Горнодобывающая компания хорнрайт индастриал фоллаут 76

Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера (англ. Senior executive exam answer key) — заметка Fallout 76.



Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера

Вопрос 1: 2
Вопрос 2: 2 или 3
Вопрос 3: 1
Вопрос 4: 2
Вопрос 5: 1


«2. Обвинить в произошедшем подстрекателей и местных профсоюзов»


«2. Шантажировать их, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию»
«3. Передать информацию в СМИ, воспользоваться падением их акций после публичного скандала и сыграть на понижение»


«1. Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены»


«2. Предложить им прибыльные должности, чтобы узнать их истинную суть»


«1. Передать информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта»


Штаб-квартира «Хорнрайт индастриал», в тумбе стола под терминалом в отделе ИТ департамента на втором этаже.


Заметка «Ответы к экзамену на должность топ-менеджера» появляется только в Fallout 76.

Не всегда работает принцип пришел, увидел, победил. Чтобы пройти квест Золотая жила в Fallout 76 придется хорошенько подумать головой. В данной статье вы узнаете о терминале Пенни, как пройти тест и получить пропуск топ-менеджера, а также где найти ремонтный маячок.

Что делать?

Как и многие квесты начинаются с исследования многоэтажного здания, в котором вам предстоит первым делом отыскать нужную комнату и терминал. Для этого необходимо подняться на четвертый уровень, найти его не составит труда, так как все этажи здания пронумерованы. После того как вы подниметесь, найдите комнату с терминалом (она слева) и внимательно прочтите записи на нем.

Золотая Жила Fallout 76

После изучения всех записей вернитесь на третий уровень и найти терминал для найма сотрудников — там вам предложат пройти тест на должность топ-менеджера. При удачной сдачи теста, вы получите пропуск топ-менеджера, который потребуется позже. Чтобы долго не мучиться с прохождением теста, используйте данные виды ответов:

  1. «Свалить вину за происшедшее на агитаторов в местных профсоюзах».
  2. «Шантажировать их, чтобы получить больше информации».
  3. «Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены».
  4. «Предложу им прибыльную работу, чтобы раскрыть их личности».
  5. «Передам информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта».

Как видите, в компании знали толк в правильном руководстве. Хотя Fallout во многом пародирует и высмеивает недостатки нашего мира, в данных ответах можно увидеть лицо некоторые реальных руководителей…

Терминал Найма

Следующим шагом после сдачи теста, вы должны проследовать в соседнюю комнату, в которой находится принтер и забрать свой пропуск. После спускаемся на первый уровень и направляемся к лифту. При помощи пропуска запускаем лифт, который доставляет вас на этаж директора. Выйдя из лифта, поговорите с системой внешнего подключения. После этого идтие к исследовательскому терминалу, на котором прочитайтечетвертую запись, в которой находится нужный вам код.

После заберите ремонтный маячок, снова поговорить с системой внешнего подключения. Далее проходим в комнату где ранее нам преграждали путь лазеры. Проходим в лифт и спускаемся вниз. Устанавливаем ремонтный маячок на нужное место и ждем какое-то время. После чего получаете заслуженную награду за прохождение квеста Золотая жила в Fallout 76.

Прохождения квеста «Золотая жила» в Fallout 76

5 (100%) 1 vote

В Fallout 76 Золотая жила представляет собой один из квестов, в которых нужно хорошенько подумать головой, а не ворваться в локацию с железным дрыном наперевес и раздать на орехи всему, что подаёт признаки жизни. Причём написан он с долей здоровой сатиры — авторы явно старались высмеять современный мир, способы управления компанией и всё то, что, к сожалению, существует в реальности. И у их получилось! Поэтому, чтобы лишний раз улыбнуться, мы рекомендуем внимательно читать все тексты в ходе прохождения, несмотря на то, что мы укажем для вас все правильные ответы.

Для начала нужно забраться на 4-й этаж здания и найти там терминал, с которым и предстоит взаимодействовать. На этажах присутствуют таблички, так что заблудиться у вас вряд ли получится. Слева расположена комната, в которой и стоит искомый терминал, и для начала нужно ознакомиться с хранящимися в нём записями. 

Следующий шаг: спуститесь этажом ниже, на третий уровень, и найдите другой терминал, некогда использовавшийся службой найма сотрудников. Видимо, компания давным-давно упразднила должность рекрутера, и вместо собеседования соискателям предлагалось сдать тест. Один из них и предстоит пройти нам, и в случае успешного его завершения вы получите должность топ-менеджера, а заодно и пропуск, который вам еще потребуется в дальнейшем. Вот список правильных ответов на вопросы:

  • Свалить вину за происшедшее на агитаторов в местных профсоюзах.
  • Шантажировать их, чтобы получить больше информации.
  • Собрать компромат на политика, чтобы сбить цены.
  • Предложу им прибыльную работу, чтобы раскрыть их личности.
  • Передам информацию о предложении команде корпоративной разведки Хорнрайта.

Не напоминает реальный мир, нет? Сатира из квеста «Золотая жила», одного из самых забавных в Фоллаут 76, так и сочится. Как бы то ни было, после теста загляните в соседнюю комнату и заберите пропуск. Заполучив его, спускайтесь на первый этаж и идите к лифту. Он затребует пропуск, который у вас теперь есть, и, получив его, доставит вас на особый уровень, где некогда располагался кабинет директора. Побеседовав с системой, воспользуйтесь исследовательским терминалом и получите код. Забрав маячок и снова пообщавшись с системой, идите в помещение, куда раньше не получалось попасть из-за лазеров. После установки маячка на нужное место останется только пождать, и квест будет засчитан.

Hornwright Industrial Headquarters is a location in the Appalachian city of Charleston. It is the corporate headquarters of the pre-War Hornwright Industrial company.


Located in downtown Charleston, this skyscraper was the heart of the Hornwright Industrial mining company.[1]


The skyscraper is divided into nine distinct levels, including, from bottom to top, a sub-basement, basement, ground level, floors 1-5, and the executive suite (floor 6) on top. Floors 2-5 overlook a single central chamber, with floor 1 on the bottom. A stairwell links most levels together.

Ground floor

The entrance hall constitutes the headquarter’s lobby and has a mezzanine, decorated with Auto-Miners. The room has a reception desk and terminal, together with a Nuka-Cola machine in the southern room and pools of radioactive water. On the opposite end, up the stairs, are the Company Archives, the information of which has been corrupted and is inaccessible. The southeastern corner has the stairwell. Behind the reception desk is the building’s main elevator, which can be used to reach the sixth floor.

Second floor

The second floor contains the Technology Support Department with Jeffery Vaccarro’s terminal and the senior executive exam answer key in his desk. The adjacent room contains a chemistry station.

Third floor

The third floor has the Human Resources Department on the southern face, right next to the Candidate Testing room for the senior executive exam. On the oppossite site there is a research area which holds an ignition core reactor, the same engine which the Rockhound uses.

Fourth floor

The fourth floor contains a conference room and Penelope Hornwright’s Senior Operations Executive office. Penelope’s office has a tinker’s workbench, and her desk terminal contains a message to Yvette, which has the password for the automated hiring system in the hiring department. Behind Penelope’s desk is her lab terminal, holding information about company projects.

Fifth floor

The fifth floor contains two offices, which can be accessed from the floor below. One of them belonged to the Hornwright executive R. Vargas. The safe in his office requires a key, which is located on the bottom right shelf of his desk. There is an exit to a destroyed part of the building, which is adjacent to a residential building’s top floor. It contains ruined wastelander dwellings and blocked offices, accessible through the ruined technical passage on the western face of the building.

Sixth floor

The top floor, floor 6, also known as the executive offices, can be accessed through the lobby elevator after acquiring the senior executive keycard during the quest The Motherlode. The top floor contains a lobby in the middle with the CEO office of Daniel Hornwright on the northern end and the development lab on the opposite end. There is a glass floor in this room, through which the lobby and the rest of floors can be seen.

The lab was the heart of Hornwright’s development operations, and as such it has the external connection system with the Motherlode Project. Interacting with the system will result in meeting one of the Motherlode autonomous mining robots. The room also has chemistry station.

Daniel Hornwright’s CEO office has his operational terminal, and the room includes another elevator which, with the proper identification, one can access the sub-basement and the Cave.


The sub-basement level, accessed by the elevator in the executive offices, is the location of the Motherlode Department[2] in which all operations involving the Motherlode robots were carried. It also includes a weapons workbench and possibly power armor frame.

The area known as the Cave is the lowest level of the building, located below the sub-basement level, also accessed by the executive office’s elevator. This area was used to test the Motherlode and its interactions with the environment. The Division of Wealth quest takes place here. As one enters from the east, there is a reception desk where Hijack is encountered. To the left (south), through either security door, is the Motherlode. On the other (west) side of the main room is a door. If one goes through the door and down the stairs, a sign reads «Enter here.» This leads through a maze to recalibrate the Motherlode. Completing the maze leads back into the reception area.

Notable loot

Holotapes and notes
  • Senior executive exam updates — Holotape, in the Human Resources office on floor 3.
  • Penelope Hornwright’s resume — Note, acquired from the company archives terminal only during the quest The Motherlode.
  • Senior executive exam answer key — Note, at Jeffery Vaccarro’s desk on floor 2.
  • Filing status — Note, in the human resources office on floor 3.
  • Sam Blackwell: «No» on Measure 6 — Note, on the executive floor.
  • «Excavator suit» — Final steps — Note, on a cabinet on the sub-basement level, down near the dirt pit.
  • Algorithm reset test — Holotape, in the Cave, in the room behind fences and security gates, on top of a series of blue consoles.
  • Participant survey — Note, in the Cave, on a clipboard in the room to the right while facing the intake desk.
  • Hornwright HQ — key to R. Vargas safe — Key, adjacent to a safe on a shelf in the desk. Opens the safe.
  • Hornwright Estate access keycard — On the CEO’s desk. Accesses the elevator to Hornwright Estate.
  • Three potential Vault-Tec bobbleheads:
    • On floor 3, in the south corner of the reactor lab, on the metal counter half-hidden by a wooden crate.
    • In the sunken floor section of the external connection system chamber, by the circular Protectron calibration pad, in leg alcove of the red mainframe computer.
    • On the basement level, in the northwest computer room overlooking the sub-basement, in the tiny foot alcove of the jutting part of the red mainframe computer.
  • Three potential magazines:
    • On floor 5, behind the inaccessible door, in the room accessed via the hole in the conference room wall via the duct ramp, on the wood desk (no terminal) with the red wastebasket.
    • On the executive level, in the office with the CEO’s terminal, on the curved desk.
    • In the north corner of the sub-level’s lower balcony, near a green metal desk and mainframe terminal, on a seat.
  • Potential recipe — Next to the Hornwright building, inside the dilapidated building turned refuge, on a grill.
  • Power armor chassis — In the basement, near the Motherlode meeting point.
  • Fusion core — On the top floor, inside the fusion generator.
  • Three .44 pistols can spawn here:
    • In a cubby of the desk to the left of the west laser door after entering the executive areas (CEO’s office).
    • In the sub-level, always inside the Motherlode department safe next to the stairs.
    • Also in the sub-level one may spawn on top of the red consoles in the west end of the upper part of the room.

  • The Motherlode
  • Division of Wealth Wastelanders


The Hornwright Industrial Headquarters appears only in Fallout 76, and was expanded upon in the Wastelanders update.

Behind the scenes

Level designer Craig Bernardo worked on this location’s design and creation.[3]


Main building

FO76 Misc lox 12

F76 Hornwright Industrial Int 1


F76 Hornwright Industrial Int 2

Second floor

F76 Hornwright Industrial Int 3


F76 Hornwright Industrial Int 5

Top floor

PowerArmor Hornwright HQ

FO76 Hornwright Industrial headquarters (Filing status)

Sam Blackwell No on Measure 6

FO76 Hornwright Industrial headquarters (Senior executive exam answer key)

FO76 Hornwright Industrial headquarters (Human Resources office)


The Cave


  1. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller’s Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia p.340: «79. HORNWRIGHT INDUSTRIAL HEADQUARTERS
    Though not lurching at an alarming angle like the brick tenement block adjacent to this location, the Hornwright tower is still in a frightful state of disrepair. Though you can enter the place via some treacherous tenement block maneuvering (from the Charleston Herald structure), and you can enter the structure from the fifth level, it’s easier to work your way up from the ground floor, via the south facing entrance.
    Inside, the Hornwrights have thoughtfully labeled each level with a number so you know where you are. Enter the passageway between the walls on Level 03 or 04 to reach the otherwise-inaccessible office on Level 05. Or, with the appropriate ID card, you can use the lobby elevator to reach the executive level. Once you shut down the laser grids, you can reach the sublevel basement.»

    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller’s Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia)
  2. Motherlode Dept. Safe
  3. Craig Bernardo — Fallout 76

v · d · e

Fallout 76 locations

Ash Heap

Abandoned mine shaft 1 · Abandoned mine shaft 2 · Abandoned mine shaft 3 · Abandoned mine shaft 4 · Abandoned mine shaft 5 · Abandoned mine site Kittery · AMS testing site · Bastion Park · Beckley (Beckley mine exhibit · Sal’s Grinders) · Belching Betty · Brim Quarry · The Burning Mine · Camden Park · Garrahan Estate · Garrahan Mining Headquarters · Hornwright air purifier site 01 · Hornwright air purifier site 02 · Hornwright air purifier site 03 · Hornwright air purifier site 04 · Hornwright Estate · Lake Reynolds · Lewisburg (Lewisburg Station · Pleasant Hills Cemetery) · Mount Blair (Abandoned mine shaft 6 · Abandoned mine shaft Elaine · Mount Blair Trainyard) · Pylon ambush site · Red Rocket filling station · Relay tower HG-B7-09 · Rollins labor camp · The Rusty Pick · The Sludge Works · Striker Row · Unfinished mansion · Vault 63 · Welch (Welch Station) · Widow’s Perch

Cranberry Bog

Abandoned Bog Town · Appalachian Antiques · Big Bend Tunnel East · Bootlegger’s shack · Cranberry Glades · Creekside sundew grove · Drop Site C2 · Drop Site G3 · Drop Site V9 · Firebase Hancock · Firebase LT · Firebase Major · Flooded trainyard · Fort Defiance · Forward Station Alpha · Forward Station Delta · The General’s Steakhouse · Glassed cavern · Kerwood Mine · Lost home · Mac’s farm · NAR repair yard · Old Mold Quarry · Overgrown sundew grove · Pylon V-13 · Quarry X3 · Ranger district office · Ranger lookout · RobCo Research Center · Sparse sundew grove · Sunrise Field · Superior Sunset Farm · Survey camp Alpha · The Thorn · Thunder Mountain substation TM-02 · Veiled sundew grove · Watoga (AMS corporate headquarters · Watoga Civic Center · Watoga Emergency Services · Watoga Estates · Watoga High School · Watoga Municipal Center · Watoga Shopping Plaza · Watoga Station · Watoga Transit Hub)

The Forest

Aaronholt homestead · Alpine River Cabins · Anchor farm · Arktos Pharma · Billings homestead · Black Mountain Ordnance Works · Bleeding Kate’s Grindhouse · Bolton Greens · Camp Adams · Camp Adams lookout · Camp McClintock · Charleston (AVR Medical Center · Charleston Capitol Building · Charleston Fire Department · Charleston Herald building · Charleston landfill · Charleston Station · Charleston Trainyard · Hornwright Industrial headquarters) · Clancy Manor · Cliffwatch · Cow Spots Creamery · The Crosshair · Darling sister’s lab · Deathclaw Island · The Deep · East Kanawha lookout · Flatwoods (Flatwoods lookout · Green Country Lodge) · Gauley Mine · The Giant Teapot · Gilman lumber mill · Gorge Junkyard · Greg’s Mine Supply · Groves family cabin · Helvetia · Hillfolk Hotdogs · Horizon’s Rest · Hornwright summer villa · Hunter’s Ridge · Isolated cabin · Kanawha County Cemetery · Kanawha Nuka-Cola plant · The Kill Box (formerly Burdette Manor) · Lady Janet’s Soft Serve · Lakeside Cabins · Landview Lighthouse · Lewis & Sons Farming Supply · Marigold Pavilion · Moonshiner’s shack · Morgantown (Big Al’s Tattoo Parlor · Fraternity Row · Mama Dolce’s Food Processing · Morgantown Airport · Morgantown High School · Morgantown Station · Morgantown trainyard · Vault-Tec University) · New Gad · New River Gorge Bridge · New River Gorge Resort · North Kanawha lookout · Ohio River Adventures · Orwell Orchards · Overlook cabin · Overseer’s camp · Point Pleasant (Mothman Museum · Silver Bridge) · The Pigsty · Portside Pub · Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 · Poseidon power substation PX-01 · Poseidon power substation PX-02 · Relay tower EM-B1-27 · Relay tower HN-B1-12 · Riverside Manor · Silva homestead · Slocum’s Joe · Sugarmaple · Summersville (Duncan & Duncan Robotics · Summersville Dam · Summersville Docks · Summersville Lake) · Sunshine Meadows industrial farm · Sutton (Overseer’s home · Sutton Station) · Transmission station 1AT-U03 · Tygart water treatment · Tyler County Dirt Track · Tyler County fairgrounds · Vault 51 · Vault 76 · Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center · Wade Airport · The Wayward · White Powder Winter Sports · Wilson Brother’s Auto Repair · Wixon homestead · WV Lumber Co.

The Mire

Abandoned bunker · Abandoned waste dump · Abbie’s bunker · Berkeley Springs (Berkeley Springs Station · Berkeley Springs West) · Big B’s Rest Stop · Big Maw · Blake’s Offering · Braxson’s Quality Medical Supplies · Camp Venture · Carson family bunker · Crashed plane · Crevasse Dam · Dabney homestead · Dagger’s Den (formerly Hawke’s Refuge) · Delano grange · Dolly Sods Wilderness (Dolly Sods Campground · Dolly Sods lookout · Dolly Sods Wilderness ranger station) · Dyer Chemical · East Ridge lookout · Ella Ames’ bunker · Excelsior Model Home · Freddy Fear’s House of Scares · Gnarled shallows · Gulper lagoon · Harpers Ferry (The Burrows · Harpers Ferry Armory) · Harpers Ferry tunnel · Haven Church · Highland Marsh · Hunter’s shack · KMAX Transmission · Mosstown · Moth-Home · Raleigh Clay’s bunker · Ransacked bunker · The Retreat (formerly Treehouse Village) · Skeleton raft · Southern Belle Motel · Southhampton Estate · Sunday Brothers’ cabin · Tanagra Town · The aquatic outhouse · Thunder Mountain Power Plant · Thunder Mountain substation TM-01 · Treetops · Valley Galleria · Vault 94

Savage Divide

98 NAR Regional · Ammo dump · Autumn Acre cabin · Bailey family cabin · Beckwith farm · Big Bend Tunnel West · Big Fred’s BBQ Shack · Blackwater Mine · Central Mountain lookout · Converted munitions factory · Dent & Sons Construction · Devil’s Backbone · East Mountain lookout · Emmett Mountain disposal site · Federal Disposal Field HZ-21 · Fort Atlas (formerly ATLAS Observatory) · Foundation (formerly Spruce Knob) · The Freak Show · Hopewell Cave · Hornwright Estate · Huntersville · Ingram Mansion · Investigator’s cabin · Johnson’s acre · Lake Eloise · Lucky Hole Mine · Metal Dome · Middle Mountain Cabins · Middle Mountain Lake · Miners Monument · Monongah · (Monongah Mine · Monongah Power Plant · Monongah overlook · Monongah power substation MZ-01 · Monongah power substation MZ-02 · Monongah power substation MZ-03) · Monorail elevator · Mountainside Bed & Breakfast · National Isolated Radio Array · National Radio Astronomy Research Center · New Appalachian Central Trainyard · North Cutthroat camp · North Mountain lookout · Palace of the Winding Path · Pleasant Valley cabins · Pleasant Valley Ski Resort · Pleasant Valley Station · Pumpkin House · R&G Processing Services · R&G Station · Red Rocket Mega Stop · Relay tower DP-B5-21 · Relay tower EL-B1-02 · Relay tower LW-B1-22 · Ripper Alley · Sacrament · Safe ‘n Clean Disposal · Scenic overlook · Seneca Gang camp · Seneca Rocks · Seneca Rocks Visitor Center · Site Alpha · Site Bravo · Site Charlie · Skullbone Vantage · The Sludge Hole · Solomon’s pond · Sons of Dane compound · South Cutthroat camp · South Mountain lookout · Spruce Knob Campground · Spruce Knob Channels · Spruce Knob Lake · Sugar Grove · Sunnytop Ski Lanes · Sunnytop Ski Lanes base lodge · Sunnytop Station · Sylvie & Sons logging camp · Top of the World · Toxic Larry’s Meat ‘n Go · Twin Lakes · US-13C Bivouac · The Vantage · Vault 79 · Vault 96 · Uncanny Caverns · West Tek research center · The Whitespring Resort (The Whitespring bunker · The Whitespring Golf Club · Whitespring lookout · The Whitespring service entrance · The Whitespring Station · The Whitespring Presidential Cottage and Museum) · Yellow Sandy’s still

Toxic Valley

Becker farm · Black Bear Lodge · Carleton Mine · Clarksburg (Clarksburg Shooting Club · Toxic dried lakebed) · Cobbleton farm · Colonel Kelly monument · The Crater (formerly Crashed space station) · Crater watchstation · Eastern Regional Penitentiary · Grafton (Grafton Station) · Grafton Dam · Grafton Pawn Shop · Grafton Police Department · Grafton Steel · Grafton Steel yard) · Graninger farm · Hemlock Holes · Hemlock Holes maintenance · Kiddie Corner Cabins · Knife Edge · Philippi Battlefield Cemetery · Pioneer Scout camp · Pioneer Scout lookout · Prickett’s Fort · Smith farm · Wavy Willard’s Water Park · Willard Corporate Housing · Woods Estate

Appalachian geography

Fissure site · Fissure site Prime · Flatwoods River · Kanawha River · New River · Ohio River · Potomac River · Shenandoah River · Tygart Valley River

Unmarked locations

Aquatic outhouse · Archery set · Ash Heap marketplace · Barrel burial · Bathing skeleton · Bicycle graveyard · Big Bend Tunnel campsite · Billboard junk camp · Birdhouse ridge · Blood Eagle camp · Bog channel shelter · Carhenge · Clifftop vista cabin · End of the road · Eta Psi House · Explosives shrine · Fujiniya Intelligence Base · Gardener’s shack · Game of Thrones · Glamping site · Gnomes’ allotment · Halloween fright farm · Halloween horror hamlet · Harpers Ferry Trainyard · Hilltop pylon camp · Hopewell Cave cemetery · J. Schram’s house · Limousine crash · Marsh cottage · Mechanic’s metal shack · Mole miner tunnel · Motherlode Acquisition Facility · Mount Blair coffee shack · Neighboring homesteads · Old storehouse · Party time diners · Pi House · Prehistoric bones camp · Priblos’ Curios · Raider outhouse and moat · River treehouse · Rockhound · Sacrifice altar · Safecracker’s shack · Secluded cave · Settler cottage and bunker · Shadowbreeze Apartments · Sludge trailer · Solomon’s lower pond · South Mountain nuke crater · Teddy bear house · Tightrope · Toxic pond and wreckage · Trapper’s camp · Van Lowe Taxidermy · Walking trail picnic area and vista · Wild Wolf homestead

The Pitt

Industrial (including the Penn) · The Foundry · The Sanctum · The Trench


Hornwright Industrial Mining Company

Hornwright Industrail full logo.png

Company data
Industry Mining and robotics
Key people CEO Daniel Hornwright
COO Penelope Hornwright
Country United States of America
Locations Abandoned mine site Kittery
Hornwright Industrial Headquarters
Hornwright Estate
Hornwright Air Purifier Site No. 01
The Rockhound
Hornwright Air Purifier Site No. 02
Hornwright Air Purifier Site No. 03
Hornwright Air Purifier Site No. 04
Corporate connections
Related Garrahan Mining Company, Atomic Mining Services



Hornwright Industrial Mining Company (HWI) was an Appalachian mining company before the Great War.


The Garrahans and Hornwrights were the two major families in charge of Appalachia’s mining industry. They owned lavish estates in the mountains overlooking their precious mines.[1]

Automation drive

Hornwright Industrial Mining Company was a staple of Appalachian mining since the first pick was driven into its soil — and under Daniel Hornwright’s leadership, it would be something far more. Embracing Vault-Tec’s mantra of preparing for the future, Daniel decided to bring his father’s company into it, thoroughly misinterpreting his father’s words that «products are only as good as the people who build them». While Daniel’s father emphasized the human component, his son took it to mean that the products were only as strong and reliable as the workforce. As such, the moment he took control of the company, he went full throttle on every automated worker program the company had. Without human workers, the company would have no more sick days, no more vacations, no more maternity leaves and sudden deaths in the family. He could reduce the number of people needed to run the company, yet maintain the same output and quality control. The flagship Auto-Miner program was the beginning of an ambitious program to fully automate Hornwright before 2100, becoming the strongest and wealthiest company the world’s ever seen.[2] The Rockhound, activated in 2070 atop Mount Blair, may have put Hornwright in the spotlights, but it was the Auto-Miners that would build its legacy.[3]

Hornwright started by sacking miners who worked in Hornwright mines, replacing them with Auto-Miners, and continued with a series of pilot projects to see what other molecules of the human element he could banish from the mining process. This included leaning on contacts in the Department of Defense, which provided him with the plans for VB-01 Vertibirds. The vertical take-off craft, outfitted for long distance flight, air-to-ground combat and reconnaissance could become a platform to carry an Auto-Miner brain and mineral detection system and speed up the pace of mineral surveying by a factor of twenty.[4]

Naturally, his stubborn pursuit of efficiency and profit, Hornwright neglected the impact his work would have on the environment. The Rockhound installed atop Mount Blair has polluted the entire region of Appalachia, devastating the ecosystem and filling the air with soot and ash from the strip-mined mountaintop. As any recovery measures would cut into his bottom line, the CEO refused to entertain such measures. However, when the Clear Skies Alliance approached the company with a proposal for shared ownership of air scrubbers that would purify the air, the CEO was interested. Not because of genuine concern for the environment — the millions of dollars of development costs were too high a price to pay for breathable air — but because of the potential to repurpose the scrubbers to ionize particles and convert them into usable minerals. These secret «ash forges», as Hornwright marketing called them were set up in the Ash Heap to test them in practice and appease the Clear Skies Alliance.[5] To make things worse, in order to feed the ash forges with input, Hornwright deliberately ignited the old, toxic mines around Mount Blair to fill the air with mineral-rich soot. Even Hornwright’s own scientists were horrified at such wanton disregard for the environment.[6]

This was one of several signs that Daniel Hornwright’s mental state was deteriorating. The biggest hit to his sanity and the company’s profile came with the Motherlode Project. Although originally intended to be merely an automated, weak AI platform, the project took on a new meaning for the CEO after the death of Evelyn Hornwright from cancer. The Motherlode became Hornwright’s obsession, turning into a single-minded pursuit of its completion to prove to his late wife that her death wasn’t the end of him — it was just the beginning. Naturally, the scientists working on the project did not appreciate the obsessive level of scrutiny and micro-management that followed. Brigada, head researcher on the Motherlode project, was eventually fired for his resistance to the CEO and replaced with [7] Hornwright’s obsession turned into casual cruelty when he decided to spin the death of Bill Breyer, an investigative reporter from the Charleston Herald, to advance his automation agenda. Breyer trespassed on a Motherlode test site to find out the truth about the project and was promptly shot by security guards, who mistook his recorder for a firearm. To Hornwright, this was merely a PR opportunity.[8]

Of course, such a philosophy led to him trampling over people and eventually, the miners had enough. When AMS forced families out of the town of Welch in early October, the disenfranchised workers of Appalachia rose up against the corporations, leading to riots across Appalachia. The fighting was particularly severe around Charleston and The Ash Heap. On Mount Blair, miners seized the Rockhound, a despised symbol of automation. For eight days, the miners held out, striking and demanding a right to work, until the National Guard sent in specially-designed fleets of combat robots — Strikebreakers, commissioned by Hornwright in the wake of the mine protests — to eliminate off the rioters. Echoing the events of the battle of Mount Blair over 150 years earlier, the Strikebreakers took out the miners and returned control of the Rockhound to Hornwright.[9] The remaining human staff of Hornwright Industrial was disturbed by the violence and the brutality of the response, but to the CEO it was just evidence of the need to expedite automation. With the Motherlode project operating at peak capacity and exceeding expectations (despite Daniel’s interference), the company would soon be able to remain in operation with a staff of just twenty. However, there was one item that still needed attending to.[10]

Man vs. Machine

The Garrahans needed to be humiliated in order to demonstrate that the Machine reigns supreme in Appalachia. As luck would have it, Hornwright was granted a golden opportunity to prove his philosophy to the world in April 2077. Vivian Garrahan, CEO of Garrahan Mining Company decided to play all-in and challenge Hornwright to a duel where her Excavator power armor and Auto-Miners would compete to mine the most ore in a pre-set amount of time. The challenge was a calculated risk, aiming to raise the profile of the company and the project, while securing lucrative contracts in the increasingly automation-obsessed Appalachia.[11]

The challenge turned out to be the decisive battle of the Hornwright/Garrahan war: 24 hours of non-stop mining.[12] The challenge started on October 18 and lasted the whole day, with Auto-Miners and Excavators effortlessly chewing through the rock at their designated sites. They were a match for one another and by the end of the day, Hornwright won by a thin margin, just 1.85 tons — less than a single truckload — and stood supreme. Hornwright Mining seized on this tenuous victory as an example of machine’s superiority to man.[13] What they did not mention is the fact that Hornwright’s executives did not play fairly and intervened to ensure that Garrahan would fail. In the end, they succeeded, making Auto-Miners the talk of the region and sending Garrahan’s stock into free-fall, making them ripe for a takeover… And folding the groundbreaking Excavator project into the Auto-Miners, creating a fleet of indestructible, autonomous miners capable of pin-pointing mineral deposits with no oversight from human operators.[14]

Hornwright’s ambitions did not end there. Daniel Hornwright was one of the biggest supporters of Ballot Measure 6 in Appalachia, which would have increased funds allocated for automation and a mandate to eliminate human employment within a decade. Naturally, that also meant working closely with Governor Evans, both officially and unofficially, providing political and financial backing in return for lucrative contracts for automation once the Ballot Measure passed. The CEO was sure that a local concern rather than a national, impersonal conglomerate like RobCo would help make the measure palatable to the Appalachians.[15] The sheer volume of contributions eventually put the governor on Hornwright payroll.[16]

As with the Excavator, Daniel Hornwright also took steps to eliminate any potential obstacles. Senator Sam Blackwell, an outspoken and charismatic opponent of the measure, was targeted by a goon hired by Hornwright. Threats made against his family forced the senator into hiding, also weakening the Free States in a time of need. Hornwright didn’t care — he was just happy to see the senator out of the picture, at least until the Great War erased all of his plans.[17]

Corporate affairs

Daniel Hornwright turned a company that focused on its workforce into a brutal, almost completely automated vehicle for generating revenue. His hard anti-union, anti-regulation stance translated into senior executive recruiting practices that emphasized predatory corporate practices, corruption, and utmost loyalty to the company.[18] Daniel effectively forced his HR department to implement his requirements, threatening them with immediate dismissal if they refused to cooperate.[19] As expected, the company took a hardline stance against protesting miners. When Penelope Hornwright expressed reservations about hiring human strike breakers, CEO Hornwright commissioned RobCo Industries to create a fleet of dedicated police robots capable of dealing with protesters without the interference of conscience. These Strikebreakers became an increasingly common sight on the slopes of Mount Blair in the days leading up to the Great War.[20]

Environmental impact was of no concern for the company, as long as their actions generated immediate profits. Perhaps the most notable example of this horrifying philosophy was the deployment of Clear Skies Alliance air purifiers around Mount Blair… Repurposed as ash forges to harvest minerals from the polluted air. To maximize their efficiency, Hornwright set the old, toxic mines around the mountain on fire to fill the air with smoke and soot that the forges could then harvest, horrifying the team that worked to create them.[6] Similarly, the company cared little for the economic impact it had on local communities. It ruthlessly exploited the vulnerable Monongah, It bought the rights to the mine in the struggling town for cash in April 2075, proceeding to strip-mine every remaining bit of ore from its veins for the next two years.[21] Although the city experienced a large monetary surplus by April 2076, thanks to royalty payments,[22] it effectively imploded when the mine was exhausted in July 2076 and Hornwright practically disappeared overnight.[23][24] By September 2077, the town was bankrupt and had to suspend all public programs while scrambling to find a source of financial relief.[25]

While hostile to Garrahan, HWI enjoyed lucrative contracts with Atomic Mining Services. AMS was a reliable market for Auto-Miners, which were cheaper and faster than anything AMS could create. Penelope Hornwright’s history with AMS was a major factor contributing to the decision, as she lobbied her father and AMS intensely to form the partnership, combining the efforts of two of Appalachia’s most prominent mining companies.[26]

Ironically, while Daniel Hornwright worked to destroy the Garrahans and assimilate them into his empire, his daughter was in love with Bryce Garrahan. The two star-crossed lovers could have ushered in a peaceful merger and a new future of Appalachia, were it not for their parents’ hostility and conflict.[27][28]


  • The Rockhound: Created in 2070,[29] the Rockhound is a massive bucket-wheel excavator capable of strip-mining entire mountains in search of raw materials.
  • Motherlode: Semi-sentient autonomous mining platforms
  • Auto-Miner: Fully automatic mining machines derived from RobCo’s Protectron.


  • Pristine branding

  • Ditto

  • Dirtied branding

  • Ditto

  • Ditto


Hornwright Industrial Mining Company features in Fallout 76.


  1. Fallout 76 loading screen hints
  2. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals
  3. Bolton Greens terminals: «To: All Parents of Bolton Greens Members

    From: Thurston Wellingham, Headmaster Bolton Greens

    I’m pleased to announce that this year’s Business Keynote will be delivered by Daniel Hornwright, CEO of Hornwright Industries. Daniel is an amazing businessman, who oversees one of the most aggressive and lucrative mining operations in Appalachia, the Hornwright Industrial Mining Company.

    All children are encouraged to attend the keynote, as it’s likely to be full of insightful and perceptive information about the corporate world. As a special treat, Daniel will be presenting the original prototype scale model of the Rockhound Bucket-wheel Excavator. This device revolutionized the mining industry in Appalachia and helped push Hornwright into the spotlight.

    If you wish to attend the seminar with your child, please remit the nominal seating fee to our public relations office.»

  4. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals
  5. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals
  6. 6.0 6.1 Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals: «TO: Hornwright, Penelope

    FROM: Heyward, Dominick

    SUBJ: You Fucking Thieves


    What’s it like not having a soul, Penny? Do your insides clang around from all that empty space? My team and I were brought here with a purpose — clean the god-damned air YOU PEOPLE ruined. We SLAVED over this tech.

    Letting you light old, INCREDIBLY TOXIC mines on FIRE to fill the air with more shit you can harvest WAS NOT PART OF OUR DEAL. And you’re not using our tech to do it.

    I’d tell you to go to hell, Penelope, but your plan was to just bring it here.«
  7. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals
  8. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals
  9. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals
  10. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals
  11. Garrahan Mining Headquarters terminals: «The third Excavator just rolled off of our assembly line, and I couldn’t be happier. The first two units have been up and running for almost a month now and we haven’t had a single serious breakdown or maintenance issue. Everyone on the mining team wants to get their hands on these suits. Bryce has been continually piloting one of the Excavators… he’s already shattered Garrahan’s record for amount of ore extracted in a single day. Vivian surprised us all by rolling out a huge ad campaign, pitching our suits taking on Hornwright’s Auto-Miners like a friday night boxing match. To say that this project has been a success is an understatement. I think it might be time to take that vacation before things heat up again around here.«
  12. Charleston Herald — Man vs. Machine
  13. Charleston Herald — Hornwright Wins!
  14. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Interference
  15. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals: «Governor Evans,

    I’m thrilled to hear that Ballot Measure 6 will be taken up for referendum this November. Increasing the efficacy of the Appalachian government through automation will establish our territory as a national player for decades to come. We at Hornwright Industrial want to be a part of that.

    As you know, we have established ourselves as the experts at creating cost-effective automated systems. Our product line is constantly expanding and adapting, meaning we can develop custom tailored solutions for your needs. There is no better partner for the automation of the Appalachia Territory government than Hornwright.

    Not to mention dealing with a local concern rather than a national, impersonal conglomerate like RobCo will certainly help the pill go down easier with the local populace. Why don’t you and the missus meet us for dinner to discuss? My wife Elaine has been dying to get to know the first wife more personally.«

  16. Hornwright Industrial Test Note
  17. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals: «It’s Daniel.

    I have a problem I need taken care of — Senator Samuel Blackwell. I need his voice … quieted until the vote on Ballot Measure 6 has completed. I want you to … scare him for us. No one’s to be hurt. Just give him enough reason to disappear for a while. And, while I’m sure this goes without saying, make sure this can’t be traced back to us. «

  18. Senior Executive Exam Answer Key
  19. Senior Executive Exam Updates
  20. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminals: «Shaft Elaine was overrun by protesters today, carrying signs like cudgels, fighting their way onto the site to «express their right to assemble» by trespassing on my land and shutting down my business. But this time was different. This time, the men who I gave cudgels to drive off such rabble put them down and walked off the job, joining the protest. At least the protestors are loyal to something.

    Penny was forced to scramble to bring in some independent contractors to restore order. I know she loathes such work, but I felt it was important she do it. She needs to be toughened up if she’s ever going to take this position for herself. But lesson learned, I’d like to avoid putting her through anything like that again.

    Our work with RobCo has already yielded plenty of fruit for the Auto-Miners. I wonder if they’d be interested in another venture? Something to prevent little Penny from having to hire more strikebreakers.»

  21. Monongah terminals: «*Monongah Township Budget breakdown for third quarter 2075

    **Coffers are getting low — need to come up with bake sale or charity auction ideas

    **Special Council address by Daniel Hornwright, CEO Hornwright Industrial

    **Selling mining rights to Hornwright for cash plus royalties put up for vote — approved 5-0

    *Annual Monongah Baseball game vs. Charleston planning assigned to Councilman Fennick

    *Refreshments Served»

  22. Monongah terminals: «*Monongah Township Budget breakdown for third quarter 2076

    **Huge monetary surplus thanks to Hornwright’s royalty payments for mining rights

    **Send Fruit Basket to Hornwright as a thank you put up for vote — approved 5-0

    **Budget for 2076 third quarter put up for vote — approved 5-0

    *Refreshments Served«

  23. Monongah Mine terminals: «Supervisor’s Notes — 01.07.76«
  24. Monongah terminals: «*Emergency Meeting brought to order by Councilwoman Neeley

    *Monongah Township Vs. Daniel Hornwright

    **Hornwright is abandoning Monongah Mine due to «low yield» — all royalty payments stopped

    **Release recreational funds for economic relief put up for vote — approved 5-0

    **Cancel recreational activities until future notice put up for vote — approved 5-0

    **Discussion about future ideas for economic recovery, no solutions were raised«

  25. Monongah terminals: «*Monongah Township Budget breakdown for fourth quarter 2077

    **Coffers empty — all public programs are suspended until further notice

    **Fundraising ideas put up for vote — lost 1-4

    **Draft legal letter to Daniel Hornwright regarding Monongah Mine put up for vote — approved 5-0

    **Draft letter requesting financial assistance from State Capital put up for vote — approved 5-0

    *Miner’s Relief Support Services report by Councilwoman Womack«

  26. AMS Corporate Headquarters terminals: «Hornwright Industrial continues to revolutionize its product lines, and we’re going to be purchasing their Auto-Miners as fast as they can produce them.

    I know some members of the board are still upset that our joint efforts with RobCo did not produce our own version of an automated mining robot, but Hornwright’s experience with drilling applications proved to be the key lynchpin. They’re just cheaper and faster to make than we were ever capable of doing ourselves.

    Penny Hornwright also has history with our company, and I want to again emphasize that she did not steal anything during her internship here. On the contrary, all of our license agreements with Hornwright Industrial were signed thanks to her insistence. We’re all benefiting from this partnership, so I need everyone to embrace the Hornwright Auto-Miner as our solution moving forward.

  27. Garrahan Estate terminals
  28. Hornwright Estate terminals
  29. Mount Blair terminals: «Copyright 2070 Hornwright Industrial»


List of companies


Biotech & Medicine Arktos Pharma Company · Greenetech Genetics · Greenway Hydroponics · HalluciGen, Incorporated · Lee Rapid Pharmaceuticals · Livermore/Broansoun Laboratories · Med-Tek · West Tek
Business Acme Realty · Burnside Bank & Loan · Cambridge Savings and Loan · Concord Savings and Loan · Friendly Lending Company · Happy Liberty Imports · Isla Negra Holdings
Computer & Software Apricot · Banckom · Brainpower · Cyberbrain · Diamond, Inc. (Skeks Corporation, Computechtron) · Macrosoft · PagSoft LLC (PagMem LLC) · SoftLock Solutions, Inc. · Think Machine · Virtual Strategic Solutions, Inc.
Entertainment & Media Big Daddy Billiards · Big Ranch Nevada State Lotto · BKM Recording Company · Boston Bugle · Broadway Cinema · Capitol Post · Cat’s Paw · Charleston Herald (company) · Don’t Be Bored Games Company · El Periódico de las Aburridas · Fantastique Cinema · Galaxy News Network · Hubris Publishing (Hubris Comics, Hubris Software) · Imperial Records · OEI Motion Pictures · Planned Diversion Programming · Radiation King · Sanders Brothers · Timlist · Vault-Tec Game Studios
Industrial manufacturing Abraxodyne Chemical · Atomic Mining Services · Bumbalo’s · Daisy Outdoor Products · DeepFreeze Kitchen Storage Corporation · Dunwich Borers LLC · Garrahan Mining Company · H&H Tools, Inc. · Hornwright Industrial Mining Company · LGJG · M&M Construction Incorporated · Radiation King · Red Racer · Schlocket Industries · Schoelt · Snap-Off · Stihl · Washo · Wilson Automatoys · Eckhart Unlimited
Refreshment Bawls Guarana Corporation · Big Boss · Big Horn Saloon · BlamCo · Dandy Boy · Fancy Lads · Greasy Prospector · Grey Tortoise · Mama Dolce’s Food Processing · Nuka-Cola Corporation · Olde Royale · Pyramid · Saddle Up · San Francisco Sunlights · Spring Valley · Sunset Sarsaparilla Company · Supa Yum! · T.V.G. · Vim! Pop Incorporated · YumYum
Retail A Cuppa Joe · Blades · Buck’s Steak House · Cornucopia Fresh Groceries · Dot’s Diner · Fallon’s Department Store · Freddy Fear’s House of Scares · Joe’s Spuckies · Mary May · Nifty Thrifty’s · Pioneer Café · Red Rocket · Rita’s Cafe · Slocum’s Joe · Solitare · Super-Duper Mart · The Jerk
Technology & Robotics Acme · Big MT · BosCom · Bysshe Company · Calpower · Cambridge Polymer Labs, LLC · Codac · General Atomics International · GDA Fusion (Verdant-Air Wind Power) · House Industries (RobCo Industries (REPCONN Aerospace)) · Lasergrafter · LightLife · Mass Fusion · National Electric · Nuka-Advantax · Poseidon Energy (Hermes Communications, Inc. · Petró-Chico, Poseidon Gasoline, Poseidon Oil, Prometheus Coal) · ProSnap · Pulowski Preservation Services · Rok-Solid Brand · Steam Whistle · Sure Power · Universal Electric, Incorporated · Vault-Tec Corporation (Future-Tec) · Versicorps · Wattz Electronics
Transportation Barstow Strong Express · Boston Direct · Chryslus Motors (Corvega) · CMR · District of Columbia Transit Authority · Eckhart Unlimited · Horizon Airlines · Jay’s Moving · NH&M · NW Disposal Systems · Wicked Shipping
Lodging Junction Motel · Roadside Pines Motel
Weapons & Ammunition ArmCo · BeatCo · Big Chief · Bringham ·Calico Light Weapons Systems · Colt · DayGlow · Donaustahl · Fabbrica d’Armi Pietro Beretta · Franchi · Federal Cartridge · FN Herstal · Glastinghouse · Glock · Grandad’s · Gun Runners · Hauer Premium · Heckler & Koch · Implied Hypnotics, Inc. · L.O.B. Enterprises · Lockreed Industries · M&A Guns Manufacturers · Manhattan Projects · Masterson · Mauser · Purebore · Rheinmetall AG · Ranch Defender · Rockwell · Romington · Royal Small Arms Factory · SharpWit · SIG-Sauer · Silver Star · Smith & Wesson · Southern Cartridge · Stent Security Solutions · Union Cartridge · Wattz Electronics · Winchester · West Tek · Yuma Flats Energy Consortium

(† denotes restored pre-War businesses of the same name)

Companies Cassidy Caravans · Crimson Caravan · Durable Dunn’s · Far Go Traders · Griffin Wares · Gun Runners · Happy Trails Caravan Company · Water Merchants
Businesses 188 trading post · Big Horn Saloon · Chem-I-Care · Choice Chops · Craterside Supply · Daisy’s Discounts · Diamond City Surplus · Dino Bite gift shop · Fallon’s Basement · Goodsprings general store · Klamath Bob’s liquor store · Mick and Ralph’s · Miguel’s Pawn Shop · Moriarty’s Saloon · Power Noodles · Prospector Saloon · †Silver Rush · The Brass Lantern · The Muddy Rudder · The Third Rail · Westside Co-op
Mercenaries Gunners · Littlehorn & Associates · Talon Company
Casinos †Atomic Wrangler · †Gomorrah · †The Tops · †Ultra-Luxe · †Vikki and Vance Casino
Delivery Mojave Express
Lodging †Casa Madrid Apartments · Dino Dee-lite Motel · Dugout Inn · †El Rey Motel · Hotel Rexford

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