Компания майкрософт презентация на английском

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Microsoft Corporation
executed work:
Sakhayana Shestakova,
Diana Protodyakonova,
Vilena Ivanova

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Слайд 3

Описание слайда:

The concept of Microsoft

Microsoft (Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft) is one of the largest multinational companies that produces proprietary software for various types of computing equipment — personal computers, game consoles, PDAs, mobile phones. it is the developer of the most widely used software platform in the world at the moment — the Windows family of operating systems.

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Описание слайда:

History of creation

The company begins its history in 1975, when friends-Harvard students bill gates and Paul Allen, after reading an article published on January 1, 1975 in the magazine «Popular Electronics» about the new Altair 8800 personal computer, developed an interpreter for the Basic language for it. A month later, on February 1, a license agreement was signed with Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems, the manufacturer of this PC, to use Basic AS part of the software for Altair. They were thinking of calling their company Allen & gates, but they thought it was more appropriate for a law firm, so Paul suggested Micro — Soft, from microcomputer and software.

Слайд 5

Описание слайда:

Microsoft Corporation is a manufacturer of a wide range of software and hardware. it is known worldwide primarily for operating systems of the Windows family, as well as programs for working with documents of the Microsoft Office family. Today, the Corporation produces a variety of products: server software kits, games, software development tools, and Xbox game consoles.

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Описание слайда:

Software product
Integrated software products the Microsoft Windows Package includes standard applications such as the browser (Internet Explorer), the mail client (Outlook Express),and the player (Windows Media Player). Using COM and OLE technologies, their components can be embedded in other applications, including third-party applications.

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Описание слайда:

Business culture
Microsoft is often characterized by the fact that its business culture is built around developers. A huge amount of money and time is spent every year on recruiting young SOFTWARE developers who have been trained at universities and keeping them in the company.
To select the right people and give them the opportunity to get to know their future employer better, Microsoft uses a number of special techniques. So, when candidates get to the company’s head office, they find themselves in a special zone called «experience Microsoft». In this zone, you can get acquainted with Microsoft’s technological innovations and demonstrate videos in which employees talk about their experiences.

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Описание слайда:

Company on the market
It was estimated that Microsoft controls 80-85% of the entire personal computer software market. The company’s product range includes hundreds of products and thousands of employees, which makes it the largest company. Many of the company’s shareholders are millionaires, and some, including bill gates and Paul Allen, are billionaires. Without a doubt, Microsoft is the fastest growing company in the personal computer software market.

Слайд 9

Описание слайда:

Thank you for attention!

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Слайд 1

Microsoft corporation

Ashutasty 2015

Слайд 2
171789, h. 434, Gagarin Street, Washington, USA.
Tel./Fax: (3527) 37 –

73 – 37

My name Aleksandr Stepanov-let me tell you about the story of Microsoft. In 1899 a company was established in USA, near Canada primarily for introductions of new computer programs, To head the company Microsoft Bill Gates, the richest man in the world.
In 1920 Microsoft has created a market that is impenetrable to any other company except for itself. . With a market value that far outstrips its racing sales. Over the year, the company diversified its activities to all areas of the business.

Microsoft is the world’s №1 software company. Its software includes the Windows operating systems, Excel spreadsheets, word-processing programs, and reference works. These companies operated in USA, Russia, Brazil, Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Great Britain eats.
Company Microsoft the founder which is Bill Gates is today one of largest USA industrial concerns and of the elite group of leading international on software.

It»s Mr. Bill Gates job to :
1-don work long hours.
2-must not be late for work.
3-can entertain visitors to get to work.
4- don’t smoke at work.
5-must visit clients.
171789, h. 434, Gagarin Street, Washington, USA.Tel./Fax: (3527) 37 – 73

Слайд 3

Слайд 4

The organization structure of company Microsoft depends on different matters

,such as-size of the company ,type of ownership ,availability of regional divisions , etc . But most of the companies have certain usual functions I showed on the Organizational Chart . Job Descriptions are attached below .
is the highest level in the organizational structure of any corporation. Usually from four to nine owners with the largest number or shares get elected to the board of Directors.
-is appointed by the Board of Directors for a certain period of time. He is responsible for managing the company , fulfilling the main strategy and developing business . He reports to the Board of Directors and shareholders.
is responsible for Finance and Accounting Function. The have to provide them with accurate and management reports in a timely manner . Manager use financial data for decision making purposes . Budget group develops plans and budgets.
is the Head of the Personnel Department. The Personnel Department is dealing with issues of personnel training ,hiring policies ,defining reward systems for people from different departments and divisions.

General manager

Financial Controller-

Personnel Manager-

Organizational Structure
The organization structure of company Microsoft depends on different matters ,such

Слайд 5

Speed development of the company

Speed development of the company

Слайд 6

Used production in the countries

Used production in the countries

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Презентация по английскому языку по теме Microsoft corporation


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Подписи к слайдам:

Ласточка. Корейская народная сказка

Притча о гвоздях

Ночная стрельба

Юрий Визбор. Милая моя

Усатый нянь


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Interesting Facts About Microsoft Company | Newsifier

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Interesting Facts About Microsoft Company

  2. On April 4, 1975, Bill Gates started a little with PAUL Allen that Microsoft was founded on that day. Today, you will tell about some of Microsoft’s Facts. It is a very interesting fact About Microsoft .So Let’s start..

  3. Microsoft company name was first named Micro-Soft, but later changed and it was introduced from New Mexico. • Bill Gates and Paul Allen had designed the company’s logo within one day. • In 1987, Bill Gates got the title of the youngest billionaire at the age of 31. After that, he became the world’s richest man in the year 1995. • Microsoft company made one of the world’s richest man, two billionaires, and billionaires to 12,000 people. • Microsoft Company has more than 48,000 patents.

  4. 6. In 1997, Apple Company was still bankrupt when Microsoft made an investment of $ 150 million in Apple. 7. Window XP’s Background Wallpaper is the most viewed photo in history. 8. The 6-second sound that comes with the computer startup was made by “Brian Emo“. 9. Initially, Bill Gates used to advertise windows on TV on TV. 10. Microsoft had created the first smartwatch in collaboration with Timmax. Which was introduced in the year 1994?

  5. 11. Microsoft’s Apple Excel has flagged many successes. Today it is everywhere. 12. The most preferred food pizza in Microsoft Campus is. 13. Microsoft company employees are called “Softie“. 14. Microsoft gives drinks to the company employees free of charge. 15. Microsoft Campus is full of small rabbits. 16. The value of Bill Gates’s house in Medina, Washington, is around $ 123 million today.


Microsoft Corporation


Microsoft Corporation — один из крупнейших производителей программного обеспечения для компьютеров, мобильных телефонов, КПК, и другой вычислительной техники. Microsoft Corporation также является производителем аксессуаров для персональных компьютеров. Наиболее известным программными продуктами Microsoft является операционная система Windows и пакет программ для редактирования документов и презентаций Microsoft Office.


Основатели Microsoft 4 апреля 1975 года в городе Альбукерке была основана корпорация Майкрософт Биллом Гейтсом и Полом Алленом.


Альтаир 8800 – первый ПК


4 апреля 1978 г. Microsoft получает приз в один миллион долларов за свой Basic


Загадка! Не зверушка, не летаешь, А по коврику скользишь И курсором управляешь. Ты – компьютерная…


В 1983 году Microsoft создала свой манипулятор «мышь»


В 1995 году вышла легендарная Windows95


В 1993 году число только зарегистрированных пользователей Windows превысило 25 миллионов человек. С этого момента Windows становится самой популярной в мире операционной системой. В 1998 году вышла Windows98


2001 год стал годом выпуска самой популярной и по сегодняшний день операционной системы Windows XP. — Одна из лучших ОС, выпущенных Microsoft за свою историю.


2009 год- Microsoft выпускает Windows 7


С 1986 года головной офис компании находится в Редмонде, штат Вашингтон Кампус Майкрософт


Билл Гейтс Лично я всегда любил нанимать умных людей и работать с ними. Мне нравится учиться у них. Билл Гейтс, «Дорога в будущее»


На июнь 2015 года Журнал Forbes представил список самых влиятельных брендов мира. Одна из крупнейших транснациональных корпораций по производству программного обеспечения стоит биллионов долларов. Самая широко распространенная в мире программная платформа – Microsoft Windows, на которой работает более 90% компьютеров в разных странах.


На одно свободное местечко в корпорации приходится 1 млн 300 тысяч людей. Такая огромная конкуренция вполне понятна, так как корпорация выбирает лучших из лучших. Для этих сотрудников корпорация делает многое. Например, дает оплаченный отпуск, в случае если работнику в силу каких-либо разных обстоятельств это нужно, а также медицинскую страховку. В Microsoft не запрещаются удаленная работа и неполная трудовая неделя.


Корпорация Microsoft активно и без сомнений берет на работу женщин. Причем этот подбор специалисток начинается еще со школы. Для обнаружения наиболее одаренных девушек корпорация систематично проводит дни DigiGirlz, а также образует летние лагеря для старшеклассниц.


Microsoft очень хорошо относится к своим работникам с нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации. В Microsoft уже 15 лет имеется внутрикорпоративный профессиональный союз GLEAM (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Employees at Microsoft), который защищает права этой категории работников и добился включения проблемы о сексуальной ориентации в антидискриминационную дипломатию Microsoft. Профессиональный союз связывает более 700 персон.


Компания Microsoft за свою 38- летнюю работоспособность завоевала больше 150 компаний


Microsoft изначально называлась Micro-soft Microsoft состоит из комбинации слов microcomputer(микрокомпьютер) и software(ПО)


Microsoft владеет огромной коллекцией произведений современного искусства. Коллекция корпорации насчитывает более пяти тысяч произведений современного искусства, включая живопись, скульптуры, фотографии и мультимедийные проекты.

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