Фильмы компании метро голден майер список лучших фильмов

List of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movies, ranked best to worst, including trailers, genres, and release dates. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer produced and/or distributed these films, which are listed in alphabetical order and sortable by any column. This is a list of all notable and most famous Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer films, including movie posters when available. It answers the questions, «What movies did Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer produce?» and «What films did Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer distribute?» List features movies like Father’s Little Dividend, Blown Away. This best Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movies list displays shorts as well as feature films made by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, including theatrical releases, limited releases, and made-for-TV Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movies. You can also manipulate this list of movies by this production company. (535 Movies)

Это список художественных фильмов, изначально выпущенных и / или распространяемых Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (включая MGM / UA Entertainment Co. , MGM / UA Communications Co. , MGM – Pathe Communications Co. и MGM / UA Distribution Co. ) .

Этот список не включает фильмы от United Artists до слияния с MGM (за исключением совместного производства), а также не включает другие студии, приобретенные MGM (такие как Orion Pictures , The Samuel Goldwyn Company , Cannon Films или Atlantic Releasing ).

Каталог Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, выпущенный до мая 1986 года, принадлежит Turner Entertainment Co. , подразделению WarnerMedia , а распространением занимается дочерняя компания Warner Bros.


Фильмы разделены на списки по десятилетиям:

  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (1924–1929)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (1930–1939)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (1940–1949)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (1950–1959)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (1960–1969)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (1970–1979)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (1980–1989)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (1990–1999)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (2000–2009)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (2010–2019)
  • Список фильмов Метро-Голдвин-Майер (2020–2029)

Смотрите также

  • Список фильмов United Artists
  • Список фильмов Orion Pictures



Том и Джерри

Фильм Том и Джерри с элементами анимационного мультика вернёт на большие экраны знаменитую пару кота Тома и мышонка по имени Джерри. Действие полнометражного кино развернётся в одном элитном отеле, где поселяется мышка Джерри. Теперь работнице отеля Кайле для организации самой роскошной свадьбы предстоит выгнать мышь и для этого необходим самый опытный в этом деле кот. Вот только Джерри так просто не сда…>>>

Семейка Аддамс

Мультфильм Семейка Аддамс представляет собой обновлённую версию культового мрачного семейства, о котором сняты уже фильмы и сериалы. Комедия ужасов с мягким детским рейтингом 6+ выходит прямиком на Хэллоуин и предлагает вниманию зрителей забавную страшилку о странностях и причудах представителей четы Аддамсов и их самых невероятных родственниках. Режиссёрами этого комедийного мультика-ужастика стали Грег…>>>

Детские игры

Фильм Детские игры 2019 года возвращает на экраны культовый франчайз фильмов ужасов о кукле-убийце по имени Чаки. Ремейк или полная перезагрузка серии постарается начать сюжет с чистого листа и, наверняка, предложит зрителям новую причину, по какой детская игрушка сходит с ума и начинает убивать людей, нежели переселение души маньяка-убийцы, как это было в оригинале Дона Манчини. Снял новую версию хоррор…>>>

Отпетые мошенницы

Фильм Отпетые мошенницы представляют собой американскую комедию о женщинах, выдающих себя за других ради богатства и лёгкой наживы на миллионерах и миллиардерах. Картина представляет собой женский ремейк фильма «Отпетые мошенники» (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels) 1988 года, в свою очередь основанного на комедии «Сказка на ночь» (Bedtime Story) 1964. Жаклин Шеффер (Таймер) адаптировала сценарий оскораносных Стэн…>>>

Крид 2

Фильм Крид 2 продолжит историю знаменитого боксёра Рокки Бальбоа, ныне уже являющегося тренером восходящей молодой звезды — темнокожего спортсмена Адониса Крида, сына его друга и соперника Аполло. Легендарного чемпиона, которому когда-то сам Рокки дерзнул бросить вызов и одолел в матче-реванше. Со временем Рокки и Аполло стали друзьями, но тот погиб в боксёрском поединке с русским боксёром Иваном Драго. …>>>

Девушка, которая застряла в паутине

Фильм Девушка, которая застряла в паутине является продолжением голливудской и современной экранизации серии детективных книг бестселлеров «Миллениум» Стига Ларсона и продолжателя его дела писателя Дэвида Лагеркранца. Начало новой франшизы поставил Дэвид Финчер в 2012 году фильмом Девушка с татуировкой дракона, однако в продолжении сменились и исполнители центральных ролей, и состав создателей фильма. Ка…>>>

Звезда родилась

Фильм Звезда родилась является ремейком целого ряда одноимённых картин, снятых в самые разные эпохи индустрии кино, а также киноленты 1932 года под названием «Сколько стоит Голливуд?», с которой всё и началось. Под названием «Звезда родилась» впервые эта история была экранизирована в 1937 году, а позже возвращалась на экраны в новой своей инкарнации в 1954 и 1976 годах. Теперь выходит новая версия, режис…>>>

За бортом

Фильм За бортом 2018 года — это современная версия культовой одноимённой комедии 1987, являясь его довольно своеобразным ремейком. Картину поставили Боб Фишер (Мы — Миллеры) и Роб Гринберг (Знакомьтесь — Дэйв) по их же сценарию при участии Лесли Диксона (Области тьмы). В оригинале восьмидесятых главные роли исполняли Курт Рассел и Голди Хоун, в новой версии же ведущими актёрами стали Анна Фэрис и Эухенио…>>>


Фильм Привидение расскажет удивительную историю о душе парня, перемещающегося изо дня в день от тела к телу, просыпаясь новым человеком и живущим множество чужих жизней, однако желающим прекратить всё это, ради своей любви. Фильм снят по книге «Каждый новый день» американского писателя Девида Левитана, режиссёром картины выступил Майкл Сакси, прославившийся своей картиной Клятва, а одним из продюсеров ст…>>>

Жажда смерти

Фильм Жажда смерти 2018 года является ремейком культовой картины с Чарльзом Бронсоном, вышедшей в 1974 и основанной на популярной в ту эпоху книге Брайана Гарфилда. На этот раз главного героя играет знаменитый Брюс Уиллис (РЭД, Петля времени, Налетчики), режиссёром стал известный своими фильмами ужасов кинорежиссёр Илай Рот, а одним из сценаристов выступил Джо Карнахан (Команда А, Схватка, Драйвер на ноч…>>>

Мегакритик не размещает на сайте кинофильмы для просмотра. Рейтинги рассчитываются с помощью специальной формулы. Информация о картинах проката и постеры предоставлены ресурсом КиноПоиск.

Унесенные ветром, 1939

Унесенные ветром,  1939


средняя из 113767 оценок









Виктор Флеминг, 

Джордж Кьюкор,

и др…

В ролях: 

Вивьен Ли, 

Кларк Гейбл, 

Лесли Ховард,

и др…

Бен-Гур, 1959

Бен-Гур,  1959


средняя из 12381 оценок








Уильям Уайлер

В ролях: 

Чарлтон Хестон, 

Джек Хокинс, 

Хайя Харарит,

и др…

Телесеть, 1976

Телесеть,  1976


средняя из 6936 оценок






Сидни Люмет

В ролях: 

Питер Финч, 

Фэй Данауэй, 

Уильям Холден,

и др…

Отключить рекламу

Доктор Живаго, 1965

Доктор Живаго,  1965


средняя из 3156 оценок











Лин Дэвид

В ролях: 

Омар Шариф, 

Джули Кристи, 

Джеральдина Чаплин,

и др…

2001 год: Космическа я одиссея, 1968

2001 год: Космическая одиссея,  1968


средняя из 64655 оценок








Стэнли Кубрик

В ролях: 

Кир Дьюлли, 

Гэри Локвуд, 

Уильям Сильвестр,

и др…

Волшебник страны Оз, 1939

Волшебник страны Оз,  1939


средняя из 10218 оценок









Виктор Флеминг, 

Джордж Кьюкор,

и др…

В ролях: 

Джуди Гарлэнд, 

Фрэнк Морган, 

Рэй Болджер,

и др…

Поющие под дождем, 1952

Поющие под дождем,  1952


средняя из 17036 оценок








Стенли Донен, 

Джин Келли

В ролях: 

Джин Келли, 

Дональд О’Коннор, 

Дебби Рейнольдс (Рейнолдс),

и др…

На север через северо-зап ад, 1959

На север через северо-запад,  1959


средняя из 23654 оценок








Альфред Хичкок

В ролях: 

Кэри Грант, 

Ева Мари Сент, 

Джеймс Мейсон,

и др…

Филадельфи йская история, 1940

Филадельфийская история,  1940


средняя из 4621 оценок







Джордж Кьюкор

В ролях: 

Кэри Грант, 

Кэтрин Хепберн, 

Джеймс Стюарт,

и др…

Тельма и Луиза, 1991

Тельма и Луиза,  1991


средняя из 18003 оценок










Ридли Скотт

В ролях: 

Сьюзан Сэрэндон, 

Джина Дэвис, 

Харви Кейтель,

и др…

Злые и красивые, 1952

Злые и красивые,  1952


средняя из 1303 оценок







Винсенте Миннелли

В ролях: 

Лана Тернер, 

Кирк Дуглас, 

Уолтер Пиджон,

и др…

Отключить рекламу

Фотоувелич ение, 1966

Фотоувеличение,  1966


средняя из 25569 оценок











Микеланджело Антониони

В ролях: 

Ванесса Редгрейв, 

Сара Майлз, 

Дэвид Хеммингс,

и др…

Американец в Париже, 1951

Американец в Париже,  1951


средняя из 1546 оценок









Винсенте Миннелли

В ролях: 

Джин Келли, 

Лесли Кэрон, 

Оскар Левант,

и др…

Во власти Луны, 1987

Во власти Луны,  1987


средняя из 5070 оценок








Норман Джуисон

В ролях: 


Николас Кейдж, 

Винсент Гардения,

и др…

Асфальтовы е джунгли, 1950

Асфальтовые джунгли,  1950


средняя из 2318 оценок









Джон Хьюстон

В ролях: 

Стерлинг Хейден, 

Луис Кэлхерн, 

Джин Хэйген,

и др…

Казино Рояль, 2006

Казино Рояль,  2006


средняя из 103269 оценок













Мартин Кэмпбелл

В ролях: 

Дэниел Крэйг, 

Ева Грин, 

Мадс Миккельсен,

и др…

Отключить рекламу

007: Координаты «Скайфолл», 2012

007: Координаты «Скайфолл»,  2012


средняя из 166978 оценок









Сэм Мендес

В ролях: 

Дэниел Крэйг, 

Хавьер Бардем, 

Джуди Денч,

и др…

Рыбка по имени Ванда, 1988

Рыбка по имени Ванда,  1988


средняя из 7549 оценок








Чарльз Кричтон, 

Джон Клиз

В ролях: 

Джон Клиз, 

Джеми Ли Кертис, 

Кевин Клайн,

и др…

Газовый свет, 1944

Газовый свет,  1944


средняя из 5938 оценок










Джордж Кьюкор

В ролях: 

Шарль Буайе, 

Ингрид Бергман, 

Джозеф Коттен,

и др…

Ниночка, 1939

Ниночка,  1939


средняя из 3178 оценок







Эрнст Любич

В ролях: 

Грета Гарбо, 

Мелвин Дуглас, 

Ина Клер,

и др…

Встреть меня в Сент-Луисе, 1944

Встреть меня в Сент-Луисе,  1944


средняя из 1179 оценок










Винсенте Миннелли

В ролях: 

Джуди Гарлэнд, 

Маргарет О’Брайен, 

Мэри Астор,

и др…

Уродцы, 1932

Уродцы,  1932


средняя из 11187 оценок








Тод Браунинг

В ролях: 

Уоллес Форд, 

Лэйла Хайамс, 

Ольга Бакланова,

и др…

Дочь Райана, 1970

Дочь Райана,  1970


средняя из 528 оценок







Лин Дэвид

В ролях: 

Роберт Митчум, 

Тревор Ховард, 

Кристофер Джонс,

и др…

Полтергейс т, 1982

Полтергейст,  1982


средняя из 14904 оценок







Тоб Хупер

В ролях: 

Крэйг Т. Нельсон, 

ДжоБет Уильямс, 

Беатрис Стрэйт,

и др…

Профессия: Репортер, 1975

Профессия: Репортер,  1975


средняя из 7385 оценок









Микеланджело Антониони

В ролях: 

Джек Николсон, 

Мария Шнайдер, 

Дженни Ранэйкр,

и др…

Стена, 1982

Стена,  1982


средняя из 37231 оценок







Алан Паркер

В ролях: 

Боб Гелдоф, 

Кристин Харгривз (Кристина Харгривс), 

Джеймс Лоренсон,

и др…

Отключить рекламу

Толпа, 1928

Толпа,  1928


средняя из 840 оценок







Кинг Видор

В ролях: 

Люси Бомонт, 

Элеанор Бордман, 

Сэлли Эйлерс,

и др…

Миссис Минивер, 1942

Миссис Минивер,  1942


средняя из 912 оценок








Уильям Уайлер

В ролях: 

Грир Гарсон, 

Уолтер Пиджон, 

Тереза Райт,

и др…

Театральны й фургон, 1953

Театральный фургон,  1953


средняя из 778 оценок








Винсенте Миннелли

В ролях: 

Фред Астер, 

Сид Чарисс, 

Оскар Левант,

и др…

Магазинчик за углом, 1940

Магазинчик за углом,  1940


средняя из 5252 оценок








Эрнст Любич

В ролях: 

Маргарет Саллэвэн, 

Джеймс Стюарт, 

Фрэнк Морган,

и др…

Киностудия Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) (США)

Справочная информация: названия и годы выпуска всех фильмов киностудии Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), контактная информация (страна, сайт)



Год основания:


Официальный сайт:


О студии

«Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer» (произносится [мэ́тро-го́лдвин-ма́ер]; сокр. «MGM», произносится эм-джи-эм) — американская медиакомпания, специализирующаяся на производстве и прокате кино- и видеопродукции. С 1924 по 1942 годы — безоговорочный лидер голливудской киноиндустрии.

Избранные фильмы студии

Забавное видео

В 2 года родители подарили малышу баскетбольное кольцо и мяч, посмотрите, что умеет этот малыш сейчас!

Нужны деньги до зарплаты?

более 30 сервисов

Кредиты онлайн на карту за 15 минут

до 20 000 грн.

макс сумма

This is a selected list of feature films originally released and/or distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (include MGM/UA Entertainment Co.). . Please note, however, that a majority of MGM’s pre-1986 library is now owned by Warner Bros. (via Turner Entertainment Company).


  • Along Came Ruth (1924)
  • Bread (1924)
  • Broken Barriers (1924)
  • Cheaper to Marry (1924)
  • Circe, the Enchantress (1924)
  • Excuse Me (1924)
  • Greed (1924)
  • He Who Gets Slapped (1924) (The first film made completely by MGM)[1]
  • His Hour (1924)
  • Janice Meredith (1924)
  • Lady of the Night (1924)
  • Little Robinson Crusoe (1924)
  • Mademoiselle Midnight (1924) (The first film released by MGM. April 14, 1924)[2]
  • Married Flirts (1924)
  • One Night in Rome (1924)
  • Revelation (1924)
  • Romola (1924)
  • Scaramouche (1923) (MGM acquired the rights to the film after the merger)[3]
  • Sherlock, Jr. (1924)
  • Sinners in Silk (1924)
  • So This Is Marriage? (1924)
  • Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1924)
  • The Arab (1924)
  • The Bandolero (1924)
  • The Beauty Prize (1924)
  • The Dixie Handicap (1924)
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921) (MGM acquired the rights to the film after the merger)[3]
  • The Great Divide (1924)
  • The Navigator (1924)
  • The Prairie Wife (1924)
  • The Rag Man (1924)
  • The Red Lily (1924)
  • The Silent Accuser (1924)
  • The Snob (1924)
  • The Wife of the Centaur (1924)
  • Wine of Youth (1924)
  • A Slave of Fashion (1925)
  • Ben-Hur (1925, partial Technicolor; remade in 1959)
  • Bright Lights (1925)
  • Confessions of a Queen (1925)
  • Daddy’s Gone A-Hunting (1925)
  • Dance Madness (1925)
  • Don’t (1925)
  • Exchange of Wives (1925)
  • Go West (1925)
  • His Secretary (1925)
  • La Bohème (1925)
  • Lights of Old Broadway (1925)
  • Man and Maid (1925)
  • Mare Nostrum (1925)
  • Never the Twain Shall Meet (1925)
  • Old Clothes (1925)
  • Pretty Ladies (1925)
  • Proud Flesh (1925)
  • Sally, Irene and Mary (1925)
  • Seven Chances (1925)
  • Soul Mates (1925)
  • Sun-Up (1925)
  • The Auction Block (1925)
  • The Big Parade (1925)
  • The Blackbird (1925)
  • The Circle (1925)
  • The Denial (1925)
  • The Devil’s Circus (1925)
  • The Great Love (1925)
  • The Masked Bride (1925)
  • The Merry Widow (1925, remade in 1934)
  • The Midshipman (1925)
  • The Monster (1925)
  • The Mystic (1925)
  • The Only Thing (1925)
  • The Sporting Venus (1925)
  • Time, the Comedian (1925)
  • The Tower of Lies (1925)
  • The Unholy Three (1925, remade in 1930)
  • The Way of a Girl (1925)
  • The White Desert (1925)
  • Torrent (1925)
  • Zander the Great (1925)
  • A Certain Young Man (1926)
  • A Little Journey (1926)
  • Altars of Desire (1926)
  • Bardelys the Magnificent (1926)
  • Battling Butler (1926)
  • Beverly of Graustark (1926)
  • Blarney (1926)
  • Brown of Harvard (1926)
  • Exit Smiling (1926)
  • Exquisite Sinner (1926)
  • Flesh and the Devil (1926)
  • Johnny Get Your Hair Cut (1926)
  • Love’s Blindness (1926)
  • Lovey Mary (1926)
  • Mike (1926)
  • Money Talks (1926)
  • Monte Carlo (1926)
  • Paris (1926)
  • Tell It to the Marines (1926)
  • The Barrier (1926)
  • The Boob (1926)
  • The Boy Friend (1926)
  • The Demi-Bride (1926)
  • The Desert’s Toll (1926)
  • The Fire Brigade (1926)
  • The Flaming Forest (1926)
  • The Gay Deceiver (1926)
  • The Magician (1926)
  • The Red Mill (1926)
  • The Road to Mandalay (1926)
  • The Scarlet Letter (1926)
  • The Show (1926)
  • The Taxi Dancer (1926)
  • The Temptress (1926)
  • The Understanding Heart (1926)
  • The Valley of Hell (1926)
  • The Waning Sex (1926)
  • There You Are! (1926)
  • Tin Hats (1926)
  • Upstage (1926)
  • Valencia (1926)
  • War Paint (1926)
  • Winners of the Wilderness (1926)
  • After Midnight (1927)
  • Annie Laurie (1927)
  • Becky (1927)
  • Body and Soul (1927)
  • Frisco Sally Levy (1927)
  • Foreign Devils (1927)
  • Heaven on Earth (1927)
  • In Old Kentucky (1927)
  • London After Midnight (1927)
  • Love (1927)
  • Lovers? (1927)
  • Mockery (1927)
  • Mr. Wu (1927)
  • Quality Street (1927)
  • Rookies (1927)
  • Rose-Marie (1927)
  • Slide, Kelly, Slide (1927)
  • Spring Fever (1927)
  • The Big City (1927)
  • The Bugle Call (1927)
  • The Callahans and the Murphys (1927)
  • The Crowd (1927)
  • The Enemy (1927)
  • The Fair Co-Ed (1927)
  • The Garden of Allah (1927)
  • The Road to Romance (1927)
  • The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg (1927)
  • The Taxi Dancer (1927)
  • The Thirteenth Hour (1927)
  • The Unknown (1927)
  • Tillie the Toiler (1927)
  • Winners of the Wilderness (1927)
  • The Cossacks (1928)
  • The Divine Woman (1928)
  • Our Dancing Daughters (1928, plus sequels)
  • The Patsy (1928)
  • Show People (1928)
  • The Viking (1928, first color feature with a soundtrack)
  • West of Zanzibar (1928)
  • While the City Sleeps (1928)
  • White Shadows in the South Seas (1928)
  • The Wind (1928)
  • The Broadway Melody (1929)
  • Desert Nights (1929)
  • Devil-May-Care (1929)
  • Hallelujah! (1929)
  • The Hollywood Revue of 1929 (1929)
  • The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1929)
  • The Mysterious Island (1929)
  • Their Own Desire (1929)
  • The Pagan (1929)
  • Where East is East (1929)


Title Release Date Notes
The Bishop Murder Case January 3, 1930
The Woman Racket January 24, 1930
They Learned About Women January 31, 1930
The Ship from Shanghai January 31, 1930
Not So Dumb February 2, 1930
Anna Christie February 21, 1930
Chasing Rainbows February 23, 1930
Lord Byron of Broadway February 28, 1930
A Lady to Love February 28, 1930
The Girl Said No March 15, 1930
Montana Moon March 20, 1930
Free and Easy March 22, 1930
This Mad World April 12, 1930
The Divorcee April 19, 1930
Children of Pleasure April 26, 1930
Redemption May 2, 1930
Strictly Unconventional May 3, 1930
Caught Short May 10, 1930
The Rogue Song May 10, 1930 MGM’s first all-color talkie
In Gay Madrid May 17, 1930
The Lady of Scandal May 24, 1930
The Florodora Girl May 30, 1930
The Big House June 14, 1930
Rookery Nook June 21, 1930
The Sins of the Children June 28, 1930
The Sea Bat July 5, 1930
Estrellados July 7, 1930
The Unholy Three July 12, 1930
Our Blushing Brides July 19, 1930
Way Out West August 2, 1930
Let Us Be Gay August 9, 1930
Call of the Flesh August 16, 1930
Good News August 23, 1930
Romance August 26, 1930
Doughboys August 30, 1930
Love in the Rough September 6, 1930
Madam Satan September 20, 1930
Men of the North September 27, 1930
Olimpia October 10, 1930
Those Three French Girls October 11, 1930
Billy the Kid October 18, 1930
Way for a Sailor November 1, 1930
A Lady’s Morals November 8, 1930
El presidio November 14, 1930
Remote Control November 15, 1930
War Nurse November 22, 1930
Min and Bill November 29, 1930
Passion Flower December 6, 1930
Wu Li Chang December 18, 1930
Paid December 30, 1930
Reducing January 3, 1931
Anna Christie January 5, 1931
The Bachelor Father January 10, 1931
Monsieur Le Fox January 16, 1931
New Moon January 17, 1931
De frente, marchen January 23, 1931
The Great Meadow January 24, 1931
Inspiration January 31, 1931
Dance, Fools, Dance February 7, 1931
The Easiest Way February 7, 1931
If the Emperor Only Knew That February 21, 1931
The Prodigal February 21, 1931
Parlor, Bedroom and Bath February 28, 1931
La fruta amarga March 13, 1931
Men Call It Love March 14, 1931
En cada Puerto un amor March 27, 1931
A Tailor Made Man March 28, 1931
La mujer X April 3, 1931
Strangers May Kiss April 4, 1931
Stepping Out April 11, 1931
It’s a Wise Child April 11, 1931
The Secret Six April 18, 1931
Shipmates April 25, 1931
Daybreak May 2, 1931
Gentleman’s Fate May 7, 1931
Never the Twain Shall Meet May 16, 1931
Trader Horn May 23, 1931
Laughing Sinners May 30, 1931
Just a Gigolo June 6, 1931
Five and Ten June 13, 1931
A Free Soul June 20, 1931
El proceso de Mary Dugan June 26, 1931
The Man in Possession July 4, 1931
Su ultima noche July 17, 1931
The Great Lover July 18, 1931
Politics July 25, 1931
Son of India August 1, 1931
Sporting Blood August 8, 1931
Guilty Hands August 22, 1931
This Modern Age August 29, 1931
The Squaw Man September 5, 1931
The Phantom of Paris September 12, 1931
Sidewalks of New York September 26, 1931
Cheri-Bibi October 2, 1931
New Adventures of Get Rich Quick Wallingford October 3, 1931
Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise) October 10, 1931
The Sin of Madelon Claudet October 24, 1931
The Guardsman November 7, 1931
The Champ November 9, 1931
Flying High November 14, 1931
Possessed November 21, 1931
West of Broadway November 28, 1931
The Cuban Love Song December 5, 1931
Private Lives December 12, 1931
Mata Hari December 26, 1931
Emma January 2, 1932
Hell Divers January 16, 1932
Lovers Courageous January 23, 1932
The Passionate Plumber February 6, 1932
The Beast of the City February 13, 1932
Freaks February 20, 1932
Polly of the Circus February 27, 1932
Arsene Lupin March 5, 1932
Tarzan the Ape Man March 25, 1932
The Wet Parade March 26, 1932
But the Flesh Is Weak April 9, 1932
When a Fellow Needs a Friend April 30, 1932
Huddle May 14, 1932
Letty Lynton May 14, 1932
As You Desire Me May 28, 1932
New Morals for Old June 4, 1932
Night Court June 4, 1932
Red-Headed Woman June 25, 1932
Unashamed July 2, 1932
The Washington Masquerade July 9, 1932
Skyscraper Souls July 16, 1932
Downstairs August 6, 1932
Speak Easily August 13, 1932
Divorce in the Family August 27, 1932
Blondie of the Follies September 1, 1932
Grand Hotel September 11, 1932
Smilin’ Through September 24, 1932
Kongo October 1, 1932
Faithless October 15, 1932
Red Dust October 22, 1932
The Mask of Fu Manchu November 5, 1932
Payment Deferred November 7, 1932
Prosperity November 18, 1932
Flesh December 8, 1932
Fast Life December 16, 1932
The Son-Daughter December 23, 1932
Rasputin and the Empress December 23, 1932
Strange Interlude December 30, 1932
  • Dancing Lady (1933)
  • Dinner at Eight (1933)
  • The Prizefighter and the Lady (1933)
  • Queen Christina (1933)
  • The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934, remade in 1956)
  • The Thin Man (1934, plus sequels)
  • Death on the Diamond (1934)
  • Hide-Out (1934)
  • Murder in the Private Car (1934)
  • Tarzan and His Mate (1934)
  • The Merry Widow (1934)
  • The Show-Off (1934)
  • Viva Villa! (1934)
  • Hollywood Party
  • Babes in Toyland (1934)
  • The Cat and the Fiddle (1934)
  • Manhattan Melodrama (1934)
  • You Can’t Buy Everything (1934)
  • Anna Karenina (1935)
  • A Night at the Opera (1935)
  • China Seas (1935)
  • David Copperfield (1935)
  • Mutiny on the Bounty (1935, remade in 1962)
  • Naughty Marietta (1935)
  • Ah, Wilderness! (1935)
  • A Tale of Two Cities (1935)
  • Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935)
  • Murder in the Fleet (1935)
  • The Winning Ticket (1935)
  • Romeo and Juliet (1936)
  • Rose Marie (1936)
  • San Francisco (1936)
  • Tarzan Escapes (1936)
  • Fury (1936, Fritz Lang’s first American film)
  • Camille (1936)
  • The Great Ziegfeld (1936)
  • Libeled Lady (1936)
  • The Robin Hood of El Dorado (1936)
  • Maytime (1937)
  • A Day at the Races (1937)
  • Captains Courageous (1937)
  • Saratoga (1937)
  • The Good Earth (1937)
  • Conquest (1937)
  • Rosalie (1937)
  • The Firefly (1937)
  • Broadway Melody of 1938 (1937)
  • The Girl of the Golden West (1938)
  • Test Pilot (1938)
  • A Christmas Carol (1938)
  • Sweethearts (1938)
  • Boys Town (1938)
  • Marie Antoinette (1938)
  • The Citadel (1938)
  • Babes in Arms (1939)
  • Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939)
  • At the Circus (1939)
  • Gone with the Wind (1939, distribution only; produced by Selznick International Pictures)
  • The Wizard of Oz (1939)
  • Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939, remade as musical in 1969)
  • The Women (1939)
  • Ninotchka (1939, remade as musical in 1957)
  • It’s a Wonderful World (1939)
  • Broadway Serenade (1939)


Title Release Date Notes
The Earl of Chicago January 5, 1940
The Shop Around the Corner January 12, 1940
Congo Maisie January 19, 1940
I Take This Woman February 2, 1940
Broadway Melody of 1940 February 9, 1940
The Man from Dakota February 16, 1940
Northwest Passage February 23, 1940
Strange Cargo March 1, 1940
The Ghost Comes Home March 8, 1940
Young Tom Edison March 15, 1940
And One Was Beautiful April 5, 1940
Dr. Kildare’s Strange Case April 12, 1940
Two Girls on Broadway April 19, 1940
Forty Little Mothers April 26, 1940
20 Mule Team May 3, 1940
Edison, the Man May 10, 1940
Waterloo Bridge May 17, 1940
Florian June 5, 1940
Susan and God June 7, 1940
Phantom Raiders June 7, 1940
The Mortal Storm June 14, 1940
The Captain Is a Lady June 21, 1940
Andy Hardy Meets Debutante July 5, 1940
Sporting Blood July 12, 1940
New Moon July 19, 1940
We Who Are Young July 19, 1940
Pride and Prejudice July 26, 1940
Gold Rush Maisie July 26, 1940
I Love You Again August 9, 1940
The Golden Fleecing August 16, 1940
Boom Town August 30, 1940
Dr. Kildare Goes Home September 6, 1940
Wyoming September 13, 1940
Strike Up the Band September 27, 1940
Sky Murder September 27, 1940
Dulcy October 4, 1940
Third Finger, Left Hand October 11, 1940
Hullabaloo October 25, 1940
Escape November 1, 1940
Bitter Sweet November 8, 1940
Gallant Sons November 15, 1940
Little Nellie Kelly November 22, 1940
Dr. Kildare’s Crisis November 29, 1940
Go West December 6, 1940
Comrade X December 13, 1940
The Philadelphia Story December 26, 1940 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture. remade as High Society in 1956
Flight Command December 27, 1940
Keeping Company December 27, 1940
Maisie Was a Lady January 10, 1941
The Wild Man of Borneo January 24, 1941
Come Live with Me January 31, 1941
Blonde Inspiration February 7, 1941
The Trial of Mary Dugan February 14, 1941
Andy Hardy’s Private Secretary February 21, 1941
Free and Easy February 28, 1941
Rage in Heaven March 7, 1941
The Penalty March 14, 1941
The Bad Man March 28, 1941
Barnacle Bill April 7, 1941
Men of Boys Town April 11, 1941
Washington Melodrama April 18, 1941
Ziegfeld Girl April 25, 1941
The People vs. Dr. Kildare May 2, 1941
I’ll Wait for You May 16, 1941
A Woman’s Face May 23, 1941
Love Crazy May 23, 1941
Billy the Kid May 30, 1941
The Get-Away June 13, 1941
The Big Store June 20, 1941
They Met in Bombay June 27, 1941
Blossoms in the Dust July 25, 1941 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Ringside Maisie August 1, 1941
Whistling in the Dark August 8, 1941
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde August 12, 1941
Life Begins for Andy Hardy August 15, 1941
Dr. Kildare’s Wedding Day August 22, 1941
When Ladies Meet August 29, 1941
Down in San Diego August 1941
Lady Be Good September 1, 1941
Honky Tonk October 1, 1941
Married Bachelor October 16, 1941
The Chocolate Soldier October 31, 1941
The Feminine Touch October 1941
Smilin’ Through October 1941
Shadow of the Thin Man November 21, 1941
Two-Faced Woman November 30, 1941
Unholy Partners November 1941
Tarzan’s Secret Treasure December 1, 1941
H. M. Pulham, Esq. December 18, 1941
Kathleen December 18, 1941
Babes on Broadway December 31, 1941
Design for Scandal January 5, 1942
Johnny Eager January 17, 1942
Woman of the Year January 19, 1942
Nazi Agent January 21, 1942
The Vanishing Virginian January 23, 1942
Mr. and Mrs. North January 23, 1942
A Yank on the Burma Road January 29, 1942
The Bugle Sounds January 30, 1942
Dr. Kildare’s Victory February 4, 1942
Born to Sing February 18, 1942
Joe Smith, American February 1942
This Time for Keeps March 1942
The Courtship of Andy Hardy March 1942
Kid Glove Killer April 17, 1942
Fingers at the Window April 22, 1942
We Were Dancing April 30, 1942
Rio Rita April 1942
Mokey April 1942
Sunday Punch May 8, 1942
Tortilla Flat May 21, 1942
Pacific Rendezvous May 21, 1942
Grand Central Murder May 23, 1942
Tarzan’s New York Adventure May 1942
Ship Ahoy May 1942
Mrs. Miniver June 4, 1942 Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
The Affairs of Martha June 21, 1942
Maisie Gets Her Man June 1942
Her Cardboard Lover June 1942
Jackass Mail July 1, 1942
I Married an Angel July 9, 1942
Calling Dr. Gillespie July 9, 1942
Crossroads July 23, 1942
Pierre of the Plains July 29, 1942
The War Against Mrs. Hadley August 7, 1942
Cairo August 17, 1942
Somewhere I’ll Find You August 27, 1942
Tish September 17, 1942
The Omaha Trail September 1942
A Yank at Eton September 1942
Apache Trail September 1942
Panama Hattie October 1, 1942
Eyes in the Night October 16, 1942
For Me and My Gal October 21, 1942
Seven Sweethearts November 13, 1942
Talk About Jacqueline November 30, 1942
Dr. Gillespie’s New Assistant November 1942
Northwest Rangers December 1, 1942
White Cargo December 12, 1942
Journey for Margaret December 17, 1942
Random Harvest December 17, 1942 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Reunion in France December 25, 1942
Whistling in Dixie December 31, 1942
Stand by for Action December 31, 1942
Keeper of the Flame December 1942
Tennessee Johnson January 12, 1943
Andy Hardy’s Double Life February 11, 1943
The Youngest Profession February 26, 1943
The Human Comedy March 2, 1943 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Assignment in Brittany March 11, 1943
Harrigan’s Kid March 1943
Slightly Dangerous April 1, 1943
Air Raid Wardens April 4, 1943
Cabin in the Sky April 9, 1943
Presenting Lily Mars April 29, 1943
A Stranger in Town April 1943
Dr. Gillespie’s Criminal Case May 8, 1943
Three Hearts for Julia May 21, 1943
Bataan June 3, 1943
Hitler’s Madman June 10, 1943
Pilot No. 5 June 24, 1943
Report from the Aleutians July 30, 1943
Young Ideas August 2, 1943
The Man from Down Under August 4, 1943
Above Suspicion August 5, 1943
Du Barry Was a Lady August 13, 1943
Salute to the Marines August 30, 1943
Thousands Cheer September 13, 1943
The Adventures of Tartu September 24, 1943
I Dood It September 1943
Swing Shift Maisie October 1, 1943
Lassie Come Home October 7, 1943
Best Foot Forward October 8, 1943
Swing Fever November 1, 1943
The Cross of Lorraine November 12, 1943
Cry ‘Havoc’ November 23, 1943
Girl Crazy November 26, 1943
Madame Curie December 16, 1943 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Lost Angel December 23, 1943
A Guy Named Joe December 24, 1943
Whistling in Brooklyn December 1943
Broadway Rhythm January 19, 1944
Song of Russia February 10, 1944
See Here, Private Hargrove March 18, 1944
The Heavenly Body March 23, 1944
Rationing March 24, 1944
Tunisian Victory April 1, 1944
Gaslight May 4, 1944
Andy Hardy’s Blonde Trouble May 4, 1944
The White Cliffs of Dover May 11, 1944
3 Men in White May 25, 1944
Meet the People June 1, 1944
Two Girls and a Sailor June 14, 1944
Bathing Beauty June 27, 1944
Dragon Seed July 20, 1944
The Seventh Cross July 24, 1944
The Canterville Ghost July 28, 1944
Kismet August 22, 1944
Marriage Is a Private Affair August 23, 1944
Maria Candelaria September 11, 1944
Barbary Coast Gent September 28, 1944
Maisie Goes to Reno September 28, 1944
An American Romance October 11, 1944
Mrs. Parkington October 12, 1944
Lost in a Harem November 8, 1944
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo November 15, 1944
Meet Me in St. Louis November 28, 1944
Blonde Fever December 5, 1944
Nothing But Trouble December 6, 1944
National Velvet December 14, 1944
Music for Millions December 18, 1944
This Man’s Navy January 4, 1945
Main Street After Dark January 12, 1945
The Thin Man Goes Home January 25, 1945
The Picture of Dorian Gray March 3, 1945
Keep Your Powder Dry March 8, 1945
Without Love March 22, 1945
Between Two Women March 28, 1945
Son of Lassie April 20, 1945
The Valley of Decision May 3, 1945
Gentle Annie May 4, 1945
Thrill of a Romance May 23, 1945
The Clock May 25, 1945
Twice Blessed May 31, 1945
Dangerous Partners June 7, 1945
Bewitched July 4, 1945
Anchors Aweigh July 14, 1945 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Ziegfeld Follies August 13, 1945
The Hidden Eye August 31, 1945
Our Vines Have Tender Grapes September 6, 1945
Her Highness and the Bellboy September 11, 1945
Week-End at the Waldorf October 4, 1945
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood October 5, 1945
Perfect Strangers November 1, 1945
She Went to the Races November 4, 1945
Yolanda and the Thief November 20, 1945
What Next, Corporal Hargrove? November 21, 1945
The Last Chance November 27, 1945
They Were Expendable December 20, 1945
It Happened at the Inn December 21, 1945
The Sailor Takes a Wife December 28, 1945
Adventure December 28, 1945
The Great Morgan 1946
The Harvey Girls January 18, 1946
A Letter for Evie January 28, 1946
Up Goes Maisie February 1, 1946
The Hoodlum Saint April 4, 1946
The Postman Always Rings Twice May 2, 1946
Bad Bascomb May 22, 1946
Two Smart People June 4, 1946
Two Sisters from Boston June 6, 1946
Little Mister Jim June 10, 1946
Stormy Waters June 15, 1946
The Green Years July 4, 1946
Easy to Wed July 25, 1946
Boys’ Ranch July 18, 1946
Piccadilly Incident August 4, 1946
Holiday in Mexico August 15, 1946
Faithful in My Fashion August 22, 1946
Three Wise Fools September 26, 1946
No Leave, No Love October 3, 1946
The Cockeyed Miracle October 24, 1946
Courage of Lassie November 8, 1946
Undercurrent November 28, 1946
Till the Clouds Roll By* December 5, 1946
Gallant Bess December 5, 1946
The Yearling December 18, 1946 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
The Secret Heart December 25, 1946
Love Laughs at Andy Hardy December 25, 1946
The Show-Off December 1946
The Mighty McGurk January 2, 1947
Lady in the Lake January 23, 1947
My Brother Talks to Horses February 4, 1947
The Arnelo Affair February 13, 1947
The Beginning or the End February 19, 1947
Undercover Maisie March 1, 1947
It Happened in Brooklyn April 7, 1947
The Sea of Grass April 25, 1947
High Barbaree May 1947
Living in a Big Way June 10, 1947
Fiesta June 12, 1947
Dark Delusion June 25, 1947
The Romance of Rosy Ridge August 4, 1947
The Hucksters August 27, 1947
Song of the Thin Man August 28, 1947
Cynthia August 29, 1947
The Unfinished Dance September 19, 1947
Song of Love October 9, 1947
Merton of the Movies October 11, 1947
This Time for Keeps October 17, 1947
Desire Me October 31, 1947
Green Dolphin Street November 5, 1947
Cass Timberlane November 6, 1947
High Wall December 17, 1947
Good News December 26, 1947
If Winter Comes December 31, 1947
Killer McCoy December 1947
Alias a Gentleman February 3, 1948
Tenth Avenue Angel February 20, 1948
The Bride Goes Wild March 3, 1948
Three Daring Daughters March 5, 1948
Big City March 25, 1948
The Search March 26, 1948
B.F.’s Daughter April 2, 1948
Summer Holiday April 16, 1948
Homecoming April 29, 1948
State of the Union April 30, 1948 distribution only; produced by Liberty Films[N 1]
On an Island with You May 3, 1948
The Pirate June 11, 1948
Easter Parade July 8, 1948
A Date with Judy July 29, 1948
A Southern Yankee August 5, 1948
Julia Misbehaves August 8, 1948
Luxury Liner September 9, 1948
The Three Musketeers October 20, 1948
The Secret Land October 22, 1948
No Minor Vices November 12, 1948
The Kissing Bandit November 18, 1948
Hills of Home November 25, 1948
3 Godfathers December 1, 1948
Act of Violence December 21, 1948
Command Decision December 25, 1948
Force of Evil December 25, 1948
Words and Music December 31, 1948
Tale of the Navajos 1949
The Bribe February 3, 1949
Caught February 17, 1949
Little Women March 10, 1949
Big Jack April 12, 1949
Take Me Out to the Ball Game April 13, 1949
The Secret Garden April 30, 1949
The Barkleys of Broadway May 4, 1949
The Sun Comes Up May 12, 1949
The Stratton Story May 12, 1949
Edward, My Son June 2, 1949
Neptune’s Daughter June 9, 1949
The Great Sinner June 29, 1949
Any Number Can Play July 15, 1949
Scene of the Crime July 28, 1949
In the Good Old Summertime July 29, 1949
Madame Bovary August 25, 1949
That Midnight Kiss September 22, 1949
The Doctor and the Girl September 29, 1949
The Red Danube October 14, 1949
Border Incident October 28, 1949
Challenge to Lassie October 31, 1949
That Forsyte Woman November 3, 1949
Battleground November 9, 1949 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Adam’s Rib November 18, 1949
Intruder in the Dust November 22, 1949
Tension November 23, 1949
East Side, West Side December 22, 1949
Malaya December 27, 1949
On the Town December 30, 1949


Title Release Date Notes
Ambush January 13, 1950
Key to the City February 2, 1950
The Outriders March 1, 1950
Nancy Goes to Rio March 10, 1950
Black Hand March 12, 1950
The Yellow Cab Man April 7, 1950
The Reformer and the Redhead May 5, 1950
Stars In My Crown May 11, 1950
Please Believe Me May 12, 1950
Annie Get Your Gun May 17, 1950
Shadow on the Wall May 19, 1950
The Asphalt Jungle May 23, 1950
Side Street May 23, 1950
The Big Hangover May 26, 1950
Father of the Bride June 16, 1950 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture. plus 1951 sequel
The Skipper Surprised His Wife June 29, 1950
The Next Voice You Hear… June 29, 1950
Crisis July 7, 1950
The Happy Years July 7, 1950
Three Little Words July 12, 1950
Duchess of Idaho July 14, 1950
Mystery Street July 28, 1950
A Lady Without Passport August 3, 1950
The Toast of New Orleans August 24, 1950
Summer Stock August 31, 1950
A Life of Her Own September 1, 1950
Devil’s Doorway September 15, 1950
Right Cross October 6, 1950
To Please a Lady October 13, 1950
The Miniver Story October 26, 1950
Dial 1119 November 3, 1950
Two Weeks with Love November 10, 1950
King Solomon’s Mines November 24, 1950 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Kim December 7, 1950
Mrs. O’Malley and Mr. Malone December 8, 1950
Watch the Birdie December 11, 1950
Pagan Love Song December 29, 1950
The Magnificent Yankee January 18, 1951
Grounds for Marriage January 19, 1951
Vengeance Valley* February 4, 1951
Three Guys Named Mike March 1, 1951
Mr. Imperium March 2, 1951
The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Story March 12, 1951
Inside Straight March 15, 1951
The Red Badge of Courage March 16, 1951
Royal Wedding* March 23, 1951
Soldiers Three March 29, 1951
Cause for Alarm!* March 30, 1951
Teresa April 5, 1951
The Great Caruso April 16, 1951
Father’s Little Dividend* April 27, 1951 sequel to Father of the Bride
The Painted Hills* May 4, 1951
Home Town Story May 18, 1951
Go for Broke! May 24, 1951
Night Into Morning June 8, 1951
No Questions Asked June 15, 1951
Kind Lady June 20, 1951
Excuse My Dust June 29, 1951
Strictly Dishonorable July 3, 1951
Rich, Young and Pretty July 9, 1951
The Law and the Lady July 20, 1951
The Tall Target August 17, 1951
The Strip August 1951
The People Against O’Hara September 1, 1951
Show Boat September 24, 1951
Texas Carnival October 5, 1951
Bannerline October 12, 1951
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman October 15, 1951
Angels in the Outfield October 19, 1951 plus Disney remake in 1994
Across the Wide Missouri October 23, 1951
An American in Paris November 11, 1951 Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
Callaway Went Thataway November 15, 1951
The Unknown Man November 16, 1951
It’s a Big Country November 20, 1951
Too Young to Kiss November 22, 1951
The Man with a Cloak November 27, 1951
Calling Bulldog Drummond December 14, 1951
Quo Vadis December 25, 1951 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Westward the Women December 31, 1951
The Light Touch January 16, 1952
Invitation January 29, 1952
Lone Star February 8, 1952
The Belle of New York February 22, 1952
Love Is Better Than Ever February 23, 1952
Just This Once February 27, 1952
The Wild North March 22, 1952
Singin’ in the Rain April 11, 1952 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
Talk About a Stranger April 18, 1952
Carbine Williams April 24, 1952
Young Man with Ideas May 2, 1952
When in Rome May 11, 1952
The Girl in White May 23, 1952
Skirts Ahoy! May 28, 1952
Lovely to Look At May 29, 1952
The Sellout May 30, 1952
Glory Alley June 6, 1952
Pat and Mike June 13, 1952
Scaramouche June 27, 1952
Washington Story July 18, 1952
You for Me July 18, 1952
Shadow in the Sky July 18, 1952
Holiday for Sinners July 25, 1952
Ivanhoe July 31, 1952 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Fearless Fagan August 15, 1952
The Merry Widow September 5, 1952
My Man and I September 5, 1952
The Devil Makes Three September 19, 1952
Because You’re Mine September 25, 1952
Apache War Smoke September 25, 1952
Everything I Have Is Yours October 31, 1952
The Prisoner of Zenda November 14, 1952
Desperate Search November 19, 1952
The Hour of 13 November 21, 1952
Plymouth Adventure November 28, 1952
Million Dollar Mermaid December 4, 1952
Sky Full of Moon December 12, 1952
The Bad and the Beautiful December 25, 1952
Above and Beyond January 2, 1953
The Clown January 16, 1953
The Naked Spur February 6, 1953
Rogue’s March February 13, 1953
Battle Circus March 6, 1953
Confidentially Connie March 13, 1953
I Love Melvin March 20, 1953
The Story of Three Loves March 26, 1953
The Girl Who Had Everything March 27, 1953
Jeopardy March 30, 1953
Small Town Girl April 10, 1953
Bright Road April 17, 1953
Sombrero April 22, 1953
Code Two April 24, 1953
Never Let Me Go May 1, 1953
Cry of the Hunted May 8, 1953
Remains to Be Seen May 15, 1953
Scandal at Scourie May 17, 1953
Fast Company May 22, 1953
Young Bess May 29, 1953
Julius Caesar June 4, 1953 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
A Slight Case of Larceny June 5, 1953
Dream Wife June 19, 1953
Arena June 24, 1953
Dangerous When Wet July 3, 1953
Lili July 10, 1953
Ride, Vaquero! July 17, 1953
The Band Wagon August 7, 1953
The Affairs of Dobie Gillis August 14, 1953
Big Leaguer August 19, 1953
Latin Lovers August 28, 1953
Half a Hero September 4, 1953
The Actress September 25, 1953
Torch Song October 1, 1953
Mogambo October 9, 1953
Take the High Ground! October 30, 1953
All the Brothers Were Valiant November 13, 1953
Kiss Me Kate November 26, 1953
Give a Girl a Break December 3, 1953
Easy to Love December 25, 1953
Saadia December 1953
Knights of the Round Table January 15, 1954
The Great Diamond Robbery January 29, 1954
The Long, Long Trailer February 18, 1954
Tennessee Champ March 5, 1954
Rose Marie April 1, 1954
Gypsy Colt April 2, 1954
Rhapsody April 16, 1954
Prisoner of War May 4, 1954
Flame and the Flesh May 5, 1954
Executive Suite May 6, 1954
Men of the Fighting Lady May 7, 1954
The Student Prince June 15, 1954
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers July 22, 1954 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Valley of the Kings July 23, 1954
Her Twelve Men August 11, 1954
Betrayed September 7, 1954
Brigadoon September 8, 1954
Rogue Cop September 17, 1954
Beau Brummell October 6, 1954
Athena November 4, 1954
The Last Time I Saw Paris* November 18, 1954
Seagulls Over Sorrento December 6, 1954
Deep in My Heart December 24, 1954
Green Fire December 29, 1954
Bad Day at Black Rock January 7, 1955
Many Rivers to Cross February 4, 1955
Jupiter’s Darling February 18, 1955
Hit the Deck March 4, 1955
The Glass Slipper March 24, 1955
Blackboard Jungle March 25, 1955
Bedevilled April 28, 1955
Interrupted Melody May 5, 1955
The Prodigal May 6, 1955
The Cobweb June 7, 1955
Love Me or Leave Me June 10, 1955
Moonfleet June 24, 1955
Svengali June 24, 1955
The Scarlet Coat July 29, 1955
The King’s Thief August 5, 1955
It’s Always Fair Weather September 2, 1955
Trial October 7, 1955
Kismet October 8, 1955
Guys and Dolls November 3, 1955 Distribution only, produced by Samuel Goldwyn Productions
The Tender Trap November 4, 1955
The Adventures of Quentin Durward November 23, 1955
It’s a Dog’s Life December 23, 1955
I’ll Cry Tomorrow December 25, 1955
Diane January 12, 1956
Ransom! January 24, 1956
Forever, Darling February 9, 1956
Meet Me in Las Vegas March 9, 1956
Forbidden Planet March 15, 1956
Tribute to a Bad Man March 30, 1956
The Swan April 26, 1956
The Last Hunt April 30, 1956
Bhowani Junction May 1, 1956
Gaby May 9, 1956
Invitation to the Dance May 15, 1956
The Catered Affair June 14, 1956
Somebody Up There Likes Me July 5, 1956
The Fastest Gun Alive July 12, 1956
High Society July 17, 1956 Musical remake of The Philadelphia Story
These Wilder Years August 17, 1956
Lust for Life September 17, 1956 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
The Power and the Prize September 26, 1956
Tea and Sympathy September 27, 1956
Julie October 17, 1956
The Opposite Sex October 26, 1956 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
The Rack November 2, 1956
Friendly Persuasion November 25, 1956 Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Foreign distribution only[4]
The Great American Pastime November 28, 1956
The Teahouse of the August Moon November 29, 1956 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
The Iron Petticoat January 7, 1957
The Barretts of Wimpole Street January 16, 1957
Slander January 18, 1957
Edge of the City January 29, 1957
The Wings of Eagles February 22, 1957
Hot Summer Night February 1957
Ten Thousand Bedrooms April 3, 1957
Lizzie April 4, 1957
Tarzan and the Lost Safari April 12, 1957
The Living Idol May 2, 1957
The Little Hut May 3, 1957
The Vintage May 8, 1957
Something of Value May 10, 1957
This Could Be the Night May 14, 1957
Designing Woman May 16, 1957
The Happy Road June 20, 1957
The Seventh Sin June 28, 1957
Decision Against Time July 12, 1957
Silk Stockings July 18, 1957 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. Musical remake of Ninotchka
Gun Glory July 19, 1957
Man on Fire August 22, 1957
Action of the Tiger August 30, 1957
Tip on a Dead Jockey September 6, 1957
House of Numbers September 12, 1957
The Hired Gun September 20, 1957
Les Girls October 3, 1957 Winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
Until They Sail October 8, 1957
The Invisible Boy October 1957
Jailhouse Rock November 8, 1957
Don’t Go Near the Water November 14, 1957 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
Raintree County December 20, 1957
All at Sea December 21, 1957
Seven Hills of Rome January 30, 1958
Underwater Warrior February 14, 1958
The Brothers Karamazov February 20, 1958
I Accuse! March 5, 1958
Saddle the Wind March 20, 1958
Merry Andrew April 4, 1958
Handle with Care April 18, 1958
Cry Terror! May 2, 1958
The Sheepman May 7, 1958
Gigi May 15, 1958 Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture. Winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical.
The High Cost of Loving May 16, 1958
The Law and Jake Wade June 6, 1958
High School Confidential June 13, 1958
The Haunted Strangler July 3, 1958
Fiend Without a Face July 3, 1958
The Reluctant Debutante August 14, 1958
Tarzan’s Fight for Life August 15, 1958
Imitation General August 20, 1958
The Badlanders September 3, 1958
Dunkirk September 10, 1958
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof September 20, 1958 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture. Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
The Safecracker October 1, 1958
Man of the West October 1, 1958
The Decks Ran Red October 10, 1958
Torpedo Run October 24, 1958
Party Girl October 28, 1958
The Tunnel of Love November 21, 1958
The Doctor’s Dilemma December 17, 1958
Some Came Running December 18, 1958
Tom Thumb December 22, 1958 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical.
Andy Hardy Comes Home December 22, 1958
Frontier Rangers 1959
The Journey February 19, 1959
First Man Into Space February 27, 1959
Night of the Quarter Moon March 4, 1959
Nowhere to Go March 11, 1959
Green Mansions March 19, 1959
Count Your Blessings April 23, 1959
The Mating Game April 29, 1959
The Mysterians May 15, 1959 US distribution of 1957 Japanese Toho film
The World, the Flesh, and the Devil May 20, 1959
Ask Any Girl May 21, 1959
Watusi July 1, 1959
The Beat Generation July 3, 1959
North by Northwest July 17, 1959
The Angry Hills July 29, 1959
The Scapegoat August 6, 1959
For the First Time August 26, 1959
The Big Operator August 1959
It Started with a Kiss September 4, 1959
Girls Town October 5, 1959
Libel October 23, 1959
The House of the Seven Hawks October 29, 1959
Tarzan, the Ape Man October 1959
The Wreck of the Mary Deare November 6, 1959
Ben-Hur November 18, 1959 Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture. Winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama .remake of 1925 film
Never So Few December 7, 1959
The Gazebo December 18, 1959


Title Release Date Notes
The Last Voyage February 19, 1960
Home from the Hill March 3, 1960
Please Don’t Eat the Daisies March 31, 1960
Platinum High School May 13, 1960
The Giant of Marathon May 25, 1960
The Subterraneans June 23, 1960
Bells Are Ringing June 23, 1960 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn August 3, 1960
The Time Machine August 17, 1960
The Day They Robbed the Bank of England September 4, 1960
All the Fine Young Cannibals September 22, 1960
The Angel Wore Red September 28, 1960
Key Witness October 6, 1960
BUtterfield 8 November 4, 1960
The Law November 11, 1960
Village of the Damned December 7, 1960
Where the Boys Are December 28, 1960
Cimarron December 1960
The Murder Men 1961
Don Quixote January 20, 1961
Go Naked in the World March 10, 1961
The Secret Partner March 15, 1961

[N 2] || March 29, 1961

The Green Helmet April 20, 1961
Atlantis, the Lost Continent May 3, 1961
Ring of Fire June 14, 1961
Two Loves June 21, 1961
Magic Boy June 22, 1961
The Secret of Monte Cristo June 22, 1961
Morgan, the Pirate July 6, 1961
The Thief of Baghdad August 10, 1961
The Honeymoon Machine August 16, 1961
Ada August 25, 1961
A Thunder of Drums September 26, 1961
Bridge to the Sun October 17, 1961
King of Kings October 30, 1961
Bachelor in Paradise November 1, 1961
The Colossus of Rhodes November 1961
Invasion Quartet December 10, 1961
Le meraviglie di Aladino December 13, 1961
Private Potter 1962
Murder, She Said January 7, 1962
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse February 7, 1962
The Light in the Piazza February 9, 1962
Sweet Bird of Youth March 21, 1962
The World in My Pocket March 1962
All Fall Down April 11, 1962
The Horizontal Lieutenant April 18, 1962
Lolita June 12, 1962
Ride the High Country June 20, 1962
I tartari June 20, 1962
Boys’ Night Out June 21, 1962 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Comedy.
The Counterfeiters of Paris July 17, 1962
A Matter of WHO July 24, 1962
Tarzan Goes to India July 1962
The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm August 7, 1962 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical.
Two Weeks in Another Town August 17, 1962
Damon and Pythias September 5, 1962
I Thank a Fool September 14, 1962
A Very Private Affair September 28, 1962
The Savage Guns October 1, 1962
Period of Adjustment October 31, 1962 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Comedy.
Mutiny on the Bounty November 8, 1962 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture. Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
Kill or Cure November 12, 1962
The Dock Brief November 16, 1962
Escape from East Berlin November 1962
The Main Attraction November 1962
Swordsman of Siena December 5, 1962
Billy Rose’s Jumbo December 6, 1962 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical.
Arturo’s Island December 21, 1962
The Password Is Courage December 21, 1962
A Monkey in Winter January 30, 1963
The Hook February 15, 1963
How the West Was Won February 20, 1963
Follow the Boys February 27, 1963
The Four Days of Naples March 19, 1963
The Courtship of Eddie’s Father March 27, 1963
Come Fly with Me March 27, 1963
Seven Seas to Calais March 1963
It Happened at the World’s Fair April 3, 1963
Black Fox: The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler April 29, 1963
Drums of Africa May 15, 1963
The Slave May 29, 1963
In the Cool of the Day May 29, 1963
Dime with a Halo May 1963
Corridors of Blood June 5, 1963
Lycanthropus June 5, 1963
Captain Sinbad June 19, 1963
Murder at the Gallop June 24, 1963
Tarzan’s Three Challenges June 1963
Cattle King July 31, 1963
Flipper August 14, 1963
A Ticklish Affair August 18, 1963 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
Cairo August 21, 1963
The Young and The Brave August 1963
Hootenanny Hoot August 1963
The Haunting September 18, 1963
The V.I.P.s September 19, 1963
Any Number Can Win October 8, 1963
Twilight of Honor October 16, 1963
Family Portrait November 11, 1963
Sunday in New York November 13, 1963
The Wheeler Dealers November 14, 1963
Square of Violence December 8, 1963
The Prize December 25, 1963
Le Gentleman d’Epsom 1964
Children of the Damned January 29, 1964
A Global Affair January 30, 1964
The Day and the Hour February 19, 1964
Le glaive et la balance February 28, 1964
Kissin’ Cousins March 6, 1964
Mail Order Bride March 11, 1964
7 Faces of Dr. Lao March 18, 1964
Night Must Fall March 18, 1964
Gunfighters of Casa Grande April 1, 1964
Tamahime May 3, 1964
Gladiators 7 May 7, 1964
Viva Las Vegas May 20, 1964
Rhino! May 20, 1964
The Golden Arrow May 1964
Rhino! June 3, 1964
Advance to the Rear June 10, 1964
The Unsinkable Molly Brown June 11, 1964 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
Flipper’s New Adventure June 24, 1964
Gold for the Caesars June 1964
Looking for Love August 5, 1964
The Night of the Iguana August 6, 1964 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
The Big Parade of Comedy September 3, 1964
Murder Ahoy! September 22, 1964
Of Human Bondage September 23, 1964
Murder Most Foul September 1964
Quick, Before It Melts October 5, 1964
The Outrage October 8, 1964
The Americanization of Emily October 27, 1964
Your Cheatin’ Heart November 4, 1964
The Young Lovers November 12, 1964
Joy House November 1964
The Golden Head December 10, 1964
Get Yourself a College Girl December 18, 1964
Wild, Wild Planet 1965
Guns of Diablo January 29, 1965
36 Hours February 19, 1965
The Rounders March 5, 1965
Vice and Virtue March 17, 1965
Young Cassidy March 22, 1965
Operation Crossbow April 1, 1965
Girl Happy April 14, 1965
Hysteria April 1965
Joy in the Morning May 5, 1965
The Yellow Rolls-Royce May 13, 1965
Signpost to Murder May 19, 1965
Sandokan the Great May 1965
Hercules, Samson & Ulysses May 1965
She June 9, 1965
The Sandpiper June 23, 1965
Zebra in the Kitchen June 1965
Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion August 4, 1965
Meurtre en 45 tours August 18, 1965
Greed in the Sun August 18, 1965
Once a Thief September 8, 1965
The Hill October 3, 1965
When the Boys Meet the Girls October 10, 1965
The Loved One October 11, 1965
The Cincinnati Kid October 15, 1965
The Secret of My Success November 3, 1965
Laurel and Hardy’s Laughing 20’s November 17, 1965
Harum Scarum November 24, 1965
A Patch of Blue December 10, 1965 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
Doctor Zhivago December 31, 1965 Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture. Winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
7 Women January 5, 1966
To Trap a Spy January 19, 1966
Where the Spies Are January 26, 1966
The Money Trap February 2, 1966
Made in Paris February 9, 1966
The Spy with My Face March 9, 1966
The Singing Nun April 2, 1966
The Secret Seven April 1966
The Alphabet Murders May 17, 1966
Lady L May 18, 1966
Son of a Gunfighter May 1966
The Glass Bottom Boat June 9, 1966
Maya June 22, 1966
Hold On! June 22, 1966
Around the World Under the Sea June 22, 1966
Tiko and the Shark June 1966
Mister Buddwing October 11, 1966
Hotel Paradiso October 14, 1966
The Liquidator October 28, 1966
Penelope November 10, 1966
Spinout November 23, 1966
One Spy Too Many December 7, 1966
Marco the Magnificent December 14, 1966
Blowup December 18, 1966 distributor
Grand Prix December 21, 1966
One of Our Spies Is Missing December 1966
The Venetian Affair January 18, 1967
Hot Rods to Hell January 27, 1967
Return of the Gunfighter January 29, 1967
The Spy in the Green Hat February 3, 1967
The 25th Hour February 16, 1967
Double Trouble April 5, 1967
The Karate Killers April 7, 1967
Welcome to Hard Times May 1, 1967
Doctor, You’ve Got to Be Kidding! May 10, 1967
Three Bites of the Apple May 24, 1967
The Dirty Dozen June 15, 1967
Don’t Make Waves June 20, 1967
Point Blank August 30, 1967
The Fastest Guitar Alive September 1, 1967
Our Mother’s House October 9, 1967
Far from the Madding Crowd October 18, 1967 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama. co-production with Anglo-Amalgamated
The Comedians October 31, 1967
The Girl and the General October 1967
More than a Miracle November 1, 1967
Jack of Diamonds November 10, 1967
The Fearless Vampire Killers November 13, 1967
Eye of the Devil December 6, 1967
The Last Challenge December 27, 1967
A Madona de Cedo 1968
Too Many Thieves 1968
A Man Called Dagger 1968
Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter 1968
Hate for Hate 1968
Revenge for Revenge 1968
The Biggest Bundle of Them All January 17, 1968
Sol Madrid February 7, 1968
The Power February 21, 1968
Day of the Evil Gun March 1, 1968
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich March 6, 1968
Stay Away, Joe March 8, 1968
Guns for San Sebastian March 20, 1968
2001: A Space Odyssey April 6, 1968
A Dollar Between the Teeth April 24, 1968
Battle Beneath the Earth May 15, 1968
Speedway June 12, 1968
Where Were You When the Lights Went Out? June 19, 1968
The Helicopter Spies June 21, 1968
Dark of the Sun July 3, 1968
Kiss the Other Sheik July 29, 1968
A Time to Sing August 15, 1968
The Legend of Lylah Clare August 21, 1968
A Man, a Horse, a Gun August 1968
The Young Runaways September 11, 1968
Hot Millions September 19, 1968
The Subject Was Roses October 13, 1968
Live a Little, Love a Little October 23, 1968
Ice Station Zebra October 23, 1968
The Split November 4, 1968
The Shoes of the Fisherman November 14, 1968 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
The Impossible Years December 5, 1968
The Fixer December 8, 1968 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
The Wolf Men 1969
The Extraordinary Seaman 1969
The Appointment 1969
Ghosts — Italian Style January 22, 1969
Mayerling February 13, 1969
How to Steal the World March 7, 1969
Where Eagles Dare March 12, 1969
Kenner April 23, 1969
The Green Slime May 21, 1969
Heaven with a Gun June 11, 1969
The Maltese Bippy June 18, 1969
The Best House in London July 30, 1969
A Place for Lovers August 22, 1969
The Gypsy Moths August 28, 1969
The Trouble with Girls September 3, 1969
Alfred the Great October 8, 1969
Marlowe October 31, 1969
Goodbye, Mr. Chips November 5, 1969
Flareup November 10, 1969


Title Release Date Notes
…tick…tick…tick… January 9, 1970
Zabriskie Point February 9, 1970
The Five Man Army February 20, 1970
Brotherly Love April 22, 1970
My Lover My Son May 13, 1970
The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart May 26, 1970
The Walking Stick June 10, 1970
The Strawberry Statement June 15, 1970
Kelly’s Heroes June 23, 1970
The Moonshine War July 1970
House of Dark Shadows September 9, 1970
The Traveling Executioner October 1, 1970
Captain Nemo and the Underwater City October 7, 1970
No Blade of Grass October 23, 1970
The Phantom Tollbooth November 7, 1970
Ryan’s Daughter November 9, 1970
Elvis: That’s the Way It Is November 11, 1970
Dirty Dingus Magee November 18, 1970
The Bushbaby November 1970
Brewster McCloud December 5, 1970
Alex in Wonderland December 22, 1970
Freelance 1971
Pigeons February 1, 1971
The Body February 24, 1971
Percy March 3, 1971
Get Carter March 18, 1971
Mad Dogs & Englishmen March 29, 1971
The Enchanted Years April 22, 1971
Pretty Maids All in a Row April 28, 1971
The Night Digger May 12, 1971
Villain May 26, 1971
Fortune and Men’s Eyes June 15, 1971
Wild Rovers June 23, 1971
The Tales of Beatrix Potter June 30, 1971 U.S. theatrical distribution only; produced by EMI Films
Shaft July 2, 1971
The Last Run July 7, 1971
Night of Dark Shadows August 4, 1971
Clay Pigeon August 1971
Catlow October 1, 1971
Going Home December 1, 1971
Chandler December 1, 1971
Believe in Me December 8, 1971
The Boy Friend December 16, 1971 Co-production with EMI Films
Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight December 22, 1971
The Jerusalem File February 2, 1972
Cool Breeze March 22, 1972
The Carey Treatment March 29, 1972
Corky March 1972
Horror on Snape Island May 19, 1972
Skyjacked May 24, 1972
Black Belly of the Tarantula June 7, 1972
The Weekend Murders [N 3] June 7, 1972 Distribution only
Every Little Crook and Nanny June 14, 1972
Shaft’s Big Score! June 18, 1972
Sitting Target June 19, 1972
Two Is a Happy Number June 19, 1972
The Wrath of God July 14, 1972
Kansas City Bomber August 2, 1972
Melinda August 16, 1972
Savage Messiah September 1972
Private Parts September 1972
Night of the Lepus October 4, 1972
Elvis on Tour November 1, 1972
The Great Waltz November 1, 1972
They Only Kill Their Masters November 22, 1972
Travels with My Aunt December 17, 1972 Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
Hit Man December 20, 1972
Nightmare Honeymoon 1973
Lolly-Madonna XXX February 21, 1973
Slither March 7, 1973
Ludwig March 8, 1973
Soylent Green May 9, 1973
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid May 23, 1973
Sweet Jesus, Preacherman May 25, 1973
Wicked, Wicked June 13, 1973
Shaft in Africa June 14, 1973
The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing June 28, 1973
Trader Horn June 1973
Deaf Smith & Johnny Ears July 25, 1973
Deadly China Doll September 26, 1973
The Slams September 26, 1973
The Outfit October 1973
Westworld November 21, 1973
The Super Cops March 20, 1974
Kazablan May 8, 1974
That’s Entertainment! June 21, 1974
The Devil’s Triangle September 1974
Mr. Ricco February 1975
The Passenger April 9, 1975
The Wind and the Lion May 22, 1975 U.S. distribution only; co-production with Columbia Pictures
The Silent Stranger June 20, 1975
Hearts of the West October 8, 1975
The Sunshine Boys November 6, 1975 Winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
That’s Entertainment, Part II May 17, 1976
Logan’s Run June 23, 1976
Sweet Revenge June 1976
Norman, Is That You? September 29, 1976
Network [N 4][N 5] November 27, 1976 Co-production with United Artists
Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama.
Demon Seed April 8, 1977
The Goodbye Girl November 30, 1977 Co-production with Warner Bros.
Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
Telefon December 16, 1977
Coma January 6, 1978
Corvette Summer June 2, 1978
International Velvet July 19, 1978
Brass Target December 22, 1978
Jamaican Gold 1979
Voices March 14, 1979
The Champ April 4, 1979 remake of 1931 film
The Human Factor December 18, 1979


(company known as MGM/UA Entertainment Co. and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Film Co.)

Release Date Title Notes Budget Gross
February 8, 1980 Hero at Large $15,934,737
March 21, 1980 Hide in Plain Sight
May 16, 1980 Fame Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. $21,202,829
August 8, 1980 Why Would I Lie? $1,175,855
September 12, 1980 He Knows You’re Alone $4,875,436
December 19, 1980 The Formula $8,894,289
February 27, 1981 Sunday Lovers
June 12, 1981 Clash of the Titans $15 million $41 million
August 7, 1981 Tarzan, the Ape Man $6.5 million $36,565,280
September 23, 1981 Rich and Famous $10 million $14,492,125
October 16, 1981 …All the Marbles $9.3 million
December 2, 1981 Whose Life Is It Anyway? $13 million $10 million
December 11, 1981 Buddy Buddy $7,258,543
December 11, 1981 Pennies from Heaven Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. $22,000,000
January 22, 1982 A Stranger Is Watching
February 12, 1982 Cannery Row
February 19, 1982 Shoot the Moon $12,000,000 $9,217,530
March 5, 1982 Diner Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. $5 million $14,099,953
March 19, 1982 Victor/Victoria Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. distributor, produced by Ladbrokes Entertainment $28,215,453
April 28, 1982 Koyaanisqatsi $2.5 million $3.2 million
May 28, 1982 Rocky III distribution only $17 million $270 million
June 4, 1982 Poltergeist co-production with SLM Production Group $10.7 million $121,706,019
July 2, 1982 The Secret of NIMH distribution only $7,000,000 $14,665,733
July 30, 1982 Forced Vengeance $6,660,333
August 13, 1982 Pink Floyd The Wall $22,244,207
August 20, 1982 The Beastmaster distribution only $8 million $14,056,528
September 10, 1982 Endangered Species $1,474,249
September 17, 1982 Inchon $46 million $5,200,986
September 24, 1982 Yes, Giorgio $19,000,000 $1,368,588
October 1, 1982 My Favorite Year Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. $20,123,620
December 17, 1982 Trail of the Pink Panther distribution only $9,056,073
January 21, 1983 The Year of Living Dangerously $6 million
April 15, 1983 Rock & Rule $8 million $30,379
April 29, 1983 The Hunger $5,979,292
June 3, 1983 WarGames distribution only $12 million $79,567,667
June 10, 1983 Octopussy distribution only $27.5 million $183.7 million
August 12, 1983 Curse of the Pink Panther distribution only $3,374,312
August 26, 1983 Strange Brew $4 million $8,571,374
September 30, 1983 Brainstorm $18 million $10,219,460
October 7, 1983 Romantic Comedy distribution only $6,857,733
November 18, 1983 A Christmas Story $4 million $19,294,144
December 9, 1983 Yentl distribution only $12 million $40,218,899
February 3, 1984 Reckless $3 million $8,289,916
March 2, 1984 Sahara $25 million $1,402,962
March 16, 1984 The Ice Pirates $9 million $14,255,801
March 30, 1984 Misunderstood
May 4, 1984 Breakin’ distribution only $1.2 million $57,456,707
August 10, 1984 Red Dawn distribution only $4.2 million $38,376,497
August 24, 1984 Oxford Blues $8,793,152
November 16, 1984 Just the Way You Are
December 7, 1984 2010 $28 million $40,400,657
December 26, 1984 Mrs. Soffel $4,385,312
January 18, 1985 That’s Dancing!
April 12, 1985 Cat’s Eye $7,000,000 $13,086,298
May 3, 1985 Movers & Shakers $372,438
May 3, 1985 Gymkata $8.5 million $5,730,596
May 24, 1985 A View to a Kill distribution only $30 million $152.4 million
July 3, 1985 Red Sonja
August 16, 1985 Year of the Dragon $24,000,000 $18,707,466
September 27, 1985 Code Name: Emerald
September 27, 1985 Marie $9 million $2,507,995
November 22, 1985 Fever Pitch $618,847
November 27, 1985 Rocky IV distribution only $28 million $300,473,716
February 21, 1986 9½ Weeks US distribution only $17 million $106,734,844
February 28, 1986 Dream Lover
March 28, 1986 Ginger and Fred
April 18, 1986 Wise Guys theatrical distribution only $13 million $8,475,466
May 9, 1986 Killer Party last film before the Turner split
May 23, 1986 Poltergeist II: The Other Side first film after the Turner split. All films from this time (with few exceptions) are still owned by MGM $40,996,665
June 27, 1986 Running Scared $38,500,726
August 29, 1986 Shanghai Surprise Distribution only
produced and owned by HandMade Films
$17 million $2,315,683
September 19, 1986 Where the River Runs Black $676,166
November 26, 1986 Solarbabies $7,500,000 $1,579,260
February 6, 1987 Dead of Winter $2,413,427
April 17, 1987 Walk Like a Man
June 24, 1987 Spaceballs $22.7 million $38,119,483
July 10, 1987 O.C. and Stiggs $7,000,000
July 31, 1987 The Living Daylights distribution only $40 million $191.2 million
October 30, 1987 Fatal Beauty $12,046,526
December 16, 1987 Moonstruck Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture. Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. $15 million $80,640,528
December 16, 1987 Overboard $26,713,187
February 1988 Whoops Apocalypse distributor only, produced by ITC Entertainment
February 26, 1988 Taffin
March 11, 1988 Masquerade $15,855,828
May 20, 1988 Willow co-production with Lucasfilm and Imagine Entertainment[N 6] $35 million $57,269,863
June 10, 1988 Poltergeist III $9,500,000 $14,114,488
July 13, 1988 It Takes Two
July 15, 1988 A Fish Called Wanda Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. $62,493,712
September 9, 1988 Some Girls $401,421
September 23, 1988 Spellbinder $657,446
September 28, 1988 Memories of Me $3,965,604
November 18, 1988 Last Rites $427,000
December 2, 1988 Blueberry Hill
December 16, 1988 Rain Man distribution only $25 million $354,825,435
January 13, 1989 The January Man $4,611,062
February 3, 1989 Wicked Stepmother $2,500,000 $43,749
February 16, 1989 The Mighty Quinn $4,557,214
March 3, 1989 Mind Games
March 17, 1989 Leviathan $15,704,614
July 14, 1989 Licence to Kill distribution only $32 million $156.2 million
September 20, 1989 A Dry White Season $9 million $3,766,879
October 27, 1989 Kill Me Again $4,000,000 $283,694
November 3, 1989 After Midnight
November 10, 1989 Survival Quest distribution only
November 17, 1989 All Dogs Go to Heaven distribution only $13.8 million $27,100,027
December 1, 1989 City Rhythms


(company known as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures)
Release Date Title Notes Budget Gross
January 26, 1990 Mortal Passions
February 9, 1990 Stanley & Iris $5.816 million
March 16, 1990 Blue Steel $8,217,997
April 27, 1990 Instant Karma
May 4, 1990 Daddy’s Dyin’: Who’s Got the Will?
August 24, 1990 Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection distribution only; co-production with Cannon Films $6,698,361
September 14, 1990 Death Warrant $46,665,776
October 5, 1990 Desperate Hours $2,742,912
October 19, 1990 Quigley Down Under $18 million $21,413,105
November 16, 1990 Rocky V distribution only; produced by United Artists $42 million $119,946,358
December 19, 1990 The Russia House $22,998,000
January 11, 1991 Not Without My Daughter $22 million $14,789,113
May 24, 1991 Thelma & Louise Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama. $16.5 million US$45,360,915
June 28, 1991 Fires Within
July 26, 1991 Life Stinks $13,000,000 $4,102,526
August 9, 1991 Delirious $18 million $5,546,827
August 23, 1991 Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man $23 million $7,434,726
September 6, 1991 Crooked Hearts
September 6, 1991 Company Business $18 million $1,501,785
September 13, 1991 Liebestraum
September 20, 1991 The Indian Runner $7 million $191,125
September 27, 1991 Timebomb
October 4, 1991 The Man in the Moon
October 11, 1991 Shattered $25 million $11,511,031
December 22, 1991 Rush $12 million $7,241,350
March 6, 1992 Once Upon a Crime $14 million $8,669,847
March 27, 1992 The Cutting Edge $25,105,000
May 8, 1992 CrissCross $3,052,738
May 15, 1992 The Vagrant
August 14, 1992 Diggstown $4,836,637
October 2, 1992 Of Mice and Men $5,471,088
October 30, 1992 The Lover $30,000,000 $45 323 211
January 15, 1993 Body of Evidence $30 million $13,275,426
February 12, 1993 Untamed Heart $18,898,806
March 5, 1993 Rich in Love
April 16, 1993 Benny & Joon $23,261,580
August 6, 1993 The Meteor Man $30,000,000 $8,023,147
August 27, 1993 Son of the Pink Panther $15 million $2,438,031
September 10, 1993 Undercover Blues $25 million $12,324,660
October 22, 1993 The Flight of the Innocent
October 29, 1993 Fatal Instinct $7,852,653
November 19, 1993 Dangerous Game $23,671
December 8, 1993 Six Degrees of Separation $6,405,918
1994 Radio Inside
May 6, 1994 That’s Entertainment! III co-production with Turner Entertainment[N 4]
May 6, 1994 Clean Slate $7,355,425
June 17, 1994 Getting Even with Dad $30 million $18,869,594
July 1, 1994 Blown Away $30,155,037
September 23, 1994 It Runs in the Family

[N 7]|| || ||

October 28, 1994 Stargate US theatrical distribution only; produced by Le Studio Canal+ and Carolco Pictures [N 8] $55 million $196,567,262
December 16, 1994 Speechless $30 million $20,667,959
April 11, 1995 The Pebble and the Penguin US distribution only; produced by Don Bluth Entertainment $28 million $3,983,912
June 2, 1995 Fluke $15 million $3,987,649
July 7, 1995 Species $30 million $113,374,103
September 13, 1995 Hackers distribution only; produced by United Artists $7,563,728
September 22, 1995 Showgirls distribution only; produced by Carolco Pictures $45 million $137,702,961
October 20, 1995 Get Shorty Nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. $30,250,000 $115,101,622
October 27, 1995 Leaving Las Vegas distribution only; produced by United Artists $3.6 million $32,029,928
November 13, 1995 GoldenEye distribution only; produced by United Artists $58 million $352,194,034
December 22, 1995 Cutthroat Island distribution only; produced by Carolco Pictures[N 8] $98 million $10,017,322
January 12, 1996 Bio-Dome $15 million $13,427,615
February 23, 1996 Unforgettable Distribution only; produced by Dino De Laurentiis $18 million $2,821,671
March 29, 1996 All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 co-production with MGM Animation $8,620,678
April 26, 1996 Mulholland Falls $29 million $11,526,099
June 14, 1996 Moll Flanders $6,000,000
July 19, 1996 Fled $25 million $17,193,231
July 26, 1996 Kingpin co-production with Rysher Entertainment[N 9] $27 million $25,023,434
August 14, 1996 House Arrest distribution only; produced by Rysher Entertainment[N 9] $5 million $7,032,782
September 27, 1996 2 Days in the Valley co-production with Rysher Entertainment[N 9] $11,132,900
January 10, 1997 Turbulence distribution only; produced by Rysher Entertainment[N 9] $55 million $11,538,235
January 24, 1997 Zeus and Roxanne distribution only; produced by Rysher Entertainment[N 9] $7,233,324
February 28, 1997 Hard Eight $222,559
May 2, 1997 Warriors of Virtue
June 20, 1997 Fall
September 12, 1997 The End of Violence $5 million
October 31, 1997 Red Corner $39 million $22,415,440
December 19, 1997 Tomorrow Never Dies distribution only; produced by United Artists $110 million $333,011,068
January 30, 1998 Deceiver
March 13, 1998 The Man in the Iron Mask distribution only; produced by United Artists $35 million $182,968,902
April 10, 1998 Species II $35,000,000 $19,221,939
June 12, 1998 Dirty Work $13,000,000 $10,023,282
July 24, 1998 Disturbing Behavior $15,000,000 $17,514,980
September 25, 1998 Ronin distribution only; produced by United Artists $55 million $70,692,101
January 15, 1999 At First Sight $60 million $22,365,133
March 26, 1999 The Mod Squad $50 million $15,419,304
August 6, 1999 The Thomas Crown Affair $48 million $124,305,181
September 10, 1999 Stigmata $29 million $89,446,268
October 9, 1999 Kiss the Sky $6,000,000
October 22, 1999 Molly $21 million $17,650
November 19, 1999 The World Is Not Enough $135 million $361,832,400
November 24, 1999 Flawless $15 million $4,485,485


Title Release Date Notes Budget Gross
Supernova January 14, 2000 $90 million $14,828,081
3 Strikes March 1, 2000 $3.4 million $9,832,166
Return to Me April 7, 2000 $24 million $36,609,995
Autumn in New York August 11, 2000 $65 million $90,726,668
Antitrust January 12, 2001 $18,195,610
Hannibal February 9, 2001 USA distributor, co-production with Universal Pictures, Scott Free Productions and Dino De Laurentiis Company — DDLC $87 million $351,692,268
Heartbreakers March 23, 2001 $35 million $57,756,408
Josie and the Pussycats April 11, 2001 international distributor, co-production with Universal Pictures $39 million $14,866,015
What’s the Worst That Could Happen? June 1, 2001 co-production with Hyde Park Entertainment and Turman/Morrisey Productions $45 million $38,464,131
Greenfingers July 13, 2001 £5,000,000
Legally Blonde July 13, 2001 $18 million $141,774,679
Original Sin August 3, 2001 co-production with Hyde Park Entertainment and Di Novi Pictures $42 million $36,402,320
Bandits October 12, 2001 co-production with Hyde Park Entertainment
Rollerball February 8, 2002 co-production with Mosaic Media Group $70 million $25,852,764
Hart’s War February 15, 2002 $70,000,000 $33,076,815
Windtalkers June 14, 2002 co-production with Lion Rock $115 million $77,628,265
The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course July 12, 2002 co-production with Animal Planet and Cheyenne Enterprises $12,500,000 $33,436,931
Barbershop September 13, 2002 co-production with Cube Vision and State Street Pictures $12 million $77,063,924
Bowling for Columbine October 11, 2002 Distribution only $4 million $58,008,423
Red Dragon October 14, 2002 select international distribution only, co-production with Universal Pictures and Scott Free Productions $78 million $209,196,298
Die Another Day November 22, 2002 co-production with Danjaq $142 million $431,971,116
A Guy Thing January 17, 2003 co-production with David Ladd Films $20 million $17,432,163
Agent Cody Banks March 14, 2003 co-production with Maverick Films, Dylan Sellers Productions and Splendid Pictures $28 million $58,795,814
Bulletproof Monk April 16, 2003 co-production with Lakeshore Entertainment, Lion Rock and Mosaic Media Group $52 million $37,713,879
It Runs in the Family April 25, 2003 USA distributor, co-production with Buena Vista International and Furthur Films
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde July 2, 2003 $45 million $124,914,842
Uptown Girls August 15, 2003 $20 million $44,617,342
Out of Time October 3, 2003 $50 million $55,495,563
Good Boy! October 10, 2003 co-production with Jim Henson Pictures $18 million $45,312,217
Species III November 27, 2004 $16 million
Swimming Upstream February 4, 2005 $769,832
Barbershop 2: Back in Business February 6, 2004 co-production with Cube Vision and State Street Pictures $30 million $65,971,313
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London March 12, 2004 co-production with Maverick Films, Dylan Sellers Productions and Splendid Pictures $26 million $28,818,995
Walking Tall April 2, 2004 co-production with Lion Rock $46,000,000 $57,223,890
Soul Plane May 28, 2004 $16 million $14,822,346
De-Lovely July 2, 2004 $20 million $18,396,382
Sleepover July 9, 2004 co-production with Landscape Entertainment and Woodstock Productions $10 million $10,148,953
Wicker Park September 3, 2004 $30 million $21,568,818
Jiminy Glick in Lalawood May 6, 2005 $36,039
Bigger Than the Sky February 18, 2005 $750,000
Be Cool March 4, 2005 $53 million $95,226,116
Beauty Shop March 30, 2005 $37,245,453
The Amityville Horror April 15, 2005 USA distributor, co-production with Dimension Films, Platinum Dunes and Radar Pictures $19 million $108,047,131
The Brothers Grimm August 26, 2005 co-production with Dimension Films $88 million $105,316,267
Into the Blue September 30, 2005 co-production with Columbia Pictures and Mandalay Pictures $50 million $44,434,439
Yours, Mine and Ours November 23, 2005 co-production with Paramount Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies and Robert Simonds Productions; remake of the 1968 United Artists film of the same name $45 million $72,028,752
Nanny McPhee

[5] || January 27, 2006 || international distribution only, co-production with Working Title Films, Universal Studios, Three Strange Angels, and StudioCanal ||$25 million ||$122,489,822

The Pink Panther February 10, 2006 co-production with Columbia Pictures and Robert Simonds Productions $80 million $158,851,357
Basic Instinct 2 March 31, 2006 co-production with Intermedia Films and C2 Pictures $70 million $38,629,478
Lucky Number Slevin

[N 10] || April 7, 2006 || USA distribution only; produced by The Weinstein Company ||$27 million ||$56,308,881

Clerks II

[N 10] || July 21, 2006 || USA theatrical distribution only, produced by The Weinstein Company ||$5 million ||$26,983,776

Material Girls August 18, 2006 $15 million $16,907,725
Flyboys September 22, 2006 Distribution only $60 million $17,834,865
School for Scoundrels

[N 10] || September 22, 2006 || with Dimension Films; produced by The Weinstein Company ||$35 million ||$23,947,685


[N 10] || October 6, 2006 || USA distribution only; produced by The Weinstein Company and Isle of Man Film || ||$23,937,870

Copying Beethoven November 10, 2006 $11,000,000
Harsh Times November 10, 2006 $5,967,038
Casino Royale November 17, 2006 co-production with Columbia Pictures, United Artists and EON Productions $150 million $599,045,960

[N 10] || November 23, 2006 || USA theatrical distribution only, produced by The Weinstein Company ||$14 million ||$20,597,806

Miss Potter

[N 10] || December 3, 2006 || USA theatrical distribution only, produced by The Weinstein Company ||$30 million ||$35,078,241

Factory Girl

[N 10] || December 29, 2006 || USA theatrical distribution only, produced by The Weinstein Company ||$7 million ||$2,581,387

Rocky Balboa December 20, 2006 co-production with Columbia Pictures, Revolution Studios and Chartoff/Winkler Productions $24 million $155,721,132
Arthur and the Invisibles

[N 10] || January 12, 2007 || USA theatrical distributor only, produced by The Weinstein Company ||$86 million ||$107,944,236

Blood and Chocolate January 26, 2007 co-production with Lakeshore Entertainment $15 million $6,311,117
Breaking and Entering

[N 10] || February 9, 2007 || USA theatrical distribution only, produced by The Weinstein Company || ||$8,974,829

Hannibal Rising

[N 10] || February 9, 2007 || USA theatrical distribution only, produced by The Weinstein Company ||$50 million ||$82,169,884

Two Weeks March 2, 2007 $2.4 million
Premonition March 16, 2007 co-production with TriStar Pictures, Hyde Park Entertainment and Offspring Entertainment $20 million $84,146,832
The Poughkeepsie Tapes April 27, 2007
The Flying Scotsman May 4, 2007 $11 million $1,258,900
Home of the Brave May 11, 2007 $12 million $499,620
The Ex

[N 10] || May 11, 2007 || USA distribution only; produced by The Weinstein Company || ||$5,142,074

Mr. Brooks June 1, 2007 co-production with Element Films and Relativity Media $20 million $48,121,965

[N 10] || June 22, 2007 || USA distribution only; produced by Dimension Films, DiBonaventura Productions and The Weinstein Company ||$25 million ||$131,998,242

Rescue Dawn July 4, 2007 $10 million $7,177,143
Who’s Your Caddy?

[N 10] || July 27, 2007 || USA distribution only; produced by Our Stories Films and Dimension Films || ||

Death at a Funeral August 17, 2007 $9 million $46,789,413
The Nanny Diaries

[N 10] || August 24, 2007 || USA distribution only; produced by The Weinstein Company ||$20,000,000 ||$44,638,886


[N 10] || August 31, 2007 || USA distribution only; produced by Dimension Films ||$15 million ||$80,249,467

The Hunting Party

[N 10] || September 14, 2007 || USA theatrical distribution only, produced by The Weinstein Company ||$40 million ||$7,644,409

Feast of Love September 28, 2007 $5,741,608
Species – The Awakening October 2, 2007
Lars and the Real Girl October 12, 2007 co-production with Sidney Kimmel Entertainment $12 million $11,293,663
Music Within October 26, 2007 $153,205
Lions for Lambs November 9, 2007 co-production with United Artists $35 million $63 million
The Mist

[N 10] || November 21, 2007 || ||$18 million ||$57,293,715

Awake November 30, 2007 $8.6 million $32,685,679
The Great Debaters

[N 10] || December 25, 2007 || USA theatrical distribution only, produced by The Weinstein Company ||$15 million ||$30,236,407

Charlie Bartlett February 22, 2008 $12 million $5,254,986
Superhero Movie

[N 10] || March 28, 2008 || USA distribution only; produced by Dimension Films ||$35 million ||$71,237,351

Pathology April 18, 2008 co-production with Lakeshore Entertainment $3,084,404
Deal April 25, 2008 co-production with Tag Entertainment
Vicky Cristina Barcelona

[N 10] || August 15, 2008 || US distribution Only; produced by The Weinstein Company ||$15 million ||$96,408,652

The Longshots

[N 10] || August 22, 2008 || US distribution only; produced by Dimension Films || ||$11,767,866

College August 29, 2008 $7 million $5,629,618
Igor September 19, 2008 $25 million $30,599,801
How to Lose Friends & Alienate People October 3, 2008 $28 million $19,151,797
The Other End of the Line October 31, 2008 $2.5 million $507,534
Soul Men

[N 10] || November 7, 2008 || distribution only; produced by Dimension Films ||$40 million ||$12,082,391

Quantum of Solace November 14, 2008 co-produced with Columbia Pictures, United Artists and Eon Productions $200 million $586,090,727
Valkyrie December 25, 2008 co-production with United Artists and Bad Hat Harry $75–$90 million $200,276,784
The Pink Panther 2 February 6, 2009 co-production with Columbia Pictures and Robert Simonds Productions $70 million $75,946,615
The Taking of Pelham 123 June 12, 2009 co-production with Columbia Pictures, Relativity Media, Escape Artists and Scott Free Productions $100 million $150,166,126
Fame September 25, 2009 co-production with United Artists and Lakeshore Entertainment $18 million $77,184,633


Release Date Title Notes Budget Gross
March 26, 2010 Hot Tub Time Machine co-production with United Artists and New Crime Productions; last film completely distributed by MGM before resorting to co-distributing $36 million $61,336,869
July 8, 2011 Zookeeper co-production with Columbia Pictures, Happy Madison Productions, Broken Road Productions and Hey Eddie; All films released starting with this film are produced following the company’s financial troubles and no longer a major distribution studio. $80 million $169,852,759
December 20, 2011 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo co-production with Columbia Pictures, Scott Rudin Productions and Yellow Bird Films $90 million $232,617,430
March 16, 2012 21 Jump Street co-production with Columbia Pictures, Relativity Media, Original Film and Cannell Studios $42 million $201,585,328
August 8, 2012 Hope Springs co-production with Columbia Pictures, Mandate Pictures, Escape Artists and Film 360 $30 million $107,315,019
November 9, 2012 Skyfall co-production with Columbia Pictures, United Artists and Eon Productions $150–200 million $1,108,561,013
December 14, 2012 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey co-production with Warner Bros., New Line Cinema and WingNut Films $200–315 million $1,017,003,568
January 25, 2013 Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters co-production with Paramount Pictures, Gary Sanchez and MTV Films $50 million $224,803,475
March 28, 2013 G.I. Joe: Retaliation co-production with Paramount Pictures, di Bonaventura Pictures, Hasbro and Skydance Productions $130 million $371,912,052
October 18, 2013 Carrie co-production with Screen Gems and Misher Films $30 million $26,021,000

Upcoming films

Title Release Date Notes
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug December 13, 2013 co-production with Warner Bros., New Line Cinema and WingNut Films
Robocop February 7, 2014 co-production with Columbia Pictures and Strike Entertainment
Hercules: The Thracian Wars July 25, 2014 co-production with Paramount Pictures
The Hobbit: There and Back Again December 17, 2014 co-production with Warner Bros., New Line Cinema and WingNut Films
Bond 24 October 23, 2015 (UK)
November 6, 2015 (US)
co-production with Columbia Pictures and Eon Productions

See also

  • List of United Artists films
  • Leo the Lion, the MGM mascot
  • Toei Animation an MGM Parent


  1. Eames, John Douglas. The MGM Story. Octopus Books, London. 1975
  2. «Mademoiselle Midnight(1924)», IMDb. Retrieved on 2009-04-25. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 Eames, John Douglas (1981). «The MGM Story», p 10
  4. Mirisch, Walter (2008). I Thought We Were Making Movies, Not History (pp. 80-81). University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin. ISBN 0-299-22640-9.
  5. Variety

External links

  • Official site
  • Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at the Internet Movie Database
  • Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distributing Corporation at the Internet Movie Database

Cite error: <ref> tags exist for a group named «N», but no corresponding <references group="N"/> tag was found

by pbn
| created — 28 May 2021
| updated — 31 May 2021


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, or MGM Studios, is Amazon’s latest purchase.

Which is the best of this selection of MGM’s most popular productions and releases?

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64 min

Drama, Horror


A circus’ beautiful trapeze artist agrees to marry the leader of side-show performers, but his deformed friends discover she is only marrying him for his inheritance.

Tod Browning
Wallace Ford,
Leila Hyams,
Olga Baclanova,
Roscoe Ates

| Gross:

Волшебник страны Оз

102 min

Adventure, Family, Fantasy


Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz, and embark on a quest with three new friends to see the Wizard, who can return her to her home and fulfill the others’ wishes.

Victor Fleming,
George Cukor,
Mervyn LeRoy,
Norman Taurog,
Richard Thorpe,
King Vidor
Judy Garland,
Frank Morgan,
Ray Bolger,
Bert Lahr

| Gross:


114 min

Crime, Drama, Mystery


Ten years after her aunt was murdered in their London home, a woman returns from Italy in the 1880s to resume residence with her new husband. His obsessive interest in the home rises from a secret that may require driving his wife insane.

George Cukor
Charles Boyer,
Ingrid Bergman,
Joseph Cotten,
May Whitty


Поющие под дождём

103 min

Comedy, Musical, Romance


A silent film star falls for a chorus girl just as he and his delusionally jealous screen partner are trying to make the difficult transition to talking pictures in 1920s Hollywood.

Stanley Donen,
Gene Kelly
Gene Kelly,
Donald O’Connor,
Debbie Reynolds,
Jean Hagen

| Gross:

Forbidden Planet

98 min

Adventure, Sci-Fi


A starship crew in the 23rd century goes to investigate the silence of a distant planet’s colony, only to find just two survivors, a powerful robot, and the deadly secret of a lost civilization.

Fred M. Wilcox
Walter Pidgeon,
Anne Francis,
Leslie Nielsen,
Warren Stevens

| Gross:

Кошка на раскалённой крыше

108 min



Brick is an alcoholic ex-football player who drinks his days away and resists the affections of his wife. A reunion with his terminal father jogs a host of memories and revelations for both father and son.

Richard Brooks
Elizabeth Taylor,
Paul Newman,
Burl Ives,
Jack Carson

| Gross:

На север через северо-запад

136 min

Action, Adventure, Mystery


A New York City advertising executive goes on the run after being mistaken for a government agent by a group of foreign spies, and falls for a woman whose loyalties he begins to doubt.

Alfred Hitchcock
Cary Grant,
Eva Marie Saint,
James Mason,
Jessie Royce Landis

| Gross:

The Haunting

112 min



Hill House has stood for about 90 years and appears haunted: its inhabitants have always met strange, tragic ends. Now Dr. John Markway has assembled a team of people who he thinks will prove whether or not the house is haunted.

Robert Wise
Julie Harris,
Claire Bloom,
Richard Johnson,
Russ Tamblyn

| Gross:

Doctor Zhivago

197 min

Drama, Romance, War


The life of a Russian physician and poet who, although married to another, falls in love with a political activist’s wife and experiences hardship during World War I and then the October Revolution.

David Lean
Omar Sharif,
Julie Christie,
Geraldine Chaplin,
Rod Steiger

| Gross:

2001 год: Космическая одиссея

149 min

Adventure, Sci-Fi


After uncovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the Lunar surface, a spacecraft is sent to Jupiter to find its origins — a spacecraft manned by two men and the supercomputer H.A.L. 9000.

Stanley Kubrick
Keir Dullea,
Gary Lockwood,
William Sylvester,
Daniel Richter

| Gross:


121 min



A television network cynically exploits a deranged former anchor’s ravings and revelations about the news media for its own profit, but finds that his message may be difficult to control.

Sidney Lumet
Faye Dunaway,
William Holden,
Peter Finch,
Robert Duvall


Рождественская история

93 min

Comedy, Family


In the 1940s, a young boy named Ralphie Parker attempts to convince his parents, teacher, and Santa Claus that a Red Ryder Range 200 Shot BB gun really is the perfect Christmas gift.

Bob Clark
Peter Billingsley,
Melinda Dillon,
Darren McGavin,
Scott Schwartz

| Gross:

Тельма и Луиза

130 min

Adventure, Crime, Drama


Two best friends set out on an adventure, but it soon turns around to a terrifying escape from being hunted by the police, as these two girls escape for the crimes they committed.

Ridley Scott
Susan Sarandon,
Geena Davis,
Harvey Keitel,
Michael Madsen

| Gross:

Казино Рояль

144 min

Action, Adventure, Thriller


After earning 00 status and a licence to kill, secret agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, Montenegro.

Martin Campbell
Daniel Craig,
Eva Green,
Judi Dench,
Jeffrey Wright

| Gross:

007: Координаты «Скайфолл»

143 min

Action, Adventure, Thriller


James Bond’s loyalty to M is tested when her past comes back to haunt her. When MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost.

Sam Mendes
Daniel Craig,
Javier Bardem,
Naomie Harris,
Judi Dench

| Gross:

Хоббит: Нежданное путешествие

169 min



A reluctant Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, sets out to the Lonely Mountain with a spirited group of dwarves to reclaim their mountain home, and the gold within it from the dragon Smaug.

Peter Jackson
Martin Freeman,
Ian McKellen,
Richard Armitage,
Andy Serkis

| Gross:

Хоббит: Пустошь Смауга

161 min



The dwarves, along with Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey, continue their quest to reclaim Erebor, their homeland, from Smaug. Bilbo Baggins is in possession of a mysterious and magical ring.

Peter Jackson
Ian McKellen,
Martin Freeman,
Richard Armitage,
Ken Stott

| Gross:

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