Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс настоящее простое время

Вариант 1

1. Do,does,don’t, doesn’t

1.______________ She take her bus?

      Yes, she ………

2.______ I need my book?

       No, you …….

3._________ an elephant eat leaves?

     Yes, it ……

4._________ you want milk?

   No, I…..

2   Present Simple  — negative  or  interrogative.

  1. Tom ………..( not/ enjoy) going to the zoo.
  2. They……….(not /eat) meat.
  3. ……. (She /play) football.

3.Употребите правильную форму глагола

1.In the morning my mother (cook ) tasty  breakfast.

2.It often  (rain) in autumn.

3.Tom usually (to get up) at seven o’clock.

4.Sometimes they (to watch) TV.

4.Поставьте вопросы к предложениям

1.Michael works on a farm. Where….?

2.Brenda lives in Leeds. Does…?

3.Luc likes tea with lemon. What…?

5.Напишите прошедшее время глаголов: be, do, burn, come, can,buy,beat, become,cost,bring,have, give, go,cut, cost, buy, loose, meet,fly, feed

Вариант 2

1. Do,does,don’t, doesn’t                                            

1.______________ She go to the swimming pool?

      Yes, she ………

2.______ I sleep a lot?

       No, you …….

3._________ an elephant eat leaves?

     Yes, it ……

4._________ you like meat?

   No, I…..

2   Present Simple  — negative  or  interrogative.

  1. Ted………..( not/ enjoy) going to the zoo.
  2. We……….(not /eat)  fruit
  3. ……. (He /play) volleyball

3.Употребите правильную форму глагола

1. Kitty(to like) ice cream.

2. In the evening we ( to  watch ) TV.

3.Tom usually (to get) at 7 o’clock in the morning.

4.in summer she usually (to go) to the seaside.

4.Напишите прошедшее время глаголов: blow,cut.do,build, catch, burn,break, begin,chose,bite, go,cut, cost, buy, loose, meet,fly, feed

5.Поставьте вопросы к предложениям

1Mary works at a bookshop. Where…?

2. We have six lessons on Monday. When….?

3. My sister plays chess very well. Does…?

I Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в Past Simple ( прошедшее время)

1. We (to buy) a few new books last month.

2. I (to like) this big city.

3. He (to smoke) every day.

4. My sister (to get up) at 7 a.m.

5. This tiger (to live) in the jungle.

 II Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными

    1 John woke up at 7 o’clock yesterday.

      2.She helped her mother last week.

     3.My mother bought  some vegetables for supper.

     4.They came to the stadium  to play football

III Задайте вопросы к предложению.

She watched TV  yesterday evening.  .    (Who…? Where…? What…?  When …?)

 IY.Напишите прошедшее время глаголов: blow,cut.do,build, catch, burn,break, begin,chose,bite

I Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными

  1. He was  in France last year.
  2. They build a new house last  summer.
  3. She went to the library yesterday.
  4. We were at the circus  last week

 II Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в Past Simple( прошедшее время)

6. Mary (to work) as a driver.

7. Jack (to write) romantic poems.

8. Little children (to eat) slowly.

9. The student (to have) a nice bag.

10. Jim and Henry (to go) to the gym in the evenings.

III Задайте вопросы к предложению.

1.He watered the flowers in the garden on Monday.    (Who…? Where…? What…?  When …?)

IY.Напишите прошедшее время глаголов: be, do, burn, come, can,buy,beat, become,cost,bring

В данной контрольной работе представлено 5 заданий разных типов.

Задание 1. Проверка знания правил образования и употребления Present Simple.

  1. При помощи какого/каких вспомогательных глаголов образуются вопросительные и отрицательные предложения в Present Simple?
  2. Какое окончание имеет глагол в Present Simple при употреблении в первом лице единственного числа?
  3. Какое окончание имеет глагол в Present Simple при употреблении в третьем лице единственного числа?
  4. Напишите не менее трех обстоятельств времени, которые обычно употребляются в предложениях во времени Present Simple.

Задание 2. Составьте вопросительные предложения из утвердительных. Вопрос должен начинаться с вопросительного слова, указанного в скобках.

  1. People do stupid things. (Why?)
  2. Tom works. (Where?)
  3. I have dinner in the evening. (What time / usually?)
  4. The car breaks down. (How often?)
  5. I go to the cinema. (How often?)

Задание 3. Соедините части предложения из правой и левой колонок таблицы.

What does

you come from?

In summer Tom usually

patients in hospitals.

Where do

this word mean?

Nurses look after

grow in Britain.

Rice doesn’t

plays tennis twice a week.

Задание 4.  Выберите из двух вариантов один верный.

  1. The Earth goes / go round the sun.
  2. Does your wife arrive / arrives on Monday?
  3. I don’t understand / understands this sentence.
  4. Don’t / doesn’t talk so loudly, I hear / hears you well.
  5. How often do / does you go / goes to the dentist?

Задание 5. Решите 5 тестов (только один ответ верный).

1. We usually … a bus or a taxi early in the morning to get to work.

a) took 
b) take
c) taken
d) were taking

2. I. to work now. Good-bye!

a) go
b) went
c) am going
d) goes

3. This is a great party. Everyone.

a) dance
b) is dancing
c) dances
d) are dancing

4. Nurses. after people in hospital.

a) looks
b) is looking
c) will look
d) look

5. My sister seldom … our parents. 

a) visit
b) do visit
c) does visit
d) visits

Ответы (ключи) к контрольной работе

Задание 1.

  1. do/does
  2. Никакого окончания нет, глагол в Present Simple в первом лице единственного числа совпадает с формой инфинитива (без частицы to).
  3. Окончание –s.
  4. usually, every day, often, never seldom, sometimes

Задание 2.

  1. Why do people do stupid things?
  2. Where does Tom work?
  3. What time do you usually have dinner (in the evening)?
  4. How often does the car break down?
  5. How often do you go to the cinema?

Задание 3.

What does this word mean?
In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.
Where do you come from?
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
Rice doesn’t grow in Britain.

Задание 4.

  1. goes
  2. arrive
  3. understand
  4. don’t, hear
  5. do, go

Задание 5.

  1. b
  2. c
  3. b
  4. d
  5. d

Часть материала скопирована из следующих источников:
1. Raymond Murphy «English Grammar In Use» Cambridge University Press

Present Simple , Present Continuous

  1. Поставь глаголы в нужное время

  1. They____ (to eat) now?

  2. I ______(not to eat) in the day time.

  3. He usually______(to get up ) at 7 o’clock.

  4. What your sister _______(to do) now?

  5. They ______(to read) many books.

  6. Look! Kate ______(to dance).

  7. My friend_______(not to like) to play tennis.

  8. You ______(to go ) to school on Sunday?

  9. Look at the sky: the clouds____ (to move) slowly.

  10. Jack ____(to study) at an institute?

  11. Your dad ______(to work) at a hospital.

  12. His granny ______(not to live ) in Moscow.

  13. She _______(not to drink) coffee now.

  14. What you ______(to do) at the moment.

  15. The baby _______(to sleep) now.

  1. Составь предложения.

  1. work, My, doesn’t, grandmother.

  2. are, Where, they, now, going?

  3. her, is, She, face, washing,

  4. lunch, He, after, drinks, tea.

  5. His, playing, aunt, the, is, now, piano.

Present Simple , Present Continuous

  1. Поставь глаголы в нужное время

  1. They____ (to eat) now?

  2. I ______(not to eat) in the day time.

  3. He usually______(to get up ) at 7 o’clock.

  4. What your sister _______(to do) now?

  5. They ______(to read) many books.

  6. Look! Kate ______(to dance).

  7. My friend_______(not to like) to play tennis.

  8. You ______(to go ) to school on Sunday?

  9. Look at the sky: the clouds____ (to move) slowly.

  10. Jack ____(to study) at an institute?

  11. Your dad ______(to work) at a hospital.

  12. His granny ______(not to live ) in Moscow.

  13. She _______(not to drink) coffee now.

  14. What you ______(to do) at the moment.

  15. The baby _______(to sleep) now.

  1. Составь предложения.

  1. work, My, doesn’t, grandmother.

  2. are, Where, they, now, going?

  3. her, is, She, face, washing,

  4. lunch, He, after, drinks, tea.

  5. His, playing, aunt, the, is, now, piano.

Test “Present Simple”

№1 Поставьте глагол в правильную форму PresentSimple:

1. We (like) big dogs. 2. Our children (read) a lot. 3. Rex (live) in a doghouse. 4. Barbie (be) very clever. She (speak) Chinese. 5. You (drive) very fast. 6. Those boys (play) football in our yard every Monday. 7. My little bird ( sing) songs. 8. He (have) a lot of mistakes in the text. 9. Mr. Dale (give) his son some money. 10. We (go) to bed at 10 o’clock.


1. He gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 2. I go to the Black Sea every year. 3. Mary lives in Italy. 4. Sometimes we watch TV in the evening. 5. Does your friend speak French? 6. Sam works at the police office.

№3 а) Задайте общие вопросы

b) Сделайте предложения отрицательными

1. Kate is his older sister. 2. My granny has 5 grandchildren. 3. My parents go to the cinema every weekend. 4. Ann sleeps.

№ 4 Исправьте ошибки:

1.We likes to read fairy tales. 2. Ben have two sisters. 3. My granny watch TV every evening. 4. My friends eats many apples.

Адрес публикации: https://www.prodlenka.org/metodicheskie-razrabotki/123931-kontrolnaja-rabota-dlja-5-klassa-po-teme-pres


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple.

1. Tom__________________ (get up) in the morning.

2. I usually_____________________ (have a shower).

3. Bob and Kate_________________ (not/walk with a dog) in

the afternoon. They usually ____________ (walk with a dog)

in the evening.

4. _____________________ (she / watch DVD) in the evening?

5. _____________________ (you/ play computer)?

6. Kate____________ (not/ do homework) on Sundays.

II. Write the 3


-person singular forms of the verbs.

1. do — ___________

2. try — ___________

3. play- ___________

4. watch — __________

5. work — ___________

6. get up -__________


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple.

1. Tom__________________ (get up) in the morning.

2. I usually_____________________ (have a shower).

3. Bob and Kate_________________ (not/walk with a dog) in

the afternoon. They usually ____________ (walk with a dog)

in the evening.

4. _____________________ (she / watch DVD) in the evening?

5. _____________________ (you/ play computer)?

6. Kate____________ (not/ do homework) on Sundays.

II. Write the 3


-person singular forms of the verbs.

1. do — ___________

2. try — ___________

3. play- ___________

4. watch — __________

5. work — ___________

6. get up -__________

I Напиши по образцу

I speak-he speaks

I take – he

I watch – he

I relax- he

I brush – he

I work – he

I like – he

I fly – he

I miss – he

I hurry – he

I push – he

I play – he

I copy – he

I dance — he

II Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

Bill always gets to work early. (get)

I ______________films very often. (watch)

Sally ___________her face every morning. (wash)

My parents ________ in a small company. (work)

Dora ____________ not far from the school. (live)

They __________to the gym every weekend. (go)

Jane ________her homework every evening. (do)

III Напиши отрицание к предложениям 3, 4. Задай общий вопрос к предложениям 6, 7.

I Напиши по образцу

I speak-he speaks

I take – he

I watch – he

I relax- he

I brush – he

I work – he

I like – he

I fly – he

I miss – he

I hurry – he

I push – he

I play – he

I copy – he

I dance — he

II Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

Bill always gets to work early. (get)

I ______________films very often. (watch)

Sally ___________her face every morning. (wash)

My parents ________ in a small company. (work)

Dora ____________ not far from the school. (live)

They __________to the gym every weekend. (go)

Jane ________her homework every evening. (do)

III Напиши отрицание к предложениям 3, 4. Задай общий вопрос к предложениям 6, 7.

I Напиши по образцу

I speak-he speaks

I take – he

I watch – he

I relax- he

I brush – he

I work – he

I like – he

I fly – he

I miss – he

I hurry – he

I push – he

I play – he

I copy – he

I dance — he

II Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

Bill always gets to work early. (get)

I ______________films very often. (watch)

Sally ___________her face every morning. (wash)

My parents ________ in a small company. (work)

Dora ____________ not far from the school. (live)

They __________to the gym every weekend. (go)

Jane ________her homework every evening. (do)

III Напиши отрицание к предложениям 3, 4. Задай общий вопрос к предложениям 6, 7.

I Напиши по образцу

I speak-he speaks

I take – he

I watch – he

I relax- he

I brush – he

I work – he

I like – he

I fly – he

I miss – he

I hurry – he

I push – he

I play – he

I copy – he

I dance — he

II Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

Bill always gets to work early. (get)

I ______________films very often. (watch)

Sally ___________her face every morning. (wash)

My parents ________ in a small company. (work)

Dora ____________ not far from the school. (live)

They __________to the gym every weekend. (go)

Jane ________her homework every evening. (do)

III Напиши отрицание к предложениям 3, 4. Задай общий вопрос к предложениям 6, 7.

I Напиши по образцу

I speak-he speaks

I take – he

I watch – he

I relax- he

I brush – he

I work – he

I like – he

I fly – he

I miss – he

I hurry – he

I push – he

I play – he

I copy – he

I dance — he

II Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

Bill always gets to work early. (get)

I ______________films very often. (watch)

Sally ___________her face every morning. (wash)

My parents ________ in a small company. (work)

Dora ____________ not far from the school. (live)

They __________to the gym every weekend. (go)

Jane ________her homework every evening. (do)

III Напиши отрицание к предложениям 3, 4. Задай общий вопрос к предложениям 6, 7.

I Напиши по образцу

I speak-he speaks

I take – he

I watch – he

I relax- he

I brush – he

I work – he

I like – he

I fly – he

I miss – he

I hurry – he

I push – he

I play – he

I copy – he

I dance — he

II Раскройте скобки в Present Simple

Bill always gets to work early. (get)

I ______________films very often. (watch)

Sally ___________her face every morning. (wash)

My parents ________ in a small company. (work)

Dora ____________ not far from the school. (live)

They __________to the gym every weekend. (go)

Jane ________her homework every evening. (do)

III Напиши отрицание к предложениям 3, 4. Задай общий вопрос к предложениям 6, 7.

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  • Present Simle

Present Simle

Тест включает разные задания для ученика 5 класса

Английский язык 5 класс | Автор: Вохмина Ольга Вяеславовна | ID: 15285 | Дата: 26.11.2021



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Вопрос №

Выберете предложение, которое имеет время Present Simple

I love my cat
I have never been in Paris
I am going to busstation

Вопрос №

Заполните пропуск в предложении: «She … a beautiful girl»


Вопрос №

напишите все возможеные варианты: «… have a dog»


Вопрос №

Какой вариант неправильного глагола to fallожно употребить во времени Present Simple?


Вопрос №

Найдите ошибку в предложении My mam like coffee

Введите ответ:

Вопрос №

Переведите предложение на английский язык: «Даша любит читать»

Введите ответ:

Вопрос №

Переведите предложение на русский язык: «My comruter is a smart»

Мой компьютер умный
Мой компютер сломан

Вопрос №

Сколько ошибок в тексте?
Masha always doing the sport


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о прохождении теста

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