Full name:
Belorussian-Russian Belgazprombank Joint Stock
Short name:
Banking license:
No. 8 issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on 24.05.2013
TIN: 100429079
Russian Federal Code for Business and Non-Business Organizations (OKPO): 09804906
International audit
Price Waterhouse, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG International
Central office
220121, Minsk, 60/2 Pritytsky Str.
Tel.: 120
Fax: (+375 17) 369 45 25
Telex: 252104 OLIMP BY
E-mail: bank@bgpb.by
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Swift Code | Bank | City | Country |
Belgazprombank | Minsk 220121 | Belarus |
What is Swift Code?
SWIFT Code ISO 9362 is unique code for identifying particular bank. It stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It is also known as SWIFT-BIC, BIC code, SWIFT ID or SWIFT code. This code is used in both financial and non-financial institutions It is used to transfer money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers and to exchange of messages between banks. The SWIFT code can be registered with Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication which located in La Hulpe, Belgium.
There are around 7500 active SWIFT codes and 10000 passive SWIFT codes in the world. The active SWIFT codes are connected to SWIFT network. The passive SWIFT codes are used for manual transactions.
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In this page you will find detailed information about the swift code “OLMPBY2XXXX” of “BELORUSSIAN-RUSSIAN BELGAZPROMBANK JOINT STOCK”.
What is a SWIFT code?
SWIFT codes are used to identify banks and financial institutions worldwide. They are used by the swift network to transmit wire transfers (money transactions) and messages between them. For international wire transfers, swift codes are always required in order to make transactions secure and fast.
These codes were initially introduced by the SWIFT organization as “swift codes” but were later standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as “BIC” meaning “Business Identifier Codes”. Most people think B.I.C. stands for “Bank Identifier Codes” (“bank” instead of “business”) but that is incorrect since non-financial institutions can also join the swift network.
A “BIC code” can be seen by many different names, like “SWIFT code” (most common), “SWIFT ID”, “SWIFT-BIC”, “SWIFT address”, “BEI” (that comes from “Business Entity Identifier”), or even “ISO 9362”, which is the standard format that has been approved by the ISO organization. The acronym SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
In depth analysis of a swift code
Swift codes are broken down into sections, in the same way telephone numbers are broken into sections, and every section reveals some information about the institution that was assigned this code. They consist of eight or eleven characters. Whenever an eight-character code is used, then it is referring to the headquarters (main office) of the institution.Here is how an 11-character code is broken down and what each section of characters represents. Let’s take this imaginary 11-character swift code:
It can be broken down to these sections:
Section 1 (the first 4-characters “AAAA”): This code is used to identify the institution’s global presence (all branches and all divisions around the world). For example, “CHAS” is used for “JPMORGAN CHASE BANK”
Section 2 (5th and 6th characters “BB”): This two-letter code represents the country of this particular institution’s branch and follows the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard for representing country codes. For example, “US” for “UNITED STATES”, “GB” for “UNITED KINGDOM”, CA for “CANADA”, etc.
Section 3 (7th and 8th characters “CC”): These characters represent a location code (e.g. “FF” is the code for “Frankfurt”, “KK” is the code for Copenhagen, etc.) and also the second character (8th in the B.I.C.) sometimes carries this information:
- If it is equal to “0”, then it typically is a BIC assigned for testing purposes (as opposed to a BIC used on the live network).
- If it is equal to “1”, then it denotes a passive participant in the SWIFT network.
- If it is equal to «2», then it typically denotes a “reverse billing” BIC, meaning that the recipient of the message has to pay for the message.
Section 4 (9th to 11th characters “DDD”): These final three characters form a “branch code” that refers to the particular branch of the institution. If this section is omitted, then we have an 8-character swift code that is assumed to refer to the HEAD OFFICE of the institution. Also, a typical naming convention is that in the case we are referring to the main offices of an institution, this branch code is “XXX”.
Some popular swift code searches:
- Bank of America swift code: Bank of America BOFAUS3NXXX (or simply: BOFAUS3N)
- Chase swift code: JP Morgan Chase CHASUS33XXX (or simply: CHASUS33)
- HSBC swift code: HSBC Bank PLC MIDLGB22XXX (or simply MIDLGB22)
Try our online SWIFT/BIC lookup tool to locate any of the thousands active or passive swift codes. Our primary focus is to provide you with the most accurate and up to date database of financial institutions all over the world. You can search for an institution’s detailed data by entity name, BIC, or even specific keywords that narrow the search results even more. You can also browse for swift codes by clicking on the list of countries and then choosing the institution’s name from the alphabetical list.
We are certain that this site will help you save a lot of time (hence… money!), especially if you are dealing with lots of bank transactions daily. Please read our disclaimer at the bottom of this page before using our online tool.
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Наименование организации
ОАО «Белгазпромбанк»
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Получить доступ
ОАО «Белгазпромбанк» — совместное белорусско-российское открытое акционерное общество. Основано в 1997 году на базе банка Олимп.
Является 8-м в стране по активам и уставному капиталу.
ОАО «Газпром» — 49.02%
ОАО «Газпромбанк» — 49.02%
Открытое акционерное общество по транспортировке и поставке газа «Белтрансгаз» — 1.43%
Республика Беларусь (уполномоченный держатель — Государственный комитет по имуществу Республики Беларусь)- 0.53%
Общая информация
Наименование организацииОАО «Белгазпромбанк»
Статус организацииДействующая
Регистрационная формаОткрытое акционерное общество
Адрес220121, г. Минск, ул. Притыцкого, дом 60/2
Телефон(+375 17) 229 16 29
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Общая информация
Наименование организацииОАО «Белгазпромбанк»
Статус организацииДействующая
Регистрационная формаОткрытое акционерное общество
Адрес220121, г. Минск, ул. Притыцкого, дом 60/2
Телефон(+375 17) 229 16 29
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8 300 Banks
Кредитные рейтинги
A SWIFT code is an international bank code that identifies particular banks worldwide. It’s also known as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC). Swift Code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes (BIC) and it is unique identification code for a particular bank. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. Banks also used the codes for exchanging other messages between them.
The registrations of Swift Codes are handled by Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (“SWIFT”) and their headquarters is located in La Hulpe, Belgium. SWIFT is the registered trademarks of S.W.I.F.T. SCRL with a registered address at Avenue Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium.
The Swift code consists of 8 or 11 characters. When 8-digits code is given, it refers to the primary office. The code formatted as below:-
- First 4 characters — bank code (only letters)
- Next 2 characters — ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (only letters)
- Next 2 characters — location code (letters and digits) (passive participant will have «1» in the second character)
- Last 3 characters — branch code, optional (‘XXX’ for primary office) (letters and digits)
The format of Swift Code is as follows:-
A | A | A | A | B | B | C | C | D | D | D |
Bank Code | Country Code | Location Code | Branch Code |
Датой основания ОАО «Белгазпромбанка» считается с 27 сентября 1990 года. В этот день был зарегистрирован коммерческий банк «Экоразвитие». Позднее, в 1993 году, он был переименован в ОАО «Олимп». Своё нынешнее название Белгазпромбанк приобрёл 28 ноября 1997 года.
Акционерами Белгазпромбанка являются:
- ПАО «Газпром» (Москва) – 49,66 % (доля в уставном фонде).
- «Газпромбанк» (Акционерное общество) — 49,66 % (доля в уставном фонде).
- Открытое акционерное общество «Газпром трансгаз Беларусь» — 0,49 % (доля в уставном фонде).
- Республика Беларусь (уполномоченный держатель – Министерство энергетики Республики Беларусь 0,49 % (доля в уставном фонде).
Миссия ОАО «Белгазпромбанк» — содействие формированию и развитию среднего класса в Республике Беларусь путем предоставления клиентоориентированных высокотехнологичных банковских продуктов и услуг, а также осуществление проектов в социально-культурной сфере.
Белгазпромбанк регулярно оказывает финансовую поддержку: объектам детской реабилитации, социальной защиты и оздоровления; проектам в области культуры и искусства; проектам по поддержке отечественного спорта; просветительским и образовательным проектам.
Отдельно банком выделяются денежные средства для приобретения и возвращение в Беларусь культурных ценностей искусства, которые в разное время создавались белорусскими мастерами.
Белгазпромбанк оказывает следующие комплексные услуги для физических и юридических лиц:
- валютно-обменные операции;
- расчётно-кассовое обслуживание;
- выдача кредитов;
- вклады (депозиты);
- инкассирование денежных средств;
- международные переводы;
- эквайринг;
- выпуск и обслуживание банковских карточек;
- страхование;
- другие операции.
ОАО «Белгазпромбанка» присутствует во многих городах Беларуси. Его офисы расположены в таких городах, как Минск, Витебск, Гродно, Могилев, Брест, Бобруйск, Борисов, Волковыск, Дзержинск. Жлобин, Кобрин, Орша, Солигорск, Слоним, Речица, Новогрудок, Молодечно, Лида, Несвиж, Мозырь, Волковыск, Барановичи, Бобруйск.
Реквизиты Белгазпромбанка.
Реквизиты Белгазпромбанка
Полное название: Совместное белорусско-российское открытое акционерное общество «Белгазпромбанк»
Сокращенное название: ОАО «Белгазпромбанк»
УНП: 100429079
ОКПО: 09804906
Международный аудит
Price Waterhouse, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG International
Адрес центрального офиса
220121 г. Минск, ул. Притыцкого 60/2
факс: +375 (17) 369-45-25
Telex: 252104 OLIMP BY
E-mail: bank@bgpb.by
Контакт-центр Белгазпромбанка
Время работы: круглосуточно.
Единый номер телефона – 120 (звонок бесплатный со стационарного телефона).
Мобильные номера телефонов :
+375 (44) 76-66-120 (Velcom)
+375 (33) 66-66-120 (МТС)
+375 (25) 66-66-120 (Life))