «There will be a good film on TV». В каком времени употребляется в данном предложении глагол «to be»?

— Present Simple

+ Future Simple

— Future Perfect

— Past Simple

21. В каком ряду указаны показатели Future Simple Tense?

— week ago, never, yet

— now, every year, already

+ next year, by Monday, tomorrow

— by 2025, already, next month

22. В каком варианте указана правильная форма образования отрицательного предложения в Present Perfect Tense?

— not + had + V3(ed)

— not + have/has + V3(ed)

+ have/has + not +V3(ed)

— have/has + not + V1

23. В каком ряду указаны только показатели Present Perfect Continuous Tense?

— month ago, for quite a while, today

— recently, never, now

— for, already, recently

+ lately, since, for quite a while

24. Future Simple Tense – это время, обозначающее действие:

— которое происходит

— которое происходит регулярно

— которое произошло

+ которое произойдет

25. «He … his friends before his parents came home». Какое слово здесь пропущено?

+ had met

— meets

— has met

— had meet

26. В каком варианте указана правильная форма образования утвердительного предложения в Present Continuous Tense?

— was/were + Ving

— have/has + V3 (ed)

— had +V3(ed)

+ am/is/are + Ving

27. « The girls are playing volleyball …». Какое слово здесь пропущено?

— yet

— today

+ at the moment

— tomorrow

28. Правильным переводом Future Perfect Continuous Tense на русский язык является:

— будущее завершенное время

+ будущее совершенное продолженное время

— будущее совершенное время

— будущее длительное время

29. «Maria has been looking for a new job since last year». В каком времени употребляется в данном предложении глагол «to look for»?

+ Present Perfect Continuous

— Present Perfect

— Present Continuous

— Future Perfect Continuous

тест_30. Времена какой группы показывают длительность происходящего процесса, совершение действий в конкретный момент времени?

— Simple

— Perfect

— Future

+ Continuous

Авторские права принадлежат редактору Черных Анастасии Кирилловне

  1. Выберете необходимый вариант:

1. I usually … my Granny on Saturday.

a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit

2. There … 30 pupils in our class last year.

a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is

3. I can … English very well.

 a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak

4. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?

a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did

 5. I … to my friend’s place yesterday.

a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go

 6. He will not… his holidays in America.

 a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend

7. My pencil … on the table yesterday. My mother … it in the box.

 a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, puts

8. Do you like … to school? Yes, I… .

 a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don’t

 9. We ….. how to use computers at I. T. lessons.      

 a) learn b) will learn; c) did learn;

10. She wanted to … us about her brother.

 a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show

2. a) Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

1. My working day (begin) at 7 o’clock.

2. He (not take) a bus to his factory.

3. What she (do) on Saturday evenings?

b) Раскройте скобки в Past Simple

1. Mr. Smith (fix) his car yesterday morning.

2. The students (be) in Russian Museum.

3. What your brother (do) yesterday?

c) Раскройте скобки в Future Simple

1. I (go) to my doctor tomorrow.

2. His wife (not water) flowers in the garden.

3. What you (do) tomorrow?

d) Раскройте скобки в Present Continuous.

  1. He (help) his father now.
  2. I (not  sleep) now.

3.    What they (talk) about?

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в необходимом времени.

1. Не (turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning.

2. I (go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.  

3. I (go) to the cinema tomorrow.

4. I (be) very busy last summer and I (not go) there.

5. He (get not) up at nine o’clock tomorrow.

6. You (watch) TV yesterday?

7. Who (take) care of the child in the future?

8. When you (leave) home for school yesterday?

9. You (have) a PT lesson yesterday? — No, I …

10. What you (buy) at the shop tomorrow? — I (buy) a book.

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Опубликовано 16.11.18 в 23:33

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Смирнова Светлана Леонидовна, 19.11.18 в 13:52
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Тест по английскому языку по теме « Времена группы Simple»

( 5-6 класс)

Задание: выберите подходящую форму глагола.

1. Alice _______dinner tomorrow.

A. Cooked

B. Cooks

C. Will cook

2. Cats __________very well in the dark.

A. See

B. Sees

C. Saw

3. Peter _______at the ice rink tomorrow.

A. Skate

B. Will skate

C. Skated

4. The boy ______his homework four days ago.

A. Didn`t do

B. Won`t do

C. Doesn`t do

5. Next year Kate ___________to London to visit her friends.

A. Went

B. Will go

C. Goes

6. Peter never _______football.

A. Plays

B. Doesn`t play

C. Don`t play

7. Paul is good at football. But he ______ play very often.

A. Doesn`t

B. Didn`t

C. Won`t

8. My sister ________lunch yesterday at six o`clock.

A. Had

B. Will have

C. Has

9. I _______my granny next year.

A. Visit

B. Will visit

C. Visited

10. For breakfast Sasha __________two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

A. Has

B. Had

C. Will have

11. Alina ______French well.

A. Will speak

B. Speaks

C. Spoke

12. My brother usually _______his homework in the afternoon.

A. Does

B. Did

C. Do

13. Stanley __________two sons and three daughters.

A. Has

B. Will have

C. Had

14. I _______tea to coffee.

A. Prefered

B. Will prefer

C. Prefer

15. We really _________opera yesterday.

A. Enjoy

B. Enjoyed

C. Will enjoy

16. They _________this book next week.

A. Read

B. Reads

C. Will read

17. Yesterday afternoon Kelly ______ me about the house.

A. Helps

B. Helped

C. Will help

18. Masha _______us tomorrow.

A. Called

B. Calls

C. Will call

19. We _______English lesson last Friday.

A. Have

B. Had

C. Will have

20. My sister __________her toys and books.

A. Likes

B. Like

C. Will like

21. Many birds __________south every summer.

A. Flies

B. Flew

C. Fly

22. We _________an essay tomorrow.

A. Write

B. Wrote

C. Will write

23. Our friends always __________to the country for the weekend.

A. Go

B. Went

C. Goes

24. Last year they ____________at the school sports ground.

A. Skied

B. Will ski

C. Ski

25. Yesterday John _______at eight o`clock.

A. Get`s up

B. Geted up

C. Got up

26. Mark __________to rock music five minutes ago.

A. Listened

B. Listens

C. Will listen

27. The puppy __________with its tail a minute ago.

A. Played

B. Playes

C. Play

28. I always __________Christmas cards to my grandparents.

A. Sent

B. Send

C. Sended

29. Our granny ___________meat-pies every weekend.

A. Bake

B. Baked

C. Bakes

30. Last week I _____________at the school sports ground.

A. Jumped

B. Jump

C. Will jump


1. C

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. C

15. B

16. C

17. B

18. C

19. B

20. A

21. C

22. C

23. A

24. A

25. C

26. A

27. A

28. B

29. C

30. A

ТЕСТ.6класс. Повторение времен глагола.

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужной временной форме.

  1. He (go) to school every day.

  2. Where is he now? He (go) to school now.

  3. He (go) just to school.

  4. He (go) to school yesterday.

Задание 2. Поставить общий и специальный вопросы к предложениям.

  1. They will buy a tasty cake tomorrow.

  2. My mum bought nice shoes yesterday.

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужной временной форме.

  1. She usually (read) magazines after lessons.

  2. She (read) magazine “Cool” last week.

  3. She already (read) this magazine.

  4. She (read) a magazine now.

Задание 2. Поставить общий и специальный вопросы к предложениям.

  1. They have already built a new house.

  2. Nick lost his key three days ago.

Вариант 3

Задание 1. Раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужной временной форме.

  1. We always (run) in the park on Sunday.

  2. We (run) in the park next week.

  3. We (run) in the park yesterday.

  4. We (run) in the park now.

Задание 2. Поставить общий и специальный вопросы к предложениям.

  1. She has written the exercises.

  2. Children are translating the text now.

Вариант 4

Задание 1. Раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужной временной форме.

  1. My sister (watch) films every day.

  2. My sister (watch) an interesting film last month.

  3. My sister (watch) now.

  4. My sister already (watch) this film.

Задание 2. Поставить общий и специальный вопросы к предложениям.

  1. Bess is speaking with her friend now.

  2. They listened music yesterday.

Сегодня предлагаю Вам подборку лексических и грамматических упражнений по английскому языку для 6 класса. Упражнения поделены на категории. К большинству заданий Вы найдете ответы в конце материала. Упражнения для 6 класса подобраны с целью повторить основные правила, которые должны знать ученики 6 класса.

В этом разделе даны тренировочные задания по грамматике английского языка для учеников 6 класса. Начнем с повторения глагола to be и времен.

Упражнения на времена для 6 класса.

To be.

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. Can I talk to Molly, please? — She _________ (is/are) busy now.
  2. What ______ (am/is/are) you painting? — I_________ (am/is/are) not painting now.
  3. My friends______ (am/are) working now.
  4. Where __________ (am/is/are) uncle Patrick on a holiday? — In Kenya.
  5. Why___________ (am/is/are) Nickolas crying? —He’s lost the

Present Continuous.

Упражнение 2. Определите предложения, в которых глаголы употреблены Present Continuous.

  1. Frank gets up at 6 o’clock.
  2. What is auntie Pam doing now?
  3. At 4 o’clock Molly is doing her tests.
  4. My friend often goes hiking.
  5. Sandy’s going to eat less fatty food.

На сайте есть много упражнений на Present Continuous.

Past Simple.

Упражнение 3. Употребите  Present Perfect или Past Simple.

  1. Meredith _________ (live) in Кenya last year.
  2. The rain_________ (stop) two hours ago.
  3. Masha_________ (buy) a new hat.
  4. The wind _________ (to blow) off the old man’s hat, and he cannot catch it.
  5. We just_________ (to meet) our math teacher.
  6. Sergio _________ (to go) home.
  7. He _______ (to leave) the room a moment ago.
  8. Fred_________ (to change) so much.
  9. Anything ______ (to happen)?

Больше упражнений на Past Simple.

Present Perfect.

Упражнение 4. Определите  предложения, в которых глаголы употреблены в Present Perfect.

  1. My name is Lisa.
  2. Sally has a lot of questions to ask.
  3. Molly has never been to Tanzania.
  4. I had a good holiday last year.
  5. Have Sally and Molly ever been to North Africa?

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Ты купил подарок бабушке?
  2. Мередит еще не видела этот фильм.
  3. Я только что разбил вазу.
  4. Вероника только что вернулась из Парижа.
  5. Петр уже сделал домашнее задание.

Упражнение 6. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

  1. I’ve been to Mir. — When
  2. I’ve read this book. — When
  3. I’ve just come from village. — How long
  4. I’ve broken a vase. — What
  5. I’ve met Kate. — Where

Больше упражнений на Present Perfect.

Past Continuous.

Упражнение 7. Underline Past Continuous forms.

  1. When I saw Nick, he was writing a letter.
  2. At 2 o’clock my mother Fiona was cooking soup.
  3. The father was not sleeping when little Freddie opened the door.
  4. At 10 o’clock, Samantha was doing homework.
  5. When the old teacher came in, the children were talking.

Упражнение 8.  Complete the sentences using Past Continuous.

  1. When my mother came home, I
  2. On Saturday at 9 o’clock my brother
  3. When the telephone suddenly rang, we still
  4. When I met my friend yesterday, he
  5. From 2 till 5 o’clock yesterday I

Больше упражнений на Past Continuous.

Комплексные упражнения на времена для 6 класса.

Упражнение 9. Выберите корректный вариант.

  1. Не_________ (is/are) going to be a teacher. He likes children.
  2. We’ll go on a bicycle__________ (last/next) Sunday.
  3. What_______ (am/are) you going to do after school?
  4. I think I (wan’t/won’t) go to the village next summer.
  5. I_________ (am/is) going to go to the mountains.

Упражнение 10. Найдите в тексте 5 ошибок.

Summer is my favourite time of the year because it are vacation time. Last summer I go to my granny in Russia. We also go to Moscow. I loved staying in hotels. There is swimming pools there and I is very happy.

Упражнение 11. Вставьте last night, ever, just, yet, always в нужном месте:

  1. My uncle went to Bosnia.
  2. Scot has come back from America.
  3. Have you been to Yemen?
  4. You haven’t visited your granny.
  5. I clean my teeth two times a day.

Упражнение 12. Подчеркните правильную опцию.

  1. Why (do, have) you bought so much sugar?
  2. What foreign language (have / do) you know?
  3. Where (do, have) you celebrate New Year?
  4. Why (do, have) you broken this toy?
  5. What (do, have) you do every day?

Упражнение 13. Choose the correct word for each conversation.

  1. (Would/Do) you like a cup of tea? Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.
  2. (Would/do) you like steak? No, I don’t eat meat.
  3. Tom (would like/likes) something to drink. I’ll bring mineral water.
  4. What is your favorite meat?  I (would like/like) chicken.
  5. Can I help you?  Yes? I (would like/like) an ice-cream.

Другие упражнения по грамматике для 6 класса.

Упражнение 14. Образуйте множественное число существительных

a wolf —    

a bison —

a sheep —

a tooth —

a glass —

an ox —

Больше упражнений на множественное число.

Упражнение 15. Образуйте степени сравнения.

short   —  

bad   —    

boring —

far –

Больше упражнений на степени сравнения.

Вопросительные предложения.

Упражнение 16.  Put the words in the correct order to make the questions.

  1. Did, happen, when, the accident
  2. Do, the boys, do, what, housework
  3. Machines, what, you, can, use
  4. Does, Molly, what, do, her, room, in
  5. You, do, like, film, this

Упражнение 17.  Complete the questions with the words how much, how many.

  1. _________ milk would you like?
  2. _________ sweets have you eaten?
  3. ________cabbage do you want to buy?
  4. _________ biscuits have you bought?
  5. _________ eggs have you added?

Упражнение 18. Complete the tail questions.

  1. The book is very interesting,_______?
  2. You haven’t seen The Lost World: Jurassic Park yet,________?
  3. You can go to granny tomorrow, ________?
  4. My brother thinks adventure stories are exciting, ________?
  5. Kate really likes eating ice-cream, ________?

Упражнение 19. Ask questions.

  1. Greg finished repairing his bicycle yesterday. — When __________?
  2. Yesterday Nelly was working at her English from 5 till 7. — How long ?
  3. My sister is in the kitchen. — Where ?
  4. Little Millie is brushing her teeth at the moment. — What ?
  5. Aunt Pam got a postcard from her cousin two days ago. — When ?

Больше упражнений на построение вопросов.

Упражнение 20. Fill in have to/has to, don’t / doesn’t have to, etc

  1. Sandy________ buy any milk. Her sister melody has already bought it.
  2. I don’t have a pencil. I________ ask somebody for a pencil.
  3. Nick is studying literature. He______ read a lot of books.
  4. ______ you______learn the poem by heart? No, I know it.
  5. I_________ clean the blackboard. Tim has already cleaned it.

Лексические упражнения для 6 класса.

Упражнение 21. Соотнесите слова и их перевод.







a)                   опасный

b)                   растение

c)                   за границей

d)                   опасность

e)                   дикий







a) крест

b) удобный

c) столица

d) гимн

e) население

Упражнение 22. Fill in when or while.

  1. Fred was watching TV, ________ Pit was reading.
  2. _________ mother came into the room, Anthony was sleeping.
  3. Melody was crying ______ Derek first saw her.
  4. Gill was cooking _______ the phone rang.
  5. _________ Steven was thinking, the train left.

Упражнение 23.  Match these verbs with the words.

1.       Do

2.       Make

3.       Clean

4.       Wash

5.       Water

a) the plants

b) your homework

c) the bed

d) the dishes

e) the house

Упражнение 24. Put these words into the most suitable column.

Steak, cucumber, onion, ham, potatoes, apple, lemon, carrot, bacon, grapes




Упражнение 25. Put the words into the correct order to make sentences.

  1. has to, stay, Ann, at school, lessons, after
  2. get, early, up, tomorrow, don’t, have to, I
  3. the dates, have to, they, learn, by heart
  4. have to, the, blackboard, clean, I
  5. don’t, eat, have to, you, the soup

Упражнение 26. Use the words to complete the sentences.

 exciting, boring, amusing, touching, horror

  1. The “Titanic” is a very _________ film.
  2. The film was very_________- , so I fell asleep.
  3. “Car” is an__________cartoon for the whole family.
  4. The “Star wars” is a very__________ film, so I couldn’t stop watching it.
  5. The “Dracula” was a __________ film, so I was not asleep.


Exercise 1.  1 is, 2 are / am, 3 are, 4 is, 5 is

Exercise 2.  2 /3 /5

Exercise 3.

1 lived, 2 stopped, 3 has bought, 4 has blown, 5 have just met, 6 has gone,  7 left, 8 has changed, 9 has … happened  

Exercise 4.  3 /5

Exercise 5.

  1. Have you bought a present for your Granny?
  2. Meredith hasn’t seen this film, yet.
  3. I’ve just broken the vase.
  4. Veronica has just come from Paris.
  5. Petr has already done his homework.

Exercise 6.

  1. When were you in Mir?
  2. When did you read it?
  3. How long have you been in the village?
  4. What have you done? or What have you broken?
  5. Where have you met Kate?

Exercise 7. Was writing, was cooking, was not sleeping, was doing, were talking

Exercise 8. Your own answers.

Exercise 9. 1 is, 2 next, 3 are, 4 won’t, 5 am

Exercise 10. it are vacation -> it is vacation, I go ->I went, also go -> also went, There is swimming -> there were swimming, I is very -> I was very

Exercise 11.

  1. My uncle went to Bosnia last night.
  2. Scot has just come back from America.
  3. Have you ever been to Yemen?
  4. You haven’t visited your granny, yet.
  5. I always clean my teeth two times a day.

Exercise 12. 1 have, 2 do, 3 do, 4 have, 5 do

Exercise 13. 1 would, 2 do, 3 would like, 4 like, 5 would like

Exercise 14. Wolves, bison, sheep, teeth, glasses, oxen.

Exercise 15. 1 Shorter than – the shortest, 2 worse than – the worst, 3 more boring – the most boring, farther / further than – the farthest/ furthest

Exercise 16.

When did the accident happen?

What housework do the boys do?

What machines can you use?

What does Molly do in her room?

Do you like this film?

Exercise 17.


1.       much

2.       many

3.       much

4.       many

5.       many

Exercise 18.

1 isn’t it?

2 have you?

3 can’t you?

4 doesn’t he?

5 doesn’t she?

Exercise 19.

  1. When did Greg finish repairing his bicycle?
  2. How long was Nelly working at her English yesterday?
  3. Where is your sister?
  4. What is little Millie doing? Or What is little Millie brushing?
  5. When did aunt Pam get a postcard from her cousin?

Exercise 20. 1 doesn’t have to, 2 have to, 3 has to, 4 do … have to, 5 don’t have to

Exercise 21.

A: Abroad – c,  dangerous – a, plant – b, wild – e, danger – d.

B: comfortable – b, population – e,  cross – a, capital – c,  anthem– d.

Exercise 22. 1 while, 2 when, 3 when, 4 when, 5 while

Exercise 23. 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 –e, 4- d, 5-a

Exercise 24.

Vegetable:  cucumber, onion, potatoes, carrot.

Fruit: apple, lemon, grapes

Meat: steak, ham, bacon, grapes

Exercise 26.  1 touching, 2 boring, 3 amusing, 4 exciting, 5 horror

Надеюсь эти лексические и грамматические упражнения для 6 класса были полезны для тренировки навыков английского языка.

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